Emerald Green (45 page)

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Authors: Kerstin Gier

BOOK: Emerald Green
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Raphael de Villiers
, Gideon’s younger brother

Mr. William Whitman
, teacher of English and history, also a member of the Inner Circle of the Lodge

Mr. Gilles,
the school principal


Gideon de Villiers
, time traveler, the Diamond in the Circle of Twelve

Falk de Villiers
, Gideon’s uncle twice removed, Grand Master of the Lodge of Count Saint-Germain, to which the Guardians belong

Mr. Leo Marley
, Adept First Degree

Thomas George
, member of the Inner Circle of the Lodge

Dr. Jacob White
, medical doctor and member of the Inner Circle of the Lodge

Little Robert
, his dead son, a ghost

Mrs. Jenkins
, secretary

Madame Rossini
, dress designer and wardrobe


Count Saint-Germain
, time traveler and founder of the Guardians, the Emerald in the Circle of Twelve

Miro Rakoczy
, his close friend, also known as the Black Leopard

Lord Alastair
, descendant of the Conte di Madrone, representing the Florentine Alliance

Sir Albert Alcott
, First Secretary of the Guardians in the late eighteenth century

Lucas Montrose
, Gwyneth’s grandfather

Lord Brompton
, acquaintance and patron of the Count

Lady Lavinia Rutland
, a society widow of dubious morals

Margaret Tilney
, time traveler, Gwyneth’s great-great-grandmother, Lady Arista’s grandmother, the Jade in the Circle of Twelve

Mr. Stillman
, her butler

Dr. Harrison
, her family doctor, a member of the Inner Circle of the Guardians in 1912

Paul de Villiers
, time traveler
younger brother
of Falk de Villiers, the Black Tourmaline in the Circle of Twelve

Lucy Montrose
, time traveler, niece of Grace, daughter of Grace and Glenda’s elder brother Harry, the Sapphire in the Circle of Twelve


Kerstin Gier is the bestselling author of the Ruby Red trilogy, which has been translated into seventeen languages.
Emerald Green
is the last book in the trilogy, following
Ruby Red
Sapphire Blue


Text copyright © 2013 by Kerstin Gier

Translation copyright © 2013 by Anthea Bell

Henry Holt and Company, LLC

Publishers since 1866

Henry Holt® is a registered trademark of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.

175 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10010


All rights reserved

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Gier, Kerstin.

[Smaragdgrün. English]

Emerald green / Kerstin Gier; translated from the German by Anthea Bell.—First American edition.

pages     cm

“Originally published in Germany in 2010 by Arena Verlag GmbH under the title Smaragdgrün. Liebe geht durch alle Zeiten.”

Sequel to: Sapphire blue.

Summary: Since learning she is the Ruby, the final member of the time-traveling Circle of Twelve, nothing has gone right for Gwen and
she holds suspicions about both Count Saint-German and Gideon, but as she uncovers the Circle’s secrets she finally learns her own destiny.

ISBN 978-0-8050-9267-7 (hardback)

[1.  Time travel—Fiction.   2.  Family life—England—London—Fiction.   3.  Secret societies—Fiction.   4.  Love—Fiction.   5.  London (England)—Fiction.   6.  England—Fiction.   7.  Great Britain—History—Fiction.]   I.  Bell,
Anthea.   II.  Title.

PZ7.G3523Eme 2013 [Fic]—dc23 2013017885

eISBN 9780805099485

First hardcover American edition 2013

eBook edition October 2013

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