Escaping Destiny (31 page)

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Authors: Amelia Hutchins

BOOK: Escaping Destiny
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“Fine; tell me how,” I growled.

“I can only tell you that you have to want to
accept me, to accept Faery. I wanted you in the human world
partially so that you could learn the things that the Fae lack. One
drawback to living as a human, is accepting that a Goddess can help
you. Humans can be either sheep or cynics, and with what you have
been through to create your strength, it has made you self-reliant
and compassionate. It also made you skeptical and a bit cynical,
child. You need to have a lot of faith, and trust me.”

“When is Faolán coming, and how will I know
he is here?” I was getting frustrated as her idea of help was
causing more questions in my mind than answers.

“Sorry, I can’t interfere directly. I can
only push you in the right direction. When the time is right, you
will know,” she whispered with an impish smile on her lips. “You
will survive this, Sorcha. You are a survivor; you were born with
the right tools to get the job done. Let me in.”

She sifted out, and I watched as Ristan
jolted upright in the bed and shook his head.

“What the fuck, Flower!? What happened while
I was under?” he asked as his eyes scanned me from head to toe,
ensuring I was unharmed. “Are you alright?”

“I’m okay. You just kinda got all swirly
eyed, and went all lights are on yet no one’s home on me.” It
wasn’t a lie, because he’d done just that, right before Danu had
sifted in.


Chapter Thirty-Three




I was dressed and standing in front of the
mirror. Darynda had Faelyn glamour a dress in crimson red, which
was a work of art. I looked like a work of art. My hair was in an
updo, which still gave me a soft look. It had been decorated with
strands of gold weaved throughout it. The red dress was silk, which
hugged each curve. I had gold and platinum bands over my forearms
and upper arms.

She’d allowed me my way about applying very
little makeup beyond the Big Apple Red OPI polish, and lipstick.
They’d gone on and on about how I had the pregnancy glow, but I
hadn’t told them it was more of a
Ryder stopped by for

Those curves were showing a lot more this
week. According to Eliran, I was firmly in my second trimester,
which had me looking for each change every minute of the day. Right
now, the dress hugged the tiny little baby bump that kept reminding
me I was no longer fighting my own battle.

I was fighting theirs as well, which was okay
since they were mine. Ryder’s, too, but for now, they were all
mine. I waited until the room was empty before I allowed myself a
side view of my blossoming body.

My boobs were out of control and sore enough
that I noticed them a lot more. I hadn’t gained much weight, which
seemed to upset Eliran, but I was okay with it. My hand smoothed
over the gentle swell that was proof that I was pregnant.

“Wow,” Adam said from where he’d snuck in
behind me.

“Hey,” I whispered as his eyes flowed over my
body, taking in the changes.

“You look amazing,” he replied with a boyish

“You look pretty good yourself, Dark Fairy.”
I smiled, taking in his formal clothing. He was dressed in his
midnight colored cloak, and matching black pants. His hair was
slicked back, and his brands were visible from the sleeveless shirt
he wore beneath the cloak. Fae didn’t have formal wear. They wore
their cloaks, and Caste color. Kind of like the Scots, with their
family Clan’s plaid.

“I’m your escort…along with half the Elite
Guard. He keeps you hidden from the world.”

“The Mages keep him on his toes,” I

“Are you happy?”

“I will be,” I grinned wickedly, “soon.”

“Oh-oh,” Adam said with a sparkle in his
green eyes.

“I’m going to fight for him. He’s my ever
after, Adam. I’m willing to fight to keep him,” I said with enough
force that he knew I wasn’t playing around.

“He’s also the man who knocked you up and is
engaged to another woman.”

“He is, but it isn’t something he himself set
into motion. He’s going to get out of it, and he’s going to do it

“If he hurts you…” he let the threat hang in
the air unsaid.

“If he hurts me, you won’t have to kick his
ass, Adam, because I will.”

“That’s my girl,” he said proudly.

I smiled and hooked my arm through his and
allowed him to escort me to the door where several others of the
Elite Guard stood waiting for us. Ristan took in the dress with a
low whistle. Zahruk and Sevrin smiled politely, even though their
eyes widened at my approach.

