Entanglements (43 page)

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Authors: P R Mason

BOOK: Entanglements
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“Hey kids,” my father called.

Before he could say more, I threw my arms around his neck and held on tight as I fought off sudden tears.

“Wow. It’s not often an old dad gets such a warm welcome.” Dad laughed. “In fact, I don't think I've ever come to pick you up for visitation and been greeted so nicely. Should I be worried you’ve done something I’m not going to approve of?”

“Of course not. You know I’m perfect.” Pulling back I glanced down to hide my expression.

Dad offered his hand to Rom, who took it in a shake.

“You’re Kizzy’s friend.”

“Rom, sir.”

“No more drama class scene rehearsals I hope.”

“No sir,” Rom said with a quirky smile.

“Good.” Dad fixed him with a steady glare. “I’d still like to have a conversation with you.”

“Dad,” I warned. “Please don’t embarrass me.” Unfortunately, I spoiled it all by grinning. For some reasons his dadness made me happy.

“Okay, okay. Another time.” Dad kneeled down to address Adam. “Well, big guy. Are you ready to go?”

Adam giggled and nodded.

“We’re going to get ice cream.” My brother peered up at me.

“That sounds great.”

“I’d ask you to come, but—” Dad glanced at Rom and back to me.

“You guys have fun,” I said.

“You too. Just not too much fun,” he drawled.


He smiled and waved.

Rom’s hand slipped into mine, as I watched Dad walk away with Adam. When they disappeared together around the corner, I turned into Rom’s arms and we embraced each other for long minutes without speaking. We pulled apart and walked hand in hand to the bench in front of the fountain to sit down.

“It is so weird.” I shook my head. “When I saw my dad, memories flooded into my brain. Memories of me and Adam, of me and my dad, and of all of us together. All sorts of memories of the last three months. But the memories of the bridge and what happened after that are all there too.”

“Since we were all in the area of the wormhole and under its influence when the change occurred, we were part of both timelines,” Rom suggested. “Having lived through both times, you have both sets of memories.”


“Theory only,” he said.

“I wonder what kind of grades I’m getting in this timeline? I can’t recall.”

“Probably similar grades, I venture.”

“Uh oh. I'm going to have to start studying,” I joked.

“Since I remain in this world for the next twenty-nine years, I too shall need to study.”

“Why are you here?” I asked. “I didn’t go off the bridge the second time, so I didn’t open the portal to Augustinia. And if I didn't open the portal, you never came here. But here you are.”

“My matter, my body already existed in this universe thus my body could not disappear upon this timeline's change.”

“I’m really glad your body didn’t disappear by the way. But what about…Rom. Is there an alternate you in Augustinia? One that didn’t ever meet me?

“I don’t know.”

“What about Franky?” I asked. “Why isn’t he alive like Adam?”

“Nothing is certain.” Rom squeezed my hand. “Mayhaps because he died in Dorcha, he was outside this world’s timeline. Adam's death was within your world's timeline, thus its alteration changed his fate.”

“Is it possible the tsunami never happened in your world? All those people could still be alive in Augustinia.”

“Until the portal becomes permeable, we will have not certainty.”

For a few moments we sat quietly and enjoyed the jasmine scented breeze.

“Seeing you with Adam warmed me,” Rom said, breaking the silence. “He reminds me of Nicia.”

“Oh Rom. You must be worrying about Nicia and your family. I’m sorry.”

“Feel no sorrow, Kizzy.”

“But I should have known from what you said about the Dorcha and Augustinia portals being linked that the portal to your world would also seal at the same time as the Dorcha portal.” Caressing his cheek, I searched his eyes. “I didn’t even think about you needing to get back to your portal, I was so busy worrying about the one with Dorcha. Forgive me.”

“None of your actions requires forgiveness.” He waved my apology away.

“Twenty nine plus years is a long time to be cut-off from your family.”

“To see them again would be of worth to me,” he agreed. “The loss of Nicia particularly will be a hole in my heart. Yet I feel this is place is also home.” His lips quirked into a slanted smile. “And you are my family.” He linked his hands with both of mine, leaned toward me, and our lips touched in a gentle kiss. “It is my hope you have similar sentiments.”

“Yes,” I admitted. “I didn’t want to feel this way but…”

His lips covered mine again as his thumbs traced gentle patterns on my palms. Releasing my mouth, Rom rested his forehead against mine.

“As long as you feel thus, if return to Augustinia is never possible...” Rom smiled his quirky lipped smile. “I’m cool with it.”


# # #

Author's Note


***Thank you for reading Entanglements. If you enjoyed it, I hope you will post a review at Amazon.com. And if you would like to know more about me, please visit my website at

More from P.R. Mason

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- Will loving him be her end?


The Banshee and the Linebacker (a paranormal romance novella
) - Two brothers, each with a tragic destiny. A girl with visions of their deaths. Changing their fate could mean sacrificing her heart.



To my mother, Elinor Mason, who showed me what unconditional love truly is and how to be strong in a difficult world.


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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or to actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.



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