Embracing Fate: A hot paranormal shifter book (Hidden Hills Shifters 4) (15 page)

BOOK: Embracing Fate: A hot paranormal shifter book (Hidden Hills Shifters 4)
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A finger twitched, and she grabbed his hand, willing him to get better. She understood that she hadn’t learned how to heal someone, but he’d said that if she’d concentrated very hard, she might be able to help. Holding on too long might be bad for her health, but she didn’t care. Nothing was more important than Cord.

Clasping his hand with both of hers, Piper channeled all of her love and calming thoughts into him. Waves of lust and oceans of pain swamped her.
Please get better

She didn’t know if there was some kind of shifter god she could appeal to, or if her human one was good enough, but she prayed, begging anyone who would listen to help him.

The waves of dizziness grew stronger, and she hoped it meant she was helping. Cord’s breathing began to even out and she could detect some rapid eye movement under his closed lids as if he was slowly waking up. She couldn’t give up now despite her light-headedness.

“Open your eyes, Cord,” she whispered. “For me?” Her voice cracked.

His fingers moved as if he could tell she was there. She just needed to give him her strength for a little bit longer, and then he’d be okay.

*     *     *

“Piper, wake up.”
A hand gently shook her.

She opened her eyes, but her vision remained blurry. “Cord?” She blinked a few times and the man’s face cleared. “Jackson. What are you doing here?”

“Do you know where you are?”

She looked around, not remembering how she’d ended up in a bed. An IV ran into her vein and she was hooked up to monitors. “I’m at the hospital.” The memory of holding Cord’s hand flashed in her mind’s eye.

“You passed out.” Jackson answered her unspoken question.

She didn’t remember much other than feeling faint. Her attempt to heal Cord must’ve overwhelmed her. “How long have I been asleep?”

“About twelve hours.”

“Twelve hours?” This was more than a fainting spell.

Thin streams of light eked around the sides of the shades, implying it was morning. As she tried to push up to a sitting position, her strength gave way, and she plopped back down.

Jackson placed a hand on her shoulder. “You rest. It’s what Cord would want.”

“How is he?” She wasn’t sure she could take it if the news wasn’t good.

Before he could answer her, someone knocked on the door, and it swung open. A nurse stepped in followed by Cord in a wheelchair. Surprise and joy collided. She couldn’t believe her eyes. His color had returned and the smile on his face implied he’d greatly improved.

“Someone say my name?”

“You’re alive!”

“Yes.” He wheeled up to Jackson. “Can you give us a minute?”

“Sure, buddy. I’ll be outside if you need me.” Both Jackson and the nurse left.

When the door closed, Cord picked up her hand. “I thought I warned you what would happen if you tried to heal someone who’d been seriously injured. You aren’t ready yet. This could have killed you.”

A blast of indignation raced through her. “You aren’t just
. You’re my mate. I love you, Cord Triggert and don’t you ever forget it. If anything happened to you, I don’t know what I would’ve done.”

He stared at her for a moment as if the words he was about to say had completely evaporated off his tongue. “Did you just say you loved me?”

“I most certainly did.” As if he didn’t know that already.

His grin—and maybe his strong grip—helped boost her energy. “Well, I’ll be damned, ’cause it just so happens, I love you, too.”

Suddenly, the weakness that had claimed her lessened. Piper pushed up on one elbow and leaned toward him, hoping for a kiss. She’d have to make sure not to think healing thoughts when they connected.

Cord held up a palm. “Oh, no you don’t. If I kiss you, we’ll be doing it on that bed.”

She chuckled and rolled onto her back. “You are incorrigible.”

“You love it and you know it.”

Piper could only imagine how much fun she and Cord were going to have once they both healed.

*     *     *

Three months later

Piper wrapped her arms around Cord’s neck. “What time did you say everyone was coming over?”

“Not for another two hours.” Jackson had been offered a job at the Hidden Hills Police Department and Cord was throwing him a party at their house. The job offer came right after the successful sting operation, but Jackson said he had to finish up at his job in DC first.

She thought back to that fatal time. The doctors had been amazed at his speedy recuperation, but he’d kept quiet about the source of his miracle.

A month after her discharge, Cord had suggested they move in together. The pull between them had been too intense to remain apart any longer, and she couldn’t be happier.

She also had decided to test his little theory about not being able to conceive by going off the pill, and she was waiting for the right moment to tell him his fears had been unfounded.

Both Piper and Cord had spent the morning preparing for the festivities and now it was time to burn off that excessive sexual energy that was coursing through her.

“Can you think of something we can do for the next two hours?” She rubbed her body against his and nibbled on his ear.

“Grr. Watch it. You know what happens when you tease me.”

Piper tossed back her head and laughed. “No, I don’t remember.”

“You’re in trouble now!”

He loved to pick her up and carry her to the bedroom, though she missed the days when he’d slam her against the wall and do her. The wonderfully soft bed worked just as well though.

Cord carried her into the bedroom, and Piper couldn’t wait for him to see the surprise she’d left for him. He spotted the paper as he set her on the spread.

“What’s this?”

“Look at it and see,” she said, not wanting to give anything away just yet.

He picked it up and studied it, his jaw slowly dropping. “Is this what I think it is?”

While she studied ultrasounds for a living, even someone like Cord should be able to see a baby or two. “Yes.”

He lifted the paper closer to his face. “There are two things here.” He tore his gaze off the paper. “Don’t tell me these are ours cubs?”

Maybe she’d been wrong in going off the pill. “Do you want them to be?” Her pulse skipped a beat.

A grin spread across his face. “Are you fucking kidding me? Do I want children? Hell, yes, I do.” He dropped the paper, drew her to her feet, and hugged her. “How long have you known?”

