Entice (23 page)

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Authors: Ella Frank

BOOK: Entice
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Josh ran his hands up and down her smooth skin and ended by cupping her sweet ass, pulling her further up his body, so her mouth was within kissing distance. He leaned his head up, pressing his lips to hers.

“That was pretty amazing, cowgirl.”

She grinned against his lips. In her Southern voice, she said, “Well, you know how that lil’ ole saying goes, sugah. Save a horse and ride a cowboy.”

Josh groaned, rolling his eyes. “Please, not the accent,” he told her as she squirmed around on top of him.

“What do ya mean, sugah? I thought you liked my lil’ bit of country.”

Josh laughed as he hugged her close, kissing her right smack on the lips. “That’s the problem. I’m tired, and I like it too much.”

He heard her giggle.

She pronounced in the best country twang she could, “Well, what good are ya to me then? I need me a cowboy who can ride all night. Not one who is done after one lil’ ole session.”

Josh gripped her ass, rolling her over onto her back as she squealed with laughter.

“Okay, Georgia, but remember, you asked for it.”

“Oh, I nevah forget a challenge, cowboy. Now, giddy up!”

Josh groaned as she winked up at him with a sassy smile and smacked him on the ass.

Oh yes, Shelly Monroe is trouble with a capital T, and I love it.


Chapter Sixteen


Around two hours later, Josh was driving them back to the house. As he turned onto her parents’ drive, Shelly was sitting on the far side of the truck, facing him, and Mutley was lying down on the back seat.

He looked over at her and winked, and Shelly felt a delicious thrill all the way to her toes. They had just spent the morning down by the river laughing, making love, and in Shelly’s mind, falling further down the rabbit hole.

When they got closer to the house, she saw her father’s truck parked off to the side. As her eyes moved to the front porch, she saw him sitting on the top step, watching their approach. All of a sudden, last night’s dinner and her conversation with her mother this morning came hurtling back with full force and clarity.

“Shel?” Josh’s voice broke into her thoughts.

Turning her eyes back to his, she noticed he had a worried look on his face. He reached across the truck’s seat and took her hand in his.

“You don’t have to talk to him right now, Shel.”

Shelly nodded and squeezed his hand, grimacing a little. “Yes, I do. He knows.”

“You don’t know that, Georgia.”

“Yes, I do.” She paused and took a deep breath. “He always sits there when he wants to talk.”

She watched as Josh looked out to where her father was waiting, and then he turned back to her.

“Do you want me to come with you?”

Shelly shook her head and removed her hand from his. “No. This is something I need to do by myself.” She paused and unlocked the truck door, pushing it open. “It’s been a long time coming.”

She watched Josh nod.

“I’ll be inside with your mother if you need me, okay?”

Shelly jumped down out of the truck and nodded once. Then, she closed the door and moved around the front, walking over to her father, who was now standing on the top step of the house.

Shelly walked right past the stairs, making her way down the side of the house, and she heard her father follow. She’d be damned if they did this where her mother could walk outside. She’d been through enough already this morning.


When Shelly reached the barn, she turned around and saw her father come to a stop at the door. He leaned against it and waited. She didn’t really know where she wanted to start, so she figured she’d just begin with the question that had been nagging at her all morning.

“How could you have let her stay all these years?”

Shelly watched as the illustrious Dr. Lawrence Monroe took one hand out of his pocket to rub his chin and then asked in his sophisticated Southern drawl.

“I’m trying to decide, Shelly, what right you think you have to question me and my motives.”

Shelly looked at him as though he had gone slightly insane. “Gee, Father, I don’t know? Maybe the same reason why you think you have the right to question

“Well, you’re my daughter. I want to make sure you are makin’ the

Shelly felt her mouth drop open at the sheer arrogance of him. “Could you possibly be more condescending? You know, as my father, you were supposed to set a good example of the right choices. Wow, what an epic failure on your behalf, wouldn’t you say?”

Shelly watched as he pushed off the door, stepping toward her.

