Evelyn Vine Be Mine (27 page)

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Authors: Chelle Mitchiter

BOOK: Evelyn Vine Be Mine
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We both stilled as his calloused fingers touched my bare flesh and I blushed as he chuckled. His fingers slid against my folds in a gentle, explorative caress and I gasped with pleasure.


“Surprise,” I whispered breathlessly.


His chuckle was quiet, but deeper than before. He slid a finger roughly inside and I cried out into the still, dark night. His finger felt incredible inside me (better than anything of Ben’s I’d had inside me). His fingers were long and hard, and knew just the right places to stroke, press and rub. He nipped at the base of my neck, before kissing his way up to my ear.


“Do you like it?” I asked nervously, my voice breaking a little as he slid another hard finger inside me.


“I like it all ways,” he grunted with distraction as he tried to tug on the narrow, deep neckline of my dress.


My jaw dropped and I made a small whine at the back of my throat.


He liked it all ways? I didn’t need to get it done? I WENT THROUGH THAT FOR NOTHING?!!


I must have said that last part out loud, because Stone snorted quietly next to my ear. His mouth closed over mine and my brain stopped working. I kissed him back instinctively, forgetting my worries, forgetting where we were, just giving myself over to the pleasure he was inducing.


My sounds were quiet, muffled either by Stone’s kisses or his chest as I leant into him. I undulated desperately against his hand as the ache between my legs intensified. He slid my leg higher, opening me wider as his fingers drove deep and hard. He sucked at my neck, licked it, bit it. I held on tightly as the pressure built and I came with a soft, ragged cry.


I panted for breath as Stone gently lowered my leg and massaged the knot forming in my inner thigh muscle. I slowly relaxed my fingers from their steely grip on his shirt. He kissed my cheek softly, breathing rather hard himself as he opened the door next to me and helped me slide in. He walked around the car and slid into the driver’s seat. He groaned softly and adjusted his tented crotch as I fixed my seat belt.


I worried my bottom lip between my teeth as I stared at his jean front. I was curious to know what Stone felt like, looked like, tasted like. He started the car and reached for his seatbelt, but I held my hand out to stop him, unbuckling my own seat belt and rising to my knees on my seat. He watched me silently, his face carefully expressionless, but his hard breathing giving him away.


I slid my hand slowly over one of his hard thighs, inching closer and closer to my intended destination. He didn’t watch my hand. He watched my face, grey eyes examining me a little too close for comfort. I crawled into his lap, straddling his thighs, thankful that his legs were so long that the seat was pushed right back. His hands moved to slowly caress my bare thighs, his eyes still glued to mine.


I hesitantly reached for his fly, hoping he’d do the job for me. No such luck. His eyes narrowed slightly, telling me that if I wanted to touch him, I had to take the first step myself. I stroked my finger along the ridge of him, jumping a little when it leapt at my touch. I swallowed noisily, then carefully pulled down his zipper and parted the denim. Stone pushed them down a little further, then moved his hands back to my thighs, leaving me to stare at his dark blue boxer briefs.


His fingers began to stroke my skin soothingly and I bravely reached forward and released him through the hole in the front. I heard his breath suck in, but refused to look at his face. I couldn’t look at his intense eyes right now.


And why would I want to look away from the amazing cock in front of me?


I blushed at my own graphicness and reached forward to stroke him from root to tip. Stone growled, but again, I didn’t look at him. I focused all my attention on pleasing him, on learning what he liked. I wasn’t brave enough to use my mouth, but he taught me to make him come with my hands.


He kissed me afterwards, long and sweet and tiredly. He slept in my room that night…and I slept better than I had in days.




Chapter 18


“Good afternoon sleepy-heads!” Candy chirped cheerfully as she bustled into our dorm, slamming the door behind her.


My heavy eyes fluttered open and I blinked at her. She was dressed in a small netball skirt and a tight, matching singlet. Her bright red ponytail bounced with her energetic movements.


Right. Sunday. Netball at one o’clock.


I’d promised Candy I’d come and watch this time. She’d tried to get me to join her team at the start of the year, but I’d politely declined. I knew how feisty and rough netball girls were and I didn’t want that much attention either. I’d watch safely from the stands thank you very much.


I glanced at the time and realised it was in fact afternoon. Twenty-three minutes past noon to be precise. I’d slept all morning.


Beneath the sheets, Stone’s hand moved from my breast to rest low on my stomach and I blushed. I didn’t know if he was watching me or staring at Candy, but I knew he was awake. Hell, Stone had probably been awake for hours.


Why hadn’t he left the bed?


“Afternoon Candy,” I said quietly, biting my lip and trying to wriggle forwards to leave the bed. Stone’s arm tightened around me, not letting me out. He moved back slightly so he could roll me onto my back and then leaned over me to take my mouth in a slow, hot kiss.


I blushed again, realising that Stone hadn’t worn a shirt to bed and Candy was getting quite the show.


She whistled and laughed, telling me to hurry up and get my ass to the courts as she jogged out the door. As soon as the door shut, Stone flicked the sheet off the bed and manoeuvred himself over me, his kiss becoming deeper and more possessive. I tentatively reached for his bare ribs and soothed my hands over his hot, taut skin.


Mmmm, man oh man did he feel good.


He started sucking at my neck and I arched into him, loving the way his mouth felt against the delicate tendons there. His lips moved to the other side of my neck and he paused, chuckling softly as he pressed three kisses against my skin.


I looked at him questioningly and his eyes smiled back at me.


