Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3) (52 page)

BOOK: Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3)
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We hugged and cheered and a few of us might have cried too. We were relieved the hardest part of this weekend was over.

Tara was out, and I’d never seen her so happy, and my best friend Bailey was getting married.

Tara and Bailey spent the rest of the weekend with her parents. Richard and I gave them the space they needed. Our girl’s weekend had morphed into a couple’s retreat for me and Richard and we really needed it.

Cameron played a little poker that night and later that evening returned to L.A. He had patients waiting for him, Chrysalis to run, and a life that didn’t stop for partying in Vegas, apparently.

As we’d waved him goodbye outside the Bellagio, I’d witnessed the weight of the world descend upon him once again.

My heart ached for him.

His future was hinging on that trial. All I wanted to do was help him through it. Cameron was always going out of his way to save other people. It was time someone saved him.

Someone who knew him better than anyone.







Putting on a snorkeling mask and strapping a tank of oxygen to my back, and settling on Richard’s swimming pool floor really was peaceful. The only sound was muffled water in my ears and the mouthpiece regulator.

I was about to face the biggest challenge of my life and I was in no way ready for it. Cameron’s trial had been pushed forward and was now two days before New Year’s Eve.

A wavering blur appeared above. I was being summoned.

Gently, I kicked myself off the tile floor, rising slowly, blowing all air out just as Richard had taught me so as not to have my lungs explode and render me dead.

My head burst out onto the surface and I grabbed the edge of the pool.

Richard knelt before me. “How’s my girl?”  

I eased the mouthpiece out. “Okay.”

“It’s going to be fine, baby. You can do this,” he said. “I’ll be right there with you. Just remember what Dominic told you and everything will be fine.”

The taste of chlorine stung my tongue.

Winston came over and sniffed me. A lick of his lips over my hand was his way of trying to reassure me. He’d sat on my lap last night in the sitting room as Dominic went over what to expect from the trial. Later that night, I’d tossed and turned all the way to morning, too unsettled to sleep.

In a few hours from now it would all be over, and everything would go back to normal. Or so Richard and Dominic had told me.

Richard helped me out of the pool and eased the oxygen tank off my back. After wrapping a plush towel around me, I trudged after him back into the house.

I took a quick shower then dressed in my smart black dress, wanting to make an impression, wanting to pull this off.

During the drive to Westwood, my stomach twisted, and I feared the first thing I’d do was throw up in front of that panel of psychiatrists who were convening over Cameron’s case.

We sat quietly in the lobby, waiting to take the elevator up for our appointment.

I opened my handbag, eased out a small black box, and slipped the engagement ring onto my left ring finger. This oval cut blue sapphire looked like it was worth millions and it caught the light, the diamonds set around it twinkling.

Richard stared down at it. “It looks gorgeous on you.”

It really was stunning, and its snug fit made it feel so right.

Hand in hand, Richard and I strolled into the building, and after checking in with the pleasant receptionist we were told where to wait. We chose the bench pushed up against the wall.

Behind those big wide doors to our right, the trial was in motion. Cameron’s fate as a doctor was being decided.

If I saw Lance or Helete right now, I’d be trying to drown them both myself. Ironically, Cameron was smarter than everyone here, and having spent time with him I’d learned a thing or two. Like a bishop is better than a rook in a chess move.

Life was chess and the master had taught me how to play.

The doors opened and a familiar twenty-something man withdrew. I recognized him as Brian. Although I’d only seen his face once, I knew it was him. Cameron had stopped at his house after picking me up from the tattoo parlor. He’d dropped off a prescription for this sweet young comic book writer, who was afraid to leave the house. Being here would have been a challenge for him.

Cameron really was an amazing doctor.

Dominic strolled out behind him and gave Brian a shake of his hand. Brian didn’t seem to recognize me, but on that day I’d been sitting in Cameron’s car, watching from afar and there’d been no introduction.

Dominic came over.

“How’s it going in there?” asked Richard.

“So far, so good,” said Dominic, watching Brian walk towards the elevator. “Having these kind of clients testify is always a wild card.”

“How do you mean?” I said.

“Some of Dr. Cole’s patients are delusional.”

“How’s Cameron holding up?” asked Richard.

“He’s eager to get out of here,” said Dominic. “He’s flying to Paris tomorrow. If suspended, he plans to stay indefinitely.”

Panic welled within. Not only would patients be losing an amazing doctor, but all of us would be losing a friend.

“Please tell me he won’t be suspended,” I said.

“I’m sure everything will be fine, Mia,” said Dominic, widening his eyes at Richard.  

“Oh my God.” Richard leaped to his feet. “Is that…”

I stood too and peeked around his arm to see who he was starting at. My breath caught in my throat.

Henry Cole was strolling towards us with his hands tucked in his pockets in that familiar Cole way, his beard now gone, his suit sharp, and he looked even more handsome than when I’d first seen him.

Henry reached out to shake Richard’s hand. “How are you?” He looked over at me. “Mia, good to see you.”

“Henry?’ Cameron appeared from behind Dominic. “How do you know Mia?”

All eyes settled on me and inwardly I cringed.

Henry approached Cameron.  “Did I miss all the fun? Is it over?”

“What are you doing here?” said Cameron.

“To see you,” said Henry.

“You’re not…you shouldn’t be here,” said Cameron, lowering his voice. “This is a highly stressful situation.”

Henry tucked his hands back into his pockets. “I take offense at that.”

Cameron breathed in a deep inhale of air. “You’re here to testify?”

