Emily Greenwood (18 page)

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Authors: A Little Night Mischief

BOOK: Emily Greenwood
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Holding both her wrists with one of his large, strong hands, he put down the candle and thrust his other arm into the wardrobe, emerging with a neckcloth. Her eyes gradually widened as she saw what he meant to do. It took him only a few moments to deftly tie her hands together behind her back. Ignoring her shocked, angry whispers, he tied her bound hands to the tall bedpost.

With her arms thrust back behind her, her breasts were pushed up, and they strained against the low, forget-me-not neckline of her silky dressing gown. She felt as if she were presenting herself to him like a molded custard on a platter and was wildly dismayed. How had things gone so terribly wrong so quickly?

He cast a glance at her plump bosom, then grunted in exasperation.

“Almost you tempt me not to leave.”

“Oh!” she gasped in horrified outrage.

“The time for maidenly scruples is gone, Felicity. I will deal with you when I return.”

Pulling a shirt on, he took the candle with him and left.


Striding down the hallway, James could only hope that Block, who was staying in the room across from Lila’s, had not heard anything. Thank heaven the man was leaving tomorrow.

Lila’s door was open and he knocked quietly on the doorjamb and went in, his mind unhelpfully dwelling on images of Felicity tied to his bed with her breasts straining erotically against her bodice. He now had a huge erection that he was grateful the darkness would hide.

Lila was pacing and running her hands through her loose hair, clearly distressed, and Josephine was making soothing noises at her. They both looked at him as he entered.

“James, thank heavens!” said Lila, sounding more than a bit hysterical. “Something was making noise in the wall,” she said dramatically, gesturing with a handkerchief toward the rear wall.

“It moaned, I am certain!” she continued before he had a chance to act. “It must be some sort of specter! Or some fiend! Oh!” she wailed and he cringed, wishing she would be quieter. Not only was Block only across the hall, but the Dunlops’ room was next door, and Robert was something of a stickler. So far, though, there was no sign of him or the children.

“Or an intruder,” she continued, her eyes widening further, “bent on stealing my jewels!” She buried her face in her handkerchief and allowed as how she never should have left the safety of Town. They would probably all be murdered in their beds by spooks or brigands.

James sighed. Felicity could not have picked a more perfect victim to convince of the dubious safety of an old country manor. As he drew closer, his cousin shot him a questioning look.

“Actually, James, I believe I heard something as well,” Josephine said in a low, reasonable voice. “Just as Lila describes, some knocking or bumping sounds in the wall, and a moaning sound.”

He nodded sympathetically, a very embarrassed host. And one who was ready to strangle a certain country lass.

“I’m terribly sorry you’ve been disturbed, ladies. No doubt I should have mentioned this before, but we have had one or two problems with animals trapped in the walls.”

Josephine’s eyebrows shot up at this statement, and Lila pulled her handkerchief away from her face and made a ferocious sound of disgust. “Animals!” she burst out, astonishment making a scary mask of her sharp features in the candlelight as he winced at her volume. “In the very walls of my room? Well, I never, in all my life!”

More sympathy was called for. “Yes, it’s appalling, I agree. The house was unoccupied for a month or so, and apparently a family of—of badgers made a nest in the walls. I’m afraid some babies were born and it has been difficult getting them all out. Of course, they’re nocturnal animals. I’m sorry they’ve bothered you both.”

Josephine looked as if she didn’t entirely believe him, but she also did not seem to be distressed, for which he was grateful.

“Well,” Lila said huffily, “I can only say that I am glad I had planned to return to London tomorrow. I have certainly had enough of the pleasures of the country.”

“Of course.” James bowed his head in contrition for having been the provider of this less-than-satisfactory experience. “I apologize for the inconvenience.”

He and Josephine left a sour Lila some minutes later, the latter having announced she would surely not sleep another wink knowing there were vermin in the walls near her, despite assurances that there was no way for the animals to get to her.

Josephine paused in the hallway before returning to her room.

“James, it’s funny,” she said, “but I thought I heard your stable boy gossiping with my groom this morning about some ghost that was believed to inhabit here.” Her eyes screwed up as she thought. “A ‘Pretty Anne’ or something like that, who is supposed to have been seen here recently.” She gave him a shrewd look. “You don’t suppose this incident tonight had anything to do with this purported ghost, do you?”

