Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3)
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“How can I bear it,” I muttered.

“Nothing bad will happen to you. You have my word.”

I stared into his chestnut eyes, trying to convey what I dared not speak.

“Ah,” he said.

I buried my face in the pillow.

“Mia, listen to me.”

“That’s all you do. You talk. You control. You tell me what’s good for me. What about what I want?”


“My feelings are irrelevant?”

“I’m trying to protect you.” His expression changed to defiant. “I know what you need.”  

I rolled onto my back and stared up at my only comfort.


Cameron’s expression changed. “You are petulant. Disobedient. Insolent.” He yanked back the comforter. “Take off your panties.”

A thrill washed over me.

Raising my hips, I eased off my underwear. I needed this, needed his firmness with me.

“This is your punishment for removing your collar,” he said. “Have I not instructed you on the importance of obedience? Trust?”

Covering myself with my hands, I shivered from the sudden chill of nakedness.

“Despite your continued need for training, I must proceed with wisdom. Foresight. Restraint. Do you understand?”


“Then I will make you.”

A shudder of excitement crawled up my spine.

“Mia, you remember that first night you slept in a bed in Chrysalis? The first evening I freed your from my dungeon? The night you rebelled and trespassed into my room?”


“Remember how I punished you?” He arched a brow. “Good girl. Now show me.”

With my gaze locked on his, my hand reached over my belly and my fingertip rested on my clit. “Like this,” I whispered. “You touched me like this.”

He reached over, his firm fingers resting on my labia as he eased it apart. “Show me exactly.”

I circled my finger upon that little nub, sending a shock of pleasure.

His hand lifted away. “Slower.”

I moaned.


Languidly, I pleasured myself, lulled by his fierceness. His presence brought an exquisite erotic tension, the way his eyes moved up and down my body, devouring me.

My hips bucked, but his hand reached out to rest upon my belly and he lowered me. “Bring your legs up.”

Following his command, I did, feeling this relaxation wash over me, this sense of belonging, and I closed my eyes and pretended this was his finger.

“There,” he said. “Is that nice?”


“Sir,” he corrected.

“Yes, sir.”

“During this trip, you will obey me at all times. Do you understand, Mia?”

“Yes, sir.”

“There will be no more disobedience.”

I gave a nod, slipping into this imminent climax.

“Do you promise to be a good girl?”

“I promise, sir.”

“It’s time to acclimate you back to your master. From now on, you will only come when granted permission. Do you understand?”

Just how Richard liked it.

My breasts rose and fell sharply. Pert nipples were desperate for his caress. My head swam with a mixture of confusion and want, and this pain in my heart was soothed only by my finger strumming faster than permitted, bringing me closer.

“I told you slower. You dare to disobey?” Cameron’s eyelids became heavy, his irises dark. “Both your hands above your head. Now.”

Thrilled with the idea his hand would replace mine, my arms flew up above my head. My wrists were held together and pinned by his strong hand.

“This is how I deal with disobedience.” His glare held mine.

Sucking my bottom lip, tingles in my chest increasing, I waited.

Cameron let my wrists go, lifted off the bed, and headed for the door. “Get some sleep.”

Pushing myself up onto my elbows, I stared at him quizzically. Desire between my thighs burned brightly.

Cameron looked severe. “Only good girls get to come.”

He left.

My head crashed down onto the pillow. I’d never survive him.






WE LANDED AT HEATHROW Airport in the early hours of the morning.

Hand in hand, Cameron and I walked through the airport. We were escorted by an immigration officer and guided past the long line of travelers all waiting their turn to show their passports and be allowed into the country.

We ended up in a small office where an enthusiastic, if not a tired looking, officer checked our passports. He mostly made small talk with Cameron, revealing his intrigue at dealing with an American VIP. Cameron’s influence stretched over continents, apparently.

I leaned against Cameron’s arm, my hand still firmly in his grip as I only half listened to the chatter between him and the officer.

I was glad to be off that plane and stretching my legs. In usual Cameron style, he’d insisted I stay strapped in for the entire flight in case of turbulence. The only concession was Larissa’s blouse had its top button done up again and her behavior had returned to professional. It made me wonder if Cameron had said something to her.

His desire to choose my food off the in-flight menu and his monitoring of my alcohol intake were reminders he believed himself still very much in charge of me. He’d taken his time over the menu, choosing for us the lobster bisque soup, and for our entrée chicken breast with apple fig compote. To complement our meal, Cameron paired dinner with an Eden Fountain Chardonnay Medici white wine. The food was delicious, and after two bites of ice cream I was stuffed. Cameron had passed on dessert, preferring coffee.

Even now, the decadence of a fine meal still moved me. I’d never take for granted all this finery, all this luxury, and I made a point of letting Cameron know by thanking him. His frown had been hard to interpret. I had again highlighted the fact I wasn’t from his world. His attempt at suppressing a grin failed.

Back in our seats, he’d given me a mid-air foot rub, which had been enough to forgive him for leaving me wanting in that bedroom. I’d leaned back, my fingers clutching the armrests in response to the power of his fingers on the arch of my foot. He’d pampered me despite the intimacy ban.

Watching his nimble fingers move over my toes, this need for him grew, as did my rebellion. “I finished myself off and came hard.” My chin raised defiantly. “It was amazeballs.”

Cameron’s eyebrows shot up. “What kind of language is that?”