“Fuck no,” said Henry. “Don’t let any of those shrinks near me.” He smiled my way. “They’re a crazy bunch.” He turned back to Cameron. “I’m here to support my younger brother.”

That firm grip on my left arm was Cameron dragging me away from them. “What the fuck did you do, Mia?”


“Did you tell my brother to come here? How did you find him? What the hell are you doing?” Cameron dragged me along farther. “He’s not ready for this.”

“Yes, he is,” I said. “You haven’t seen him in years, so you wouldn’t know. He has stuff he wants to tell you.”

“When did you see him?”

I broke his gaze.

“You’re out of control,” he snapped. “You’re like a fucking tornado decimating everything in its path.”

Tears stung my eyes. “No. Please listen to what Henry has to say.”

Cameron hugged me into his chest. “Oh Mia, you have no idea. It’s not your fault.”

My face was squished against him. “You underestimate me.”

He shook his head, exasperated.  

“Are you engaged?” he rasped, staring at my ring. “When?”


Dominic hurried over, grabbed my hand, and pulled me away. “Let’s not be seen harassing the witness, Cole.” He pulled me along. “Mia, they’re ready for you.”

I glanced back at Cameron and he was staring at me, full of worry.

“Go on,” said Dominic, and he gestured for me to go in through those doors.

Henry gave me the thumbs up and Richard made a fist and cheered me on with a smile.

My legs felt unsteady as I entered the great hall, clutching my handbag into my chest.

Sitting before me were four middle aged men behind a long table. They were all dressed suavely, all of them looking super smart. I studied them right back, taking in each one and knowing intellectually these doctors could quite possibly have my head spinning in seconds.

One of the men directed me to sit in the seat positioned before them, a few feet away from their long table. I rested my bag on my lap and glanced right to see Cameron had settled beside Dominic. Files were on the table before them.

Cameron’s kind eyes were full of reassurance, and you’d never have known both of us had been scrapping in the hallway ten seconds ago.

The doors closed behind us.

One by one the doctors introduced themselves and they made small talk, asking where I was from and how I’d come to find myself living in Los Angeles? Calmly, I answered their questions, fully aware they were assessing what I told them and looking for signs of honesty; a foundation for truth that would be soon utilized.

“Cameron once told me ‘God sees the truth but waits’,” I said. “It’s a quote from Tolstoy.”

I wanted them to know I was a reliable witness. A reasonable woman.  

“Ms. Lauren, may I call you Mia?” asked the man who’d introduced himself as Dr. Winslow.


“Tolstoy is considered one of the greatest novelists of our time,” he said. “Have you read any of his books?”

“Anna Kareninia.”

“Do you see Anna in yourself?” asked Dr. Winslow.

“No.” I stared down at my hands, that ring hidden beneath my palm.  

“How long have you known Dr. Cole?” asked Dr. Winslow.

“A few months,” I said. “But I knew as soon as I saw him he was a good man. A kind man. He’s wonderful with his patients.”

Dr. Winslow nodded, his gaze sweeping over the papers spread out before him. “Tell me about what happened to you at Chrysalis.”

“How do you mean?” I said.

“We respect this is difficult for you, but as you can see we are trying to understand the complex and radical therapeutic measures Dr. Cole utilities, allegedly.”

“He helped me,” I said.

“In what way?”  

Dr. Winslow had a large mole beneath his nose. I imagined he might have been bullied about that as a child. A man who’d gone into psychiatry to perhaps understand the cruelty bestowed on others. The fact he was on this panel reflected the proof he pursued justice above all else.

“Tell me about the dungeon, Mia?” he said.

My gaze shot to Cameron and he averted his eyes. My breathing was rapid, my heart raced, and my hands balled into fists on my lap.

“Mia?” Dr. Winslow pushed.



“The room was dark and he kept it like that,” I said.

It all came flooding back, that soft lighting, that large bed, that chain dangling from my neck preventing my escape. That unfolding passion that stayed with me.  

“What happened in the room, Mia?” Winslow’s voice was soft, low.

“He touched me,” I said. “And I liked it.”

“Where did he touch you?”

My face burned brightly and I found it hard to look at them, sensing everyone behind me was waiting on every word, my privacy gone.

“Cameron freed me from my past. Cameron, I mean Dr. Cole, broke me down so he could get to the root cause of my pain.”

Refusing to look at Cameron, I kept my gaze on Dr. Winslow.

Dominic pushed himself to his feet. “Perhaps we could take a short break?”

“Soon,” said Dr. Winslow, gesturing for Dominic to take his seat again. “Please, Mia, go on. Did Dr. Cole ever use violence against you?”

“He spanked me,” I said. “And once…”

A nod for me to continue.

“He used a bullwhip,” I said. “Do you know what that is?”

A shared nod from behind the table.

“I liked that too,” I said. “It actually clears your head and makes it easier to think. Cameron says it’s because of the release of adrenaline in your blood. It floods your brain with endorphins.”

Hushed whispers rose from behind me.

The doctors whispered between each other, conferring. A shake of heads, a look of worry, swapped glances of concern.  

“Mia, was there ever a time Dr. Cole penetrated you?” said Winslow.

“How do you mean?” I asked, purposefully dragging out the stupid question.

“Was there intercourse?” he said.

“Yes,” I said, blushing. “Lots of it. He’s amazing in bed. Please don’t write that down. It’s kind of personal.”

The men threw Cameron a weary glance.

Cameron looked pale.

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