“Exactly! You guys already understand more than I thought you would. Anyway,” Stu continued, “I perceived Brandon one day. I didn’t know him but maybe because I know Jonathan and you…I don’t know, I just recognized that something ‘moved,’ and it seemed that something was ‘off’ in the other world. So I went there to investigate.”
“What did you find?” said Jonathan, interested to know where Brandon had gone.
“Brandon, who I didn’t know at the time was Michael’s son, was flying through the air like he was being propelled, minus one shoe. I could see how young he was, and I could tell he wasn’t of that realm, but I couldn’t figure out how he could look so real.”
“Now we know,” said Michael, through a mouthful of peanut-butter. “He looked real because he took his whole self, there—”
“—which we didn’t even know was possible,” continued Jonathan.
“My guess is that Mira ended up completely there because of something to do with Brandon, but I don’t know exactly what or how, or why she seems to have forgotten her real life,” finished Stu.
“Makes sense, at least as a hypothesis,” said Michael. “But that still doesn’t explain Brandon knowing your name.”
“Right,” said Stu. “It’s like this: I attached a piece of my energetic self to both Brandon and Mira when I saw them each out of control flying into the other world. It’s called witnessing. You don’t interfere, but I was keeping tabs in case of trouble. Brandon, as it happened, came closer to me and looked at me, kind of like kids look at an interesting rock.”
“Oh my God.” Tears sprang up in Michael’s eyes. He reached out a hand to stop them then stood up to pace by the fireplace. “When I think of what could have happened to them…”
“Michael,” said Jonathan softly, “don’t torture yourself. They areok at this moment, and we’re all working to make sure they stay that way.”
“I know,” said Michael, and for the first time his face relaxed just a bit. He realized that their safety might have partially had to do with Stu’s interference. He sighed.
“Stu, I’m so sorry,” said Michael and held out his hand.
Stu shook it instantly, though with the feeling that this would not be the last time the two butted heads. He pushed the feeling away . “So anyway,” Stu continued, “Brandon looked at me so awake and intelligent, I introduced myself. He wasn’t scared at all—which may I remind you both, can be a good or bad thing in the other world.”
“You know, Mira was a prodigy when she was young,” mused Jonathan.
“What did Brandon do when you introduced yourself?” asked Michael.
“He just repeated what I said, just like you saw him earlier tonight. He said ‘Stu’ and then went on his way. But by then, I wasn’t as worried because part of me was with him so I knew I could keep him out of any real trouble. As it was, I felt him go back to the real world a few hours later.”
“When he showed up in the living room wanting Cheerios,” said Michael.
“Hunger,” said Jonathan. “He had a deep understanding on some level of where he needed to be for real food. Amazing.” Jonathan couldn’t fathom it. He got up and paced as well. The study looked like a doctor’s waiting room.
“Yes,” said Stu, “but we can’t count on the instincts of a three-year-old. Nor can we count on Mira in her confused state, so our next move better be good.”
“Well,” said Jonathan, “we have to stick with the plan tonight. Mira is expecting it. Let’s see if we can even get that far.”
“Agreed.” said the other two.
“Mind if I have another sandwich for the road?” asked Stu.
“Take the rest,” said Jonathan, who knew Stu fended for himself and usually had an empty refrigerator.
Stu grabbed the rest of the bundle, and the trio disbanded to ready themselves for 2:00 a.m. As tired as he was, Michael forced himself to record the events in the old High Five Gang Adventure Book. He and Mira had been keeping this record of events since they started the High Five Gang—before they were even married. The record made sure that all travels were recorded for posterity, rules written down to prevent disagreements, and all skill lessons permanently preserved so they would not be forgotten. Someday Michael and Mira planned to pass it to one of their children, but only if any of them showed signs of travel and serious study in their blood. Otherwise, the book could be dangerous. Michael finished the entry and shoved the book under the bed. After one longing look at the empty side of the bed, he was asleep in an instant.
Chapter Seven
The McArthur House in the Other World
Michael hadn’t yet shown, and the group kept busy while waiting for him. Mira and Ed arrived first, almost at the same time, but not quite. Jonathan was next and he nodded to Ed, while making small talk with Mira. He was pleased to note Mira’s concern with whether Michael was coming or not. He would have to remember to tell Michael that later.