“I figured it out last week. After I returned home from the hospital, I realized I’d missed taking so many pills that I decided to stop them. I wanted to see if we could have a child. I was hoping you’d be pleased.”

“I want children more than you could ever know. Even if we couldn’t, my love for you wouldn’t be any less,” he said. “In fact, I had planned a little celebration of our own tonight at the party.”


“Yes, but I see no harm in having it early.” Cord pulled open the side table drawer and withdrew a box. Her heart beat fast and her legs weakened.

“I was waiting for the right time to ask you, and I think now is that time.”

Cord dropped to his knee, opened the box, and pulled out the most beautiful ring she’d ever seen. A white diamond sat between a dark onyx stone and a brown chocolate diamond. She quickly figured out the diamond represented her and the colored stones represented his two beings. “It’s the most gorgeous ring I’ve ever seen.”

He slipped it on her finger and then stood. “Will you, Piper Capshaw, be not only my mate but my wife? I guess I should also add the mother of my two children.”

She tapped her finger to her lips. “Hmmm. I always wanted a man who was great in bed. Know anyone who fits that bill?”

He growled and mumbled something about a sassy mate.

Piper giggled. “Of course, I’ll marry you.”

Cord grinned as he toed off his boots. He stepped out of his jeans and ripped his shirt over his head. His big cock stuck out, clearly ready for her. “In that case, I’d like to volunteer for the job of your stud, ma’am.”

“I’m willing to give you an interview, but you need to be quick. How about taking off my clothes?”

There were nights when they would spend hours in bed languishing over each other’s bodies, and there were times when they fucked fast and furiously. Tonight, her need was so great that she wanted it hard and passionate.

He drew her to her feet, cupped her face, and kissed her. The moment their lips had touched, her body caught on fire, and she grabbed his cock and squeezed it tight. He groaned then moaned, opening his mouth in invitation. As their tongues tangled, they devoured each other as if they couldn’t get enough. Hell, she didn’t think she’d ever have her need satisfied.

Lowering his hands to her waist, he slipped his palms under her shirt and pushed her bra up over her tits. When he twisted her nipples, heat streaked down to her core.

Needing more skin contact, Piper broke the kiss. She leaned back, lifted off her shirt then unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor. She dropped down onto the bed and removed the rest of her clothes.

Cord whistled. “Does that mean I get the job?”

“The job interview hasn’t even begun.”

“Oh it’s begun, all right. Let me show you how I can ignite your passion.”

She couldn’t wait. Piper dragged a finger down his now furry chest. She loved when he turned all animal on her. Occasionally, she’d asked him to shift because she loved his panther sleekness. Tonight though, it was just about them.

“A gentleman never keeps a lady waiting,” she said.

“Well, I’m no gentleman, and I’m about to show you why.”

With that, he pulled her to her feet, spun her around, and tipped her forward, forcing her to plant her palms on the bed. From behind, he edged open her legs, and when he slipped two fingers into her wet hole, streaks of joy slammed into her. He then curled his fingers and hit her G spot. Holy shifters. Her climax was so close she had to work to keep from coming, in part because she wanted tonight to be extra special.

Cord removed his fingers and slid his hands up to her breasts where he gently massaged the tips, sending heated pulses throughout her body. When he edged his cock into her pussy, she tightened her inner walls, loving the intense friction.

Cord let out a loud groan. “God, what you do to me. I don’t think there will ever be a day when the animal in me doesn’t want to possess you.”

“I hope not.” Piper pressed her hips back, driving his cock in farther.

That must have been the signal that pushed Cord close to the edge. He dragged his lips to her neck, and as he pounded into her harder and faster, he bit her. Adrenaline and lust met, and her orgasm swooped in. She clutched the spread and let out a yell. With wild abandon, she rocked forward and back, needing, desiring, and yearning for every inch of his animal being.

Cord wrapped his arms around her and held her tight as his cock detonated, his heat and love encasing her.

How wonderful it was that their twins were there with them. Since they probably had the ability to sense feelings, she hoped they were seeped in love, too.

The End

(Full length contemporary)

Promises of Mercy
(book 1)

Foundations For Three
(book 2)

Montana Fire
(book 3)

Hart To Hart
(book 4)

Burning Seduction
(book 5)

(contemporary novellas)

Montana Desire
(book 1)

Awakening Passions
(book 2)


Training Their Mate
(book 1)

Claiming Their Mate
(book 2)

Rescuing Their Virgin Mate
(book 3)

Box Set
(books 1-3)

Loving Their Vixen Mate
(book 4)

Fighting For Their Mate
(book 5)


An Unexpected Diversion
(book 1) – Free

Bare Instincts
(book 2)

Shifting Destinies
(book 3)

Embracing Fate (book 4)

Promises Unbroken (book 5) – coming soon

Author Bio

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Not only do I love to read, write, and dream, I’m an extrovert. I enjoy being around people and am always trying to understand what makes them tick. Not only must my books have a happily ever after, I need characters I can relate to. My men are wonderful, dynamic, smart, strong, and the best lovers in the world (of course).

You’ll find me most days on my chaise lounge with my laptop and my iced tea(unsweetened!) on the side table. I love to sleep in late and write into the wee hours. I also love FB, so you’ll find me on there, too!

I believe I am the luckiest woman. I do what I love and I have a wonderful, supportive husband, who happens to be hot!

Fun facts about me

(1)  I’m a math nerd who loves spreadsheets. Give me numbers and I’ll find a pattern.

(2)  I’m addicted to taking pictures (I taught high school photo for 30 years). I plan to periodically post some of my favorites on my newsletter [so sign up!].

(3)  I also like to exercise. Yes, I know I’m odd. Not only do I walk with different women each week, I teach Pilates twice a week at a local rec center, and lift weights the other days.

I love hearing from readers either on FB or via email (hint, hint).

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