Enslaved (Brides of the Kindred Book 14) (28 page)

BOOK: Enslaved (Brides of the Kindred Book 14)
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redoubled his efforts, sucking her other nipple
into his mouth and rubbing her spread pussy while she cried and gasped his
name. The pleasure seemed to go on and on until Trin almost felt like she was
drowning in it. But then, slowly, the tidal wave of sensation began to ebb and
she found she was able to catch her breath.

“Goddess!” she whispered, panting, and slumped
against him, her head resting on his broad shoulder.

stopped touching her but he kept his hand on her,
cupped protectively over her open pussy.

“All right, baby?” he murmured in her ear. “All
better now?”

“Much.” Trin took a deep breath and straightened
up. Looking down, she took stock of herself—completely naked and spent, sitting
on the counter with her legs spread and Thrace standing between her thighs,
cupping her pussy. Well, at least everything was back to the normal color but
she still couldn’t believe what she’d just allowed to happen.

what did I do?
Now that the heat of passion was
relieved, she felt a surge of embarrassment for what she’d just done.
Embarrassment and

She sat up and tried to pull away from him but Thrace
seemed to sense her mood.

“Hey…” He caught her chin so that she had to look
into his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“I just…I shouldn’t have done that.” Trin moved
away from his hand. “Shouldn’t have let you…do that to me.”

“Do what? Suck you?” He motioned at her breasts
where her nipples were still tight with the pleasure he’d given her.

“Not just that.” She moved to get away from his big
hand cupping her pussy and he let her.

“You feel like you shouldn’t have let me ease your
pain? Your need? Why the hell not?” he demanded softly.

“You know why not.” Trin looked away. “I’m really
tired. I want to go to bed now.”

“Not until we talk about this,” Thrace growled.
“You were in pain…in need and I helped you out. I served you as a good
love-slave should.” He tried to catch her eyes. “What’s so wrong with that?”

“You know how I feel…what I believe.” Trin sighed.
“Or what I was raised to believe, anyway.”

“Yes, but do you still believe it? Do you still
think males are animals—lower life forms?”

“You know I don’t!” she exclaimed. “That’s not what
I meant!”

“But you still think it’s wrong to be with one. To
love one.”

Trin looked up at him uncertainly.

“Who said anything about love?”

“Forget it.” He frowned and shook his head. “My
point is, we didn’t do anything wrong. You needed help and I helped you.
Nobody, not even the strictest priestess of your Goddess could expect you to
incur permanent physical damage just because the only way to avoid it was
letting a male help you. Am I right?”

“I…” She bit her lip. “I don’t know. You don’t know
how strongly they feel about this kind of thing. About letting a male…”

“But that’s them and this is you,” he rumbled
impatiently. “What are you ashamed of? Do you feel like allowing me to touch
you lowered you in some way? Impaired your dignity as a female?”

“No, I—”

“I didn’t penetrate you,” he pointed out softly.
“Gods know I wanted to badly enough—wanted to put my tongue deep in your wet
little pussy and taste you to the core. But I didn’t, Trin. I would never do
that without your permission.”

“I know.” His words brought vivid images to her
mind, pictures of the big Havoc kneeling between her thighs, spreading her wide
to lick and kiss and penetrate her with his tongue…
she told herself.
No, stop thinking about that! It’s wrong!

But was it? Was what they had done together that
so bad? Suddenly Trin realized she was getting tired of
listening to the judgmental little voice in her head. She wasn’t a child
anymore, to be shamed by the priestesses’ rhetoric. She was certain if she’d
allowed Thrace
to penetrate her with his shaft she would have felt wrong…dirty… maybe even in
danger of damnation—at least according to her childhood beliefs. But as he
pointed out, he hadn’t done that. He hadn’t even penetrated her with his tongue
or fingers. All he’d done was ease the pressure in her breasts.

he rubbed your pussy until you came all over his hand. Don’t forget about that,
whispered that nasty little voice again.

Trin took a deep breath and made the decision to
ignore it. What good would it do to make herself miserable about something
which had been necessary…something which was over and done with? The thing to
do was to move on and swear to keep herself under control in the future.

“Finished thinking it over?” Thrace rumbled and Trin realized
she’d been sitting there, staring down at her hands and mulling things over for
a solid couple of minutes.

“Yes.” She took a deep breath and looked him in the
eye. “What’s done is done—there’s no point in getting upset about it.”

“Very sensible.” He nodded approvingly.

“I’m glad you think so,” Trin said dryly. She
straightened her shoulders. “We were just…under the influence of a lot of
chemicals tonight. The red dream gas, the nectar pods, the

“This does seem to be a place where they believe in
better living through chemistry,” Thrace agreed neutrally. “So what
do you suggest, Mistress?”

“First that we get a good night’s sleep. Then
tomorrow, we’re going to be extra careful about everything we eat, drink, and
breathe. Hopefully as soon as we’ve had first meal with Lady Tam-tam I can
approach Lady Malroth again about completing our deal.”

“And if she won’t? If she wants us to stay longer
or do…something else?” He raised an eyebrow at her. “What then?”

“I…” Trin bit her lip. “I don’t know. I’d like to
say that I’ll tell her to shove the whole bag of
crystals in an
unmentionable area but if I do that…if the deal falls through…”

“We’re all screwed,” Thrace finished for her. “Well,
let’s not borrow trouble. Maybe you’ll be able to do the deal and we’ll be out
of here by mid-meal time.”

“From your lips to the Goddess’s ears.” Trin sighed
and the sigh turned into a yawn. “Goddess of Judgment, I’m so
wrong with me? Am I still having after effects from the passion berries?”

frowned. “You shouldn’t be. It should be long out
of your system by now which worries me.”

