EntangledTrio (10 page)

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Authors: Cat Grant

BOOK: EntangledTrio
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Chapter Seven




David was back within an hour and a half, a small valise and laptop bag in hand. Not a lot of luggage for a three-week stay in a foreign country, Colette mused, even as she smiled and pointed toward the bedroom.

“Go put your things in there. Simone will unpack your bags and put it all away.”

David’s eyebrows arched in surprise. “Are you sure? I don’t mind doing it myself.”

“Nonsense. You’re a guest, and guests don’t do housework here.” With a nod, he went off to do as she’d told him. She poured them both more coffee once he’d returned, then remarked, “Our days are free, now that rehearsals are over. Is there anything in particular you’d like to do?”

Now he blushed bright pink. “You mean, aside from the obvious?”

As touching—and arousing—as she found the suggestion, she knew she couldn’t allow herself to give in to it. Overindulgence led to satiety, which led to boredom, and she had no intention of letting that happen. David was like a fine wine, best to be sipped and savored, not drunk down in one long, greedy gulp.

“That’s sweet,” she murmured, reaching over to draw her fingertips across his stubbly cheek. “But we mustn’t tire ourselves out. I was thinking we should go out for a little while, take some fresh air.”

“Fine by me. I’m happy to do whatever you like. But you already knew that.” He grinned.

“There’s no reason we can’t do what you like as well. What about a museum, or a film, or…”

“Museums are good. I’ve never been to the D’Orsay or the Louvre.”

“Really? You’ve visited Paris before, haven’t you?”

“Only once, for a weekend. Not long enough to take in any of the sights.”

“Then we should remedy that immediately,” she replied, pushing back her chair.

“Okay. But I should probably shave and change into a clean shirt. Unless you want to be seen with a guy who looks like he’s been dragged through a knothole backward.”

God, his Americanisms were priceless. She burst out laughing. “By all means, go make yourself presentable.”

It was close to noon by the time they were out the door, the chill, humid January wind stinging their cheeks as they waited briefly on the curb for Henri to bring the car around. Piling gratefully into the backseat, Colette slipped her gloved hand through David’s arm and rested her head on his shoulder, drifting in heavy-lidded bliss until they reached the Musée d’Orsay on the city’s Left Bank.

Colette had been here countless times before. There was nothing she loved more than to stroll through the various galleries, stand in front of her favorite paintings and let herself be caught up in their magical individual universes of vivid hues and brilliant brushstrokes. But experiencing the place through David’s virgin eyes proved an even bigger delight. Like a child at Christmas, he wandered from room to room, painting to painting, gazing at everything as if it were a huge gift he couldn’t wait to unwrap.

“That was fucking amazing,” he said three hours later, when they’d finally stopped to rest at a tiny café down the street. “I mean, I’ve been to the British Museum and the Metropolitan in New York, but this was… Well, it was like watching a bygone era come to life right in front of me. Every painting was so alive and vibrant.”

“And some of the collection’s in San Francisco right now while the D’Orsay does renovations. We’ll have to come back in a few months so you can see the rest of it.”

He grinned. “I have no problem with that at all.”

They ordered coffee and sat chatting about art and music and anything else that caught their fancy. Then David leaned in, pointing at a tall, cadaverous-looking man in a trench coat, white gloves and beret walking by outside. “What do you think his story is? Bank robber, or a really depressed mime?”

Colette gave him a look. “Who says he’s either one? He could just as easily be the bank president.”

“Nah. He looks like a bank robber to me.”

“And how would you know what a bank robber looks like?”

“I’m only guessing. He’s a
bank robber, after all. But who knows what he’s got hidden under that coat?”

And that started it. They spent the better part of the next hour making up fantastic stories about all the passersby. David had her giggling uncontrollably at his more risqué suggestions, whispered sweetly into her ear. He really was quite captivating. She turned her head to smile at him, only slightly startled when he leaned in and kissed her deeply. She gave a tiny sigh and relaxed into it, her hand sliding up into his hair, giving it a gentle tug.

And where did that annoying, chirpy little bird come from? Oh, not a bird after all, she realized, the last few moments of pure heaven suddenly dissipating as she fumbled in her bag for her phone—which stopped ringing the second she touched it, then slipped from her fingers and skittered under the table.

