Empress of Wolves (9 page)

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Authors: J. Aislynn d' Merricksson

BOOK: Empress of Wolves
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“Inari, Fox King, guide our steps that we might reach the Temple once more and reach it in safety. Open a path for us, Fox King and let our journey be swift and unfettered,” she cried out in Argosian. The trees before them seemed to shift with a sigh and a path revealed itself. Kalla took the lead and rode down the path.

Wolf's Honour
Deep Forest, Argoth, above Evalyce, Year of the Mythril Serpent, 2014 CE

The Fox King's magick led them to the clearing Kalla and Aleister had stayed during their previous sojourn to the Deep Forest. After the camp had been set, she and Aleister departed for the Temple, assuring the others that they would be fine and would be back as soon as possible. As when they had entered the forest to begin with, they crossed a boundary line just beyond the campsite and found themselves before the Temple of Inari.

The Forest had eradicated all traces of their previous visit. All that remained were a handful of vykr bones and the broken vines that Aleister had pulled free of the doors. New growth had already taken their place.

Aleister freed one door of its vine covering and tugged it open. He gestured for her to go through first.

“After you, milady.”

Kalla gave him a wry grin and walked through. Conjuring magelight globes, she set them to dancing before her as Aleister entered the Temple. They had gone no more than a few feet into the gloom before they crossed another boundary line and found themselves in the Temple's inner courtyard. The brightness of the full moon shone down upon them, reflecting from the pool in the center. Across the way, Inari watched them with amusement.

Welcome back, my son.
The giant fox dipped his head low to the ground.
And I welcome you to my humble home, Lady of Wolves. Thank you for taking the time to return here.

“You're welcome, Lord Inari. Thank you for letting me through this time.”

Inari chuffed softly as he walked towards them.
Bright eyes fixed on her.
You have brought my son far, Lady of Wolves, just as you yourself have come far. It is time for both of you to claim all that you are.
With these words the Fox King blew a cinnamon scented breath over the pair.

Kalla staggered, suddenly dizzy. The locks to Amaraaq's power shattered. Aleister caught her and she heard his breath catch in his throat. He buried his face in her mane, inhaling the scent of myrrh and she became acutely aware of his desire. Inari disappeared, his laughter fading in the night, leaving the pair alone in the moon-swept courtyard. The burgeoning power of the wolf goddess crashed over her, pulling both of them under in a tidal surge.

Deep Forest, Argoth, above Evalyce, Year of the Mythril Serpent, 2014 CE

Vander scrubbed a hand over his face and sighed. Manny and Lukas were finally asleep. He had hoped that Kasai would go to sleep as well, but the hawk was prowling the camp's shielded perimeter.

Where are you going?
” he asked as Vander started to pad away into the darkness.

I'm… going for a walk,
” the War Mage replied.

Of course you are. Because every sane person goes for a walk in the middle of a dark, hostile forest, in the middle of the night.

Kalla and Aleister left. What makes you think I would be in any more danger than they are,
” Vander objected. Kasai waved away the notion.

Can't say I think either of them are very sane right now, but that's their business. You are mine. I'm coming with you.

Vander shrugged, walking off into the gloom. Behind him, Kasai muttered something in Arkaddian as he followed his mage into the trees. It didn't take long before they reached Gasta's grove. Vander took a deep breath and forced himself to go stand before the frozen form. He lifted a hand, as if to touch the out-stretched muzzle. Vander let his hand fall, gesture aborted, and conjured a warding that cut Kasai off from him.

What are you doing?
” the hawk growled.

What is necessary. I made a terrible mistake and it must be corrected.
” Vander glanced over his shoulder at Kasai, who
I am sorry.

Sorry for…?
” Realisation tightened the hawk's voice. He pounded on the ward. “
No! Don't…
” Muted light rippled from the impact, illuminating the clearing. “
Vander, let me in!

Vander ignored Kasai, and turned back to Gasta. In a fluid motion he withdrew the longtooth knife that Aleister had given him and drew the sharp blade across his own throat. The War Mage sank to the ground, blood spattering against the opalescent statue and pooling at its feet.

Time seemed to stand still for Vander. He heard a dull thud as Kasai crashed to the ground, the magister's voice a weak protest in his mind.

