Embracing Ember (9 page)

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Authors: Astrid Cielo

BOOK: Embracing Ember
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“Who is Aurum?” Serenity asked.


“He is the new prisoner caretaker, which only includes me now. The other male who used to take care of us, he was cruel and since all of their prisoners died he was relieved of duty. Aurum is my caretaker now. He has been speaking with me of news, and Earth was a word that he has said frequently. I’m not really sure what he says about it though, maybe they are planning to do what they did to my planet to yours.” Cekayda stated. Serenity certainly hoped not, but she would tell Eon about this. The sound of an infant crying had Ember turning her head toward the sound and Cekayda’s big blue eyes rounding in wonder. “Is that a baby?” Cekayda asked.


“Yes, it is my daughter, Marianna. I have to go, but maybe I can find you again. I’ll let the Council know about you so that maybe you can be saved. I hate to ask you this, but are you safe?” Serenity asked even as she felt the pull of wakefulness. She remembered telling Eon good bye when she thought that it was her passing away, but now she knew and understood what it was.


“Honestly, before I wasn’t, but there is something about Aurum that just begs me to trust him, and oddly enough, I do.” Cekayda stated with confusion. Serenity closed her eyes and placed a hand on Cekayda’s shoulder and gasped. Jumbled images of her and Aurum blasted through her brain and she just knew.


“You can trust him, I’ve got this feeling,” Serenity stated before disappearing.








Ember sat looking out at the sun as it set. To think, just a week ago she had been on board a spaceship healing from Landon’s attack. Although she should worry that the cops had come up empty handed in their search, she wasn’t. True to his word, Ceylon’s apartment was well protected, but whether the protection was intended for Ceylon from humans or the humans from Ceylon, Ember had not determined. Thinking about Ceylon sent tingles through her being and she sighed. Her dreams had not been helpful. Just last night she had dreamed of him undressing her slowly and kissing her senseless. His tongue would slide against hers, inciting her passion. He would nuzzle her neck and nibble at her pulse points. She could feel his hands trailing over her body, their red a startling contrast to her pale white skin. He would take her nipple into his mouth and suckle at it decadently before whispering that she was beautiful. Then he would spend equal amounts of time on her other nipple, before taking a leisurely foray down her abdomen placing open-mouthed kissed to her most intimate place. There he would worship her with his teeth and tongue.


Ember whimpered at the direction her mind went and her face heated with embarrassment when Ceylon walked into the room from his bedroom. “Are you okay?” he asked concern evident in each word. She wanted to melt into a puddle almost as much as she wanted to jump him and make her dreams a reality. Already her folds were moistened with need, and her nipples pebbled with the thoughts of his mouth on them. She took a deep breath before nodding that she was okay. She wanted him, but she was still too timid to do anything about it. She didn’t think he would hurt her, but years of abuse tended to tear a person down. Lindsay assured her that she would be fine with time. The tears burned threatening to spill, but she beat them down ruthlessly. For some reason the thought of hope, sent her to tears. Maybe because hope had been trampled from her all of her life or she didn’t want to hope for fear that it was false hope.


“I’m okay,” she answered softly wondering at the truth of her statement. He nodded and came to stand behind her placing his hands on her shoulders. They had done this often. He would come home from the hospital after a long day speaking with members of Trinity Heart’s healthcare team. They were discussing how to make the medical scanner that saved her life and how the Earth should help the Salinians with communicable diseases. He never seemed to push her for more and she never commented the sadness that seemed to lurk when he wasn’t careful and let his guard down. She instinctively knew this wasn’t something he wanted to talk about. Although, Lindsay wasn’t as discreet and she assumed it was the reason he came home so late recently. She never pulled away from his touch; she couldn’t find the strength to do so. Just like those years ago she was desperate for someone’s attention and love. “How was your day?” she asked and almost laughed when he tensed. She had never started conversations with him, placating him with her several word answers when he asked her questions.


“It was interesting. I didn’t realize how valuable the medical scanner would be to your people and how many people resent its existence,” he replied then took her hand as the last rays of sunlight winked out behind the horizon. He led her to the couch and settled her beside him within his embrace. She had gotten use to his habit of holding her close, and assumed it was a cultural habit. She didn’t protest initially out of fear and later because it was comfortable.


“Let me guess, you are going to be helping to put many people out of jobs?” she asked.


“Well, yes. Apparently this will make certain jobs unnecessary, but I don’t think they should do away with it completely. I have come to see your healthcare as an alternate to our own. What would we do if our medical scanners all went out at once? We would be as I’ve heard your people put it, between a rock and a hard place,” he said.


“That is a good point, but sometimes people are too egotistical to realize those arguments to begin with, they need time. People didn’t automatically welcome you to Earth with open arms did they? And let me say if they did then our tax dollars aren’t being used properly,” she stated.


“No. We didn’t have welcome arms. I still shudder at the health exam we were subjected to. It was very thorough,” he said his voice taking an odd tone.


“We have to be careful. I remember from history class how when people started coming over the ocean from Europe the natives that lived in North and South America didn’t have the defenses necessary to protect themselves,” she said.


“Their weapons were insubstantial and they were overtaken?” he asked seemingly horrified at the thoughts of conquering another planet.


“While they had primitive weapons as opposed to the Europeans, I believe they would have been able to overcome them if it were simply in a fight. But the main reason they didn’t stand a chance were the diseases they brought with them. The natives of this country were ill-prepared for illness. Our people understand that due to our history, so that was the reasoning for you very horrible and thorough yet necessary exam,” she said.


