Ever Present Danger (38 page)

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Authors: Kathy Herman

Tags: #Murder, #Christian, #Single mothers, #General, #Witnesses, #Suspense, #Religious fiction, #Fiction, #Religious

BOOK: Ever Present Danger
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“Which he is,” Flint said. “So where does that leave us?”
“For starters, we need to tear this place apart and see if we can figure out where they might’ve gone.”
“Well, the dresser’s full and so’s his closet,” Bobby said. “Everything’s arranged neatly by size and color, no less. If he decided to flee, it doesn’t look like he planned it.”
Sheriff Carter looked in the window of Jewel’s Café at 6:45 a.m. and didn’t see any sign of Ivy. He walked inside and noticed about a dozen customers, and also Jewel Sadler standing next to Deke and Roscoe’s table, filling their coffee cups.
Flint walked over to her. “Has Ivy come in for work this morning?”
“Not yet.” Jewel said, glancing up at the clock. “It’s not like that girl to be late either.”
“I was hoping she was here.”
“Is something wrong, Sheriff?”
Flint lowered his voice. “Ivy went out with Bill at eight last night and said she wouldn’t be late. No one’s heard from her since, and she’s not at Bill’s. It was a long shot, but I was hoping she might show up for work.”
“Well, she hasn’t. It’s hard for me to believe that girl wouldn’t call. She’s been extremely responsible.”
“Has she seemed worried about anything lately?” Flint said. “Or acted out of character?”
“It’s hard to say. Ivy’s been dealing with sad things since she started working for me, what with Lu’s death and all, and then the shooting. But one thing I do know: She’s responsible. Never been late. Never left early. Never been anything but reliable. For her not to be here without calling is definitely out of the ordinary.”
Flint sighed. “Yeah, I was afraid of that.”
“Is there anything I can do?”
“Thanks, Jewel, but I don’t think so. My department and the feds are all over it.”
“Do you think something’s happened to her?”
“I think it’s best if we just stick to what we know. If you hear from her, would you call me right away?”
“Of course I will.”
Flint was just about to leave when Deke motioned him with his finger. “I seen Ziwicki’s service van last night just before nine. I remember ’cause I was headin’ for the bed when it went by, right under the streetlight.”
“Could you tell if Ivy Griffith was with him?”
“Wasn’t nobody in the passenger seat.”
“Say what?” Roscoe put his hand to his ear.
“Hold yer horses,” Deke hollered. “I’m not talkin’ to you!”
“You sure, Deke?” Flint said. “This is really important.”
“Sure as anybody can be.”
“Which way was the van going?”
“Up the mountain.”
Flint nodded. “Okay, thanks.”
Brandon Jones sat at his computer, his eyelids heavy, when Jake Compton came in his office and shut the door.
“You’re here early,” Jake said.
“I couldn’t sleep. Figured I might as well get something done.”
“Elam just called and told me what’s been going on,” Jake said. “I can’t believe Ivy’s missing.”
“It’s weird, all right.”
“Well, don’t feel as if you have to work all day. I’m sure you’re exhausted.”
“I’m fine.” Brandon stared at the keyboard, wishing Jake would leave. “I’ll have this report you wanted before lunch.”
“Actually, I have something much more pressing on my mind.”
Brandon exhaled audibly. “Jake, I hope this isn’t about Buzz because I’m done talking to you about my private business.”
“I came to apologize,” Jake said. “I was wrong not to give you an explanation, and I’d like to do that now if you’ll give me your attention for a few minutes.”
Brandon looked up at him and saw his face was flushed.
Jake folded his hands between his knees. “This is a difficult conversation I’m about to have with you. I’ve never had it with anyone else—not even Suzanne.”
Brandon turned and faced Jake, surprised at the change in his tone.
“When I started as camp administrator, Buzz was a private ski instructor looking to earn extra money to start his own white-water operation. Elam hired him part-time to help with maintenance projects at the camp. Suzanne couldn’t stand Buzz, but I overlooked his character flaws because he was my free pass to the slopes on my day off.”
“Then why fault me for doing the same thing?” Brandon said.