Lu and Trina had arrived with food. This time it was fruit, crackers, and small cakes. Zac broke into a grin and gave Lu a hug when he saw the food. “What about me?” Trina had teased.
“Everyone knows Lu does the cooking,” Zac had said. “Besides, you scare me. I might get a karate chop back.”
“Well, you’re right, there,” Onie had said, giggling.
Ed had helped himself to the crackers. Jonathan and Onie went around the house to make sure it looked both natural and lived in. In the haste of making the house the other night, some of the insides simply faded away. They made sure Mira stayed in the main living room where everyone was while they fixed the ‘errors.’
Michael was the last to appear at the astral McArthur house. Jonathan quickly whispered, “Remember, you look and are twelve now.”
“Thanks,” said Michael. “Sorry, I’m late” he said to the group. “I fell asleep and my wi—” he cut himself short, “...my alarm usually works better.”
By the time Michael arrived, the group sat in a circle, eating various goodies from Lu’s basket, joking and at ease. Michael stayed toward the door, a little out of place. Mira noticed and as was her kind nature said, “Here, Michael, come sit by me. And try some of the crackers, they’re delicious!”
Butterflies actively did a dance in Michael’s stomach when he sat next to Mira. Even though he and she were only twelve in this world, his heart warmed with love and excitement just as it did with his wife in the real world.
When was this going to end?
He was thrilled when Mira fed him some of the crackers by hand. He hoped she already had a crush on him. He hoped he wasn’t deluding himself
“I deem this experiment a hearty success!” exclaimed Zac, with his mouth full.
“I agree,” said Ed, looking at the group as if assessing whether all their parts were there. “Everyone made it to the right location. No one got lost. A good job all around.”
Mira was excited and looked to Ed. “So what would our next experiment be?” she asked.
Michael bristled. “Well I think we all need to agree on that as a group.”
Jonathan nodded, backing him up.
“Of course.” said Mira, grinning. “I just get ahead of myself sometimes.”
Again, Michael’s heart moved. He wanted to reach out and hug this young version of Mira, barely remembering he was only twelve, but he refrained and grabbed another cracker instead. “Thanks, Lu, for the snacks,” he said, just to have something to say.
And getting them all the way here.
For these were real snacks from the
world. That took some doing. Apparently, everyone was learning fast now, out of necessity. He knew he could count on his friends.
Trina started to say, “Well my suggestion is...”
Without warning there was a small, “uh oh” from Ed that he quickly stymied.
Toddling down the stairs straight to the middle of the circle was a very real looking three-year-old child. Michael rose to his feet, but Jonathan stopped him. “You’re twelve!” he hissed into Michael’s ear. Sure enough, Brandon didn’t seem to recognize either Mira or Michael.
Mira’s reaction was strange. She looked at Brandon as if he were an alien, but an alien whom she knew something about, yet couldn’t quite place. She tilted her neck. “Who is—”
Mrs. Ross interrupted her, following so quickly behind Brandon, none of the group was sure exactly when she hadn’t been there. “Oh, there you are, Brandon,” she said in a sing-song voice.
The group, except for Mira, just stared at her with fragile indecisiveness. It was Mrs. Ross all right, but it was Mrs. Ross from thirty years ago. She had dark hair tied back with a ribbon, a flowered blouse and jeans on with flats. Her face was devoid of wrinkles, and she was smiling as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening at all. She was always so stern and circumspect in real life, the group tried to hide looks of surprise at seeing a real smile on her face.
The young Mrs. Ross continued. “I told Brandon that he needed to go to bed, but he heard the commotion down here and just had to see for himself, didn’t you honey?” She put on a playful expression for Brandon.
Zac’s mouth hung open. Luckily, Mira was looking at Mrs. Ross, so she didn’t notice that half the gang’s eyes were popping out.
Brandon laughed with glee and nodded with a slobbery face. Then he held out his hand. Mrs. Ross grabbed it before anyone else could touch it, and said to Brandon, “It’s about time to get back to bed don’t you think?”
No one but Jonathan and Ed realized why she didn’t want Brandon to touch them while they were in the astral when he was there full-bodied. One of two things could happen, both of them bad. Either Brandon would feel the other person wasn’t ‘really’ there, and merge some of his own energy with them while freaking out unconsciously, or Mira would notice that Brandon’s hand felt different than everyone else’s she had met. If the last possibility happened the whole landscape had the potential of falling apart. Mira was helping to uphold the landscape, even in her current state. Everything needed to appear normal.