I took in their wicked looking armor. The
armor seemed to be multi-functional as they wore it to my
presentation, all formal court events, as well as the trial.
Dristan had shared that Ryder was more liberal about the guard not
wearing the helmet and mask headgear than his father had been.
Ryder felt that the headgear should only be worn when heading for,
or into battle. They also wore weapons as usual; though these were
jeweled with black and red stones, the only indicator that they
were ‘dressing up’ for tonight’s events.

“Flower, you look good enough to eat,” Ristan
whispered as we started down the hallway.

“If you bite me, I will bite you back,

“What makes you think I won’t consider that
foreplay?” he asked, raising a brow high on his forehead.

“Is that all you think about?” I asked as his
lips turned up, and a devilish smile splayed across his mouth.

“I think about tying my females up, making
them scream, and beg for more. I also like hot wax and long walks
in the sand. Does that count?” he asked with heat burning in his
eyes as he said it.

“Kinky fuckery, Demon. Keep that shit to
yourself.” I laughed and shook my head at him.

“I like it. What can I say? It does it for

The men around us laughed as I joined in with
them. Ristan settled down as he slipped into bodyguard mode.

“Okay, so first things first: it has been
decided that the coronation will be more of a casual event than
what has happened in the past. Ryder has decided to attend in Fae
form rather than his Horde King form. He wants to send a message
that this will be a very different rule than what Faery has
experienced with the Horde King’s in the past. There will be a
small feast that is really just for the Horde, no outsiders at this
time. They will go on and on about who is who and then it is
nothing more than a sit down formality. Ryder is going to have to
be seated beside his intended future bride. No going all Witchy on
her. It’s only for show, and he needs to act like the Horde King
more than ever tonight, even though he will not be in that form.
Then he will hear the challenges, not that they could take him.
This is a formality as the Heirs are chosen by Danu. This is just a
chance to air out past grievances so that the new monarch will
better understand what was not liked about the old monarchy,” he
snorted, “and there was a lot not to like, so this could take a
while. Keep in mind that it will become an open house, so to say,
so it won’t just be the Horde airing their grievances; it will be
those from the other Castes, too. After the challenges will be the
coronation where Danu’s high priest will come in and bless his
reign, yadda, yadda, ceremony over, and then we can party. You are
still to stay within his sight at all times, even with the
precautions being taken tonight. We don’t know if your parents will
be here, but Liam is already inside the castle. Just keep in mind
that when this gets heated, that they can’t sway the outcome, but
it’s going to give us a good idea of who is going to give Ryder the
most trouble.”

“He isn’t going to fight Ryder, period. I’ll
handle that part. Liam was abused here, but he seemed pretty damn
stable when I was last with him.” I hoped.

“He has every right to challenge him. We’re
getting off subject, though. You are being introduced tonight as
well,” he said.

“I had a feeling about that,” I said as we
entered the great hall through the wide doors.

“Good, because it’s show time,” he said as he
took in the mass of people lining the walls. “This is a cluster
fuck,” he said to Savlian, who nodded his head in agreement.
“Formation. Z, you can let Ryder know she has been appraised of the
niceties and she will be a good girl now.”

Zahruk rolled his eyes at Ristan’s flippancy.
“Keep her close. Adrian and Vlad will be in right after you and
will add another layer of security. Silas is sniffing out everyone
in attendance tonight. Synthia, behave, please,” Zahruk said as his
blue eyes searched mine, and then went to my bump. “And for the
love of the Goddess, don’t do anything stupid.”

“Afraid you might have to stab me again?” I
questioned with an impish smile spreading over my lips.

“Not quite; just don’t want to have to worry
about you tonight. Plates full, Babe.” He smiled back as he turned
and made his way to Ryder.

“Cue music,” I replied to Ristan, who scoffed
but smiled all the same.

“Cue the Prozac; we should have brought some
back with us for the Light King. He looks like he is about to
explode with anticipation. He is assuming Ryder will accept the
existing contract with him. Highly doubting it myself,” Ristan said
with a devious smile now plastered to his face.

“Good. The guy is an asshole. He needs to go
boom,” Adam said as his finger absently rubbed over my wrist.

“Oh shush, Adam; he was almost your father
in-law,” I joked.

“That would have made him your father,” he
countered and hit his mark.

