Elly & Kent - The Complete Story: Includes Books 1-3 (4 page)

Read Elly & Kent - The Complete Story: Includes Books 1-3 Online

Authors: Marie Cole

Tags: #Historical Romance, #Friends to Lovers, #New Adult Romance, #Second Chance Romance, #College Romance, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Elly & Kent - The Complete Story: Includes Books 1-3
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I started typing away to Jake, and after ten more minutes of missing Kent I went to the top of the stairs and called down to him. "Hey, you okay down there?"

"Yeah. I'm okay." He was gone a little while longer. Finally he came back to his room and walked over to the TV. He switched to the gaming system before sitting down on his bed. I watched him skeptically.

"What the hell were you doing down there? Licking your wounds from the crushing defeat?" The good thing about IMing was that usually the other person took a little while to respond, which gave me lots of chances to bug Kent.

"Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. Maybe I was looking for a phone number. Regardless, I'm sitting here playing a game now while you chat with your boyfriend."

For the first time it sounded like there was some jealousy there and I felt my chest tighten. Was he jealous? He was probably just bitter that I'd made plans to spend time with another guy friend.

I rolled my eyes. "He has a girlfriend now and lives in Texas. He is like you, a boy who is a friend. What phone number were you looking for?" I chose to ignore the jealousy, figuring his anger was because he had to play video games by himself.

"Amanda Holland gave me her number last year and I was wondering if I still had it." He was absorbed in his video game at this point. The screen flashed colors and things over the glasses on his face.

I frowned at him, "Why were you looking for her number right now?"

"I was just curious." Kent shrugged, acting very nonchalant.

Seriously? He was looking for another girl's number on my birthday? The jealousy trap hadn't worked, instead it had just pushed him towards another girl. I turned back to the screen when I heard the little ding.

Did Kent make his move yet?

I stared at the screen for a moment and then glanced at Kent, still very much ignoring me, and then looked back to the blinking cursor waiting for my response.

: No.

Chapter Three


I exhaled slowly as I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Elly had made me so angry earlier. I'd done everything I could to make her birthday great and what did she do? She went on the computer to talk to that idiot.

Despite my offer to sleep on the couch downstairs she still chose to go home. Not that I could blame her after I'd thrown Amanda Holloway's fake number in her face. I didn't know why I'd done that either.

I rolled over after punching my pillow. It didn't matter. She could see and talk to whoever she wanted. It wasn't like I had any claim on her. She was just my friend. Why did it even bug me so much?

I closed my eyes tightly and tried to get some sleep. After ten minutes of listening to myself breathe, I rolled onto my back again.

Summer. Sprinklers. Zelda. Star Wars. Hans Solo. Yoda. Green. Grass. Making out in the grass. Making out in a pool. Boobs.

I rolled over onto my side again.

Stop it! Go to sleep. Sleep, damnit!

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep but it just wasn't friggin' coming.

I grumbled to myself as I got out of bed.

My eyes darted between my computer and my TV.

Video games or porn... video games or porn...

My hands twitched, they wanted the plastic controller. My dick, however...

I looked down at it and shook my head as I whispered to it. "What am I going to do with you? You've been out of control. You've been popping up at the least opportune moments. And around Elly?"

Talking about Elly, thinking about her, only made me angry again. The tightness faded and I turned on the TV. Video games it was. Anything to take my mind off of her.

Sometime between defeating the blackish blue beast and jumping over some cave mummies I fell asleep.

I started when a knock pounded on my door. Groggy I rubbed my face. "Yeah?" My voice sounded like shit in the morning.

"Kent, it's eleven am. Get up!"

I groaned at my mother's words. I didn't want to get up. "Okay, mom!" I heard her footsteps retreat as I climbed onto my bed. I was still extremely tired, but my dick was ready for some attention. I groaned again and tried to ignore it but it just stayed there, like a large sword in my boxers. "Fine," I grumbled and rolled out of bed. I snatched a sock from my dresser and then slid back into the still warm sheets.

I laid on my back and started to stroke myself with my eyes closed. I saw Elly, bent over, in my mind and I quickly shook the thought away.
No. Jesus.
And then a mini movie played, I imagined the big-breasted porn star doing dirty things to me. I was so lost in the moment that I didn't hear the door open.

"KENT! OH MY GOD!" Elly's voice shrieked and bounced off the walls. Quickly I rolled over, trying to hide myself.

"Elly! Get out of here! What are you-- you can't just walk into a man's room uninvited!"

She giggled, her back to me now, and I felt shame color my face. Why was she laughing? Was it small? I threw the sock away from me and pulled my boxers up. I quickly hopped off the bed and grabbed a pair of sweatpants, pulling them on too. I wanted to ask her what was so funny but I didn't want to know if she really was laughing at my size.

"What are you doing here, anyway?"

"I, um, I just wanted to know if you wanted to... " She burst into a fit of giggles again. The shame buried me deeper.

"Whatever it was, the answer is no." I stepped around her and went down the hall into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

I couldn't have her laughing at me, it hurt too much. She saw me...doing that. Oh Jesus, how was I going to be able to look her in the face again? I turned on the shower and got in while it was still cold. Maybe that would teach my unit that it needed to calm down.

When I got out Elly wasn't anywhere in sight. I breathed a little sigh of relief and quickly got dressed. My mother was going to ask me a thousand questions on top of what had already happened because Elly left so soon and was probably cracking up all the way. She could be so immature sometimes.

As I was toweling off my hair there were three loud knocks on my door, each separated by three seconds of dramatic silence.