Jake held up his palms. “Just hear me out. One day I got an e-mail from Buzz with the filthiest porn you can imagine. I was shocked, but instead of deleting it the way you did, I got curious and explored the website. Long story short, I got hooked and found myself looking at porn almost every day—and on numerous websites. Not only did it become an obsession, but it affected my relationship with Suzanne. After a while, she wasn’t enough for me…”
Jake’s voice cracked, and it was several seconds before he could
talk again. Finally he said, “Seeing all that stuff made me hungry for more. I entertained sexual fantasies about other women, but I never acted on any of it.
“Then one day on our way to the slopes, Buzz pulled in the driveway of a chalet-style house and told me there was someone he wanted me to meet. I had no idea what was coming, but the minute the door opened, a gorgeous redhead was all over me. I didn’t even try to resist. She was everything I had imagined and more.”
“Jake, you don’t have to tell me all this. I—”
“Just hear me out.” Jake held up his palm and continued. “Buzz disappeared with some scantily clad brunette, and I went upstairs with the redhead. When Buzz and I finally left, he suggested that the four of us could enjoy some fun
. I was already so guilt ridden about what I had done that I told Buzz I wasn’t going to see him
her anymore. He laughed and tried to tell me that it was just all that churchy guilt that was holding me back—that this kind of thing was good for my marriage. I didn’t care what he said. All I could think about was how I was going to look Suzanne in the eyes. I knew my secret was safe as long as I didn’t tell Buzz’s wife what was going on. But I’ve lived in fear every day since.”
Brandon shook his head. “How could you let it go that far?”
“I never intended to. I figured as long as the porn stayed in my head, I could control it. But my first mistake was taking that first look. Next thing I knew I was addicted, and when I had a chance to act on it, I did. So instead of my Christian values rubbing off on Buzz, I ended up in
filthy pit.” Jake put his face in his hands.
“No wonder you were worried about me.”
Jake nodded. “I just know what a stronghold it is. I didn’t want you to fall into the same trap, but I was ashamed to admit to you what I’d done. By the grace of God, I’ve never looked at porn since. Any time I’m tempted, all I have to do is remember how awful I felt when I left that house, knowing I’d betrayed Suzanne. But I’ve never had the courage to tell her what happened. I’m so afraid she’ll leave me…”
Jake broke down and wept.
Brandon got up and pulled his chair over next to Jake’s. “It took guts to come clean with me. You’re a good man, Jake. Yes, you made a big mistake, but it’s not who you are. It’s something you did.”
“How can you separate the two?”
“Well, God does. If our sin defined us, we’d have no hope. Isn’t that what Jesus came to fix?”
Jake wiped his eyes and looked at Brandon. “Then why am I not fixed?”
“One of my Bible teachers used to say, ‘To fall down is not dead.’ What you did isn’t unforgivable. Take that sin to the cross, leave it there, and stop carrying the guilt.”
“I realize I’ll never be free of it unless I confess what I’ve done to Suzanne. I’ve been putting it off for two years. I guess it’s time.”
“You two have a strong marriage.”
“I can only hope it’s strong enough.”
Flint Carter stood talking with Nick Sanchez in Bill Ziwicki’s living room as the team continued to search the house. One of the FBI agents came and stood next to Nick, a stack of yellow papers in his hand.
“Sir, I found something interesting—receipts for the shooting range over in Mt. Bryon. Looks like Ziwicki’s been frequenting the place for quite a while.”
Nick smiled. “Well, well, well. Seems Mr. Ziwicki handles more than rifles after all. Find out what.”
“Yes, sir. I’m on it.”
“Hey, looky what I found,” Bobby said. “A list of Ziwicki’s clients. There’s an asterisk beside two of them—both mountain cabins that need to be cleaned just before the owners come for the summer. One’s empty till June 15 and the other till July 1, and we can assume Ziwicki has the keys.”
“Let me see that.” Nick took the folder from Bobby and perused it. “Good work, Lieutenant. This could be where they’re
hiding. At least it’s a start. Can you tell from the addresses where these cabins are?”
“Not really, other than somewhere on Tanner Ridge,” Bobby said. “We’ll have to get a map and figure out exactly where. Some of the mountain roads are tricky.”
“Well, what are we waitin’ for?” Flint glanced at Bobby and then at Nick. “Let’s go check it out.”
Ivy Griffith sat at the pine table, her hands tied behind her, and let Bill Ziwicki spoon-feed her scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. She had tried resisting, insisting she wasn’t hungry, but that seemed to anger him.
