Enchanter (Book 7) (94 page)

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Authors: Terry Mancour

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Lorgnette              the viewing glass on a baculus or other enchantment

Lustration              mental purification of the enchanter before attempting the enchantment

Mactation              Ending a life in order to harness a being’s enneagram for enchantment in necromancy

Maculate              to purposefully impurify arcane energies

Magnality              A greater enchantment

Mandament              command word or action for an enchantment

Mandamus              list of command words/actions for a specific enchantment

Manubrium              technical name for a wand or rod

Mascaron              special enchantments for greeting visitors or guarding a site

Mathesis              the process of learning and practicing a particular enchantment

Meable              easily activated by magical commands

Medullary              the interior working mechanism of enchantment

Mensuration              establishment of the magical capacities of an object

Mentatiferous              able to communicate telepathically

Meracious              a purified form of arcane energy

Meristic              divided into parts or segments

Meromorphic              fractional nature of enchantment

Mesology              ecology of enchantment

Metabasis              transferring an enneagram into an object

Metagnostic              an enchantment that works without understanding why

Metagrobolize              to reverse-engineer an existing enchantment

Metastasis              an enchantment that moves something from one place to another

Metastrophe              the exchange of power and action between an enchanter and his enchantment

Metempsychosis              transferring the enneagram of a dead or dying creature into a vessel

Metope              the active portion of a wand or rod, usually the head

Metutials              small disciplines and enchantments that must be performed for a greater enchantment

Mimature              assume a property of another thing

Minacious              when use of an enchantment produces danger for the enchanter

Minuend              raw material for an enchanted object

Mirabiliary              the technical name for an enchanter’s workshop

Mirablia              the practical effect of an enchantment

Mirific                            the technical name for the act of enchantment

Misaunter              a failure of enchantment to do what it is supposed to

Mnemon              a unit of memory or knowledge; often a chapter or recipe for enchantment

Mnemotechy              an enchantment designed to help assist in other enchantments

Mnesnic              enchantments regarding memory

Modillion              often part of an enchanted wand behind the metope, usually the method of action

Modius              a special thaumaturgical headdress enchanted to assist in magical work

Molimen              the portion of the enchantment requiring greatest effort for the enchanter

Mollescent              an object's readiness for receiving enchantment

Molochize              to consume an object or substance during the course of an enchantment

Monanthis              an enchantment having a single purpose

Midificate              to build the structural underpinnings for an enchantment from scratch

Mycterynt              enchantments useful for nighttime activities

Oakus                            the financial resources dedicated to building an enchantment

Obduracy              the need for an enchanter to continuously maintain an enchantment

Obecuitate              an enchantment containing an enneagram

Obedible              an object that will bend to an enchanter’s commands

Objuration              a class of binding enchantments

Obluctation              magical resistance in an object

Obmutescent              an enchantment designed to reduce or eliminate noise

Obnixily              putting forth incredible effort, will and desire

Obnubilate              to use an enchantment to obscure

Obsecrate              to invoke an enchantment into an object

Obsign                            to conclude and test an enchantment; “sealing” the spell

Obstriction              the designed object and outcome of an enchantment

Obtest                            to order an enchantment

Obtundant              to dampen the magical force in an enchantment

Obturate              the act of finishing and sealing an enchantment before testing

Obvention              a beneficial side-effect of an enchantment

Ocellus                            enchantment for observing some portion of the physical world

Odeum              a presentation space for presenting and explaining new enchantments

Olamic                            pre-historic enneagrams

Ommateum              the multiple sensory enchantments (ocellus) in a greater enchantment

Omniama              the details of a particular enchantment

Onomastic              an enchantment designed to be used by one or only a few people

Ontal                            the effect an enchantment has on reality

Operose              a series of small, incremental enchantments

Ophiuran              a single-use enchantment that consumes the object in the action

Oppilate              a class of enchantments for stopping or abating magical power

Optative              the expressed desire of the enchanter

Optificer              the individual who actually crafts the object for enchantment

Opuscule              a minor essay in enchantment, often a step to a larger one

Ordinant               another term for enchanter

Oread                            basic earth elemental

Oemus                            a short mantic invocation used in enchantment

Organity              referring to the collection of enchantments in an object

Organon              a field of inquiry and system of thaumaturgy

Osculant              an enchantment designed to work action on the subject over a prolonged period