“I’ve got it,” David said. He went down on his knees to grab it, handing it to her with a smile. She’d expected him to get right back up, but he didn’t. Instead, he scooped up one of her boot-encased feet and cradled it in both hands, then planted a kiss right on top. An unmistakable gesture of submission—and in

A wave of heat swept through her, leaving her instantly dry-mouthed. It took several moments—and a very long sip of water—before she regained her composure, then signaled for David to sit back down.

“That was very touching,
,” she murmured finally. “But I wouldn’t have asked it of you. Not out where everyone can see, anyway.”

“I know. But I wanted to do it.” He reached for her hand and kissed it. “I wanted to show you how much I adore you. How badly I want to belong to you.”

“Do you, now?” Her phone buzzed, indicating a voice mail message. She hit the “play” button and listened to it. “It’s Aleks. He’s home, wondering where we are. We should get back.”

David nodded. Was she imagining it, or did his expression betray a tiny flicker of disappointment? Of course it was too bad their afternoon had to end, but there was still an entire evening ahead of them, and three more weeks of evenings besides. “I’ll go take care of the bill,” he said.


* * * * *



“Popov called this afternoon,” Aleks announced once the three of them sat down to dinner. “The remaining six performances of
are sold out.”

“Oh fantastic!” Colette crowed, winking across the table at David, who countered with a half-incredulous grin. “Although it’s not as if I weren’t expecting it, considering who my colleagues are.”

“You’re too kind, my angel. And as usual, entirely correct.”

“Wow.” David set down his fork and reached for his wineglass. “Guess this means they’re not going to fire me, huh?”

“Why in the world would you think that?” Colette asked, exchanging a quick, concerned glance with Aleks. “You got a standing ovation on opening night, for God’s sake!”

“I know. But I just can’t help thinking sooner or later the opera world’s going to figure out I’m this hick kid from Wisconsin who’s pulled the wool over their eyes. Every performance I get this sick feeling in my stomach waiting for someone in the audience to stand up and denounce me as a fraud. It’s like that old dream about finding yourself in a public place stark naked. I know it’s stupid and it’ll never really happen, but I can’t stop dwelling on it.”

The genuine anxiety in his voice tugged at Colette’s heart. No wonder they were so drawn to each other. In terms of background and temperament, they were practically twins. “It’s called imposter syndrome,” she said softly. “And you’re not the only one in this room who suffers from it.”

“Indeed,” Aleks added.

David swallowed hard, gazing at each of them in turn. “But you’re both so accomplished and cosmopolitan—”

“And it’s all an act,” Aleks stated flatly. “I grew up in one of the poorest sections of St. Petersburg. My father ran a grocery that had nothing but sausage and stale bread to sell half the time. No one thought I would ever make anything of myself, including me. That was before I developed a passion for the piano around the time I turned twelve. Add in a fierce work ethic and a high motivation to get out of Russia, and you get what you see here.” He shrugged, smiling a little half-smile. “Still, every time I walk out to take a bow, I think, ‘Do you know who you’re cheering for? Misha the greengrocer’s boy! And if he could see you all now, he’d piss himself laughing!’”

Now David laughed. “Okay, I get it. We really aren’t that different.”

Colette smiled. “Definitely not.”

They lingered over their meal for another hour or so, talking and emptying a bottle of fine Pinot noir. Not long after the clock struck nine, they rose and drifted down the hallway to the bedroom. Colette pushed David down on the bed and began kissing and undressing him, her lips and fingers burning to touch every exposed millimeter of his smooth, gorgeous skin. But when he tried to do the same for her, she shook her head, pinning his arms at his sides.

“What was it you said about wanting to belong to me?” she reminded him. “Well, tonight you’re my toy, and I get to play with you any way I want. Which means I touch you, not the other way around.”

“Whatever you want. Ma’am,” he added hastily, his eyes darting around the room. “Where’d Aleks go?”

Colette followed David’s gaze to a chair a few feet away where Aleks sat, looking quite relaxed and comfortable as he sipped the glass of wine he’d brought with him. “Oh, don’t mind me,” Aleks said. “You two look so beautiful together, I thought I’d sit and enjoy the view.”