“Hickeys,” he growled out and I felt my eyes widen. I gave him a gentle push and he grudgingly flopped onto his back with a groan as I leapt from the bed to examine my neck in the bathroom.


Great, I thought as I fingered the purple marks. It was the third week of September. Spring had begun. It was now too hot during the day to wear a turtle-neck jumper and at this time of day it would be too hot to let my thick hair hang about my neck. I reached for my new makeup to conceal it, but remembered one of the new tops Briar had bought me on our latest trip to the shops. I hurried back into the bedroom and rooted around in my closet, making myself ignore Stone, who had sat up in bed and was watching me.


Aha! I found the top I was looking for and smiled. It would do nicely. It was a thin, black, turtle-neck top, without sleeves and with an oval-shaped hole in the front that exposed some of my collarbone and upper chest. It was a little dressy to watch sport in, so I teamed it with a pair of tiny denim shorts and trainers. I hurried my outfit back to the bathroom to change, tying my hair in two low ponytails, but not pulling the ends all the way through, creating a messy bun beside each of my ears. I let my layered bangs fall about my face, shoved Vicky’s old, women’s rugby team cap on my head and grabbed some 30+ sunscreen on my way back into the bedroom.


Stone stood at the door, a clean shirt on and his keys in his hand, obviously waiting for me. I paused. He was coming with me? I’d planned to walk down to the courts a couple of blocks away, but it looked like he was giving me a lift. Would he stay and watch with me?


“Fredi’s playing,” he told me, seeing the question in my eyes.




His lip twitched as he examined my outfit and hair, but his brow furrowed ever so slightly when he read my hat. He raised an eyebrow in question, looking again at my slight figure and obviously recalling how much tinier still I’d been when I’d arrived at the beginning of the year. I flushed a little and pulled the bill further down to hide my face.


“My older sister played in high school,” I explained, waiting for him to ask about my family. I’d met his, but he’d never asked me about mine.


His lip twitched in amusement and I knew he was trying to imagine me with a bruiser of an older sister, instead of the blonde-haired, blue-eyed, tall, athletic, intelligent, big-breasted, gorgeous fighter-pilot Vic actually was. He didn’t ask about my family though. He just took my hand and led me out of the room.




Every girl froze as Stone and I sat down in the stands. I shifted uncomfortably, hoping they’d snap out of it soon and continue with their warm up. Fredi obviously heard my silent prayer, because she deliberately passed the ball to her distracted warm-up partner. I winced when the ball made solid contact with her stomach.


“Wake up Star,” Fredi said with a laugh and the brunette snapped out of her shock with an embarrassed laugh, picking the ball up and throwing it back at Fredi. The rest of the girls quickly went back to work and I relaxed a little.


I coughed awkwardly and snuck a glance at Stone. “Is, um, this the first time you’ve come to watch Fredi play?” I asked, wondering why they’d been so surprised to see him.


His face shuttered and his lips thinned as though he was trying to think up an appropriate answer (with as little words as possible).


“I used to sit there,” he said gruffly, pointing to a small table hidden in the shade of a tree.


I brightened, “Do you want to sit there now? It will be out of the sun.”


He shook his head and gestured towards a blonde, who was practicing shots at one of the goals.




Then I got it. He’d come to watch Chloe play when they’d been dating. That’s why everyone was surprised to see him here.


His lips kicked up at one corner as he took a box of Smarties from his pocket. “Used to go through a whole fucking packet of smokes,” he grumbled.


I attempted a smile in return, feeling a little better. He’d hated coming with Chloe, but he’d come with me…and, so far, he wasn’t reaching for his smokes.


He leant back against the row above us and spread his arms out, pulling me back into the crook of one. He slid a brand new pair of aviators over his eyes and stretched out his long legs. A tall blonde tripped over her own feet, too busy admiring the way he looked. I giggled and tried to hide the smile on my face (I didn’t want the poor girl to think I was laughing at her).


Candy waved cheerfully at me and I raised a hand back, snuggling up against Stone’s side and taking some of the Smarties he offered me. We watched the game in comfortable silence, though I did hiss quietly a few times whenever the girls got a little too violent. After the second quarter (half-time), I glanced up at Stone to ask if he wanted something to drink, but instead, found myself frowning at his scalp.


“Did you bring a hat?” I asked quietly. His head turned my way, but I couldn’t see his eyes through the glasses. He didn’t say anything, he just waited.


I bit my lip and tentatively touched a hand to his very short hair. It felt hot. I examined the clipped lengths thoughtfully, wondering if they were long enough to protect his scalp, or short enough for me to rub sunscreen in.


Stone kept waiting.


“Do…Do you want me to rub sunscreen on your head?” I whispered.


His lips parted and I took that small movement to be the equivalent of his jaw dropping. I waited nervously and, eventually, his mouth closed. Just above his glasses, his eyebrow cocked in challenge and then he was pulling his shirt off and leaning back with a smug tilt of his lips. It was my turn to be shocked. My mouth fell open…so did very other female’s present.


He watched me, waiting. Even with his glasses on, I knew what his eyes were saying. He was waiting for me to get out the sunscreen and rub him down. I glanced down his body, at his hard pecs, his ripped stomach and bulging arms. I swallowed.


Oh, fuck me I couldn’t touch that in public. There was no way I was going to be able to rub cream into all that muscle - feel it tense and slide beneath my fingers.


Shit, I was getting hot just thinking about it.


“I’m thirsty,” I said quickly, getting up and nearly running over to Candy.




“Hi there Evie,” Candy greeted me cheerfully, handing me a cup of cordial from one of the coolers, “I didn’t know Stone was coming with you.”

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