Pabulous              The need for an enchantment to require a constant energy flow

Pachynsis              thickening of an enchantment to workable size

Palingenisis              technical name for re-initiating an enneagram

Palinola              The repetitive practice of an enchantment’s preparation until it is perfect

Pampin               A tendril of magical energy from an enchantment that acts upon the physical universe

Pandation              The warping of magical power to a more useful form

Panesthesia              the requirement of near-total self-awareness in an ennegream

Paraclete              A magical interface between the user and the enchantment

Paraesthesia              tingling sensation on the skin as a side-effect of enchantment

Paravail              Minor enchantments, often temporary

Paravant              Initiatory phase of enchantment

Parergon              a secondary enchantment built to compliment the primary

Parvipotent              weak enchantments requiring very little power

Patible                            the ability of an object to accept an enchantment

Periclitate              an enchantment that is inherently dangerous to the user

Pernoctation              referring to an enchantment that takes several hours to complete

Pervulgation              a popularly published work on a specific area of thaumaturgy

Pessomancy              magic using rocks, crystals, or stone

Philonoist              technical term for a thaumaturgical student

Philotherian              an enchantment that involves or acts on animals

Philoxenic              an enchantment designed to entertain

Physitistic              an enchantment designed to act on the natural world

Pillion                             physical seat of a secondary enchantment

Plangent              a sound designed to be emitted by an enchantment

Plangonal              a creator of magical effigies or dolls

Quadrel              a unit of an enneagram

Raisorial              an enchantment that gathers energy from surrounding natural sources

Raith                            a three-month period usually required to build a decent enchantment

Recrudescence              a resurgence of active enchantment after a period of abatement

Rectigrade              class of projecting, active enchantments

Redintegrate              to make whole again; to restore an ancient enchantment that has lost power

Refrangible              the capacity of natural arcane energies to be transformed into other forms

Remipid              a multi-limbed magical construct

Remontad              an enchanter who seeks seclusion for study and work

Resipiscent              to regain sanity after a brief period of insanity; a charm to do the same

Rhabdomancy              the art of building rods, staves and wands

Runcation               the removal of flaws and imperfections from an object or enchantment

Rupestrian              an enchantment using stones and rocks

Rupicaline              natural magical properties of stones and rocks

Saltus                            breach of continuity; jump to a conclusion

Saprogenic              an enchantment encouraging aging and decay

Saxatile              magic pertaining to rocks and minerals

Siffilate               a sub-vocalized magical command

Sigillate              the process of inscribing enchanting runes

Sloyd                            an enchanter’s highly skilled mundane assistant

Snath                            a curved rod or staff

Sodality              an organized group of enchantments

Sollaret              the base of a wand or rod

Spartle                            an enchantment’s misfiring

Specilate              the process of refining a rod’s functional enchantment

Stereognosis              the thaumaturgical process of determining the arcane properties of an object

Sternutation              the sudden release of magical power

Suggilated              a well-refined object ready for enchantment

Supernaculum              an enchantment that exhausts its power source

Swarf                            arcane residue remaining after enchantment

Symposiarch              The lead enchanter of a team; project leader

Tarantas              a class of enchantment involving motion             

Tath                            an unexpected benefit from an enchantment

Tatonnement              experimentation; trial and error during the enchantment process

Tautomeris              possessing more than one structure under magical influence

Taxeme              basic thaumaturgical description of an enchantment

Tegmenals              class of enchantment involved in covering or protecting

Telaesthes              class of enchantment involved in remote detection

Telarians              class of enchantment involving lines of force

Telegnosis              technical term for scrying

Telergy                            specific arcane energy involved in telepathy

Telic                            enchanter’s stated declaration of purpose and intent

Telisis                            a class of enchantment designed to encourage natural processes

Tellary                            class of enchantment that projects magical force in a cone or directed area

Telodynamic              an enchantment that can receive its power from a distance

Telos                            enchanter’s summation of his ultimate purpose in performing the enchantment

Telos                            Stated aim or objective of an enchantment

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