“What’d ya want from me, Princess?” he asked, his smooth charm faltering and his accent getting stronger.

Shelly spun away from him, shaking her head. “I don’t know, Dr. Monroe, maybe a tear?” Turning back to him, she explained, “Maybe then I’d know you care. I keep waiting to feel that you understand just how much pain and embarrassment you have put me through! Not to mention, what you must have put her through over the years.”

Shelly turned away from him, pacing across the barn. She was so angry at him.
Couldn’t he see?
Couldn’t he understand how his actions had totally destroyed any faith I would ever have in a man? Did he not realize that he was the example I used and applied to every single man that walked into my life? How was I supposed to trust one word out of the mouth of the opposite sex when I can’t even trust my own father?

“Shelly,” she heard him say. When she didn’t respond, he said her name again. “Shelly Monroe, stop pacin’ and look at me.”

Shelly stopped on the opposite side of the walkway, tilting her head to look up at the man who she strongly resembled. She wouldn’t give in to him, and she would
let him see her cry.

“I never meant to hurt you—” he started, moving to walk toward her.

“Don’t come over here,” she snapped.

“Shelly, your ma and I have had an understandin’ for years. I just don’t think we realized how much it affected you.”

“Wow, do you think?” Shelly asked with so much bitterness she almost choked on it.

“Princess,” he said softly.

Shelly shook her head and felt angry tears forming. “Don’t be sweet to me. Not now, not here. I deserve answers. You owe me that,” she ended, reaching up to wipe away a tear that had escaped.

“What, Shel? What do you need from me? An apology? Okay, I’m sorry you were so affected—”

“But not sorry for your actions? Don’t pity me,
.” Shelly tipped up her chin and swallowed. “I’m not doing so badly.” Pausing for a moment, she took a deep breath and finally told her father everything she had ever wanted to get off her chest.

“However, you know who you should feel sorry for? The little girl who saw all the fights and was teased continuously because her father had been caught sneaking out of their neighbor’s house…or maybe the young woman who interned beside you and looked up to you, trying to do everything she could to make you proud, even when the nurses laughed and pointed her out because they had slept with her father.” Shelly paused in her anger, stepping forward, and pointed up at him. “Yeah, you’re damn right to feel sorry for her. You let her down big time. You completely failed her at every turn. And now…now, you want to judge
choices? You want to stand there and tell me someone like Josh isn’t a good enough man for me.”

Shelly watched as her father arched a brow, but he stood silent, letting her finish.

“Well, that is where you are dead wrong. He is an amazing man. Yes, he may be a construction worker, which doesn’t fit your lofty ideals, but you know what? I don’t give a shit anymore. You did this to each other. I am over trying to do what you want and over trying to save myself from being used the way Ma was.”

Before he could say a word, Shelly marched past him and stopped at the door, looking at him over her shoulder. “The sad part is you also did this to me. I may forgive you eventually. But how on earth do I ever forget what I now know?”

With that, Shelly stormed back toward the house.


Josh heard her the minute she stormed through the back door. Shelly’s mother looked over at him, grimacing as she stood.

Josh stood as well suggesting softly, “Why don’t you let me go?”

Shelly’s mother gave him a strained smile. “Okay. That’s probably for the best.”

Josh made a move to walk past her when she reached out and touched his arm. Turning, he looked down at two very sad eyes.

“Look after her for me?” she whispered.

Josh placed a hand over hers, where it lay on his arm, and squeezed it gently. “I will. I promise,” he told her.

She took her hand back, nodding. “I believe you, Joshua Daniels.”

Walking to the door, Josh glanced one more time at the small woman in the large sitting room, and he felt his own heart break a little from the loneliness in this house.

As he moved out into the foyer, he saw Shelly disappearing up the stairs. He took them two at a time, and when he got to her door, he rapped on it and then waited. When there was no answer, he turned the knob, pushing the door open, and walked inside.

Facing the large window, Shelly was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed and her head in her hands, openly sobbing. Her back shook with each shuddering breath she took.

As Josh moved toward her, he felt completely helpless.

