Evanescence (Black Rose #1) (8 page)

BOOK: Evanescence (Black Rose #1)
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Chapter Ten: The Suspect


A car horn beeps outside. I rise out of bed and head downstairs and find my mother in the kitchen.

"Good morning, sleepy head," she says smiling in her work clothes.

"Good morning," I yawn.

"I have to make a delivery by the cliffs and head to into work. You can take the car today if you'd like."

She caresses my cheek and I nod.

"Please try to have a good day."

"No promises."

"TRY," she says with a smile.

"Alright, alright. I'll try mom."

She gives me a kiss on the cheek and opens the front door.

"Remember to write. It will help. Trust me."

"I will."

"And don't be late for school," she points.

I find a smile. She always says that.


"Love you."

"Love you too." She closes the door and I sit alone in the kitchen.

The cliffs? She never says 'the hospital' or anything of the sort it's just, 'the cliffs'. It makes me think of that mansion sized building I seen yesterday. Could that be where she goes? From where I stood, it looked creepy, but familiar. I head upstairs, get dressed for school leaving my glasses behind, eat a quick breakfast, and hit the road making it to school just before the first period bell rings. I wasn't late.

Everything feels different today. I'm sure it's because of Mike and Bianca. There's photos of Mike all over school. I noticed the ones of Bianca aren't up anymore. Could that mean they found her? What does that say about Mike? Is he still missing? There's even an article of Mike, in the 
Utica Observer, 
"Missing Teen, Mike Druin, Possible Runaway?"
But what are their sources? I know Mike. He doesn't run away from his problems -- like I do. He confronts them. And I know him well enough to know he didn't run away. I won't even consider that a possibility.

Mike is practically my only friend. Of course, I did know names and faces, but that's as far as that story goes. As for Essence, I had seen her this morning and as usual, I watched her until she left for class. I would hope around lunch I would have a chance to speak with her. I still have an apology to give.

And Cedric. I saw him in the hallway a few times. He just held a smile which looked innocent, but his eyes told me something different. That he didn’t like me, but more importantly, he was hiding something. Normally when I see him, he's standoffish and easy to anger, but not today. He seems to be in a good mood. Perhaps because he has front row seats to my suffering. If it is because of Mike, Cedric is more evil than any demon. I have to admit, there's something oddly familiar about him too, and not just Bianca. In a chilling sort of way. Whereas with Bianca, it's more of a comforting feeling. 

I take a glance down the hallway and my eyes bleed. Speak of the devil. I catch her eyes through the crowd, but she averts as though she didn't want to be seen. Bianca. She's not missing. That would explain why her photos were removed around school and the city. But if she is here, where is Mike? She must know something.

She stares back at me before withdrawing her face and disappearing in the crowd of students and teachers. I rush down the hallway fighting through the crowd. I round the corner and fail to find her in the sea of people. She's gone. I place a hand onto my head and try to gather my thoughts. I feel disoriented and fatigued that quick. I run a hand across my face and find myself recovering from autopilot, sitting alone at a lunch table. I watch as everyone enters the cafeteria. I'll wait for Bianca to show herself. If she decides to.

The cafeteria begins to fill and my patience is wearing thin. She probably won't show her face. She knows that I saw her and that guilty gesture of trying to escape only tells me she does know something whether it's about Mike or something else. Maybe I should go out and look for her. Question her on her whereabouts and Mike's as well. To me, Bianca is the primary suspect.

I start to rise from my seat to go look for her, but then my train of thought is interrupted. Essence walks into the cafeteria and locks eyes with me. Her red hair and beautiful eyes paralyze me. Evasive action? Nope, too late. 

"Hey, Evan," she smiles walking past. "Keeping the new look I see."

I need a defibrillator.

"Uhhh...Hi...Essence. Th-Thanks," I respond as my voice cracks. I sit down ashamed.

I watch her until she sits at a table with a group of people. She catches my glance and smiles. I fail to hide my blush. Maybe she got over what happened between us. Why would she smile at me? I then feel a presence. Someone is watching me. It is as heavy and uncomfortable as a stare. My hands aren't the only hands that rest on the lunch table. I look in the corner of my eyes and there sits Bianca. Smiling and silent. I stare at her unsure of what to say or maybe I have too much to say that if I speak it would all come out like gibberish. She holds a grin in the corner of her lips as though she has nothing to hide, but earlier today, her expression was the complete opposite.

