Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3) (17 page)

BOOK: Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3)
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Oh no
. Like a lightning bolt, I remembered the warning I’d been given about Cameron.

Cameron’s fetish was to chase, catch, and fuck.

Right now I was acting out his number one fantasy as my feet carried me down the stairs and into the BDSM playroom.

You couldn’t have chosen the pantry?
my muse berated.

Bare feet pounded the hardwood floor behind me.

This was a man who ran ten miles every morning and finished off his workout in an Olympic size pool with a zillion laps—

So it was no surprise to see him behind me.

“Come here.” He stood inside the door of the playroom not even out of breath, his hand reaching out to me.

I shook my head.

His gorgeous nakedness was all lean muscle and rippling abs. “Let’s go back to bed for a while,” he said.

My back hit the Saint Andrew’s Cross.

“We can’t stay here,” he said calmly.

“You go first.”

“Mia, we’re meant to be vanilla only, remember?”

“That wasn’t vanilla.” I pointed upwards.

“No, but you ignite passion in me and it’s hard to suppress my nature.” He gestured for me to come to him. “Come on, sweetie pie.”

I leaned against back against the Saint Andrew’s Cross.

He slipped into a smile. “I ran it through my brain and it sounded cute.”

I was too terrified to dive into this fantasy and not be able to find my way back.

“What’s making you so antsy?” he said.

I’d already thrown Shay under the bus once today and it had been one of those big fat double-deckers. Despite how much grief Shay caused, he didn’t deserve a second round of betrayal.

“Have I ever given you a reason to doubt my affection for you?” he said.

“You’re always so good to me.”

“I pushed you too hard?”

“I liked it.”  

“Why did you slap me?”

Sucking my lip, I tried to brave the words that hurt not to say.

“Do you not like London?” he said.

“I love London.”

“Okay, good.” He waved it off. “There’s this great restaurant in Park Lane—”

“I’m not sure my heart can take any more.”

“Of what?”

“You.” My hand swept through my hair and got caught in a post-fucked knot. “I’ve fallen madly in love with you.”

He lowered his hand to his side.







The shower was warm and refreshing as we lathered each other with luxury soap. Cameron reached for the shampoo and massaged my scalp with the exotic smelling liquid, working it into a froth in my hair.

Pressing my lips against Cameron’s firm chest, I gave him a much needed hug. I willed myself to get closer and I breathed him in, wishing we could linger like this forever.

“Dr. Finley was right,” he said. “You have been good for me.”

Wiping water from my eyes, I looked up at him.

Cameron hadn’t mentioned my exclamation of love from ten minutes ago, down in that playroom. He’d merely swept me up into his arms and carried me in here.

“And Mia, I know I’ve been good for you,” he said.

“You are.” I stared up at him pleadingly, needing him to admit his feelings.  

A veil of steam surrounded us.

“Let’s use this trust you have for me to take you to the next level,” he said softly.

“Next level?”

He gave a nod, reached for the sponge, and gestured for me to turn around.

With my back to his front, I splayed my hands on the glass, hanging on his every word.

“I need you to be honest with me, Mia.”

“I will.”

“Have you changed your mind about becoming a sub?”

“No, I want it more than ever.”

“How far into our world are you willing to go?”

“How do you mean?”

“A true submissive trusts her master to know what is best for her.”

“I know. You always make good decisions for me.”


“Sir,” I whispered. “I’m ready.”

My mind drifted to being auctioned off back at Chrysalis and the world of trouble that had caused. Though Richard couldn’t have predicted how wrong it would go.

“Seriously consider what you want.” He swept the sponge low over my back. “If you desire to become completely subjugated then we must fine tune your behavior over the next few hours we have left. Prepare you for the final surrender.”

A tremble of pleasure between my thighs caused me to shiver.

“There are expectations that need to be met,” he said. “You understand?”

“I think so.”

“Richard demands you obey his every command.”

I turned around to better see Cameron, needing to explore what this might mean for us.

Cameron circled his finger in a gesture for me to turn again. I complied, splaying my fingers on the glass and peering out at the bathroom.

Enthrall’s garden came to mind, and Cameron’s warning as he sat beside me on the bench; Richard demanded a malleable submissive. The carp had swum leisurely in the pond before us. A cool breeze had kissed my skin. Cameron’s honesty left nothing unsaid.

During those few minutes we’d chatted under the midday sun, Cameron had shared with me that, as a master, he was more lenient than Richard. A fact I’d had trouble believing at the time. I’d had an all-consuming desire back then to become Richard’s lover and hadn’t understood our conversation. Though I realized now. Richard was so hardcore he’d even been willing to let another train me.

Everything since that day had changed.

And so had I.

With all these lessons Cameron had given me, I’d emerged anew, born out of a cocoon of enlightenment. All these new experiences changed my world view, and my view of me. The master tasked with my training had become my obsession. I wondered if there was any way of reversing these feelings and finding perfection in my Richard again.

It was time for honesty.

“You made me believe you feel the same way about me back at L’Ermitage,” I said. “Cameron, you know you did.”

