Read Escaping Christmas Online

Authors: Lisa DeVore

Tags: #Contemporary,Suspense

Escaping Christmas (12 page)

BOOK: Escaping Christmas
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Cameras surrounded them once again. She glanced at Owen with his pasted smile across his face. He loved this. Two years ago, she would have loved this, but not now. All she could think about was Zach and what he was going to think when he saw the coverage. Her chance at love and happiness was down the drain if she didn’t figure something out and fast.
Love? Was she truly in love?

They couldn’t move forward. The questions and the cameras encircled them. Owen stopped, putting an arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

“Mr. Banks, is your divorce final? How long before you and Miss Storm marry?”

Why did everyone keep asking that? And how did they know about Owen’s divorce? The next thing Alex saw was the TV crew and she inwardly groaned.

Owen took charge. “Alexandra and I will make a statement soon. We would like to get to our room. We’ve had a long day. Thank you.” He pushed through, holding her close.

The snapping of pictures followed them all the way to the door. How could she let him say that without responding? She allowed him to lead her to the front desk. The faster she got to her room the better.

“I have a reservation for Owen Banks, please.”

Her head snapped in his direction. “One room?”

He smiled. “Of course, my love. Why would we need two?” He shifted nervously.

“We need two rooms because I’m not staying with you.” Alex focused on the young lady checking them in. “I would like my own room, please.”

“I’m not sure if we have a single. There’s a suite available, however. If you’d like—”

“I’ll take it,” she agreed, cutting her off mid-sentence.

The young woman looked to Owen, and Alex’s blood pressure shot up when he replied, “That will be fine.”

“Will you need your room, Mr. Banks?” she asked.

“He will,” Alex snapped in her direction. She was one comment away from hurting someone.

A bellboy appeared, as if on cue, and was handed keys to their rooms. “This way,” he replied formally, leading them through the two-story marble lobby. She realized the moment she crossed under an ornate chandelier that she was no longer the same person she was before she went to Colorado. The grandeur no longer impressed her. She missed the old quilt she snuggled under. She missed Zach.

They arrived at Owen’s room first. “I’ll drop my luggage off, make a couple of calls, and I’ll be up, honey.”

The blood drained from her face.
Oh, no. That was already taken. “Don’t bother, Owen. And don’t ever call me that again.” This was spinning out of control…fast.

“We have much to discuss about our future.” He glanced at the bellboy and finished his thought in a hushed tone. “I’ll be up at six to take you to dinner.”

She opened her mouth to argue the point, but she didn’t need any more rumors swirling that their audience of one might create. “Fine.” Alex turned on her heel and headed for the private elevator.

The young man opened the door and allowed her to enter first. “Is there anything you need, Miss Storm?”

“No, thank you.” She reached in her purse for his tip and waited for the door to shut behind him.

Alex stepped forward a few steps and glanced around the living room. Her eyes filled with tears of both sadness and frustration. At one time in her life, this was Heaven. Now, she longed for a tiny log cabin surrounded by snow…and Zach. The tears slipped down her face as she peered out the ceiling to floor windows that overlooked the city. She looked down on the sidewalk below and a couple, hand in hand, captured her attention. Loneliness engulfed her. Alex pulled out her phone and searched Camden Ski Resorts. She found a number. She dialed, praying he was in. If he saw the news she was afraid there would be nothing left to fix.


Zach walked into the lobby of his ski resort and glanced up at the TV to see Lexie in the arms of Owen Banks. Her body language spoke volumes. She didn’t want to be there. He moved closer and concentrated on the screen, looking for clues to where she was.
He knew the hotel well. He’d check in with his receptionist and get to the business at hand.

“Hey, Jenny. Are there any messages for me?”

“It’s been quiet. Oh, wait, there was one from an Alex. I told her you weren’t in. I’m sorry I didn’t take a number. I didn’t think you’d be back until after Christmas.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before saying something he’d regret. “I’ll be in my office. If she calls back find me…and get a number.”

“Will do, Mr. Camden.”

He unlocked the door, turned the knob, and flicked on the light. He had one call to make. He knew where she was. Zach made the call to have his private jet ready within the hour. Damn! If only he knew what he was up against. He knew Lexie didn’t want him around, but he had to make sure she was safe and he didn’t trust the agency he hired to do the job right. He trusted his instincts.

After locating his pilot, Zach went to his safe. He pulled out his .38 Special, his holster, and a clip. He closed the safe and checked his wallet for his concealed carry license for New York State. He slipped off his suit jacket and methodically donned the holster, putting the clip in his pocket. He locked up the safe, shut off the lights, and exited his office.

“I’m taking off, Jenny. Please give Alex my cell number if she calls. And please take her number down this time. It’s very important I talk to her. Have a nice Christmas.” He did his level best not to sound as irritated as he felt.

“If she calls, I’ll let you know right away. Merry Christmas, Mr. Camden.”

He walked out of the lobby and to his truck. He loved the resorts and looked forward to coming to work, but he was antsy. He knew the reason. He was going ahead with his plans, but he had one other thing to do before he left

A Christmas tree.

“Hi, Mr. Camden. I could’ve had a tree delivered.”

“Hi, Smitty, how are you doing?” Zach asked the older man he had known since he was a kid.

“Besides the bones aching? I’m hanging in there. I thought the resorts already had trees up and trimmed.”

“We do.”

“Nothing else to add?” Smitty hobbled toward a line of trees, Zach following.

“Let’s go with that for now. You have any good ones left? I know it’s late to be buying a tree.”

“Yep, getting close to the magic day,” Smitty agreed. “Follow me, I have one back here you might approve of.”

Zach looked the tree over and handed over a bill. “I’ll take it.”

“Let me get your change.

“No, Smitty, keep it. Merry Christmas.”