"Hi, Bianca."

She continues smiling, then blinks.

"Hello, Evan."

Silence again. Okay, this is awkward. But how do I start? Maybe something like,
'do you have Mike hostage. I'm willing to negotiate.'
Nope. That's too assumptive and I have not a buck in my pocket to bet I am correct. How about,
'Do you know where Mike is? Where have you been?'
I think that will work just perfect.

"How are you, Evan?"

Wouldn't you like to know?

"I'm...alright. Just have a lot on my mind."

"Like what?"

Like you don't possibly know already. Mhm, suspect indeed.

"Well..." I look over at Essence. "There's this girl I really like."

Ugh! Why'd I share that?

"Mmmm," Bianca follows my eyes. "She's very beautiful, Evan. Just like mom."

I frown with confusion.

"Nice new look by the way. Black hair. Pale skin. Just like dad."

I quirk my head to the side.

"Guess I wouldn't know," I reply.

She chuckles a bit and leans forward, escaping my comfort space, and stares into my face. I shy my head a bit to lengthen the distance.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

Her hands rise to my face and holds me by my cheeks.
Is she trying to kiss me?

"Um, Bianca?"

She withdraws her hands quickly and looks away embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. You're everything I remember."

"Excuse me?"

She sits quiet and her eyes begin to gloss. 

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Her teary eyes look into mine, but I don't see Bianca.

"Beebee?" I whisper to myself. She doesn't budge. She sits in her white dress, her blushed face quivering in sadness. A shiver runs up my spine. Goosebumps cover my arms and my hair stands. When I blink, BeeBee is gone. Bianca looks down into her lap and I gulp.

"Mike is fine, Evan."

She wipes her face and rises to her feet. My mind shatters into a million pieces as I watch her exit the cafeteria.

"Mike is fine," I repeat to myself.









Chapter Eleven: A Lasting Impression


As school came to a close I had not seen Bianca since lunch, but
'Mike is fine.'
As strange as it may sound, I believe her. But I want to know more. I need to know more. Where is Mike hiding and why. Why hasn't he contacted me? If anyone, why hasn't he contacted his family? It just doesn't make sense nor sound like him.

As I get into the car at the end of the school day. The sky begins to rumble as expected. Never unexpected around this time of year. I must agree with my mom that today does make a great day to write. I feel I have been slacking, but with everything that has been going on, it has been the last thing on my mind. I pull my notebook from my book bag and begin to jot down my recollection of avoiding Essence, speaking with Mrs. Druin at Mike's house, and about Bianca being in school telling me that,
'Mike is fine.'

The students pile out of the doors of the school and in that crowd, Essence stands on the sidewalk with her belongings. I close my notebook and I watch her wait as school buses pull away from the front of the school to start their routes around Oneida County. Why is someone so beautiful waiting at all? Essence should have people bending over backwards to make sure she is all set. She should be catered to. 

Essence turns her head back and forth, looking for her ride I suspect. I find myself doing the same only to see that the school grounds are becoming empty from students and staff members. The rain starts to pound on the roads and roof of the car. Essence takes her bag and holds it above her head for shelter. I start the car, pull out of the front parking lot, and pull up in front of her. Perhaps it was confidence. Maybe instinct. She peers at the tinted windows cautiously and I stare at her perfect face. If only she knew she is staring back at mine.

Her eyes. I would love to stare into those without having to refrain from a blushing embarrassment. I roll the window down to end her agony of curiosity. She relaxes and forms a smile that shows her perfect top row of white teeth.


"Would you like a ride?" I ask.

"Umm..." she looks back and forth for one last time. "Sure. That'd be great actually. My phone died."

"Let me get the door for you."

She smiles and I get out of the car. The rain feels great. The first ounce of comfort I've felt all day. It wets my face and hair and I gasp in relaxation. I open the passenger door.

"Thank you," she smiles.

She stands facing me for a moment. Not budging to get in.
Is she blushing?
I smile back and lick my lips from the rain. She then nods and gets into the car. I close her door and get back into the driver's seat. She sits down and places her bag on the floor, slings the seat belt over her shoulder, and snaps it in place.