Forgive me. Great Lady, please forgive me…
” he thought as darkness threatened to overtake him. He became aware that the statue above him was shifting and rippling as stone gave way to living flesh once more. With a deep sigh, Vander gave in to the darkness.

* * *

Vander stirred weakly at the sharp crack of power near him and suddenly he found himself lifted, cradled close to a body that smelled of rowan, a scent he should have known but couldn't place.

“What have you done…” a gentle voice said. A golden pulse of energy flooded through him. It wasn't the coolness of a Healer's touch, but a brightness and heat that healed his wounds, restoring and rejuvenating him. As quickly as it had come, the power was gone and he became aware that it was Kalla who held him tight, gently rocking him, sobbing softly. His magelight had vanished and the War Mage couldn't see her.

“Lady Kalla…?”

She stopped and loosened her grip on him. “Vander, why? And where is Kasai?” she asked. He shut his eyes again as magelight illuminated the clearing once more.

“Nice tail,” a voice rasped behind her.

“What?” The Healer blushed furiously at the realisation that she had no clothes. Releasing the War Mage, she conjured her clothes about her. Vander sat up slowly, nausea roiling in his belly.

“I'm fine by the way,” Kasai muttered. “I enjoy dying. It makes me appreciate living all the more. Now answer the Lady's question, if you please. What the hells were you thinking?”

“I-” Vander began.

He did it to free me, Lady Amaraaq.

Kalla flinched at the voice. She turned, and drew in a deep breath as she found herself face to face with a living, breathing Gasta.

“But… why?”

“Because it is my fault that Gasta was gone. It is my fault that the sabre wolves have left the confines of the Forest. When I was here last, it was at Al'dhumarna's behest, to put an end to the Guardian of the Forest and create chaos,” Vander said softly. “The night I healed you at the Palace, I ended up here in a dream journey. King Oak came to me and told me of how I might free Gasta, of how I might correct the greatest mistake I have ever made. The price was a fair one. My life in return for the Keeper's. My only regret was that Kasai would have had to pay the price with me.”

Your lives would not have been forfeit,
Gasta rumbled.
If Lady Amaraaq had not intervened, I would have healed you myself. It was enough that you were willing to make that sacrifice, young wolf. I forgave you before. I do so again and I thank you for being willing. I knew before that it wasn't in your heart to do as you had. Glad I am to see you free of those chains, cubling.

“How did you manage to keep such a burden from me?” Kalla asked. Vander was silent a moment, head bowed. He raised his head to look at her and his eyes widened when he saw the mark upon her brow. He quickly bowed his head again.

“Dashkele, you bear the last mark. You are Amaraaq. You are Mother, Lady, and Empress.”

A series of sharp yips forestalled her reply as Inari arrived. Aleister sat astride the huge fox's back. The night had changed him as well. Fox ears poked up through his hair, and he had three fluffy tails the same russet color as his fox form. Kasai's previous comment took on a whole new meaning. Patting the back of her robes, the Healer found that she had a tail of her own to match her ears, another change wrought by Amaraaq's power. At least he had the sense to dress before leaving the Temple.

“Nice tails,” Kasai said in a wry voice.


“You heard me. Nice tails,” Kasai repeated. Vander and Kalla started to laugh at the Fox's puzzled expression.

“Aleister, you have fox tails now. Three of them,” she said. They laughed all the harder as he turned a circle trying to see and finally reached around to grab one. He looked at it with a dumbfounded expression, then looked to Inari.

“How do I make them go away?”

I'm afraid you are stuck with them, little Fox.
Inari chuffed a laugh of his own at Aleister's consternation.

“And how did I not notice this before… I should think it would have been hard to miss?” he asked in a somewhat aggravated tone.

“Would now be a bad time to mention you also have fox ears?” Kalla asked innocently. The ears were black, same as his fox form. The claw earring was gone, but in its place were two small silver hoops. Aleister dropped the fox brush and ran his hands over his head, groaning at what he found.

You are fully kitsune now, Prince Kaze. The ears and tail are part of the package.

Kalla rose to her feet, pulling Vander up with her. Behind them, Kasai stood as well. The hawk shook himself, stretching, and shifted form. He fluttered to Vander's shoulder and promptly bit him on the nearest ear. The War Mage yelped in pain and winced as the harrier's claws sank deeper in his shoulder.