His words sent a chill down her spine.

“Do you think everything is all right?”

He made a dismissive gesture.

“I’m sure it is. I’m just feeling protective of you
right now which heightens everything, that’s all.” He sighed. “You’re probably
just tired from all the stress and from coming so hard just now.”

“I…” Trin felt her cheeks getting hot. “I guess
that could be it. I have to confess I’ve never, uh, come that hard before. But
then…nobody but me has ever made me come.”

“It was my very great pleasure to be your first,
Mistress,” he growled softly. “But now let’s get you to bed.”

He swept her off the countertop and into his arms,
making Trin gasp.

“You don’t have to carry me everywhere, you know,”
she protested as he took her into the sleeping chamber. “I

“I know you can. I
carrying you.
Besides, it looks better for whoever’s watching. More romantic.” He grinned at
her and nodded at the glowing blue viewscreen.

“I guess so.” Trin was so tired she felt like lead
weights were tied to her body. Deciding not to fight him about it, she let
herself relax against his broad chest. Goddess, how could something as hard as his
big body make such a comfortable pillow? She didn’t know but by the time he
laid her down on the sleeping platform, she was already half asleep.

started to tuck her in. “Come on—don’t want you to
get cold.”

“Wait…I can’t sleep like this…in the nude,” Trin
protested sleepily.

“Afraid you’re going to have to, at least for
tonight,” said Thrace.
“Your nipples are looking a little red again. You don’t want to hurt yourself
by letting anything rough come in contact with them.”

As if to illustrate his point, he leaned down and
lapped her right nipple, gently, soothing the sharp little ache that had begun
to grow, almost without Trin knowing it.

“Oh!” His hot mouth on her flesh woke her up and
for a moment she had to fight the urge to reach for him, to beg him to lick her
again, to suck her some more…

“Sorry, Mistress…did I overstep my bounds?” His
eyes were half-lidded with desire. “I just wanted to make sure you were
completely comfortable. Perhaps I should lick the other too? To be on the safe

Again, Trin didn’t want to fight about it.

“All right. Thank
you, Thrace,”
she murmured. Arching her back, she pressed her breasts up, offering herself to

took her up on the offer, leaning down again to
trace her other nipple gently with his tongue, easing her pain.

“Gods, Mistress,” he murmured thickly when he at
last raised his head. “Your breasts are so beautiful. Thank you for allowing me
to help you. Is your pussy in need as well?”

“I…” Trin began to feel a bit breathless and
more awake. “I don’t know.”

“Perhaps I should check. If you would spread your
legs for me, Mistress?” He tugged the sheets down below her thighs and raised
an eyebrow at her.

Feeling hot and uncertain all over again, Trin did
as he asked. She bit back a moan as he framed her pussy with his big hands and
then parted her outer lips gently with his thumbs.

“Hmmm…” he studied her critically. “Just a hint of
redness, especially around your clit. Does it hurt?”

“It’s…sensitive,” Trin admitted, biting her lip.

“What about when I do this?” Gently he traced her
tender little bump, making her moan and jump against his touch. “I think I have
my answer,” he murmured, looking up at her. “And I know what I need to do about

“What…what do you want to do about it?” Trin
whispered. “I…I don’t know if it’s right to let you help me…make me, uh, come
again. I mean…I’m not really in danger any more.”

“But you
still in pain. No good
love-slave can allow his mistress to have pain when he can do something to ease
it.” He nodded at the viewscreen. “It wouldn’t look right.”

“All right,” Trin said softly. “I just…we’ve
already done more…more than I ever thought I would.”

“I know, Mistress,” Thrace murmured. “And I’m not
asking you to push your boundaries any more tonight—I just want to lessen your
pain. After all, I didn’t have to suck your nipples again to make them feel
better—I don’t think another orgasm is necessary to ease the ache in your
pussy, either.” His eyes blazed with lust. “Although the Gods know I’d fucking
to give you one.”

“What do you recommend, then?” Trin didn’t know if
she was relieved or disappointed that he didn’t think she needed to come again.

“Just an obeisance—the same thing I did earlier,
before your bath.” He licked his lips carefully, making them shiny. “I think I
can transfer enough of the healing compounds to you through a single kiss to
ease your ache.”

“Just a kiss, then?” Trin whispered.

Slowly, he nodded. “Just a kiss goodnight,
Mistress,” he murmured. “Just your soft, sweet pussy spread open for me to
kiss. Once. That’s all.”

“All right.” Trin nodded. After all, he’d already
done this once. It couldn’t hurt to let him do it again—could it?

Before she could answer the question, Thrace was flat
on his stomach between her legs. Spreading her pussy lips wide, he looked up at

“Watch me, Mistress,” he said hoarsely. “Watch me
kiss your hot little pussy.”

she protested weakly but his hot words as well as
the way he was looking into her eyes seemed to rob her of all self control.
Obediently, she watched as he lowered his head and gave her bare pussy a hot,
open-mouthed kiss.

It seemed to go on forever, the feel of his warm
lips caressing her clit and inner cunt. But finally, just as Trin was getting
the breathless feeling of need building inside her again, he pulled back.

“Better?” he asked and she was ashamed to see that
his lips were shiny again—this time with her honey. Goddess, why couldn’t she
help getting wet when she was around him?

“Better,” she whispered. “I…I guess I should get
some sleep now.”

“I suppose.” But he made no move to leave his
position between her legs and Trin didn’t try to make him either. “I’m glad
you’re feeling less pain now, Mistress,” he murmured.

“I am too,” Trin agreed. “Especially considering
what you…what you had to do to ease my pain in the first place.”

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