Emerald Death (18 page)

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Authors: Bill Craig

BOOK: Emerald Death
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The new arrival listened intently and nodded.  It was then that Hannigan noted the gemstone hanging around the man’s neck.  It was a beautifully carved emerald square that flashed with an inner light.  It could only be the prize they were trying to keep from the Nazis.  The fabled Emerald of Eternity!

            “Greetings, welcome to my home,” the man announced in perfect modern day English.  It caught Hannigan by surprise.

            “Greetings, Prester John,” Niles McKenzie said, taking a step forward.

            “Emissary, it has been awhile since you last journeyed to my kingdom.  What brings you here?” Prester John asked his eyes burrowing into McKenzie.  Hannigan half-smiled as the priest flinched under that direct gaze.

            “There are evil men coming who wish to steal your greatest treasure,” McKenzie announced.

            “Evil is always drawn to power, Emissary,” Prester John replied, his voice low and melodic.

            “And the Emissary is just as bad as the others that are coming,” Mike Hannigan interjected, stepping forward.

            “Who are you?” Prester John asked.

            “The name is Hannigan.  I’m a guy who is here to stop the bad guys from getting their hands on the stone around your neck, even if it means stealing it.  It’s of no value to me, but both the Catholic Church and the Nazis want the stone for its power.  My only goal is to deny that to them, sir.  Look into my heart, my soul, and see if I am not telling you the truth,” Hannigan said boldly.

            “Now see here, Hannigan,” McKenzie started.  Prester John cut him off.

            “Silence, Emissary!  I shall do as he asks.  If he speaks the truth, he has nothing to fear.  If he lies, or there is any deceit in what he says, he will burn in the flames of hellfire,” The Priest-king said. 

“Come forward, Hannigan.”

            Mike Hannigan stepped forward, closer to the man called Prester John.

The Priest King reached out and touched his forehead.  Hannigan felt a strange warmth wash over him, a sense of peace and well being filled him.  Hannigan felt the hand of Prester John move to his chest for a brief moment.  Then the touch was gone and the warm feeling faded.  Hannigan took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then opened his eyes.

            “You spoke the truth, Michael Hannigan.  Named after the Archangel, you are.  And so shall you be.  You, Emissary, however spoke only in half-truths and lies.  You must suffer for your sins!” Prester John said, turning his attention to McKenzie. 

            Suddenly gunfire erupted and the escorts started to fall. 

            Mike Hannigan dived to the ground, slamming his shoulder into Bridget to knock her out of the line of fire as well.



Chapter Twenty


Hannigan grabbed Bridget and rolled with her behind the edge of the dais.  He peered over the edge.  Prester John stood unharmed and totally relaxed as the Nazi invaders stormed into the room.  Ragnarok walked in behind them, strong and powerful. 

            “I am here for The Emerald of Eternity!” Ragnarok announced as he stepped up to face Prester John.

            “I know you, Creature of the Void,” Prester John replied calmly.   The air seemed to almost thicken around the two beings.  Hannigan shook his head.  Beings fit more than men, because he was quite sure neither of them was truly human, not anymore.

            “How do you know me, human scum?” Ragnarok sounded surprised.

            “I have seen the faces of every demon spawned in Hell.  I have sent many of your kind back to your dark master,” Prester John replied.

            “You will send me nowhere, human scum.  But I will have the Emerald of Eternity!” Ragnarok said.

            “Oh really?” Prester John asked, sounding more than slightly amused.

            “I got a feeling this is about to get really ugly,” Hannigan said, his tone hushed.

            “I’ve got to get to Dad,” Bridget said, pushing to her hands and knees.

            “Bridget, out there is the last place you need to go,” Hannigan said, his hand on her shoulder, but she threw his hand off.

            “I have to save Dad,” Bridget said, her voice suddenly cold.  She crawled off towards where Niles McKenzie had fallen.

            “That girl is too damned headstrong for her own good,” Hannigan muttered to himself.

            Blue energy was crackling around the form of Doctor Ragnarok.  A green glow surrounded Prester John.

“This can’t be good,” Gregor Shotsky said from his side.

Hannigan hadn’t even noticed his old friend reaching his side. “I agree, old friend,” Hannigan said.  “What do we do now?”

            “Find a way out of here,” Shotsky suggested.