If you ever do something so foolish again without telling me, you will get worse than that. Do you think me without any honor, that I could not have understood the debt you sought to pay?

I thought you would have tried to stop me, yes,
” Vander replied. The hawk gave an indignant squawk, his feathers fluffed in irritation.

I'm sorry. I truly am. Don't worry, I have no other hidden debts to repay.

I think it is time and past for you to return to your companions. They have woken and found themselves deserted.
Gasta rumbled.

Good journey til the end, Lady Amaraaq. Take good care of my son.
Inari said.
And don't worry, Kaze, you look just fine.

A panicky Manny greeted them when they arrived back at the camp.

“Where did all of you go? We woke up and no one else was here.”

“We had business in the Forest, Manny. Business with Inari and Gasta.”

“You found Gasta? The Keeper is alive?” Lukas interjected.

“Yes, Sir Lukas. One order of business was to free Gasta. Objective complete. The Forest should be back in order in no time at all,” Kalla replied.

“That is a relief,” Lukas said.

“Indeed it is. I am sorry that we had you worried. Vander didn't wish to wake you when he left. No doubt he thought he would be back before you did so,” Kalla said.

She shared a look with the War Mage, swift assurance that his secret was safe.

Isle of Whispers, Year of the Mythril Serpent 2014 CE

The Nagali hissed in anger. He had lost the Arkaddian ruler and now the wolf goddess had set the Argosian emperor free as well. No matter. He was growing stronger with each passing day and the companions had yet to even visit the Elephant Lord, much less find the spear of the dark dragon goddess. His servants had kept them busy at least, scurrying around to prevent war from erupting.

Al'dhumarna thrashed in his prison and more shards of mythril fell away, revealing shimmering blue-green scales. He hissed again, this time in satisfaction. The more he freed himself, the more power he regained. Fully restored he would be near as strong as his 'sire', if the Lord of Living Nightmare could truly be called that.

Araun's gift had given him form, but it was humanity itself that had breathed life into the great Nagali, and humanity that had granted him his power. Even now he turned the Lord of Xibalba's gift back upon itself, even when Araun would have held it in check. The stronger their fear, the more it fed his dark murmurs in their hearts and minds.

From the mists of the island croaking chitters came to his ears and the island's inhabitants came forth. Always before, they had avoided his prison, but now they came to his siren call of blood and battle and now, finally, the Nagali had the strength to open the gates to send them forth into the inhabited lands of De Sikkari to wreak havoc upon an unsuspecting populace.

Fennec Nall
Port Benwick, Dashmar, Evalyce, Year of the Mythril Serpent, 2014 CE

It was the subtle change in the thrum of the engines that woke Kalla. The thrum deepened and slowed as Aleister brought the ship to ground. Nearby, Lukas' airship, the
settled in its own space. The
was a
-class fighter, built for a crew of three, with twice the armor and firepower of the smaller
-class ship.

On the way to Port Benwick they had visited Dashmar, to see how Ventaal had fared. The
had brought the promised supplies from Argoth, and Kalla had taken a cue from the Khan Arkaddia's book for the distribution of resources.

Ventaal's crews had already begun clearing small areas near potential mining sites. Leave it to the Argosians to clear an area with little disturbance to the surrounding forest. The trees they had culled to make room for the barracks were sent to nearby packs. Soldiers went with them and helped the Dashmari to restore or rebuild living halls and other buildings in need.

Kalla watched as Kasai slid from Thiassi's back, making his way to the ship as paddock workers swarmed out to them. They would take on supplies here and refuel the ships. The trek across the ocean was a long one, for such small aircraft. The
was nearly evenly matched with the
despite its greater size. The
class, like the
was built for the pure speed of close quarter combat rather than the endurance of long distance travel. If not within the bays of one of the massive flagships, the smaller strike-fighters were transported in passage-ships that could hold a full sri-talon of ships the size of the

Kalla knew the next leg of their journey would be the longest, twelve long hours across the ocean. Vander would be traveling with Lukas for this trip. He could monitor the ship to allow the magister time to rest, though any fancy flying would need be done by Lukas himself. Kalla would spell Aleister when needed. Her greater concern actually lay with the wyvern, though they had assured her that the trip would not be a problem. The wyvern could glide much of the way, relying on the air currents.

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