Escorting the Groom (The Escort Collection Book 4) (13 page)

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"Bring it on," Jake said. He nodded at the bartender. "Start lining up the tequila shots. I have a Libertarian I need to school."

Nikki tossed her hair. "We'll see."

"We all saw you and that bush," Jake taunted.

"Do you have to keep bringing that up?"

I chuckled as I watched them, then I signaled to the bartender for two glasses of wine. Blake and I had both been taking it easy on the alcohol, but we were still sharing toasts with our guests. Surprisingly, the wedding reception was fun. Being in Vegas had put everyone in a celebratory mood. But now that we'd been drinking for several hours straight, things were starting to get out of hand. Helena and one of my cousins were dirty dancing. It was starting to look like a public sex act. My father and Elizabeth were on the dance floor, glued to each other, whispering and looking as if they might need a contraceptive device. Serena and Robert were now in a secluded corner, having what looked like a heated argument.

Rupert, the administrator of my family trust, approached the bar with a stagger. He'd been my mother's trust attorney and a valued confidant for years before she died. Of course, that wasn't the reason I'd asked him to join us.

"Lucas, my boy! Congratulations." He grasped my hand lightly and shook it. "You two make a fine couple. I know your mother would be proud."

"Thank you, Rupert. I invited you to honor her memory."

Rupert looked at me skeptically. "Let's be honest. You wanted to nip Serena's impending fraud campaign in the bud." He was slightly unsteady on his feet, looking as though he'd had a few.

I smiled at him. "I wanted to get out in front of it. Yes."

He slapped me on the arm. "You don't need to worry." He eyed Blake appreciatively across the room. "Everything looks good to me. Your mother would be happy to see you settled."

I clinked my glass against his. "Cheers to that." He staggered back to the bar, and I headed toward Blake. "I think we should get going soon. This is starting to get messy, and you know how I feel about messy."

Blake rolled her eyes good-naturedly. She hadn't stopped smiling all night. "Oh yeah. I know all about that."

I leaned closer so I could whisper in her ear. "I think we should have a brief round of PDA if that's okay with you. The trust administrator's here." Rupert seemed perfectly satisfied with the marriage, but I wanted to be sure. And also, I wanted…

I ran my hands down her arms. Blake's skin felt hot to my touch as she gazed up at me, her lips parted. My cock jumped to attention, and I leaned down, grazing my lips against hers. I put my hand on her back and felt her arch.
You need to consummate the marriage.
Jake's voice rang in my head.

I crushed my lips against hers, and she pressed against me, her tongue meeting and tangling with mine. I pulled back slightly, and she let out a low moan. I dug my fingers into her hair and kissed her again until I heard a loud wolf whistle and applause all around us. We pulled apart, embarrassed, and found that we were surrounded by our guests, who were whooping and hollering. I saw Shirley wiping her eyes, my cousin Shane with his face buried in Helena's chest, and Serena with her arms crossed, glaring at me.

"I think we should go. But there's someone we need to speak to first." I grabbed her hand and maneuvered her over to where James and Audrey were slow dancing with their arms wrapped around each other. "I hate to interrupt, cousin—"

James straightened up and released his wife immediately. "But you're narcissistic, and you always come first." James grinned at me and shook my hand. "Congratulations, Lucas. Blake. That was a lovely ceremony, aside from the vomiting."

"Oh, honey, stop." Audrey stepped forward and kissed Blake on both cheeks. "It's a pleasure to meet you! Congratulations on your marriage." She turned to me, her brown eyes gleaming. "It's nice to see you looking so settled, Lucas."

"I'm full of surprises," I said. "It was nice of you guys to come. Where are the kids?"

James pulled Audrey back to him and wrapped his arms possessively around her. The way they touched made me want to reach out and grab Blake, which I did.

"With their nanny," James said. "We're flying out first thing in the morning. So we're going to make the most of tonight, right, babe?" He nuzzled Audrey's neck.

Audrey swatted him, but her eyes were sparkling. "Right, babe." She turned her attention back to us. "We really are thrilled for you two. Blake, if you ever want to talk about anything, call me. I'd love to get to know you better."

