Even the Devil Needs Love (2 page)

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She gripped the back of his head, her nails digging deep, as she jerked her hips off the bed, grinding her dripping cunt against his hot mouth. He moaned against her pussy, sending tiny vibrations skating across her sensitive skin.

“You love it when I eat your pussy. Tell me no one can eat your pussy like your husband can.” He whispered against her sex before diving in again.

She cried out, the truth of his erotic words setting off a firestorm inside her, at the same time he crooked his tongue against her G-spot. He triggered an explosion deep within her, and she screamed out his name, her orgasm hitting her so hard and fast that she struggled to gather her breath. She gasped for air, her body twisting beneath him as she shuddered with the force of her climax.

He slid up the length of her body, even as tremors rocked her. Settling his lips against hers, he kissed her deeply, a sweet kiss that was both tender and erotic as she tasted the essence of herself on his tongue.

He lifted his head, his hand caressing her cheek.  “I’ve missed you,” he whispered against her lips, and she stilled, her eyes roaming over his face. It was blank and impassive, the unemotional mask she’d come to expect from him. Whether he was lying or not, she couldn’t tell, although she figured he was. He
The Devil—that’s just what he did.

She wrenched her gaze away and closed her eyes, unable to stare into his expressionless face when her heart was bursting with emotion. She buried her face against the crook of his neck, her body enveloping him. The sexual energy still radiating from him was overwhelming, sweeping her up into its storm, until she was once again shivering with need. Passion—they’d always shared that, an uncontrollable, undeniable passion. It was love they couldn’t seem to manage.

He stilled, and with a heavy sigh rolled off of her. She watched as he stood, her gaze transfixed by the tattoo of a dark angel, whose black wings stretched across his back. That’s what he was—a dark angel, and at one time he’d been
dark angel. He stared out of his window, presumably at the lake of fire before him, and the souls that were now trapped in his kingdom for eternity.

“What is it?” She sat up, clutching the sheet to her chest. “Why’d you stop?”

He turned to face her, and for a moment she swore she glimpsed regret in his onyx eyes, but she couldn’t be sure, the emotion was so fleeting.

He didn’t say a word as he crossed the room and reached for his robe. Her anger returned, and with it, her memories of their past. He always shut her out, pushed her away. When he didn’t want to talk, he simply ignored her. She stood and blocked his path when he would have walked out.

Her eyes blazed with fire, her anger consuming her. The way he treated her, one would think she was one of his playthings. She drew up to her full height, her gaze clashing with his. But she wasn’t some cheap, meaningless fuck. She was his

“You brought me back, trapped me here, and now you’re leaving?  How the hell are we supposed to make a baby if you don’t touch me?” She hated the shrill sound of her voice, but she couldn’t help it. She hadn’t asked to come back.
dragged her there because
needed an heir. And it was only the promise of a child that made her reconsider enduring their loveless marriage another time around.

His face was hard, feral anger swirling in the depths of his gaze, but with it also brewed a deep sadness. “I didn’t realise we were in such a hurry. Or does the thought of my touch so repulse you that you would get this over and done with as soon as possible?” he asked quietly, which took her aback, easing the angry storm inside her. He masked the flicker of pain quickly, and she did well in keeping her own face expressionless, but there was no denying what she’d seen.

Lucifer never showed emotion, never gave any hint that she even had the power to penetrate his seemingly impenetrable armour, so she was surprised by the honest pain he’d revealed in his gaze—even if it
fleeting. She’d thought she hardened her heart to him, so she was shocked by the sliver of pain that pierced her. Even now, after everything they’d done to each other, she still didn’t want to hurt him; she didn’t derive any pleasure in making him suffer. Despite what he believed, she never had. This time when he stepped around her, she let him go.

