Emanare (Destined, #1) (28 page)

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Authors: Taryn Browning

BOOK: Emanare (Destined, #1)
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“Sam, my love. It is wonderful to see you again,” Cale said, flashing a drop-dead-gorgeous smile. His smugness repulsed Sam. Evrik inched forward, but Sam continued to hold him back with her arm. “Wow, you brought an army.” He smirked. “Too bad none of them can protect you.”

“I don’t need their protection. I’ve defeated you before,” Sam replied.

“It’s that feistiness that I love about you. You were the only human I enjoyed. Usually I’m bored, but with you, mmmm—” He drew out his words and licked his lips offensively. God, he was so vulgar. How could she not have seen that all along? She pushed the thought out of her head and moved it quickly back to the present—and the task at hand.

“You sick bastard. I will kill you.” Evrik’s eyes flashed violent storms. She could see strikes of lightning flash from deep within Evrik’s blackening irises.

“Evrik, please stop. This is how he wants you to react.” Sam grabbed Evrik’s hand and squeezed lightly. He returned her squeeze in understanding. Sam knew she could count on Evrik to remain in control. She was not as convinced Chase would comply. Luckily, in animal form he couldn’t speak.

“What do you want?” Sam glared at Cale.

“It’s not what I want. It’s what
wants.” Cale smiled menacingly and stepped aside, dragging Lauren with him against the curved concrete wall.

A vortex of swirling gray smoke filled the tunnel, opening in the middle as quickly as a camera shutter.

“What is that?” Sam asked.

“It’s a portal to the Infernus,” Alea whispered from behind her. “Exactly what I feared.”

Cale appraised Alea. “Now, you…” He pointed. “You’d be a fun challenge.” His eyes undressed her. Malachi stiffened and his eyes narrowed.

“It’s okay, love. I’ve got this,” Alea said. She took a step forward, her eyes locked on Cale. “You couldn’t handle me, demon.”

“That’s a challenge I’m up for, my dark-haired princess. I’ll be back for you as soon as my master gets what he wants—” Cale’s words broke off. The most unbelievable being any of them had ever seen stepped through the swirling portal.

His charcoal wings spanned the width of the tunnel. Just as Sam had seen in his picture, he was shirtless and god-like, a vision of beauty. His eyes weren’t golden brown, like in the picture; instead, they emitted an eerie black glow. His ornery pout slanted into a sideways smirk over his chiseled jaw line, making his high cheekbones even more prominent. Although he was indescribably magnificent, he was also visibly evil.

“Nieander,” Sam whispered.

Angelus Consort
,” he addressed her. He paid no attention to the army surrounding her. “You’re glowing as if you’ve already taken form, but I see your wings haven’t fully developed. They’re close. Perfect.” His unearthly voice seemed to reverberate and echo throughout the entire tunnel.

Sam searched for the strength she had found the evening in the woods with Cale. But she couldn’t take her focus off of Nieander long enough to channel her light from within. His captivating eyes called to her, making her feel as if she were the only person in the tunnel, or for that matter, the universe. He was ten times more alluring than Cale, the epitome of seduction, and he knew it, damn him.  

“I have something for you.” Nieander reached into the portal and retrieved the head of the creature Sam would remember for the rest of her life. The creature who had haunted her dreams even when she didn’t have any memories of the supernatural world. His eyes were still open, but the vibrant red that had once shot through her were now dull and lifeless.

Alea dropped to her knees. Her jeans soaked up the filthy sewer water like a sponge. She had waited for this day for three years, but now the feeling was bittersweet. The greatest evil she had ever faced held the head of the monster who had taken away her husband. It was such a sad irony that he had been killed by a monster more evil than himself. Although thankful for Malachi, Rhynin’s death had changed her life forever, and now, the Kavari clan leader was dead—Valisk was dead.

“I expected a thank-you, but instead you stare at me with such hate,” Nieander said, approaching Sam with his hand extended. Dropping Valisk’s head to the ground with a splash, he cradled her face in his hands; his wingspan so massive Cale and Lauren disappeared behind the curtain of dark feathers. “He tried to kill you. Now he has paid for that mistake.”

“Sam, I can’t move,” Evrik whispered.

“I’m okay.” Nieander bent down to kiss her. Sam closed her eyes. His lips were soft. She felt his tongue wrap around hers and she stiffened. She couldn’t move even if she wanted to, wrapped in a vine of pure evil.

“Sam!” Evrik call out. Chase’s growl ricocheted off the tunnel walls.

She opened her eyes, staring straight into the eyes of the fallen angel. His eyes sucked her in. Flashes of angry demons glared back at her from within them; she realized she stared directly into the Infernus, the portal to the demon world.

Suddenly the light flickered out. A black tarp draped over the tunnel. The aroma of mildew disappeared, replaced with the burnt stench of charred wood.

There was a struggle within her. Her blood was alive and on fire, battling. She wasn’t awake or dreaming, just lost. An ominous presence loomed, hanging in the air like dense smoke. She fought to breathe.

The air cleared, and the darkness lightened to beige. She was somewhere different, in a bedroom with oatmeal-colored walls, white furniture, and bold floral drapes. She cringed against the shriek of a raven’s caw. A set of twins had just been born. One ripped from trembling arms, the mother’s face hidden behind a dark curtain of feathers. Charcoal wings cradled the tiny bundle.

Gasping, Sam clutched at her throat. She couldn’t get any air into her lungs.

Sam heard Evrik behind her. “Sam, what’s happening? Are you okay? Damn it, I can’t move.” His voice slid into a deep whisper. “I will kill you, you bastard.”

