Entice (12 page)

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Authors: Ella Frank

BOOK: Entice
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Shelly smiled over at her and asked, “Hot date?”

Rachel pulled her chair in laughing. “Ah, no. Not unless you call a flat tire a hot date?”

Shelly pretended to think about it, picking up her glass of wine. “Depends on who fixed it for you. Was it some hot, sexy mechanic in overalls?”

Lena snorted and asked, “Is this another one of your warped sexual fantasies?”

Mason decided to add his two cents in then. “Better watch out, huh, Roger?”

Shelly almost spat her wine everywhere as Roger chuckled and nudged her in the arm.

“I’m game. I may have to buy some overalls though.”

Shooting glares up the table at Mason, Shelly couldn’t help but notice Lena trying extremely hard not to laugh hysterically.

Shelly was about to say something quick and witty, she was sure, when a cool familiar voice asked, “Are there any other warped sexual fantasies you’d care to share?”

Shelly let her eyes lock with Josh’s, and she arched a brow. “Not with you, Daniels. I’ve heard all about you.”

Rachel took that opportunity to jab Josh in the side, letting out her own loud laugh. “Hell, yeah! Man, him and Mason use to clean shop back in the day.”

Lena sat forward to peer down the table at Rachel. “Do tell.”

Happy the discussion was off of her, Shelly looked at Roger and found he was laughing and smiling right along with everyone else. It appeared McKinney could still manage to surprise her.

“Rachel,” Mason warned with a low voice.

“Oh, Mason, come on. Are you trying to tell us Lena doesn’t know all the dirty details of your past yet?” Wendy asked as she cuddled into her husband’s side.

They both smiled over at Lena, and Shelly watched as her best friend turned to look up at her frowning fiancée.

“Worried?” Lena asked her Mason.

Mason shook his head. “Not overly. Josh was worse than I was, but I know how you like to get jealous.”

Lena grinned. “Do not.”

“Do to.”

“Ah, guys?” Shelly interrupted. “If you don’t mind,
want to know.”

Silence fell around the table as everyone turned to face Rachel, who was now looking at Josh with a huge grin plastered on her face. Josh shook his head and raised a hand to run it through his hair.

“You’re a pain in the ass, Rach,” he muttered.

“Why? It’s true. You and Mason had girls lining up to date you. Every weekend they had a different girl with them.” She paused, laughing. “They were all morons.”

When Roger turned to pass her the bowl of pasta, Shelly scooped some out, and then handed it back to Mason. She then looked at Josh, who was sitting silently shaking his head.

“Is that what turns you on in a woman, Josh?” she asked.

His eyes snapped up and locked on hers. “Not lately.”

The whole table went silent, and Shelly felt her stomach tighten. She was about to speak up to break the awkward moment, wanting to ask about what had changed, when Mason broke the tension instead.

“Nope. Josh told me he’s looking for a girl who is sweet and kind. A proper little angel.”

Shelly arched a brow.
Really? Now, that is interesting.

Josh flipped off Mason. “Screw you, man. Is nothing sacred?”

“Not around here,” Mason finished, shoveling food in his mouth with his mischievous eyes now on Shelly.

That was when Roger asked very seriously, “Sweet is kind of boring, don’t you think?”

Everyone paused as seven pairs of eyes landed on him, including Shelly’s.

“Wow. I think I was just insulted and complimented all at the same time,” Shelly stated with mock amusement.

Roger laughed and shook his head, reaching out to put his hand over hers. Looking down at it, Shelly had to physically force herself
to remove her own hand. She glanced across the table, coincidentally catching both Lena and Josh looking at their joined hands, seeming to be equally appalled for completely different reasons.

“No, not at all. You’re amazing. I mean, look at you.” Roger explained.

Shelly heard a cough and noticed it had come from Josh. Looking at him with a pointed glare, she raised her eyebrow.
You got something to add?

“You’re gorgeous, sexy,
smart. That’s rare these days.” He paused and stood. “I’d take
in bed over sweet and kind any day.”

Shelly swallowed and could not help herself from looking straight into a pair of hot chocolate eyes that belonged to Josh Daniels.