"Thank you," Blake said, clearly touched. But Audrey had already turned back to her husband, who wrapped his arms firmly around his wife.

James looked up at me one last time. "Call me," he commanded. "And come out to California to meet my kids, dammit."

"How many do you have, again?" I asked. James looked as though he was going to come after me, but I started laughing. "Just kidding. Blake and I will come out."

"Good," James said. "Now please leave us alone. This is date night."

"I think we need to be alone, too." I grabbed Blake's hand and pulled her toward the elevator, making sure no one was watching us make our exit. I wanted to escape the crowd and be alone with her, and I didn't want any more cheering.

"Yes, sir." Blake beamed. "Or should I just start calling you husband?" She drank some more wine, and I could tell that she was a little tipsy.

"How about I call you Mrs. Ford, and you can call me Mr. Ford?"

"It's impersonal. Therefore, I like it." Blake drained her glass as the elevator doors closed.

I pressed against her. "I'm curious to find out what else you like."

She tossed her hair and looked up at me, a challenge in her eyes. "Is that so?"

"It is if I say so." I pressed my lips to hers.

Chapter Fourteen

aybe it was the wine
, but when he kissed me, something inside me loosened a little. And then I felt as if I were going to burst.

I opened my mouth for his, relishing the feel of his tongue as it tentatively explored my mouth. He was more languorous now that we were away from the crowd, taking his time, making my body light up as if I were being consumed by a fever. When our tongues connected, a jolt of electricity went through my body, all the way down to the ache in between my legs. "I want you," I said against his mouth. I stopped myself abruptly and pulled back. "I'm sorry. I know we talked about this—"

Lucas kept his hands on me. "Stop, Mrs. Ford. I'm the one who kissed you, remember? I want to do this. Besides… we have to."

I pulled further away from him. "What do you mean, we

He adjusted his tux, his face turning serious. "Jake used to be a lawyer. I told him the truth about us. I hope you don't mind, but he guessed that there was something funny going on, anyway."

"I don't mind. Jake seems like a good guy. But what were you saying—about him being a lawyer?" My head, which had been fuzzy with lust and champagne, was clearing fast.

Lucas shrugged, looking sheepish. "He told me that our marriage wouldn't be considered legally valid if we didn't consummate it."

"So are you only kissing me because you have to?"

"Yes." He looked at the ceiling then looked at the floor, the color in his cheeks rising. "No." Lucas seemed abashed, but this was music to my ears. We were really going to do this, and it was for business reasons. No strings. No ties. No crushes. But I got to be with him. And I wanted that… even if I could barely stand to admit it to myself.

"Well then, I understand." I kept my voice even and professional. "And if you're asking me if that's acceptable, well… I accept. Let's consummate this thing."

A cloud passed over Lucas's handsome features but disappeared quickly. He smiled at me. "I've never thought of 'consummate' as a sexy word, but when you put it that way? I like it. I like it a lot, Mrs. Ford."

Excitement rushed through me as I trailed my fingers down his tuxedo. I felt as if I were about to open the shiny Christmas present I'd been hoping for all year. His piercing green eyes became hooded. He ran his fingers through my hair, twisting it and greedily pulling me closer.

The elevator stopped at our floor, and the door opened. He reached for my hands. "Come on, Blakey." I tilted my head at him, questioningly. "That's still my favorite nickname for you. Even over Mrs. Ford," he explained. And then, ever thoughtful, he picked me up and carried me over the threshold of our honeymoon suite.

He kept his eyes locked with mine as he carefully carried me down the stairs and through the suite. Lucas placed me gently on my feet just inside the enormous bedroom. I looked up at him and threw my arms around his neck, thrilling at the feel of him, loving that his gorgeous face was so close to mine. I drank in all the details—his dark curls, his dimple, his green eyes.

"Tell me that you want to do this." He ran his hands down my back.

"I want to do this," I said eagerly. "I want to do this
." I leaned up and kissed him, hard. He crushed his lips to mine, and our tongues found each other again. He pressed the small of my back and moved me against him so I could feel his rock-hard erection pressing into my belly.