            “No can do pal, at least I can’t.  I have to find a way to keep that weirdo in the metal mask from getting that gemstone,” Hannigan replied.

Energy beams were crackling between Prester John and Ragnarok.  While they appeared evenly matched, Hannigan wasn’t so sure that was true.  Ragnarok seemed to be absorbing more energy than he was putting out, yet Prester John appeared to be weakening.

            “How can we help him?” Shotsky asked with a sigh.

            “We’ve gotta find a way to disrupt whatever Ragnarok’s doing,” Hannigan said, his eyes searching the room.

            “How do you propose we do that?” Shotsky asked.

            “Those things you made at the Mission, where are they?” Hannigan asked, the germ of an idea forming.

            “Yes, here,” Shotsky handed him one.

            “Give me the rundown on how to work it again,” Hannigan said, not taking his eyes off the two combatants.  “Fast!”

            The energy crackling out from Ragnarok was now a dark blue, almost black as it lashed at the fading green glow surrounding Prester John.  The Priest-king was fading fast.  They had to help him or all would be lost!

            “Twist the end loose, then hit that small button just below the threads,” Shotsky explained.  Hannigan’s hands were already in motion, twisting the top of the club-like device loose. 

He pointed it at Ragnarok and hit the button.  There was a loud twang as a strongly coiled spring released and the top half of the club shot forward like a rocket.  The metal club hit the energy field surrounding Ragnarok, then struck his helmet.  White light exploded from the ancient wizard, lashing out like lightning throughout the room.  Stones exploded from the wall, crashing down around them all.

            Bright green light flared up after the white light had dimmed.  Green fire exploded around Ragnarok, burning him.  The metal of his mask smoked as he screamed within it, and then began to turn red and melt. 

Mike Hannigan watched as Bridget and McKenzie scrambled out towards the front entrance that they had entered by. 

He looked at Gregor Shotsky.  “The curtain behind the throne.  It’s our only hope!” he shouted. 

Together they ran through the entrance.  The whole building was shaking, chunks of stone were tumbling from both walls and ceiling

            Running down the corridor, they searched frantically for an exit.  Gregor spotted the opening first and dragged him towards it.  Both men dived out into the open as a loud rumble sounded from behind them and the lost city began to collapse with a thunderous roar.  A thick cloud of dust rose up into the air.

            “Your luck, Michael, it holds true to form,” Gregor chuckled as he rolled to a sitting position.

Hannigan looked over his shoulder.  “Everybody’s a critic,” Hannigan growled.

            “Yes well at least we are alive,” Gregor said.

            “That should count for something,” Hannigan agreed.

            “Halt!  Put your hands behind your heads!” ordered a voice with a thick German accent.

            “Aw crap!” Hannigan said.

            “Hardluck or no luck,” Shotsky sighed.




            Bridget looked up as the dust cloud rose into the air.  “Hannigan,” she gasped.  She started towards the rubble but Niles McKenzie grabbed her shoulder, drawing her back.

            “He’s gone, Bridget,” McKenzie said.  She felt tears coursing down her cheeks, cutting tracks through the dust

            “He can’t be gone, Dad, I love him,” Bridget sobbed.  She felt his arms tighten around her.

            “I’m sorry Bridget,” Niles McKenzie said, and for her sake, he truly meant it.  Neither of them noticed the silver zeppelin pass overhead.  Bridget stayed in her father’s embrace for a long time.  Finally he let her go and together they started back to where she had landed the Duck.




            Hans Wessel looked at the two prisoners that his men had recovered.  From what they had told him, the Emerald of Eternity had been lost when the lost city had collapsed, taking Ragnarok with it.  Ragnarok was no loss, but the emerald was.  No matter, at least he had the two prisoners to deliver to the Kondor Legion.













Author Bio



Bill Craig is a single father and criminology student.  With 3 grown children and a 2 year old at home plus going to school, he finds life to be an adventure in its own right.  As a long time fan of 1940’s pulp novels, Craig decided to take a stab at one of his own and Hardluck Hannigan was born.  Mr. Craig is also the author of the Jack Riley adventures and the Sam Decker mystery Scorpion Cay.  He is currently working on the next Hardluck Hannigan novel as well as a follow-up to Scorpion Cay.


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