Josh was trying really,
hard to behave himself, but it was getting damn difficult. This stuffed shirt was pretty much insinuating in front of all of them that he was going to take Shelly to bed.

Judging by the look on her face, however, McKinney was in for a massive disappointment, and
was the only reason Josh stayed in his seat, biting his tongue.

Roger stood and excused himself, and the minute he was out of earshot, Josh watched Lena place her hands on the table.

“Are you out of your mind?” Lena asked Shelly.

Josh remained silent, waiting to hear what was about to go down. He’d noticed Shelly’s eyes shift to his several times during the course of the last hour, and he knew she was making sure he kept his mouth shut and didn’t give them away.

No problem, Barbie. Things are getting interesting without my help.

“No. Shut it, Lena,” Shelly warned her friend through clenched teeth.

“Shut it? Our boss, Dr. Roger McKinney, just basically told the whole table he wants to bang you!”

Josh chuckled, watching Shelly’s eyes turn and give him what would’ve most definitely been a lethal stare.

“Got something to add?” she snapped.

Holding up his hands, he shook his head. “Not at all.”

Rachel was munching on some bread and piped up, “Seriously, Shel. What’s your deal? Always going for these stuffed shirts.”

Shelly rolled her eyes. “He’s not a stuffed shirt, he’s—”

“Balding,” Josh threw in with a shit-eating grin.

Mason chuckled. “You did seem very specific about that just a little while back.”

Josh fully laughed now, completely enjoying himself, and he was sure Shelly was about to deliver a scathing reply when a phone started to ring. He watched as Shelly reached into her bag, pulling it out and glancing at the number. Sighing, she clicked it off and set it on the table.
, Josh thought as she looked to Mason again.

“Yeah, well, that was the other day. Maybe I changed my mind,” Shelly told him.

“Please do
tell me that he is Mr. O,” Lena hissed.

Josh looked from Lena to Shelly, who, for once in her life, had gone slightly pale and completely silent. She seemed to be glaring at Lena, trying to get some kind of message across to her.
It failed

is who you told me about this afternoon, I think I’ll die,” Lena continued.

“Mr. O?” Rachel asked as Mason and Wendy started to laugh. “Would someone please answer the number-one question floating around the table? For all of us, either ill-informed or stupid people, who or what is Mr. O?” Rachel demanded.

Shelly seemed to straighten her spine like she was about to do battle, and then her eyes met his in what he could only describe as a direct challenge.

That was when Lena stated very plainly, “Some guy who gave her the big O.”

Everyone at the table started to laugh as though this was a normal conversation, but Shelly’s eyes were glued to his, her eyebrow raising in challenge.

“Got something worth saying, Daniels?”

Josh pushed his tongue into his cheek and shook his head. “Nope. But, for someone who got the big O, you seem awfully grouchy. Maybe he wasn’t very good?”

He could see she was about to probably agree and try to make him feel like shit, but Lena ruined it for her.

“Oh, yes, he was!” Lena said in a singsong voice.

He watched with complete satisfaction as Shelly appeared to kick her friend under the table.

“Shut up,” she hissed at Lena.

“Geez. It doesn’t matter. They all know and love you. We’re family.”

Shelly looked back to him, and Josh had to admit that he was wearing the most arrogant grin he’d ever sported in his entire life.


Well, shit
, Shelly thought as she conceded defeat. Lena had completely and utterly outed her, giving Josh Daniels ammo for life.

Hang on a minute. Life?Where did that come from?

Not only was she stuck here with everyone grinning at her like she was the evening’s entertainment, the phone call she had ignored had been home calling. She heard it beep, which meant she now had a message. Standing up, she smoothed her hands on her skirt and held up her phone.

“Thank you for completely humiliating me, Lena. I need to go and check this message. Can you let Roger know I’ll be back in a second?”

Lena nodded with a smile.

Mason chuckled. “Don’t be mad, Shel.”

“Shut it, Casanova. I’ll be as mad as I want.” Then looking at Lena and her fiancée, she smiled and muttered, “Traitors.” As she turned to walk out into the back kitchen.

When she got there, she turned on her phone and listened to the message.