He was quiet for so long that she thought he had went to sleep so she turned to look up at him, his now familiar blue gaze peering down at her. He brought his hand up to cup her face and smiled sadly down at her, “How are you really doing, Ember?” he asked quietly. She couldn’t stop the tears; they always sat on ready it seemed these days. She couldn’t tell him the truth, the truth was pitiful and she didn’t want pity. He sighed as he kissed her on the nose, and then tasted the tears that had escaped. “Tell me the truth, Ember,” he whispered his breath bathing her face, his breath minty from those mint candies he had quickly become his favorites.


“I-I don’t know how I am. My husband tried to murder me. I was trying to leave him and he came back early. I don’t know how I should feel. I feel betrayed by the man who promised to love me and the past five years all he has done was hurt me,” she said through her tears. He gathered her and placed her on his lap, cradling her to his chest and like always she sank into his touch and allowed his comfort. Taking what she so desperately needed from him. He brushed soothing circles over her back and soon her tears were gone, dried up and she felt better. She always did.


“Now, Ember, I can’t begin to tell you how you should feel. I have never been in your situation before, but I can understand you feeling of betrayal. He was your mate. I would never treat my mate the way he did you. The police officers came by earlier as I was coming up to the apartment, sweetheart. They caught Landon. They asked me if you wanted to finalize the motions for the divorce that you filed for. I wasn’t sure what a divorce was so I told them I would let you know. I’d be happy to stay home tomorrow and help you in any way I can,” Ceylon said.


Ember was happy for the first time in years; her plan to divorce Landon was finally becoming a reality. She had started the process months ago in the hopes if she divorced him, he would have to let her go. Now all she needed was a signature, but she doubted he would. But maybe since she was so brutally assaulted a judge would be able to finalize what she couldn’t hope to accomplish. “I’d like that. I need to take the divorce papers to the jail and see if Landon will sign them,” she said as she snuggled deeper into his chest. He began to play with strands of her hair, and seemed to be thinking.


Ember almost broke the silence, though it was comfortable, to find out what he was thinking about. He beat her to the punch, “Ember, what is a divorce?” he asked.


Ember looked at him, confused for a moment before remembering Ceylon was an alien, “It’s the end of a marriage,” she replied.


“You are giving up your mate?” he asked.


“Well, I guess. When things don’t work out in our marriages we get them dissolved. I don’t think anyone would think less of me for leaving someone like Landon,” she said getting a bit defensive. How could he look down on her when he saw firsthand how Landon treated her? She pulled away from him, attempting to get up, but he held her pulling her back to him.


“I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said quickly, “I’m just trying to understand.” Ember quit struggling and looked up at him.


“Oh. Well yes I am giving up my mate,” she said.


“Do you plan on getting a new mate?” he asked.


“I don’t know. Eventually, maybe, but I’ve just went through hell, and this next one would have to be one hell of a guy,” she said. She wasn’t prepared for him when he swooped down and took her lips, his tongue and teeth becoming demanding. Ember gasped and he took full advantage sweeping his tongue through her mouth. Resisting wasn’t an option. In her mind she knew these past weeks had been leading up to this moment, from the first erotic dream of him she had, she knew he would be the one to heal her. Did she love him? No probably not, but she had come to care for him. All of her thoughts of self-preservation seemed to dissolve around him, and now she couldn’t think of a single reason why this kiss should end. So instead of resisting, Ember allowed her body to go up in flames. She burned with the need to know this man. She kissed him back, his minty taste floating over her taste buds, provoking a moan from her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself flush with him, but he had better ideas.


He lowered her on the couch, his kiss never ending and his hands molding to her body. She squirmed at the luscious contact with him. He heated her, banking the flames high, what had once burned out from anger and hate now was engulfed in passion and kindness. And Ceylon was kind. He was one of the kindest people she had ever known, and it made her want him more. He released her lips, and nuzzled her neck his kisses raining over everywhere his mouth touched. “Ceylon,” she whispered and it was as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown over him. He stopped abruptly and pulled away, apologies raining from his mouth. Ember gave a small mewl of protest before accepting his hand to be pulled into sitting position on the couch. He sat at the far end, and her heart seemed to break.


“I’m sorry, sweet, I didn’t mean to attack you, I- well I have no excuse…” he began but she didn’t let him continue. Ember placed her fingers on his lips as she sat on his lap once more, a place she was beginning to feel at home in.


“There is nothing to forgive, Ceylon. I’m sorry that you regret it, but I don’t. I’m not sure what happened, but you didn’t hurt me. I know there is something that you’re not telling me. Lindsay said you have something in your past that makes you sad, but she didn’t tell me what it was. I’ll be honest, I just asked if she had noticed that you were sad and she volunteered a bit of information. What happened?” she asked finally. His normal red appearance paled with her question and he attempted to get up and leave her without her answers. “Ceylon, you know a lot of my sordid past. Things I am embarrassed happened. Can you not let me know this, let me help you in some way? I don’t know that I can, but you have helped me, a complete stranger. There has to be a reason. Trust me enough to help you,” Ember pleaded. She could see the indecision in his eyes. Could feel how he desperately wanted to avoid answering. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the forehead, before stating, “It’s okay if you’re not ready. I understand and I want you to know that I’ll be here when you feel up to talking about it. If there is one thing Lindsay taught me this week, it was talking does wonders for the soul,” she said as she settled down in his lap the way he held her every night. The silence wasn’t angry. It didn’t warrant noise or ceaseless conversation to fill its empty void. Ember fell asleep surrounded by a man who was becoming to mean more to her than Landon ever did and her dreams teased her with what his kiss could have become.

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