“Same to you, Mr. Camden. Tony!” he yelled, “Get this tree to Mr. Camden’s truck yesterday.”

Actually, Smitty, could you have it delivered to my rental? It’s the first one up the mountain. Just leave it on the porch.

Smitty scratched his head, but knew better than to ask questions. “Sure thing, Mr. Camden.”.

Chapter Seventeen

Alex wiped at the moisture on her face. Her heart ached. She’d been so stupid not to leave her number with the receptionist. Oh, what was the point anyway? He wouldn’t be back until after Christmas. She had to do something. It had been over an hour. Maybe he was there now. Her inner argument continued. Heck with it! She dialed.

“Thank you for calling Camden Ski Resorts. This is Maggie, how can I assist you?”

“Alexandra Storm calling for Mr. Camden, please.”

“I’m sorry. Mr. Camden is out and won’t be back until after Christmas,” she replied politely.

Alex’s heart sank, same story as before, different receptionist. Suddenly, a name flew to mind. “Is Mike there?” She didn’t know his last name.

“I’m sorry. He won’t be in until tomorrow. Would you like me to take your name and number?”

“Yes!” Alex practically yelled with delight into the phone. She repeated the number and added, “This is very important. Thank you so much.” If Mike called, she could get Zach’s number and explain everything.

She crossed the room and stared out the window again. The snow was falling lightly. If only she was watching the snow from a cabin in Colorado. Her anger resurfaced. She would never forgive her mother for this…or Owen.

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. She considered not answering, but the sooner she got all this over with the sooner she could leave.

Alex flung the door open and was not surprised to see Owen on the other side.

“May I come in, Alexandra?”

She stepped aside, but didn’t reply.

“You look as beautiful as ever.” His compliments meant nothing to her. Alex remained silent, watching him shift uncomfortably. “Well, I guess it’s time for me to explain why I’ve done this.”

Her blood boiled. Nothing he could say would ever validate bringing her to New York with such a horrible lie. How could she have thought she loved him?

“Shall we sit?” The usual confidence wasn’t in his voice.

She nodded, but had to make one thing very clear. “Say what you need to say and leave.”

Owen sat on the couch and Alex lowered herself reluctantly beside him. He took her hand and brought it to his lips. She yanked away. “Don’t touch me,” she warned. “You gave up that right two years ago.”

“I love you, Alexandra.”

“Don’t, Owen. I’m over it.”

“The way your hand trembled in mine tells me otherwise.”

“You’re mistaken. It’s an attempt to hold back my fury.”

He leaned in and caressed her cheek. She stood and moved from him. “Are you out of your mind? You need to leave before I call security.”

“Alexandra, I have something to tell you. Let me explain and then I’ll go. I don’t even know where to begin.” He sighed. Owen was looking at her, but not seeing her.

Nausea rolled through her stomach. Something was wrong. “Just tell me.”

“I’m not really married.”

“What did you say?”

“I said I’m not married. It was staged by the production company.”

Alex stared at the wall, stunned…speechless.

“I shouldn’t be telling you this now. I’ll probably never work again, but I had to. I love you, Alexandra.”

“But…you have kids.” This didn’t make sense. He had to be lying.

“Did you ever see them? They don’t exist.”

She thought back to all the times Owen and Salina were in public together, no children were ever with them.

“This can’t be.” She shook her head in disbelief.

He closed the distance between them. “I always thought we would marry. We were the perfect super couple. But my manager came to me one day and told me the production company was going to go bankrupt if they didn’t come up with a way to draw some attention to their movies. Everyone loves a scandal. We were the scandal. If I didn’t go along with it they said they’d ruin me. They told Salina the same thing. I had to save my career.”

That word again. “Why are you telling me this now?” She had to sit. Her legs were going to give out.

“I called my manager and told them to do what they had to do. I was done with the charade. When I saw you with that…that…skier…”

“His name is Zach.”

“I had to get you alone and explain. Are you in love with him?”

“That’s none of your business. I don’t understand why you’d agree to something like this? Why wouldn’t you tell me? Or did you really fall in love with Salina and now the fun’s over? You know what I think? You always want what you can’t have. You don’t want me to be happy. You’ve enjoyed watching me be miserable. Maybe I should call your manager and confirm your story.”

“You can’t say anything, Alexandra. This goes beyond my manager. People end up dead over stuff like this.”

Sweat beaded on his forehead. Owen never looked less than perfect. He was serious.

“I have a plan if you’ll go along with it. It will create more scandal for the production company and we’ll be together again. It’s a win for all involved. We’ll be the new love story of the decade.”

“No. What we had is over. I realized I never loved you. I was flattered by the attention, that’s all.”

“You’re not thinking straight because you’re in shock, but you love me too. I know you do.” He moved toward her, staring into her eyes, searching for a confirmation he wouldn’t find.

“Owen, you never loved anyone, but yourself. If you loved me, you would have confided in me. You need to leave.”

“Did you hear anything I said?” His voice grew louder. “If I didn’t do what I was told I’d never work again. Salina was threatened with the same thing. They needed the publicity, Alexandra. The scandal of me jilting you to be with my co-star…you couldn’t write anything more perfect in your books. They’re going under and they’re going to take us with them if you don’t agree to marry me.”

Her mind jumped through the anger to another motive. “Why do the rags think we’re getting married? Are they pulling more strings with you? ‘Actor reunites with long, lost love.’ Is that what’s going on now? Another move for their publicity machine?” Her heart slammed in her chest. She didn’t know what to believe.

“I made a statement in an interview. I thought if I put it out there, the production company would use it like you said. I love you. I miss what we had. That’s the truth. But, now I don’t know what will happen if you don’t agree.”

BOOK: Escaping Christmas
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