Escape to the Country (24 page)

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Authors: Patsy Collins

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary Women, #Crime, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Escape to the Country
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"You've left my wellies behind," she giggled.

"Good. I don't want you running away from me."

"I won't, never again." She wrapped her legs around his
hips and held on tight.

"Oh dear," he said as he strode back with her towards the


"Just when I really need a hay barn, it's been burned down."

Her heart beat faster and she was glad she was already off her feet
as she doubted her legs would hold her. "There's one at Home
Farm," she suggested hopefully.

"There is. Do you think Aunt Jayne will lend me her pick-up?"

"Yes, but not if you call her Aunt Jayne."

"She'll have to get used to it when we're married and she's part
of the family."

"You haven't proposed yet," she pointed out.

"But I will." He sat her in the pick-up and went in search
of Jayne.

As he drove her back to Home Farm, still with only socks on her feet,
Leah remembered her relief when he'd opened the door to her the night
before. She remembered too that he'd been hastily pulling on his
clothes. At the time, she'd been far too worried to appreciate the
sight of him half naked. Things were different now. Leah reached out
a hand towards the button on his nearest shirt sleeve and tried to
undo it.

"Patience woman," he said.

He didn't stop to close gates as he drove through, so she guessed he
was in almost as much of a hurry as she was. Duncan abandoned the
pick-up outside the house and carried Leah up the path. It seemed
picky to point out the barn was in totally the other direction. She
took the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door to let them in.
She was already tugging his shirt up when he released his grip,
allowing her feet to touch the floor. His shirt came off over his
head as he kicked the door shut behind them and pulled Leah into his

Patsy Collins lives on the south coast of England, opposite the Isle
of Wight.

In addition to her novels she writes short stories for
magazines and maintains a popular blog.

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