"Can I come in?!" Elly's voice was muffled through the wood.

I went to the door and opened it. She was still grinning, looking as if she were holding back a load of laughter.

Thank you
for knocking." I opened my door all the way so she could come in if she wanted to. But she just stayed there in the doorway. "Are you going to come in?"

She shook her head and stared at my bed. "No way. There are like boy cooties in here and stuff."

Oh geez, of course she would make a big deal about it. And this was only the beginning. She was going to tease me about this for a long time. I sighed heavily as the thoughts of the last year of high school being filled with masturbation references.

"Everyone does it. It's not a big deal, so don't make it one or I won't talk to you anymore."

That brought another, even bigger smile, to her lips. "Really? You're going to stop talking to me if I want to talk about what I witnessed here today?"

"Really. Don't test me."

She shook her head, "Oh, no, of course not. I wouldn't dream of it. Not one bit. I didn't know your
was so big."

I felt the heat in my cheeks. "Elly." I tried to keep my voice stern and stare her down like I meant business but she didn't seem to be taking me seriously.

"What were you thinking about?" She prodded some more and I felt the anger rising in my chest.

"I'm not talking about this."

"Come on, Kent!"

"No. One more word and I'm kicking you out."

"Don't you mean, stroking it out?"

She smiled even as I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed her backwards towards the stairs.

"Kent, we need to talk this out. Quit being such a baby."

My mom was coming out her room just as I pointed down the stairs, "Go on, Elly."

"What's going on, Kent?" my mom asked as her feet slowed in the hallway.

"Mom, just stay out of this. Elly is..." Jesus, what did I tell my mother? That Elly saw me beating off and wanted to talk about it?

"I was just trying to get Kent to go for a walk with me, but he turned me down. Said he needed alone time in his room."

I shook my head a little as I heard my mother inhale deeply. My body tensed, ready for the inevitable.

"Kent, you've been in your room all morning. Go outside and get some fresh air. Don't be rude."

Elly...damn her. I didn't say another word as I went downstairs and pulled on my Converse sneakers. Elly was behind me, chattering away at my mother like she was an innocent party. I was going to get her back for this. I wasn't sure how...or when, but I was.

She giggled at me the whole walk. It was so annoying. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Oh, just fine, thanks. And your sock? I mean, yourself?" She giggled again.

I sighed as I looked away from her, towards the manicured lawns and the little kids all around doing little kid things. I remembered when me and Elly used to do stuff like that. Jump around in the sprinkler, eat popsicles, get sticky and go jump around in the water some more.

"Great. I dreamt about Amanda. Which is why I had to, you know." I glanced at her, her face expressionless. I squeezed my fists together, wanting to shake myself. Why had I done that?

I pressed my tongue against my cheek as I looked back to the sidewalk. It didn't matter. She didn't care.

"Are you going to ask her out when we get back to school?"

"Pft. No."

"Why not?"

"Because she isn't into me." As soon as I said it I knew I'd made a mistake. What could I tell her? She wasn't going to let it pass.

"But I thought she gave you her number? That means she's into you."

"I think she did it because she lost a bet."

I scratched the back of my head, trying to remain casual.
Way to make yourself look pathetic, Kent.

"Well, that's pretty shitty. You should be having sexy dreams about someone more deserving."

Someone like you?
Christ. "So why did you really come over? I know it wasn't to walk."

She sighed as her shoulders shrugged. My eyes dropped to her chest. She was far from stacked like the big breasted porn star I liked to watch, but Elly's were real. And Elly's. She looked at me and I pretended that I was looking at the grass just beyond her before meeting her eyes. I hoped like hell she didn't catch me staring at her boobs.

"I just wanted to tell you thank you for the awesome birthday." Something about her tone was off. I studied her for a minute longer, her lips were pursed and then she smiled at me. She put her hand on my arm and pushed me to the side. I was half expecting it so I caught myself.

I let out a little chuckle. "You're welcome. Sorry it wasn't everything you'd hoped for."

"It was. And more. So thanks. And we're at my street. I'll see you later. My mom is taking me clothes shopping. Yay."

Elly hated clothes shopping. I opened my mouth to talk but she held up her hand to stop me.

"No. I don't want you to go with me." She pushed me again and then crossed the street, leaving me alone.

Chapter Four


"Kent! Your girlfriend is here!" I stood beside Kent's mom as she called up the stairs. I fought back a giggle. Kent was very insistent about our relationship. And I'm pretty sure his mom knew that and teased him about it on purpose.

"MOM! We've talked about this! She's not my girlfriend!" Kent yelled downstairs from the safety of his room.

"Regardless dear, don't forget that you need to leave the door open."

There was annoyance in his voice as he called down again, "Can you just send her up, please?"

I waved at his mom as I went up the stairs. "Thanks, Mrs. L."

I went into his room slowly, looking around suspiciously, "I made her call up here, you know. I didn't want a repeat of the sock performance." When I saw that he was just sitting on his bed with a controller in his hands I moved closer and let my book bag fall off my shoulder and land at his feet.

Kent's cheeks were burning red. "I can't help you never knock, and you're a ninja. I didn't hear you either!" He frowned and I scoffed.

"You didn't hear me because you were too into what your hand was doing. I'm fat, Kent, you should be able to hear me coming."

"Can we change the subject already?"

Oh how I loved teasing him. Watching him squirm around uncomfortably was pure joy. I bent down and unzipped my book bag. "I got the goods for you." I threw Twizzlers at his chest and he caught them with one hand.

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