She slumped down on the bed as the door slammed shut. What were they doing? She’d known all along this wouldn’t work—that having a child together was a huge mistake. That’s why she’d refused to return, why she’d told him to kiss her ass and have an heir with one of his playthings. There was just too much anger and bitterness between them, so much pain, and when they were together, they didn’t know how to do anything but hurt each other. They’d existed like this for so long she almost couldn’t believe there’d been a time when they’d loved each other with such fierce passion that she’d given her heart and soul to him.


* * * *


“Lilith—the little queen of demons.”

She turned at the sound of the deep, husky voice slurring her name, her lips twisting into a frown.

“Lucifer.” Her eyes narrowed to slits, taking in his flushed cheeks and unfocused gaze. “You’re drunk.”

“Not so drunk that I can’t take you.” She frowned at his slight stumble towards her, his hand reaching out to curl a single lock of her hair around his finger. She stared into his handsome face, drowning in his piercing obsidian eyes. She gasped when he leant into her, the spicy scent of him mixed with wine filling her lungs. Her nipples hardened and the curious warmth between her thighs which always accompanied a stirring in her belly whenever he was near, made her shiver.

She wasn’t sure when it had happened. She’d known him since she was a child, but one day she’d looked up and she’d simply noticed him. Not as Lucifer, the boy who tormented her, made fun of her, and always pulled her hair, but as a man, a handsome one, who stirred something dark and primitive within her whenever their eyes met.

She’d wanted him to be her first, had purposely planted herself in his way so that when the Festival of Anat began, and they released the young males to seek out an eligible virgin, he’d have no choice but to bed her—but he was useless now. He could barely stand up straight.

“Damn it, Lucifer. You’ve gone and fucked everything up!”

His eyes darkened to two black lumps of coal, crimson eclipsing his pupils, and she let out a yelp when he dragged her up against his hard frame.

“What? Were you expecting someone else?”

His words sounded surprisingly clear, and her eyes widened at the tumultuous storm brewing in his gaze. She bit her tongue. She’d be dammed if she’d admit the truth—that she’d hid from three others while she’d waited patiently for him to stumble along. But he didn’t need to know that. He was arrogant enough.

Her heart stuttered in her chest as he traced her parted lips with his finger, a small sigh escaping her when he dipped it inside her mouth. Wetness pooled between her legs, her breasts growing heavy with desire.

“Let me guess—you were waiting for Samael.”

She started to shake her head, but he settled his face at the crook of her neck, his tongue sweeping across her skin, causing a smattering of goose bumps to break out in its wake.

“Doesn’t matter who you were waiting for, because I got to you first, and you’re all mine now.”

His hands were beneath her skirts, his palms skimming across her smooth thighs. When he touched the bare skin of her buttocks, he sucked in a breath, a harsh groan spilling from his lips. “You’re such a naughty little demon, Lilith. No panties?”

She was barely conscious of him lowering her to the ground. He had purposely dragged them into the shadows, hidden within the darkness of the forest, where they would not be seen, where her cries of pleasure could not be heard. 

He took his time removing her clothes, his hands shaking slightly as they roamed over her bare skin. He was probably a bit unsteady because he was drunk, she thought, although the way he held back, gently coaxing her desire, she would say he was still very much in control of himself.

She watched in rapt fascination at him removing his shirt then his breeches, her fingers finding a mind of their own as they traced the bulging muscles of his chest. She stilled at the dark arrow of hair that dipped low, her eyes snapping to his face when he sucked in a breath.

“Don’t stop.” His voice was hoarse and thick and she held his gaze, letting her hand travel lower.

“Look at him. Look at what you do to me.” He bit out and her cheeks heated as she finally let her eyes settle on the thick, engorged length of his cock. She curled her hand around him, pumping gently, watching his face twist in pleasurable agony while he stared at her through narrowed lids.

The expression on his face, the intensity of his gaze caused something deep inside her to snap and she released a low moan, a throbbing ache settling between her legs.

“You want him inside you, don’t you?” She’d never felt this way before, this need to be filled, to be claimed. When his body shifted, his hips settling between her thighs, the tip of him poised at her wet opening, a puzzle piece seemed to fall into place. It was as if they fit together.