Which meant David was truly hers—at least for a while. “Good,” she murmured, giving him a firm slap on the ass. It coaxed a cute little startled yip out of him. “Just wanted to make sure you’re awake. Up on your hands and knees, please.”

“Yes Ma’am.” He scrambled to obey while she got up to get some supplies from the bedside table, then grabbed a riding crop from the umbrella stand in the walk-in closet. It was one of her favorite toys, with a star-shaped slapper on the end that left lovely raised marks. They’d look so pretty on David’s creamy skin.

She dragged her nails over his ass first, leaving thin pink welts. Then she smacked him a few times with her bare hands, just to get the blood pumping for both of them. He was grunting and groaning in earnest by the time she graduated to whacking him with the crop, his buttocks soon decorated with a bright pink constellation. Every muscle in his arms, legs and back had gone rigid with the effort of holding himself still.

And one particular muscle between his legs too. Now sweaty from her own efforts, she threw down the crop, quickly stripped off her clothes and climbed up on the bed behind him, draping herself over his back. He let out a whimper when her stiff nipples grazed his skin. It made her smile. “If I had a strap-on, you’d be in big trouble right now.” Another whimper, which swiftly swelled into a full-throated moan when she reached around to grab his erect cock, giving it a couple of hard tugs.


“Be still. You belong to me, remember? Which means your orgasm also belongs to me. You come when I say you can come. Understood?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Good. On your back now.”

She waited for him to get comfortable, then scooped up the tube of lubricant she’d taken from the bedside table and squirted a generous dollop into her right hand. An evil, self-satisfied grin spread across her face as she knelt on the edge of the bed and plunged two slicked fingers up his ass.

He cried out and went stiff again, tightening up on her hand. “Shhh,” she crooned, stroking his trembling thigh. “Relax.
Let the sensations move through you. Acknowledge them. Accept them.”

Closing his eyes, he sucked in several long, shuddering breaths. Then he looked up at her, nodding. “O-Okay. I’m okay.”

She began moving slowly, with a gentle rocking motion that soon had him moaning again, albeit this time more with pleasure than pain. If nothing else, his cock certainly appeared to like what she was doing. It stood straight up, bright pink and proud, bouncing against his belly. David kept staring at it, licking his lips, obviously longing to bring this delicious agony to an end.

By the time she’d added a third finger, he’d completely given himself over to it, meeting her thrust for thrust, groaning in disappointment when she had to pull out to coat her hand with more lube. Back in with a fourth finger, and then she tucked in her thumb, rolled her knuckles slowly and pushed. Her hand slid inside him all the way to the wrist.

“If you’d like to come now, sweet boy,” she whispered, “go ahead.”

He’d started to spurt before he finished wrapping his fingers around his cock, spraying so hard he hit himself in the chin and shoulder. She left her hand where it was until his spasms stopped, then gently extricated herself and padded into the bathroom to rinse herself off and wet down a towel.

David’s final pangs of ecstasy had left him shivering, so she climbed up on the bed and tucked the fluffy down comforter around him, kissing him and rubbing his arms and shoulders until the shaking stopped. Then, slowly and with infinite tenderness, she wiped the sweat from his face and wrapped her arms around him, cradling him close.

“You did well,” she said. “I’m very proud of you.” But when he started to kiss her breasts, she shook her head. “No need. Your submission’s given me all the satisfaction I require tonight.”

His bleary, lust-addled gaze was rather adorable, though he seemed to be having a hard time wrapping his mind around what she’d just told him. “Y-You mean, you don’t want me to—”

“I don’t need to come every single time. In fact, postponing it will help make our next encounter that much sweeter.”

“I agree,” Aleks said, rolling onto the mattress beside them. Somewhere along the way from his chair to here he’d managed to lose his clothes, except for tight white briefs that showed the prominent outline of his erect cock. With a grin, he leaned in to kiss Colette and David in turn. “Speaking of which, you’d best get your sleep tonight. You may belong to Colette, but Colette belongs to me. Which means next time, that sweet ass of yours is

Strangely enough, David didn’t look terribly apprehensive. But then who would, bundled up here in a nice warm bed, in the arms of two loving Dominants? Sighing softly, Colette melted against her lover and her husband and slowly floated away, basking in the best of all possible worlds.

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