He hesitated.

My body tensed. “All those things you told me.”

His fingers curled in my hair. “Can’t remember them now.”

Resting my forehead against the glass, I tried to soothe this ache.

I regretted sharing my feelings with him.

“This was always a temporary arrangement,” he said. “We made that very clear to you, Mia.”

“I know.”

“Are you willing to be everything Richard needs you to be?” he asked. “You’re meant for Richard. A fact I need you to remember.”

“Can you?”

The sponge paused on my back.

“I’ve made an art out of forgetting,” he murmured.

“Is this the only way I’ll still get to see you.” I turned to look at him. “Cameron, will I still get to see you?”

“When your master permits.”

“This is so…” My hand pressed against his chest.

“Our time together will be held as one of my dearest memories. Remember what I’ve taught you and forget the rest.” A glimpse of sadness, but it quickly lifted. “You bring out a gentler version of me.” He leaned forward and kissed my cheek. “You’re used to a sterner me.”

I fell into another hug.

Him calling me sweetie pie back in the dungeon made me smile. “I like you having a pet name for me.”  

“I misspoke.”

I raised my face to look at him.

“A lapse on my part.”


He placed two fingers on my lips. “Let go and surrender.”

“What about Dr. Finley’s advice about us spending time—”

“A miscalculation on Finley’s part. A misfire on mine.”

“How do you mean?”

“Your outburst earlier was unacceptable. Followed by your exclamation of love. You are of course mistaken.”

“I’m not.”

“Finley’s the first person to cease a therapeutic plan when the results skewer.”


“Fail.” He turned away and leaned out to touch the glass, his mind seemingly drifting. “Mistakes can be reversed. Undone.”

“How do you mean?”

His lowered gaze found me again. “Rebellion will not be tolerated.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I can’t hand you back to your master like this.”

“Cameron, please—”

“Address me as sir.”

“Don’t go cold on me again,” I burst out. “I can’t bear it.”

“My standards will not be compromised. Understand? I demand the highest level of behavior from all my dominants at Chrysalis, and our subs must obey us without hesitation.”

“Yes, sir.”

“My reputation depends on my ability to follow through on a promise. You are that promise.”

I neared him and buried my face into his chest, needing him to soothe me from his words.

“What is expected of you is your willingness to prove you can satisfy your master. Am I making myself clear?”

I clung to him, wishing his arms would wrap around me again.

“Do you have anything else to say? Other than a mistimed apology?”

“No, sir.” I stared at the water circling the drain. “I am sorry. Sorry for all of it.”

He stepped back and my life felt wrenched away.

The shower door opened and he swaggered out, grabbed a towel, and headed for the exit. Watching his displeasure tugged at my heartstrings.

Cameron turned to look at me, his expression stern. “We’ll move forward with your final session.”

“What does that involve?”

But he was already gone.

The imprint of his body against mine lingered.

I held my face up into the shower and let the water cascade over me, holding back, holding on. This emotional wasteland was no place for a girl who found it so easy to love.

was easy to love.

But impossible to reach.

I’d done this to myself, breaking the code with useless musings over the one who trained me. My heart had run on ahead and burrowed into my master’s world, as though I belonged there.

The bathroom door flew open.

Cameron stood there glaring at me, a towel wrapped around his waist, his biceps flexing as his hands gripped either side of the doorway.

Crossing my arms over my chest to cover my nakedness, self-conscious in the wake of his fierce presence, I blinked at him through soaked lashes. He looked conflicted. His eyes roved my body and his frown deepened. The towel slipped and pooled at his feet.

The beauty of him approached--his muscular sculptured body, those broad shoulders, that mess of wet dark hair, those chestnut eyes.

He flew at me—

Into the shower, he walked. Pushing me against the glass, he cupped my face in his hands, then his lips were on mine. He grabbed my wrists and thrusts my hands up and over my head, pinning them there.

Water poured over us.

Cameron’s mouth pressed against mine. His tongue forced its way in to battle, searching, controlling. Lost in this reverie, my body shuddered. My mind scrambled to make sense of this, of him, trying to separate the truth out of the muddle of what he’d told me and what he did now. His tongue overpowered mine, explored. His lips forced mine wider in a frenzied kiss.

Cameron’s gaze burned with desire. “I’ll always watch over you.”

We stared into each other’s eyes.

“Always,” he whispered.

My nod of understanding was all the proof he seemed to need.

Again he left me standing there. This heartrending desire to be his went unfulfilled. Pressing fingertips to my lips, where I’d been branded by his passion, I knew it was over.






A TERRIBLE CRASH came from downstairs.

With this red halter dress half on, the straps flapping at my chest, I grabbed my high heeled shoes and bolted downstairs.

Through the kitchen I padded, hearing voices a little way down the hallway. Trembling, unsure, I tiptoed down the long hall.

Cameron stood before the stairs that led down toward the dungeon. He looked agitated. Shay lingered a few feet away from him.

“I’m freefalling,” Cameron told him.

“Cole,” said Shay. “Take a breath.”

“I’m the fucking moth.”

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