Blast! Felicity’s efforts to stir up trouble were having a widening effect. He could only pray that tales of strange doings would fail to reach Dover’s ears, at least until after the sale was complete. Which meant, also, that he must get Felicity quietly out of the house.

Maintaining outward calm, he bent to bestow a cousinly kiss on Josephine’s cheek. “Of course not, cuz, there are no such things as ghosts, as any rational person knows.”

“Of course not, cuz,” she returned, “but people have been haunted by more than spirits.” With a small smile, she turned and disappeared into her room.

Mr. Block’s door opened. “Eh, Collington, what’s all the ruckus?” he asked, looking bleary.

Damn. “I’m afraid Mrs. Pendleton heard a few scurryings in her walls. Animals. Country living, you know.”

Block grinned. “I’m a dab hand with critters,” he said, stepping into the hallway. “Be glad to help.”

“No!” James said much too forcefully. “That is,” he continued reasonably, “I thank you, but that won’t be necessary.” He cast a glance at Lila’s closed door. “She has gone back to bed, as I think it would be best for us all to do now.”

“Eh, right, see what you mean, Collington. Do let me know if you want any advice on the problem. Had rats m’self.”

“Thank you, Block. Good night, then.”

Block went back into his room and the house grew quiet again. Heaving a deep breath, James made for his own room and a certain ghostly woman who deserved every dastardly thing he decided to do to her.

He entered his bedroom and in the dim light of the candle he held approached the figure at his bedpost.


Felicity watched the candlelight—and James—come closer. Ever since he had left her, tied up in the dark room, her outrage and fear had been growing in equal parts.

How could he have tied her up like this, the evil man!

And what in heaven’s name was he planning to do with her?

If he wanted to have his wicked way with her, she would be unable to resist, and not, she had to admit with a sinking heart, just because she was tied up.

He went over to the bedside table and put the candle on it, then came to stand before her, his expression enigmatic.

“Felicity, Felicity,” he began in a scolding tone that held a definite edge of anger, “we had a bargain that Lovely Annabelle wouldn’t come while my guests were here.”

“I did what I had to do,” she said, looking at him defiantly.

“Is that all you have to say for yourself? Do you realize the trouble you are causing me?” He sucked his teeth, his lips tight. “But of course, trouble was your goal, wasn’t it? Well, there is a price to be paid for deceiving the master of Tethering.”

“But—” Her eyelids shot fully open as she watched him move closer. “You can’t—”

He ignored her and leaned forward to press his lips to the skin of her upthrust breasts. He groaned and buried his face.

Ohhh. He felt so good against her. His whiskery face and the heat and moistness of his mouth sparked a rush of desire within her. She sucked her breath in sharply and tried to hold herself in check, to stop herself from responding—or from begging him to touch her more. Deep in her body and low, a warm hum stirred. She wished her arms were free so they could curl around him and squeeze him against her, even as she instinctively knew that being tied to the bedpost made what they were doing more exciting.

James smiled against Felicity’s breasts. She was trying not to respond, but he could hear how her breathing had quickened, and now he could feel her pressing just a little bit toward him in spite of herself. By the stars but he wanted her, ached for her. His breeches were growing tighter every moment.

He kissed the inner swell of one breast moistly, then dropped lower to kiss the hardened nub of her nipple, which presented itself so appealingly through the thin fabric of her gown. She couldn’t help herself—she moaned.

“I am thinking of penalties,” he murmured as he moved his mouth to the other tip and hovered in front of it. She was still trying to pretend she wasn’t responding to him. He breathed on her, close up, dampening the cloth of her gown with his breath, and that did it. She arched toward him. With a grunt of satisfaction he captured her nipple in his mouth and playfully nipped it.

“Oh, James.” She squirmed against him. Her leg brushed against his erection and a jolt of pleasure and wanting ran through him.

He brought his hands to either side of her slim waist and followed her curves slowly up, taking the fabric of her gown with him. She wore nothing beyond a shift under the thin gown, and she felt like absolute heaven. The sound of her restrained panting poured heat on his desire.

He was just working his way upward along her neck toward her beautiful mouth when there was a soft click and the audible sound of a gasp.