“Modern,” I said. “Looks like I know something you don’t.”

“And another kitten dies.”

“What does that mean?”

“Looks like I know something you don’t.”

I threw my head back, acting out my orgasm, pouting in ecstasy, letting out a soft moan of pleasure.

“You will be disciplined for your insolence,” he said sternly, his thumb digging into the ball of my left foot. “I’ll just have to be creative.”

I slid down the chair, lulled by this shudder and wooed by his touch.

He mouthed
like it was some grand new word, followed by a frown of disapproval.

His upper classiness really did get the better of him sometimes, yet it did have its benefits. We were through customs in minutes. The proceedings expedited with remarkable efficiency.

He tucked our passports into his coat pocket.

Upon leaving the airport, we were met by freezing cold weather and drizzle. Trevor, our chirpy English driver who met us curbside, showed surprise for our lack of luggage, but quickly moved to open the rear door of the Rolls Royce.

Judging from Cameron’s face, this was all business as usual, but I’d yet to adjust to such extraordinary luxury. The car really was a thing of beauty. Low flying planes roared above as we climbed in.

It was no surprise to find on the backseat a long woolen coat for Cameron and a belted trench coat for me.

“Do you always think of everything?” I said.

Cameron helped me with my coat and then pulled his on. “They would have been waiting for us on the plane if I did.” He rubbed his hands together. “Bloody freezing.”

The way he beamed showed he was just as happy to be here as I was.

I scooted over to his side and snuggled against him, the cold literally soaking into my bones. This was a matter of survival. His body warmth was a necessity.

Although reassured Cameron’s moodiness had lifted with his cheerfulness returning, I now had to face the new terror of the traffic coming the wrong way. And way too close. These roads we ridiculously narrow.

Trevor sat behind the wheel on the right. His initial friendly chat with Cameron revealed he’d been born and raised in London, and he went on to offer us a tour off the beaten track, should we be interested.

Cameron explained our trip was short, but thanked him anyway.

When Trevor called me Mrs. Cole, Cameron didn’t correct him. He merely became quiet and stared out the window, seemingly distracted by the endless grey tinged landscape with rain smearing the view.

As we drove into the heart of the city, I scurried over to my side, mesmerized by the mixture of old buildings and new. I buzzed down the window to clear the rain, waiting for Cameron to object, but he didn’t. I blinked up at the architecture, finding the droplets of rain refreshing. Taking everything in, all the modern structures nestled in-between the dramatic buildings, I squealed when I caught sight of my first red telephone box. A rare sight these days apparently. More giggling came when Big Ben appeared on the skyline.

Richard was meant to be here. And even though he promised to follow us, I felt the worst kind of guilt. He’d promised to bring me here from the first day we’d become a couple. For goodness sake, he was a descendant of Winston Churchill, his relatives having been born here and later emigrated to the States. He, more than us, deserved to be here.

I didn’t like the idea he’d been left behind ,and thoughts of the kind of pressure he was under with Lance wracked my soul. Here we were about to have fun, and he was left to deal with the fallout of the auction gone wrong. I knew he felt responsible. But Lance was a cruel man. I hated him for ruining everything.

“You okay, Mia?” asked Cameron.

“It’s a lot to take in.” I peered out at the River Thames and beyond that at the Houses of Parliament.

“Your body clock is messed up,” he said. “You’re jet lagged.”


“Richard will be here soon,” he whispered.

I spun round to look at him.

He reached over and pulled me into a hug. “It’s my job to know.”  

“You don’t mind?”

“It’s of my own making, Mia.”

Looking up at him, at his beautiful face, my guilt flipped and I feared hurting Cameron. We’d shared so much, our intimacy intense, our passion mutual, and despite his reassurance these were his wishes and we were all merely cogs in Cameron’s genius plan of him training me into the perfect sub, our connection felt deeper than ever.

I needed to see I was more than a plaything, an amusement to pass the time with.

Was Cameron even capable of love?

Richard had told me no, Cameron wasn’t, and this was the very reason he was a safe master to train with. He always kept his emotions in check. Could our prolonged eye contact, like we shared now, come from a man who didn’t care about the girl in his arms?

Cameron’s eyelids became heavy. His chestnut irises darkened with that fierce look of arousal I knew so well. His hands fisted into my scalp as he grabbed my hair, bringing my head close. The sting from his hold was only just bearable. Cameron’s lips hovered close to mine, threatening to kiss. His breath on my mouth alighted every nerve in my body.

Lifting my chin, I brought my lips closer to his, needing that which I’d been starved of.

Cameron’s expression became serene again and he brought my head down and pressed it into his chest, wrapping his arms around me in a hug. “We’ll be at the hotel soon. When London wakes, I’ll show you the city.”

“I’d like that.” I crooked my neck to better see his face. “Cameron—”

He pressed his fingertips against my lips. “Hush, now.” His other hand caressed my locks, bringing a tingling. “Relax.”

Melting against his firm chest, burying my face against him, I surrendered. His strong arms found their way around me and held me to him possessively. Even halfway across the world, I felt safe with him.

Cameron continued to make polite conversation with Trevor and was seemingly unaffected by the endless questioning about himself, such as his profession, and what state we were from, or what our plans were. Cameron made an art out of being vague. He handled it all with his usual grace and actually turned the questioning around, preferring to ask Trevor about himself and gain insight into the man who drove us.

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