Elizabeth's Spymaster (55 page)

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Authors: Robert Hutchinson

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fols.64–65B – Francis Throgmorton’s interrogation, October 1583.
fols.85–91 – Examinations of prisoners in the Tower after the defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1589.
fols.131–141B –
A General Discourse of the Pope’s Holy Devices
in two books by Walsingham’s agent Charles Sledd, a servant in the English College in Rome in 1579.

Add. MS 48, 078 (Yelverton MS 85), fols.54–55 – Italian summary of dispatch by Thomas Fenner, flag-captain to Sir Francis Drake, to Walsingham, describing the raid on Cadiz, April 1587.

Add. MS 48, 126 (Yelverton MS 141):

fol.103B – List of women and children killed in Paris during the ‘Massacre of St Bartholomew’, 24 August 1572. Dated 14 September 1573 and endorsed ‘Mr Sec. Walsingham’.
fols.107–108B – Information on a league against England made between the Pope, the king of Spain and the Duke of Tuscany involving the deposing of Elizabeth by force, Rome, 23 February 1580.

Add. MS 48, 127 (Yelverton MS 142), fols.125–127 – Letter from Stephen Paule to Walsingham regarding Italian and Papal affairs, Venice, 7 August 1587.

Add. MS 48, 149 (Yelverton MS 161, Part 1), fols.3B-9B – ‘A Treatise of the Office of a Counsellor and Principal Secretary observed by R[obert] B[eale] for Sir Edward Wotton’, 1592.

Add. MS 63, 742:

fols.78B-79B – Examination of Southworth, priest, by Richard Topcliffe, 1 July 1587.
fols.99–105 – Annual revenues of Spain, c.1584–9.

Cotton MS Caligula B v:

fol.159 – Instrument of an Association for the Preservation of the Person of Queen Elizabeth I, signed at Hampton Court, 19 October 1584.
fols.164–169 – Copies of five letters between Anthony Babington and Mary Queen of Scots, 1586. (See also Add. MS 48, 027, fols.258–262B.)
fols.170–174 – Order of proceedings at the arraignment of Mary Queen of Scots at Fotheringay, 6 October 1586.
fols.175B-176 – Account of the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, 8 February 1587.
fol.371 – Commission for and examination of Mary Queen of Scots at Fotheringay (end of document missing), 1586.

Cotton MS Caligula C iii:

fols.57–60 and 166–169 – Information received by William Herle in the Marshalsea Prison, Southwark, April 1571.
fol.96 – Letter in Italian from Roberto Ridolphi to Mary Queen of Scots, Paris, 30 September 1571.
fol.121 – Cecil’s account of the alleged treasons committed by Thomas, Fourth Duke of Norfolk, dated January 1571.
fol.217 – Walsingham to Burghley, informing him of a plot against Elizabeth disclosed by his spy from conversations with the Jesuit Darbyshire, Blois, 4 March 1572.

Cotton MS Caligula C iv:

fol.249 – Henry Cockyn to Burghley supplying intelligence about Mary Queen of Scots’ friends in England and seeking his assistance in securing a royal pardon, 20 February 1575.
fol.261 – Letter from Cockyn to Walsingham describing a Spanish plot to kidnap James VI of Scotland, 18 March 1575.
Cotton MS Caligula C v:
fols.6–20 – Examination of Henry Cockyn and those named in his confessions, together with the confession of Alexander Hamilton and draft charges, April-May 1575.
fol.129 – Complaint by Mary Queen of Scots to Walsingham about delays in receiving her letters, Sheffield, 5 September 1579.
fol.143 – Report of Lawrence Tomson on his discussions with a papal agent in Bologna, 1580.

Cotton MS Caligula C vii:

fol.106 – Letter from Sir Robert Bowes, English agent in Edinburgh, to Walsingham on the ‘danger of some change in Scotland’ warning that Brereton (the Jesuit William Holt) and ‘another Englishman from Rome’ were involved in French attempts to bring the Scots king and the nobility over to the Catholic cause, 4 March 1583.
fol.115 – Walsingham to Sir Robert Bowes, giving directions about the detention of Father William Holt, 14 March 1583.
fol.115B – Letter from Walsingham to Sir Robert Bowes, English agent in Edinburgh, regarding the interception of French diplomatic letters on a ship at Gravesend, March 1583.
fol.119B – Letter from English diplomats in Scotland to Walsingham, warning him of the conspiracy ‘between the Pope and the kings of France and Spain to invade this island’, 18 March 1583.
fol.153 – Letter from the spy ‘Henry Fagot’ to Walsingham with offer to suborn the secretary to the French ambassador in London, ? June 1583, but marked on the reverse, wrongly, as ‘April’.
fol.155 – Letter from the spy ‘Henry Fagot’ to Walsingham reporting that Throgmorton had dinner with the French ambassador in London.
Cotton MS Caligula C ix:
fol.2 – Letter from Walsingham to Leicester reporting the outcome of the trial of Mary Queen of Scots at Fotheringay, October 1586.
fol.212 – Letter from Elizabeth to James VI of Scotland, denying any responsibility for his mother’s death, 14 February 1587.
fol.326 – Letter from Mary Queen of Scots to Anthony Babington, 17 July 1586.
fol.378 – Letter from Sir Amyas Paulet to Walsingham, 10 September 1586.
fol.571 – Authorisation from Walsingham to Thomas Phelippes to pay the spy Maliverny Catlyn
for his services, 23 December 1586.
fol.606 – Letter from Elizabeth to Sir Amyas Paulet, jailor of Mary Queen of Scots, September 1586.
fol.635 – Burghley’s sketch of the arrangements for the courtroom at Fotheringay.

Cotton MS Galba C xi, fol.317 – Letter from Walsingham to Leicester reporting rumours that Drake’s force en route to Spain would be recalled, April 1587.

Cotton MS Galba D i, fol.248 – Letter from Walsingham to Leicester, complaining of a seizure and a ‘stoppage of water’, 14 August 1587.

Cotton MS Galba D ii:

fol.86 – Letter from Walsingham to Leicester about Elizabeth’s belief in a possible peace with Spain, 21 September 1587.
fol.178 – Letter from Walsingham to Leicester complaining at the lack of defensive measures against the Armada, 12 November 1587.

Cotton MS Galba E vi:

fol.296 – Letter in Italian from Jacomo Manucci to Walsingham containing intelligence from France, Lyons, 27 November 1574.
fol.309 – Letter from Walsingham to Sir Edward Stafford informing him of the proceedings against Mary Queen of Scots, 27 October 1586.

Cotton MS Julius C iii, fol.297 – Account of a petition presented to King James I by Thomas Phelippes, decipherer, 1622.

Cotton MS Julius F vi:

fol.11 – Questions to be posed to the Duke of Norfolk during interrogation.
fol.21 – Five causes shown against the Queen of Scots, 1572.
fol.26 – Letter from Robert Beale, clerk to the Privy Council, to [?] concerning the trial of Mary Queen of Scots, London, 26 September 1586.
fol.28 – Sir Amyas Paulet to [?] regarding further restraining the Queen of Scots and securing her money, Chartley, 10 September 1586.
fol.30 – Extract of Mary Queen of Scots’ grievances and their rebuttal, November 1582 and April 1583.
fol.43 – Paper showing that the proceedings against the Queen of Scots were just and lawful by common and civil law, no date.
fol.53 – Reasons to indicate the ease of the enterprise of invading England, from papers found with Creighton, the Scottish Jesuit, ?1584.
fol.60B – Intelligence on Spanish forces, especially the Armada, extracted from a letter written by J. Conway, Ostend, August 1588.
fol.66 – Letter from ‘some English to some Scotch statesmen’ showing the impropriety of any resentment by the king of Scotland at the execution of his mother, no date.
fol.70B – Reasons why the king of Scotland ‘doth not revenge his mother’s death’; also concerning his intended marriage with a Danish princess or Lady Arbella, c.1588.
fol.200B – Arraignment, trial and confession of the Duke of Norfolk, with his confession at his execution, 1571.
fol.254 – A question posed: would it be ‘behoveful for Her Majesty to put the Queen of Scots to death or to keep her prisoner?’, no date.

Cotton MS Julius F xi, fols.391ff. –
Answer to a slanderous book that was published against the marriage of the Duke of Norfolk and the Scottish Queen,
dated 15 March 1570.

Cotton MS Titus B ii, fol.345 – Letter from Sir Amyas Paulet to Walsingham, offering his sympathies on the death of Walsingham’s daughter Mary, 16 July 1580.

Cotton MS Titus B vii, fol.24 – Letter from Walsingham to Leicester bemoaning Elizabeth’s indecision over the execution of Mary Queen of Scots and discussing his daughter and her child, 24 December 1586.