She couldn’t answer him. She was stuck in another dimension. Suddenly the scent of honeysuckles flooded her senses and she wiggled her toes in thick, plush grass. The sounds of birds singing and a waterfall crashing fell on her ears. She felt the presence of a greater power, a divine power, embrace her.

Then it happened. A light from deep in her bones emanated from her, stronger than the faint night light that had led them down the tunnel. Nieander closed his eyes tightly. Sam smelled the acrid odor of charred, burnt flesh. His serpent’s tongue disentangled from hers and retracted. He stumbled back. His mouth contorted to an indignant scowl. He wore a look of pain that only lasted seconds. An arrogant smile formed across his face. He enveloped Cale in one wing and Lauren in another, spiraling into a haze of heavy fog. Nieander’s voice echoed through the tunnel. “You will come back to me, my
Angelus Consort
.” A triumphant undertone punctuated his words. “I have Lauren.”

Suddenly Sam’s light flickered out. “What’s happening? I can’t see anything.” Her heartbeat drummed loudly between her ears. Evrik pulled her into him. She gripped Evrik’s shirt tightly, so exhausted that her body started to tingle. Her Pumas tightened around her feet. Numbness swam through her bloodstream and she fought to breathe.

Evrik’s tugged her backward, but she couldn’t move. “Sam—are you okay? We have to move,” Evrik urged. Sam could hear Evrik’s insistent voice, but he sounded so far away. She couldn’t answer him. She’d used all of her energy to evade Nieander.

“Everything’s okay,” Evrik said, still guiding Sam backward. “We’re going to get out of here. Alea brought an elixir with her. He can’t touch any of us. She’s created a force field around us.”

Sam wasn’t sure about that. Nieander wasn’t going to let her go that easily.

“You did well,” Evrik assured her. “Your light was too much for him. I think you may have even burned him.”

“But Lauren,” Sam whispered.

“We’ll get her back, but right now we need to keep moving. Can you walk, or do you need me to carry you?”

“I can walk.” Sam held onto his chest. She could still feel Nieander within her. She tasted his bitter, acidic saliva in her mouth and spat.  

Nieander’s alluring voice called to her. Sam suddenly felt an overwhelming need to go to him

Sam, I know your true destiny
You belong with the fallen. Join us.
” His influence strengthened. She began to break away from Evrik, her mind determined to go to the voice beckoning her.

“He’s calling me. I belong with them,” she said.

“Sam, don’t listen. Stay next to me. We’re very close to an exit,” Evrik insisted.

“No, let go of me. I have to go. You don’t understand,” Sam shouted, trying desperately to break away from Evrik’s firm grip, but her efforts were useless. He forced her forward. Evrik was still stronger.

Malachi and Evrik lifted Sam out of the tunnel and thrust her through the sewer drain opening to Chase, now back in human form and again missing his shirt, exposing his perfectly sculpted pecs. His blond hair had fallen into his eyes. Evrik and Malachi climbed out behind her.

“Here, Evrik—take her. I’ve got to change back to run with you,” Chase said.

Evrik cradled Sam and started his sprint back to campus. Nieander’s voice echoed loudly within her head. “
Leave Evrik. Serve your purpose with me. I’ve got Lauren. You have to return to me or I will kill her.”

“You’re wrong. Evrik and I belong together. Don’t touch Lauren. She’s innocent,” Sam yelled at Nieander, even though he wasn’t within physical proximity anymore. Her thoughts suddenly switched. “Evrik, I have to go. I can’t be with you anymore. I don’t want you.” Using her tiny stature, she wiggled out of Evrik’s hold. He stopped running, along with the others, and let her go.

“What’s she saying?” Draylan shouted. “Get her under control.” Draylan shook Vicky off his back and she landed in the road on her butt.

“I don’t know,” Evrik answered. “He’s done something to her. It’s like he’s in her head, controlling her mind. She’s confused.”

“I don’t want to be with you anymore. You mean nothing to me,” Sam shouted at Evrik.

“Evrik,” Alea pleaded. “Don’t listen to what she’s saying. It’s not her. She loves you. It’s Nieander’s influence.”

Chase transformed back into himself, totally naked. Alea threw his shorts at him. He slid them on, paying no attention to Ann and Vicky’s wide-eyed expressions.

“Samantha, calm down. We love you. You’re okay. You’re with us. We’ll get Lauren back together.” Chase tried to take hold of Sam’s arms, but she shoved him backward.

A car sped by. Sam spun around and jumped onto the curb, darting into a nearby alleyway. Evrik and Chase followed. She noticed her wings now extended out past her body. They had grown at least two feet since she’d last looked.

Sam fell to the ground. Her knees smacked the pavement. She couldn’t figure out what was real. She felt as if she wanted to be as far away from Evrik and Chase as possible, yet it broke her heart to think those thoughts. Her mind ripped in two. She hated them, yet loved them more than life itself. The conflict within her became too hard to bear. She needed to escape from her own consciousness.
Her blood was alive and on fire, battling.

Alea joined them in the alley. “Evrik, there’s something seriously wrong.”

“Help me, please,” Sam said in a voice lower than a whisper, using all of the strength she could muster to get the words out. She could no longer fight Evrik. He wrapped his arms around her, cradling her on the crumbling, pebble-filled asphalt.

“I don’t know what’s real anymore. My heart—and my mind hurt. What’s happening to me? I would rather die than speak these words to you.” Tears hit the pavement, creating specks of black on the faded gray asphalt.

“Alea, what’s happening to her?” Fear consumed Evrik’s words. He held Sam tighter and stroked her sweat-soaked hair.

“I don’t know. She’s in conflict. It seems as if she is torn between you and Nieander.”

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