"Thanks, Evan. It's really starting to pour now," she says wiping some of the rain from her arms and clothes. I begin to drive up the road.

"Don't like the rain?" I respond.

"I like it. Just not when it's trying to drown me," she chuckles.

"Understandable," I smile. "What sucks is I don't know how to swim."

She laughs and heaven sings.

"You don't?"

"Nope. I just sink," I say smiling and looking over to her. She joins in the laughter. She's drenched in water, but still looks as beautiful dry.

"So," I say. "Where to?"

"I live near the parkway. You know how to get there?"

"Sure do. In the summer, I always go to the fair on the parkway."

"Really? I haven't been since I was a little girl. My father would take me on the merry-go-round until I either fell asleep or cried." She giggles. "Where do you live?" she asks.

"Very close to the rainforest."


I laugh.

"Well, I call it a rainforest. It's really on the edge of the Mohawk River."

"Oh yeah that's right, you were supposed to show me remember?" she reminds.

"Ah, I haven't forgotten."

I blush. I continue to drive, but then silence floods the car. I peer over at her as she looks out the window watching the rain. She is so gorgeous. Keeping my eyes on the road is a difficult task, but her safety is beyond measure. I must focus.

"If it wasn't raining so much I would show you," I finally say.

"I'm not scared of the rain," she responds quickly.

"So, are you saying you would like to go?"

"So, are you saying you would like to show me?" she smiles.

I smirk at her sense of humor.

"If it's not conflicting with any plans you have, I would love to show you."

"I don't have anything planned at all."

"Well okay...um...let's go," I shrug with a smile. 

"You won't kidnap me right?" she laughs.

Crap. She's onto me.
As much as I would love to, I wouldn't.

"No, of course not," I laugh. "I wouldn't do anything that would put you in any harm or make you feel uncomfortable."

"That's quite a promise there, Evan."

I look over at her and she smiles.

"I like it."

"You can count on it too."

She turns her face away as she smiles pressing her lips tightly together.
What? Did I just make Essence blush? No. No way. That's impossible.

"You know what would make me even more comfortable?" she asks.

"What's that? I'll do anything?" 

I hope I don't sound so easily submissive. 

"If you met my father. At least so he doesn't question me about who I associate with."

I nod my head in agreement.

"Not a problem at all. Completely understandable."

"Okay," she smiles then grips the forearm of my jacket. My heart skips then leaps into my throat. I grip both on my hands on the steering wheel to keep us from crashing like my train of thought.

We soon pull into her driveway and head up the steps to her white house. She knocks on the door. I shiver.

"Cold?" She asks.

"More like nervous," I say fidgeting in place.

A few moments later, the door opens. A tall man with freckles, glasses, short red hair, and a fairly young face, smiles.

"Hello, dear," he says to Essence then hugging her.

"Hi, dad," she responds hugging him back. When they let go, he looks at me a bit confused.

"And who might you be?" he asks with a welcoming smile.

"Hi, umm," I respond. I pull my hand from my pocket to shake his hand. He accepts and squeezes a bit. I continue to shake his hand unable to let go. He chuckles a bit and nods waiting for me to speak.

"Dad, this is Evan. Evan Macrae."

Good save, Essence,
I think to myself.

"He's a great friend of mine. Gave me a ride home from school."

I smile.

"Pleased to meet you, sir."

"You too, and please, call me Tom," he says. "Sir, or Mr. LaRoux makes me feel older."

"Sorry," I say. "Pleased to meet you, Tom."

"Much better," he laughs.

"Evan saved me from the rain," Essence adds smiling.

"Is that so?!" He exclaims, but then his face turns into disappointment. "Aw shucks, dear, I'm sorry I had completely lost track of time. I was working on a few things and --"

"It's okay dad," she says. "I know how focused you are when you're writing. Evan is a writer too."

I look over at Essence shocked. She turns to me with a huge smile and winks. I sink into my chest.

"Really?" He says. "What do you like to write?"

"Um," I say.

"I know, I know. I get this question a lot too which is always difficult to answer without cringing."

I chuckle and try to think.

"I guess anything that comes to mind."