“Um, Mom, I thought you and Dad were away for the summer,” Jonathan said, remembering what they had told Mira. After all, things had to make sense.
Ed realized the same thing. All it would take was one noticeable string of inconsistencies and the whole house, field, and who knows what might disappear, despite all their concentration.
“Yes, Mrs. Ross,” said Ed, politely, hoping to walk her into the right answer. He followed Jonathan’s lead since Mrs. Ross would have no idea what he was talking about “Did you return early?”
But Mrs. Ross was already on it. “Why, Mr. Ross wanted to stay longer, but I just got homesick for the boys and the house,” she said with a wide smile.
“Ah,” said Onie, catching on. “Mrs. Ross, we hope you don’t mind, but Jonathan and Michael invited us here tonight for kind of a summer midnight get-together.”
“No, I don’t mind at all,” said Mrs. Ross, still smiling. “I know my boys. I raised good boys.” She pinched Michael’s cheeks. Michael blushed. “And who have we here?” she continued, smiling at Mira.
Michael had enough presence of mind to introduce Mira and explain how he had run into her.
“Well, what a genuine pleasure it is to meet you,” said Mrs. Ross. “You will have to come by for dinner sometime. I think everyone has taken quite a shine to you,” she said, looking specifically at Michael. This time it was Mira’s turn to blush.
“I would love that,” said Mira. “Anytime.” She put her hands up to hide the blush. Michael found her actions charming.
“Well, then it’s settled,” said Mrs. Ross. “Now, it is getting pretty late for you kids to be out, don’t you think you should probably mosey on home?”
The group could do nothing but agree. It was 3:30 a.m. now.
“Now Ed and Michael,” spoke Mrs. Ross a little more sharply. “I want you two to make sure Mira gets home all right. It’s dark and late.”
Michael knew Ed/Stu had partly attached himself to Mira for safely. He reminded himself that he needed to learn how to do that. It should have been him looking out for Mira, not Stu. A rush of jealousy forced its way through him for no reason. He reminded himself he was twelve here. Luckily, in the darkened light, his flushed cheeks were not apparent.
“Sure thing, Mrs. Ross,” said Ed.
Mira grabbed both their hands. “Thank you, Mrs. Ross. It was nice meeting you. Thank you everyone.” She winked. “See you again soon. I’m sure I’m very safe with these two.” She giggled.
As soon as they were out of earshot of the house, Mira said, “You two will have to be quiet. I have to sneak past Mom and Paul, and sometimes Paul gets up this early.” Mira continued on. “Can you tell me, if we met there astrally for this experiment, how were Mrs. Ross and her son able to be there astrally?”
Ed had a quick answer. Sometimes Michael was thankful for Ed. Now was one of those times. “Well, they were actually in the house—the real house—so when we all came traipsing in, they astrally came to check things out. It’s a miracle their real bodies didn’t wake up, considering how we just made ourselves at home.” He paused, as if trying to decide whether to say the next sentence, and decided to finish. “So their real bodies were still sleeping, but unconsciously they wanted to know what was going on.”
“Ohh,” said Mira, understanding dawning.
“I imagine that Brandon, being little, came out first; and Mom, by instinct just followed? That makes sense to me,” Michael said, looking at Ed for the first time. “Unconsciously following your child to make sure he’s safe?”
“I suggest,” Ed whispered, as they were at Mira’s now, “that we sleep on this and get together later for our next move.”
To Michael’s relief, the Thomas house and farm were there looking every bit of normal.
“Sounds good to me,” said Mira with a yawn. “Thank you for walking me back.” She gave each boy a kiss on the cheek, but with Michael she gave a squeeze of the hand too. “See you soon.”
Ed and Michael walked off in silence. When they were far enough away so as not to be seen, they each walked to their homes in the real world without saying a word.
Chapter Eight
Mrs. Ross
While everyone else was sleeping in late after the night in the astral, Stu rose early and headed over to the real-world Ross house. He knew Michael would still be in bed. It had been a stressful few days for the old guy. Jonathan was probably still crashing in the extra room, but it wasn’t either of them he was searching for.