Cotton MS Titus C vii:

fol.48 – Summary of Davison’s communications with Elizabeth about the case of Mary Queen of Scots, written while he was a prisoner in the Tower, 20 February 1587.
fol.75 – Papers relating to the Spanish Armada, 1587–8.
fol.80 – Instrument for the Association for the Protection of the Queen’s Life, 3 November 1584.
fol.97 – List of Spanish stores and equipment at Dunkirk, 1588.
fol.205 – Reports of Spanish shipping in Dutch ports, undated.

Cotton MS Vespasian C viii:

fol.75 – Account of ships’ ordnance and stores at Dunkirk, 13 June 1588.
List of crew and equipment under command of Medina Sidonia, 1 May 1588.
fol.205B – Spanish shipping in the Netherlands.
fol.207 – Letter to Walsingham from ‘Mr Hunter of Lisbon’ describing his imprisonment in that city and the armaments there, 10 February 1589.

Cotton MS Vespasian C xiii, fol.389 – Discourse, in Italian, on the Spanish Armada, addressed to Burghley and Walsingham, undated.

Cotton MS Vespasian C xiv, fols.185 and 215 – Draft epitaphs for Walsingham and Sir Philip Sidney, undated but after April 1590.

Cotton MS Vespasian C xvi, fol.145 – Draft of Mary Queen of Scots’ will, in Claude Nau’s hand with her corrections, Sheffield, 1577.

Cotton MS Vespasian F vi:

fol.107 – Letter from Walsingham to Burghley about the Duke of Alençon, Paris, 13 July 1572.
fol.261 – Letter from Leicester to Walsingham about his role as a ‘councillor’ to Elizabeth, 18 January 1573.

Egerton MS 2, 074:

fols.5 and 52 – Walsingham to Thomas Wilkes, clerk of the Privy Council, Barn Elms, 21 April and 17 May 1585.
fol.9 – Henry Middlemore and Anthony Wyngfeld to Walsingham, St James’s Palace, 22 April 1585.
fol.81 – Memorandum of ‘the treasons severally attempted from the ninth year of Her Majesty’s reign against her royal state and person by her traitorous subjects on this side and beyond the seas’, undated.
fol.108 – Inventory of ‘such goods as are left in the Earl of Northumberland’s chamber in the Tower’, 21 June 1585.

Egerton MS 2, 124:

fol.10 – Notes for Sir Christopher Hatton’s speech to promote legislation derived from the ‘Bond of Association’, December 1584.
fol.55 – ‘Reasons touching the execution of the Scottish Queen’, probably drawn up by Sir Christopher Hatton, undated but probably written December 1586.

Harleian MS 167, fol.39 – Walsingham to Burghley, 23 April 1589.

Harleian MS 286:

fol.56 – Letter from Solomon Aldred to Walsingham, pledging his services as a spy, 15 November 1584.
fol.95 – Letter from the spy Maliverny Catlyn to Walsingham, complaining about shortage of money, December 1586.
fol.97 – Letter from the spy Maliverny Catlyn urging the banishment of imprisoned Catholic priests, undated but after August 1586.
fol.102 – Letter from the spy Maliverny Catlyn to Walsingham, complaining about stage plays in London and the behaviour of actors. No date.
fol.149 – Letter to Walsingham from Thomas Windebank, Clerk of the Signet, 14 September 1588.
fol.266 – Letter from the spy Maliverny Catlyn to Walsingham from Marshalsea Prison, ?May 1586.

Harleian MS 288, fol.218 – Letter to Walsingham from Sir Edward Stafford, English ambassador in Paris, about the demands on his finances, and describing the spy Roger Walton, 10 July 1588.

Harleian MS 290:

fol.81 – Comments by James VI about Walsingham, probably dated 1583.
fol.87 – A summary of events concerning the execution of Mary Queen of Scots sent by William Davison, then a prisoner in the Tower, to Walsingham, written in the hand of Raffe Starkey, 20 February 1587.
fol.88 – Letter from Mary Queen of Scots to Norfolk urging him to escape from house arrest at Howard House, 31 January 1571.
fol.117 – Manuscript copy of A
Discourse touching the pretended Match between the Duke of Norfolk and the Queen of Scots.
Another manuscript copy is in Harleian MS 4, 314, fol.120. A printed copy is in Cotton MS Caligula C ii, fols.284–291.
fol.131 – Letter from Robert Beale to Walsingham about Mary Queen of Scots’ need of air, Sheffield, 17 November 1581.
fol.213 – An ‘intelligencer’s’ report to Walsingham from France, 1 February 1587.

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