"Best answer ever," he says with a point. "OH! Would you kids like to come inside instead of us being out here in the rain?" He steps to the side.

"Oh, no dad. Actually, I was wondering if I can take a ride with him to his house. He was going to show me around the forest."

"In the rain? You could sick."

"We'll take that chance."

"You never fail to surprise me," he smiles. "That will be just fine. Be home for dinner. And keep her safe," he says turning to me.

"I will sir-- I mean, Tom."

He nods and smiles. We shake hands again.

"See you soon," he kisses Essence's cheek. "Be safe."

"I will," she says as we head back down the steps. "Bye dad," she calls. "Thank you!"

He leans in the doorway holding a big white smile. I see where Essence gets hers. I open the door for her to get in.

"It'll be hard getting used to such chivalry," she smiles as she gets inside.

"You have no other choice," I say. She wipes her face before smiling back into mine. I return the gesture, close her door, and hop back in the driver's seat. I start the car and begin to pull out from their driveway. Tom stands in the doorway and waves us goodbye before going back inside. I then get us on the road to head for the Mohawk River Valley.

"Well, that wasn't so bad now was it?" she asks.

"Not at all," I say looking over. "He was very welcoming."

"He's always to himself, just like me," she says. 

"We all have that in common."

There goes that silence again -- and my thoughts. Mike bounces off every wall inside my brain. What does Bianca know? I marked it down as my next mission: Find Bianca's house. Would that make me a stalker? Someone crazy? Or does the safety of my best friend prove how sane I really am? You protect the people you care about no matter the cost. I'll find Mike even if it leads me to my grave.

"It's so sad about what's going on with Mike. I'm sure his family is very concerned," Essence says breaking the silence.

My hands clench around the steering wheel and I flinch.

"Yes. It is very sad. His family is worried sick."

"I know he's your best friend, Evan," she places a hand onto my knee. "I'm sorry."

Her touch doesn't allow me to move. It was comforting, so I do not want to. Even though Bianca had told me Mike is fine, I can't fathom what else is going on with him.

"Thank you, Essence. Just wish I could do something about it. Mike’s not just my best friend. He's my only friend."

"I'm your friend too now, Evan. Making you possibly my only friend as well. I'll help you find him. We'll get Mike back."

I nod and can’t help but believe her.

"Now, there's a smile."

"You make it easy to," I say looking at her.

She caresses the side of my face. I love how she expresses herself not only with words, but with touch.

"No more sad faces," she says smiling back at me. I nod.

"I like the sound of that."

Silence falls upon us once again, but not an awkward silence. A warm one. I continue down the road. We should be close to my house soon enough.

"Do you like being to yourself all the time?" I ask. "I mean, it's surprising you don't have many friends. I took you for someone who would have plenty."

She turns to the window and exhales.

"I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?"

She shakes her head and looks down at a black rose bracelet around her wrist. She looks back out the window and draws circles over the black rose with her thumb.

"No. You're okay, Evan," she responds. She falls silent for a few moments.

“I use to have a friend—a best friend.”

"What happened? Did you two get into a fight?"

She shakes her head.

"She—um," she clears her throat before answering. "She passed away. Cancer."

I gasp and look over at her regretting that I asked.

"I'm so sorry, Essence I--"

"Didn't know," she nods. "It's okay, Evan." She looks back at me and tries to smile.

"Her name was Claire. Claire Bonnet. At the time, my father and I lived in Geneseo. Claire was – beautiful. She had long blonde hair, always wore bright colored clothes, and loved flowers. Roses. Black ones."

She looks down at her bracelet and my eyes follow.

"She fought for years. Before then, she seemed so happy, you just couldn't tell that something was wrong. I didn't find out until I overheard my dad speaking to her father over the phone. I was devastated. She had been hiding it from me."

"She didn't want you to worry."

She nods.

"Yeah. I tell myself that too. I just – I just thought she could tell me anything." She clears her throat.

"So one day, when my dad and I was visiting her in the hospital, she told me to remove the bracelet from her wrist. And so I did. Then she said, 'put it around your wrist.' And I looked at her and shook my head and asked her, ' why do you want me to put on your bracelet?' And she said, 'because I want you to remember me when I go. I want you to have it.'"

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