“Shelly?” he asked quietly.

He came around the bed, and when he stood in front of her, he reached out, putting his fingers beneath her chin. Tilting her face up to him, she blinked wet eyes and gave him a tremulous smile.

“What’s all this?” he asked softly.

She tried again and gave him the saddest smile he had ever seen.

She pointed to her face. “This is my brave face.”

Josh gave her chin a gentle squeeze, and then he whispered, “I hate to tell you, but it’s not very good. We may have to work on it.”

That made her chuckle and sniffle. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. It’s kinda pathetic.” He gave her a crooked grin, and then tacked on, “But cute.”

Shelly laughed halfheartedly and whispered, “Can we go home early?”

Josh arched a brow and asked quietly, “Like tonight? We just got here. Are you sure you want to leave?”

Shelly nodded and wiped her eyes. “I think I need to. Plus, I can’t imagine this has been wonderful for you.” She paused, looking up him with pleading eyes. “I think they need me to go, and I think I want to be gone.”

Josh knew at that moment there wasn’t one thing he wouldn’t do for her.

Nodding, he wiped her cheek with his thumb. “Okay, let’s pack then and hit the road. Maybe this time, we can stop at a motel and split up the trip.”

That got a full-blown smile from her, and she nodded as she stood up. She reached up and wrapped her arms around Josh’s neck. He leaned down and kissed her softly.

“Come on, Georgia, let’s go home, so I can have you naked in my bed until Tuesday night.”

“That was the deal, wasn’t it?”

“Ahh, yes, the famous deals. I believe the deal was I would show you my house if you stayed naked for at least ten hours of the tour,” Josh told her with a grin.

“Then, what are we waiting for?” she asked.

“Absolutely nothing. Let’s get packing.”

Josh let her go and moved toward the door. When he got there, he looked over his shoulder at her. She was standing exactly where he had left her and was looking at him with a ghost of a smile.

“We’ll talk in the car,” he told her.

She nodded, and he turned to go and pack.


They ended up driving straight home. Josh had told her the sooner they got home, the longer they would have together. He had put pedal to the metal, and they were currently driving into the outskirts of Chicago. It was strange to be coming home after only two days away. It felt as though they had been gone for weeks.

They had come such a long way in the very short time they had been together, and as they rolled through the dark streets right before dawn, Shelly was starting to settle into the idea of them as a couple. On the trip home, he had asked her how things had gone with her father, and Shelly had calmly told him everything she’d finally been able to get off her shoulders.

It was freeing to be able to talk to a man and know he wouldn’t judge you. That was Josh. He just listened. Every now and then, he would say something, but generally, he just sat steady and listened to whatever it was she was telling him.

As they exited the main highway and rolled down the streets toward what looked like the suburbs, Shelly turned her head to face the man behind the wheel.

He had shrugged on his leather jacket over his familiar white T-shirt and jeans. The man looked sexy and relaxed, and as she watched him silently, he turned to her and smiled slowly.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked.

Shelly gave him a half smile as she yawned. “I’m thinking about how you’re going to strip me down and have your bad old way with me.”

He laughed and nodded. “You got that right. I have been thinking of nothing else for the last…” He paused and looked at his watch. “Ten-and-a-half hours.”

“Is that right?” Shelly probed.

“That’s right, Miz Monroe.”

Laughing, Shelly asked, “So, now that we are back in the city I’m Miz Monroe?”

Josh’s mouth quirked on the side, as he nodded. “Yeah. The city seems to bring out the Man-Eater.” He paused and told her in a deep voice, “But I kind of like her now that I know Georgia is in there, too.”

Shelly raised her eyebrows at him, and then licked her lips as she looked pointedly at his denim-covered crotch.

“Well, I have to tell you, Josh, I am really looking forward to living up to my name.”

He cocked his head to the side in question, so she answered.

“Man-Eater.” She paused, licking her lips again. “I
want to eat you.”

Josh groaned and shook his head. “Thank God we are nearly there.”

Shelly laughed and settled in for the remainder of the drive.


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