His fogged mind supplied Felicity as the gasper, and why shouldn’t she gasp? But wait, something was wrong, because now she had stilled.

“James,” she hissed, moving her shoulder to hit his arm repeatedly.

“What?” Why was she suddenly so stiff?

He looked up at her face and was disconcerted to see her gaze trained on the door. With a sinking heart, he turned his head and beheld Lila in the doorway, a look of triumph on her face.

“Well, my goodness,” she addressed them in a sugary tone that did not hide her glee at finding them. “This is quite a position to find you two in!”

“Er,” began Felicity weakly. James flicked a glance at her and knew a stab of remorse. She looked either like a desperate victim of something dastardly, or the willing participant in something naughty.

Blast. Blast! his mind yelled. What had he done?

He’d compromised her thoroughly, that’s what he’d done. Now there was nothing for it. The decision was made in an instant, and a secret part of him welcomed it.

Draping his arm around Felicity’s waist, he stood next to her to face Lila. He could feel Felicity’s frantic regard against the side of his face.

“Well, Lila,” he managed a chuckle, “you’ve caught us at a private moment.” And one the likes of which she herself had engaged in before, he was well aware. “This was not how we were planning to make our announcement, of course, but now you will be the first to know. Felicity and I are to be married.”

“What!” Lila gasped, obviously astonished. And probably disappointed too, that she would not have a juicy gossip item for her return to Town. It was one thing to suggest you had come upon an unengaged couple and compromised them. It was another entirely to report on exactly what an engaged couple were doing. That smacked of voyeurism, and Lila would be too embarrassed to relate gossip about finding Felicity tied up.

Beside him, Felicity inhaled sharply. He glanced down into her face and read, under her outraged eyebrows, astonishment, among other things that did not suggest she was a besotted fiancée. Fortunately, Lila was still in the doorway and the dim candlelight would not allow much nuance to be revealed. He dug his elbow sharply into Felicity’s ribs and gave her a ferocious look that demanded cooperation in what he had begun.

“Well,” Lila said, looking from James to Felicity, “I suppose I am to congratulate you both.”

“Thank you,” he said, and was seconded by Felicity’s almost inaudible thanks. He shot a sideways look at her, hoping she wasn’t about to faint. She seemed all right, although her out-thrust chest was going up and down very rapidly. He wished Lila would disappear instantly so he could free Felicity. Or rather, calm her, since he didn’t actually want to free her.

“We’ll say good night then,” he said firmly. “Felicity was just about to leave.”

Even across the distance of the room he could see Lila’s skeptical eyebrow shooting upward and her lips pursing.

“Good night.” She faded from the doorway and James was there in three strides to close and lock it.

“James!” Felicity hissed, the moment he turned around. “What have you done?”

“Saved you from your own foolishness, that’s what,” he said, coming to stand in front of her with his hands on his hips.

“What!” She struck him with her shoulder and he stepped back a foot. “You’re the one who tied me to the bed and started… started doing things. Untie me at once!”

He leaned his shoulder against the other bedpost, crossing his arms. “Is this the thanks I get for saving you from being the talk of the town? Your reputation would never have survived being found in my bedroom.”

Her eyes shot sparks in the candlelight. Hades, but she stirred him to the point that he felt a little out of control. More than a little, actually, because what he really wanted was to torment her and himself into delirium and
untie her. And do other things.

“I never would have been found at all if you had not tied me to the bed like a madman!”

He shook his head back and forth. “It’s useless to go round and round like this when you know very well you are not supposed to be here to begin with.” He arched an eyebrow. “Not that I mind seeing you this way, of course. But coming here was far from wise.”

She closed her eyes and clenched her teeth. “I wasn’t trying to be wise.”

He lifted an eyebrow at her and she stamped her foot, though quietly. “I demand you untie me immediately! This is horribly demeaning. I feel like a masthead.”

“You don’t look demeaned. In fact, you look delectable.”

“James!” she began again, although her pleading sounded tinged with desperation that had nothing to do with perhaps feeling like a masthead. She wanted him, but she didn’t know what to do with the wanting.

They would have to have a quick wedding, he decided as he stepped forward to untie her hands. She snatched them away as soon as he had undone the cravat and stepped away from the bedpost.

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