"I'd love to rip that dress off of you, but I don't think I can bear to. It's so beautiful." Lucas looked down at me, his eyes shining. "I don't know if I told you how stunning you are tonight. My heart literally stopped when I first saw you coming down the aisle."

"Thank you." My voice came out husky, and for some reason, I felt the pinpricks of tears.

He turned me around and gently unzipped the dress, letting it fall to the floor. Then he carefully hung it up before turning back to me. He grinned and motioned to the garter. "I forgot about that." He rubbed his thumb along it. "We might have to leave it on for now."

He kissed me again. Then I took off his jacket, unknotted his bow tie, unbuttoned his shirt, and undid his pants. I ran my hands down his gorgeous, chiseled chest reverently. I wanted to enjoy this moment. I wanted to memorize and save it for later, for when I was alone again.

I trailed my kisses lower, tracing his pectoral muscles with my tongue, and he moaned. I shivered with pure female satisfaction. He wanted
He reached down and undid my bra—the lucky penny fell out and pinged against the floor, making me laugh throatily. "No pockets," I mumbled as his lips closed over mine again. He gently took my breasts in his hands, rubbing my nipples in circles with his thumbs. I leaned into him, moaning with ecstasy and relief.
This feels so right. I've been waiting for this.

Lucas ran his hands over my body and pulled me against him. His erection, enormous and thick, pressed against my belly. His tongue searched my mouth, and I gave myself to him, surrendering to the urgency of his touch.

He laid me down on the bed, his glorious, naked body above me. Lucas pushed the hair off my face and just watched me for a moment, trailing a finger over my features as though he were memorizing them. Then he leaned in and kissed me again, deep and probing. I spread my legs a little, offering myself to him, yearning for him. He slid a finger inside of me slowly, testing me, and I moaned, bucking against him, wanting more. I grabbed his muscled ass and pulled him closer, running the head of his cock over my sex, getting it slick and wet, arching my back in an attempt to join our bodies.

"Please," I whispered.

"Like I could wait." Lucas entered me then, his hard length filling me all at once, and I cried out. He buried himself in me, and my body stretched to accommodate his. He moved slowly at first, making sure I was comfortable with how big he was. I moaned, loving how he filled me. I ran my hands greedily down his muscled back. I'd been wanting to touch him more than I'd admitted to myself.

He thrust again, groaning, and my pussy quaked around him. I grabbed his ass and pushed him deeper into me, wanting to feel all of him, wanting him to overtake me. His body listened to mine. His long, deep strokes pushed me to the edge almost immediately.

He leaned up, and I drank in the sight of his taut, muscled body, the cords standing out on his neck. He didn't take his eyes off of me. I felt like he was trying to devour me with his body, and I was all for it. I was on the edge, my vision blurring around the edges as his thrusts got deeper and more urgent. I felt my orgasm circling me, large and powerful. "Come in me," I pleaded. "I want to feel you."

"Oh fuck. Blake." And then he did come, hard, filling me as my body clenched around him, and I cried out. He cursed as his body shuddered on top of me. After we stilled, Lucas rolled to the side and pulled me into his arms, cradling me against his chest.

His breathing became rhythmic and shallow as he held me. As I started to drift off, I realized two things: I'd never orgasmed with a client before. Not ever. And I'd certainly never fallen asleep in one's arms.

* * *


I woke up with Blake in my arms. It was the strangest feeling. I was wearing a wedding band, and I had my arms wrapped around a beautiful woman, who happened to be my wife.

We'd consummated the marriage. Thank God I'd had a proper excuse, because now that we'd done it, I could finally admit to myself how much I'd wanted to. Since I'd met her, Blake had been all I could think about. When I'd seen her in her wedding dress last night, heading toward me, there was only one thing I'd wanted: her.

I watched her as she slept, her hair tumbling over the sheets. She looked beautiful and innocent. I looked at the engagement ring and wedding band on her hand, my mother's bangle still on her wrist. This seemed so real.

And if it seemed real to me, I probably didn't have to worry about Serena. Or anyone else.

I slid out of bed and grabbed my phone, shooting off a quick text to Jake:

Please tell everyone thanks for coming last night. My bride and I are staying in today, so we won't see you all off. Give everyone our love.

Jake responded immediately:

Did you give Blakey your love last night?