“Here you go,” Bill said. “One more bite.”
Ivy opened her mouth, wishing she could pick up the iron skillet, whack him with it, and steal the van.
“I’ll get the cabin all cleaned up for you today,” he said. “Then I’ll get you moved into the bedroom.”
Ivy shook her head and spoke with her mouth full. “I don’t want the bedroom.”
“Sweetheart, you can’t sleep in that old chair till July. And we need to start thinking about where we want to make our home. What do you think about Albuquerque?”
“I want to live with my son at my parents’ home. That’s where I belong.”
Bill smiled and tilted her chin toward him. “Wrong. You belong with me.”
No way, sicko!
“I’m going to make you so happy,” Bill said. “Of course we won’t be able to get married legally under the circumstances. But I’ve got a beautiful white dress picked out for you for when the time is right.”
“Bill, I’m not ready to get married!”
“You will be.”
“Not like this.”
He smiled. “Relax. I just need to get your thinkin’ straightened
out. I’ve hardly thought of anything else since the first time I kissed you. It’s so obvious we were meant to be together.”
“I need to be with Montana.”
“I’ll figure out a way to get him later. We need to adjust to each other first.” Bill took a sip of coffee. “You realize this wouldn’t have been possible until I got rid of Pete? It was obvious you were attracted to me but couldn’t break the hold he had on you. That just wasn’t fair. I had to free you.”
Ivy wondered why he kept explaining over and over his reason for killing Pete. “If you care so much about me, why didn’t you ask me what
“Because you were confused. Pete was controllin’ your mind. You couldn’t see it, but I did. Some day you’ll thank me.”
“Don’t you ever feel bad that you took three lives?”
“Not if I get to spend the rest of my life with you. That’s all I’m livin’ for.”
BRANDON JONES WALKED in the front door of his house just before ten and found Kelsey sitting at her sewing machine, making a new shower curtain for the bathroom.
“Any news about Ivy?” he said.
Kelsey nodded. “Carolyn called a few minutes ago and said she and Elam were going over to the church to pray with Pastor Myers, that the authorities are beginning to think Ivy was somehow involved with Bill in the shooting. She didn’t go into detail, and she asked me to tell you but to keep it between us for now.”
“That’s a horrible thought. I wonder if that’s why you’ve felt led to pray for her?”
Kelsey shook her head. “I don’t know. But Ivy doesn’t strike me as bad enough or bold enough to be involved in something like that.”
Brandon’s conscience seemed to throb in the silence that followed, and he knew he had to say what was on his heart.
“Honey, can we change the subject for a few minutes? There’s something I need to talk to you about.”
Kelsey turned and looked up at him. “Sure. What’s up?”
“Why don’t we go sit at the kitchen table?”
Brandon followed Kelsey out to the kitchen and sat across from her at the table, his hands folded in front of him. “First of all,
you’ll be happy to know I’m not going to be hanging out with Buzz anymore.”
“Good. Did he make you mad?”
“I’m afraid it’s worse than that. He’s into pornography, and he’s cheating on Maggie.” Brandon breathed in slowly and exhaled. “And I lied to you. He doesn’t respect my Christian values and isn’t any less crass around me than he is with the other guys.”
Brandon told her that Buzz had sent him an e-mail with a porn link, and how funny Buzz thought it was—and how upset Jake was when he discovered it in Brandon’s delete box.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!”
“I was mad at Jake for reading my mail and trying to pressure me into telling you. He felt that if I was hanging out with Buzz, I should be accountable to you. I knew he was right, but I didn’t want to fight with you about it. I thought it was going to be a one-time thing. Unfortunately, it wasn’t.”
Brandon felt the blood rush to his face as he told Kelsey about his having waited in the truck at the condo, unaware of what Buzz and his girlfriend were doing inside.
“I can’t believe you would even speak to him after he tricked you like that!” Kelsey said. “Much less go rafting with him!”
“I told him in no uncertain terms never to put me in that situation again. I guess I thought he would back off, but after the last time I was with him, it’s obvious he’s going to keep pushing the envelope.” Brandon told her about Buzz passing the porn picture around the dinner table at Rogue’s, just waiting for his reaction. “The guy’s a complete sleaze.”

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