He hooked his arms beneath her thighs, holding her open, his eyes trained on her. The tender look on his face pierced her heart. He was always so serious, so stoic, but tonight he was gentle, loving even.

“It’s going to hurt,” he whispered, dipping his head. “But only for a moment.” He took possession of her lips at the same time he took possession of her body. He swallowed up her painful cry as he tore through her flesh, stretching her, filling her completely. He was still above her, his body corded with tension.

He released her lips, his expression intense. “Are you okay?”

She drew in a breath, noticing for the first time that she was. Her body clenched around him, and he let out a lewd curse, his fingers digging into her thighs.

“Lilith,” he rasped out and began to move inside her, igniting a fire deep within her, setting off an explosion of pleasure she’d never experienced before.


Lucifer didn’t really care for the notion of heaven, after all he was The Devil, but the sound of Lilith coming on his cock was the sweetest thing he’d ever heard, her wet heat drenching him, as close to heaven as he’d ever get.

She was his. He’d known it from the moment she’d turned those golden eyes on him and smiled just before she’d set off running. She’d dared him to chase her, hunt her, although her little dare hadn’t been necessary. He’d been determined to claim her all along. 

He rode her sweet body, her cunt gripping him so tightly that he fought the urge to explode in her tight, little channel. He pounded inside her on the edge of desperation, struggling to be gentle, to be tender, but her throaty moans of pleasure set his body aflame, demanding that he brand her, mark her as his.

He gripped her tighter, trying to pin her hips beneath them when she would have surged upward to thrust her pussy on his cock. She may have been inexperienced, but she was certainly no innocent. Her perfect breasts, her lush hips—she’d been made for sex, made for him. And she moved her body against him like a woman who’d been born solely to fuck, to please.

She raked her nails down his back, erupting beneath him yet again. He couldn’t hold back any longer, his control snapping. He slammed his cock deep inside her, letting her tight pussy milk him of his seed as he let out a harsh bellow of completion.

He’d known her all his life, loved her for just as long, and he’d known it would be like this between them—this undeniable explosion of passion that consumed them both. He slumped atop her, settling his face against the sweat slick skin of her throat, inhaling the fragrant scent of vanilla that clung to her. He gathered her in his arms, holding her close until they fell asleep, secure in the knowledge that Lilith was now his, and would be his forever.

Chapter Two



Lucifer stalked down the hallway, his servants abruptly turning around, or veering off on a detour when they caught a glimpse of his furious expression. He paid them no mind, his thoughts focused solely on the exasperating demon queen in his bed chambers.

He needed an heir. Right this minute? Not necessarily. It had seemed the only way he could get Lilith to even set foot back into his domain. But she was stubborn, and so he’d had to resort to underhanded methods. That soul had barely spent a second in Hell. She would probably never realise she’d even been there, and taking the soul had brought Lilith right where he wanted her—back to him.

He stormed into the dining hall, slumping down in his seat at the head of the table. She may be back, but she wasn’t happy to be there, although he really hadn’t really expected her to be. He’d hoped though. He’d hoped she would feel some of what he was feeling. He shoved a hand through his hair, a tortured sigh falling from his lips. He missed her, his home a barren shell with her gone. His days and nights were lonely, and no matter how many women he fucked, his bed was always cold.

He stilled when he sensed another presence in the darkened room, his body cording with tension until his gaze landed on the shadowy figure leaning against the wall.

“It took you long enough to notice me standing here.” His cousin shifted to his full height, his lips curling into an arrogant smile as he sauntered over to the table and sat down, propping his boot clad feet up. “Let me guess. Baby-making isn’t going so well.”

“What are you doing here, Samael?”

They may have been cousins, but they could have been brothers, their features were so similar, their mannerisms almost identical. So when Samael arched his brow and grinned, a glower spread across Lucifer’s face.

“Came to visit my favourite cousin and his wife. So how are things?”

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