Much to my chagrin, he included a winking emoji.

With a frown, I tapped out a reply:

Fuck off. Go back to Washington.

I could practically see Jake leering as I read his next message:

Love you too, bro. Congratulations. You win. You have the hottest wife I've ever met.

I smiled a little at that. Then I ordered room service. When it arrived, I made sure everything was meticulously arranged before I headed back to the bedroom.

Blake was lying in bed, staring at her rings as if mesmerized. She jumped when I came in and stuck her hands back under the blankets. "Good morning." She sounded as if she were trying to play it cool.

"Good morning." I smiled at her. "Sorry to interrupt you."

"You didn't—oh well, yes you did. I was staring at how my rings sparkled." She sat up, smiling at me sheepishly, and I felt a rush just from looking at her.

"Are you hungry?"

She nodded. "I'm starving."

"Well, when you've finished admiring all available shiny objects, come out and join me in the dining room."

Blake sat up and looked at me skeptically. "You cooked?"

"Don't be crazy. I ordered room service, and I set it up on the table."

"Well, in that case," she said, smiling, "I'll be out in a minute."

She joined me exactly one minute later, wearing a T-shirt and a pair of leggings. Her hair was mussed. She sat down at the table and smiled at me shyly. "Hi."

"Hi." I tried to ignore the chills that shot through me when she smiled at me like that. "It's sort of awkward, right? We're newly married and newly consummated, all at once."

"It's totally sort of awkward. And awesome." Blake nodded, still smiling, and dug into her fruit cup. "Wouldn't it be nice to live at a hotel like this? You could always order whatever you want, whenever you want?"

"That's why I live at The Stratum. Room service twenty-four hours a day. And housekeeping."

Blake shook her head. "That's so not the real world. And neither is this." She looked around at the suite and the view beyond.

It's your world now
, I thought. Blake deserved all the good things in life, and I was determined to give them to her this year. After that, the money I was paying her would help her have a bright, secure future.

One that didn't include me.

But I didn't want to think about that, so I pushed the thought roughly from my mind.

"If it's all right with you, I'd like us to stay in today. I think I've had enough company for one weekend."

Blake nodded. "Of course. When are we leaving for our trip?"

"Tomorrow morning." I couldn't wait to whisk her away to the beauty and peace of the islands. "So we have the day to ourselves to relax. I scheduled massages. Is there anything else you'd like to do?"

"I just want to check out that pool." She motioned to the deck outside. "It looks amazing."

"We can certainly do that." I pictured her in a bikini, and I felt a strong pull of desire in my belly. "Anything else? Do you like to gamble?"

"No," Blake said. "I don't like to take chances with money."

I smiled at her. "Me either. But how about we make plans to go to dinner? Just the two of us?" The hopeful tone in my voice disgusted me.
Who else is she going to hang out with?

She smiled at me. "That sounds great. Everything was wonderful yesterday, but I'm definitely feeling wiped out from it all."

"Me too."

We finished breakfast in silence. I couldn't tell if it was awkward or not. "You want to hit the pool?" I asked.

Blake flashed another smile at me, putting me at ease. "That sounds great." She headed off to change, and I mentally kicked myself. I was acting like a crushed-out schoolboy, for Christ's sake. We met outside on the private deck, which overlooked the strip. The sun was climbing in the sky, but the temperature was still perfect, warm without being overbearing.

"This is so amazing," Blake said. "I never even knew that a hotel room could have its own pool." She stripped off her cover-up to reveal a black string bikini, and any response I might have been formulating froze on my lips. She noticed me watching her and tossed her hair over her shoulder. "What?" she asked nonchalantly as she stepped into the pool. Her nipples immediately hardened underneath the scraps of fabric covering them.

I felt myself getting hard again. "Is it cold?"

Blake went all the way into the water, splashing a little. "No, it's amazing. You should come in."

She didn't need to ask me twice. I stripped out of my T-shirt and headed into the water, hoping it was cold enough to calm man-land. Blake went under and then sat on one side of the pool. I climbed in and sat on the other.

"So… this is still awkward, right?" she asked.

"Seems to be." Another silence ensued. This one was definitely awkward.

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