“Shelly, love, it’s your momma. Your father and I would love it if you’d come on home for the weekend sometime soon. I promise to make your favorite dinner, chicken-fried steak, as long as you’re sweet to your father. You know I don’t like y’all fightin’. Give me a call, and we can set it up. Love you, dear.”

Shelly sighed, leaning a shoulder against the wall, and closed her eyes. She really didn’t want to go home right now. Whenever she got there, she ended up fighting with her dad, and then she came back from her “vacation” more stressed than when she’d left.

“Everything okay?”

She spun around to see Josh standing just inside the frosted doors to the kitchen. Nodding, she slipped her phone back into her purse.

“Yes. Did you need something?”

He didn’t move. He just stood there, watching her with a serious expression. “I need a lot of things. But, let’s start with, why guys like Dr. Douche Bag?”

“Dr. Douche Bag?” Shelly questioned.

Tilting his head, he spoke so softly she had to strain to hear him. “Try not to be a smart ass for once and just answer. Why guys like him? It’s obvious you don’t want him. So, why date him?”

Shelly put her bag on a counter and took three steps forward. She raised her hand, palm flat against his chest. She kept walking, pushing him out of view from the doors, until his back hit the wall. She knew he let her push him, and when he came to a standstill, she placed herself directly in front of him.

“Who should I go out with? Guys like you?” she asked.

He seemed to contemplate that, and then shrugged. “Sure. Why not? You seem to like doing
things with me. Would eating a meal really be that big a step up?”

Shaking her head, she whispered, “That’s the problem. I’d like it too much and would want it all the time. And you know what? That clouds judgment.” She paused, and then stressed, “I don’t want to want a guy like you.”


Josh leaned down until they were an inch apart. He was not fazed at all as he whispered across her lips, “Yes you do.”

Her eyes were clouding over, and as she stood on her tiptoes to kiss him, he raised his head and shook it. Her blue eyes blinked open and focused on him.

“No. Not until you tell me something about you.”

She licked her lips. “Didn’t I just do that?”

Josh shook his head, feeling his heart pound and his erection throb, as he looked at the most kissable lips he’d ever seen. “No. I want to know something about
that has nothing to do with

She dropped her hand and took a deep breath, and Josh had to admit that he thought she was about to back away. However, her response shocked him.

Looking over her shoulder, and then turning back to face him, she asked, “What do I get if I do?”

Josh felt his grin appear, and he replied in a low voice, “Satisfaction.”

Looking him over, she ran her eyes down his jeans and back up to his face. Then, she shook her head like she was fighting with herself.

“Okay. I’m originally from Georgia, and while I love a lot of things about that place, I took speech lessons during school to disguise my accent. A lot of people these days will—how should I say this? Judge you just because of a slight inflection in your voice.”

Josh couldn’t have been more stunned if she’d admitted she had a third eye.

“Be serious.”

She grinned, and then she completely floored him in her Southern lilt, “Why, I am being serious, sugar. It ain’t my fault I do such a good job of hidin’ my accent.”

His eyes widened, and he felt a genuinely happy smile spread over his face. She was adorable, and with that accent, she was absolutely lethal.

“Wow,” was all he could manage.

She spun on her heel about to move away, but he reached out and snagged her arm, pulling her back against him. Josh pressed his chest and body against her back and breathed against her ear.

“I didn’t think you could get any sexier. God, was I wrong,” he whispered.

Josh felt her take a deep breath, and he let go of her arm. But she remained right where she was, leaning against him.

“So do you always cover it?”

Turning to look at him over her shoulder, she whispered, “That’s two questions. You said only one.”

Josh conceded, knowing this was a bigger step than what she had wanted.

Then, he found himself nibbling her ear. “Come on. Give us a chance, Shelly?”

He was pretty sure he wouldn’t get an answer.

What he hadn’t counted on was Mason walking through the kitchen doors.


“This is not what you think,” Shelly stated as she quickly stepped away from Josh.

Mason looked from her to his friend, and then back to her with a smug grin. Shelly almost gave into the urge to punch him.


Shelly marched over to Mason, looking up into his laughing blue eyes.

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