Emma's Heart (Brides of Theron 3) (6 page)

Read Emma's Heart (Brides of Theron 3) Online

Authors: Rebecca Pond,Rebecca Lorino

BOOK: Emma's Heart (Brides of Theron 3)
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Emma was feeling extremely nervous watching the alien move further into the room. What did he intend for her to do in here? Was this her new home forever? She scanned the room and took in everything. The walls were painted a light grey and had lights that lined the walls along the bottom near the baseboards. Off to the left, she could see a kitchen of some sort that had a table with four chairs nestled into it. Across from the kitchen was what she would have called a living room area. Two huge green sofas sat in the middle of the room facing each other and in the center dividing them was a long dark brown wood grained coffee table. One of the walls was covered up with curtains that were touching the floor. The wall on the opposite side of the room had one door that was shut at the moment. She turned around to see what was behind her and found another door that was open a crack. Inside she could make out a very large bed with big fluffy pillows piled up on top of it. That room caused her heart to flutter at the thought of what he might be expecting from her in there, but for now, she would make it her goal to remain out that room as much as possible.

Distracted by the sights in the room, Emma finally heard his voice calling her. She looked over to where he was sitting on one of the sofas motioning her over with his hand. She took her steps hesitantly as she moved to sit across from him on the opposite sofa. While he sat there on the sofa, it looked like he was molding something with his fingers. She had no idea what it was, but watched with curiosity. It wasn’t long before he had it in the shape that he wanted. He looked up at her and beckoned her over to where he was. She sat on the edge of the table, just in front of him and waited to see what he would do. He slid forward on the sofa and reached out to touch her face as she drew her body back away from him.

She heard him sigh, probably realizing that he had moved to fast.  She did not know what he was up to. This time, instead of reaching towards her face, she watched as he demonstrated what he was going to do with the molded plastic by putting it up to his ear then pointing to her ear.

She finally caught on to what he was doing and nodded, positioning herself closer to the edge of the table. He reached out to her slowly this time, and turned her face with his hand so that her right ear was to him. He pressed the molded material into her ear until he was satisfied that it was in correctly. He pushed himself back from her and leaned against the cushions looking at her.

They stared at each other for a few moments before he said something in a voice that scared the crap out of her, “Can you understand what I am saying, little one?”

He looked amused by her reaction to his voice. Her mouth slowly formed an O and her eyes widened in surprise. She could feel that her lips were moving but no sound passed through her lips.

“Can I take that as a yes?” he leaned forward again placing his forearms on his thighs. “What’s your name?”

Her eyebrows drew together, “How…How can I understand you now?”

“First, please tell me your name, and then I will tell you whatever you want to know.”

She bit the inside of her cheek
before she decided to answer his question. Should she lie about her name or about who she was? No, that wouldn’t get her anywhere. Maybe if she was truthful with him, he might be willing to let her go.

“My name is Emma, Emma Caron.”

“I am Brylon, and I am from the planet Theron”

She swallowed nervously when she heard him say he was from another planet, “Where is that?”

“Theron is about one hundred thousand light years away from your planet Earth in the galaxy called X-tran. We came upon your planet while on our search for compatible mates. Your planet is the first one we have come across so far that does.” She began to move away from him as she kept hearing the word mate.  What exactly did that mean for her? Was her only function here to carry his babies?

“No,” was the only word the she could get out.

“No? What do you mean no?” he looked hurt by her response.

She stood up in front of him with her hands on her hips, “I mean, no, I will not be forced to carry your babies for you. I want you to bring me back home and leave me alone.” She watched as he stood up to his full height, towering over her.

“You were brought here to be mated with the Theron race. I have bought you, and you are to be my mate. There is no going back to your home. This is your home now, here with me. The sooner you accept that, the better off you will be.” The tears started to well up in her eyes as the tone of his voice got louder and tougher as he looked a bit angry.

“I will never give in to you! I was fine on my own. Who do you think you are to decide what happens with the rest of MY life?” She backed away from him, putting more distance between them. “If you do not return me to my world, I will find my own way back.”

“I did not want our first night to start off like this Emma, but you have forced my hand. I will make this entirely clear to you so that you understand. This ship is your home for now.  That is until we reach the planet Theron. You are my mate now, and I will not let you go. You are not the only female that has been brought here to be mated with the Theron warriors, as you obviously know from being in the holding room. So with that said, you are not the only one to find yourself in this situation. If you allow yourself to accept this, you could have a good life here with me, and I promise to take very good care of you. So, it will be easier for the both of us if you just accept your new life here, with me.”

“No,” she whispered back at him.


He stood there with his arms folded over his chest. How was he going to be able to get  this little Earth female to understand that her former life was over and that her new life was just beginning,  right here in this room with him. He didn’t want to continue to argue with her for fear that he might say something that he would later regret. Maybe a change of subject might help, “Are you hungry? I can fix us something to eat.”

She turned away from him and said, “I do not want anything from you now or ever.” She moved to return to the sofa, but this time it was on the opposite side of the room near the curtained wall.  She was trying to get as far away as she could from him.

“Fine, but if you change your mind and find that you are hungry, I will be in my office.” He walked to the closed door in the room. When he opened the door, the lights switched on automatically. He shut the door with more force than what he should have, but he needed something to vent his anger on. What had he gotten himself into? He never would have believed an hour ago that the evening would have turned out so bad, so quickly. He knew that
she would need time in order to adjust, but she was flat out refusing to make a life with him. She refused to accept a life that he had paid a lot of money to secure. No, this was not good at all.