“Yes, that would have sucked,” I replied as I
turned to look at him.

Something touched my shoulder, and I turned
to find Adrian and Vlad decked out in their Fae finery. Both wore
crisp white linen shirts over their wide chests, and they also wore
elegant crimson cloaks loosely clasped at their throats. It seemed
like jeweled weaponry was the order of the evening as both Vlad and
Adrian had elaborately jeweled swords in scabbards at their

“Fancy Face, you look well,” Adrian said as
his eyes slid down slowly to land on my abdomen. I briefly wondered
if he was bothered by the small bump that announced my pregnancy.
“Wow, pregnancy looks good on you.”

“Thanks,” I replied easily as I turned and
hugged him quickly. “You look good.”

He smelled great, and his hair was a tinge
darker than it had been last time I’d seen him. I had to admit,
being a vampire made him look older and more handsome than he had
when he’d been human.

“I’m part of your protection for tonight,
which means that I can actually talk to you.”

“Funny boy,” I said as I turned back at
Ristan’s urging.

It was time.

I felt the butterflies moving in my stomach
and held my head high as we took our places to enter the enormous
throne room.

“Synthia, Princess to the Blood Kingdom. Also
carrying the Heir to the Horde Kingdom,” a short red cap announced
in a booming voice. He continued as we started in, announcing
everyone who was with us. The entire crowd erupted at my name, and
with what followed.

“Adam, Heir and reigning Prince of the Dark

“Vlad the Third, Prince of Wallachia, cousin
to the Horde King.”

I almost stopped, but Ristan’s hand on mine
kept me moving.

“Ristan, third son of Alazander, Prince of
the Horde Kingdom.”

My head snapped to attention and twisted
until I was staring with my mouth open, looking at Ristan.

“Aodhan, eighth son of Alazander, Prince of
the Horde Kingdom.”

He continued, ticking off each of Ryder’s
men. Z was Alazander’s second son, and I was getting whiplash from
my head turning to each name that was ticked off. Ryder’s Elite
Guard was made up entirely with his brothers. Why hadn’t I put that
together before? Vlad was his cousin?

“Seriously!” I asked, staring at Ristan.

“Yes, Flower, seriously. Our father liked to
fuck, a lot. He fucked anyone he thought would bring him strong
sons and daughters.”

“Ciara, Daughter of Alazander, and Princess
of the Horde.”

“You have sisters?” I gaped at him.

“Only one, a half-sister, but she’s enough.”
He grimaced, but managed to smile.

Ciara was beautiful. She had raven hair that
fell to her hips, and eyes of violet and turquoise. She wore a
white dress styled much like the one I wore, and hers was trimmed
with gold. I looked around the room as all of the Elite Guard took
note of her entrance.

I’d hate to be the guy she dated. Ryder said
Dristan was his brother, and that he was the youngest. She had
Horde brands, so obviously she’d made it through Transition—I was
curious to see if those who had helped bring her through had lived,
considering who her brothers were, and how many of them were here.
Dristan was announced as being Alazander’s one hundred and twenty
eighth of his sons. Which meant either there were always a ton of
brothers, or male relations, that protected her.

“You guys could have told me,” I hissed.

“And missed seeing your reaction? Not a
chance in hell, Flower.”

Drums sounded from all around us, as if an
entire marching band was descending on the assembly. Those who had
been talking stopped, as people pushed and fought to see above the

“Abiageal, daughter of the high noble
Cornelius, and fiancée to the Horde King.”

“And the Horde King, Ryder, first born son of
Alazander. He is Danu’s chosen Heir, born of Alazander of the
Horde, and Kiara, the Dark Princess, sister to Kier, the reigning
Dark King.”

The entire assembly went insane. Howls
erupted, as screams of pride and happiness from the Horde extended
and drowned out any other noise from those unhappy with Ryder being

I exhaled slowly as the beautiful female
beside him bowed low at the waist and demurely placed her hand out
for Ryder. She had platinum hair much like Claire’s, but that was
where the resemblance stopped. Instead of the two shades of brown
that Claire had, Abiageal had a line of brown and another of lilac
in her eyes. She was thin and delicate, and everything a Fae woman
should have looked like. I swallowed past the pain that hammered
against me, even as my chest beat violently in my chest.

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