Chapter 4


Emma was furious beyond words. How dare these aliens just think they can come to Earth and snatch women to have babies with? Her life was going really good for once, and now they came along and screwed it all up. She might not have a lot to call her own, but everything she had was all hers, every last bit. She worked hard for what little she owned, and now it was all gone. The only things she
had with her were the clothes that were on her back. This situation was even worse than being transferred from foster home to foster home. At least then, she had been able to take her things with her.

Now there was nowhere for her to go. No one she knew except for Laura and she didn’t know what happened to her. She was at a total loss, and just didn’t know what to do or how to act. The anger and resentment that she had locked away for so long was trying to creep back into her veins and consume her again, and she didn’t want that. It had taken her so long to conquer those feelings and protect herself from them so that no one could hurt her or take advantage of her again. But, now it seemed that the tables had turned yet again. She felt as if she were back in the foster care system, where she didn’t know what was going to happen to her from day to day or week to week.  What did Brylon expect from her? Would Brylon sell her to someone else? She didn’t know what to think, and frankly didn’t want to think about anything else for the time being.

She wondered what was hidden behind the floor length curtains along the wall. She got up off the sofa and went over and pulled one side of the fabric back. The sight that confronted her was indescribable. She stepped between the curtain and the window and put her hands up to the glass wall that looked out into the far reaches of space. To her left she could see a sliver of the moon, but it was what she saw further out that fascinated her. The darkness was filled with thousands of tiny points of light that flickered and blinked at her. A few white streaks crossed the blackness that she was able to follow with her eyes for quite a distance. Her eyes turned towards the right where she saw the outer shell of the ship. Smaller flying ships could be seen coming and going into a large open area inside the ship that she thought to be a docking bay. Bright flashing lights came from this tunnel, and she spent an unknown amount of time watching the ships move in and out.

Suddenly the curtain was whipped aside from behind her.  In her shock of the sudden movement behind her, she turned to look at Brylon as he stood there with a relieved look on his face.  Did he actually think that she was gone?

“I need to go check on a few things in the engine room. Will you be alright without me for a while?”

Facing the window again she said, “I have been alone most of my life, so a few more minutes will make no difference.”

He caught her reflection in the glass of the window, watching as the tears that were rolling down her cheeks, “I shouldn’t be too long. If you want to go to bed, the bedroom is right through the door next to the entry way.”

“Sure, whatever,
” was her short reply.

She listened for the sound of door sliding shut before she came out from behind the curtain. She was all alone, just the way she liked it. Taking a deep calming breath she walked to the kitchen to see if there was something to eat. She had been hungry when Brylon had offered to fix something to eat, but she was determined not to take anything from him.

This was the strangest kitchen she had ever seen. Everything was built into the walls to maximize the space. The kitchen formed a U-shape that had a small bar that jutted out on one side. She began to open and close drawers and doors of the cabinets to find something to eat or drink. Finally she found what must have been a refrigerator, because when she opened it she felt the cold air escape. Inside were neatly aligned containers of varying sizes containing what she guessed was food, and several glass bottles that contained a bright green liquid, which her thought was that it was some kind of lizard blood.  Towards the back there was a bottle that had a pink liquid inside of it. She grabbed it and it appeared to have already been opened.  She twisted the lid off the bottle and took a sniff. It smelled like lemons and alcohol. Shrugging her shoulders, she tipped the bottle and took a swig.

The first thing she noticed was the burning sensation in her nose. It felt like she was about to shoot fire out of her nose. She swallowed the burning liquid then took a deep breath, and when she did the burning sensation was much worse. She coughed to try to get the liquid to either move down her throat or back out her mouth. Her eyes watered as the burn slowly faded away and settled into the pit
of her stomach which was empty because she hadn’t eaten in over two days.

“Holy crap, that’s some strong stuff!” She took a much smaller sip this time. The pink liquid actually had a good flavor. It was just the burning sensation afterwards that got to her. She continued to search through the refrigerator for food to eat. She pulled open a drawer
that contained a square wrapped up in something that looked like a cheese cloth.  Taking it out the drawer, she opened up the wrapping then smelled it.  It smelled pretty good to her so she broke off a piece of the creamy stuff and chewed it up.  It was soft and light blue and had a creamy texture.

“Oh my God, that is so good! I have no idea what it is, but I am going to eat this.” She shut the door of the refrigerator with her foot since her hands were full with the food she was holding. She went back to her spot behind the curtain and put down her dinner, but before she sat down on the floor she grabbed one of the cushions that were on the sofa. Positioning herself to where she could see docking bay, she laid on the floor drinking her pick alcohol and eating whatever the creamy light blue stuff was.

She racked her brain for a way to get off the ship. There had to be some kind of a way to get to one of those small ships and drive it back to earth. It couldn’t be too complicated to fly one since these guys seemed to be so technologically advanced. First though, she would need to be able to sneak out of Brylon’s rooms with no one seeing her. She was quite confident that she could manage at least that task because she became an expert at running away when she was in foster care. One time she ran away and was gone for a week before the social services finally caught up with her, it was a week of pure freedom.

Now she was facing a completely different scenario, being so far away from home, but she had to at least try. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she didn’t at least take a chance. What did she have to lose anyway? Her only other option was living her life with an alien on a different planet?  She had nothing to lose.

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