Read Elite Metal-ARE-epub Online

Authors: Jennifer Kacey

Elite Metal-ARE-epub (22 page)

BOOK: Elite Metal-ARE-epub
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“Probably glad?”

“Should be glad. You know. Same thing.”

“Most definitely not the same thing.” She tucked her hand beneath his leg and used her thumb to rub his thigh.

As for touches it couldn’t have gotten much simpler, but it fed something inside him that had been rattling his cage for quite a while.

“I’m sorry you went through that.”

Ready to change the subject, he shrugged. “The adoptions you do. Facilitate. Help. Whatever. Just babies?”

“Nope we do all ages up to seventeen.”

“That’s gotta be pretty rare.”

She squeezed his leg and tried to cover a yawn. “Not as rare as you think. Lots of parents love older children. If ever I get to adopt again I’ll go with older probably.”

“I’m sure you won’t need to. You’re young, healthy now.”

“True…true.” She hesitated between the words and Chrome thought it meant something but then she yawned wide and batted her lashes. Looked as if they weighed a hundred pounds apiece. “Can I ask you another question? A simple one. Like a bonus question?”

He glanced down at her again, unable to help the surge of warmth she stirred inside him. “Sure.”

“What’s your name?”

He must have made a face.

“Not so simple, huh?”

“It’s Chrome.”

She half rolled over and raised an eyebrow at him.

Take two. “Charles.” Yes it came out as a growl and more in the form of a question. But whatever.

“I can pretty much guarantee that’s not on your birth certificate.”

He stared at the road again, lost in the past. “I’ll have to think about that one. That boy’s been dead along time.”

Cammie rubbed his leg and yawned again. “I most definitely disagree.”

He had no clue what to say to that so he played it safe. “Sleep. I’ll wake you when we get there.”

She nodded, “Thanks, Chrome. I owe you one. Or a million.”

“I’ll start you a tab.”

Her quick grin lit something in his chest he still didn’t want to deal with. He petted her hair again, running the glossy waves through his fingers.

Pretty soon it lulled her to sleep and her entire body relaxed next to him.

The drive?

He wished it were longer because the closeness he’d felt with her would surely disappear as soon as they arrived at her house.

The skin on her cheek was just as smooth as the first time he touched it. He had to check and make sure. Quality control and all that.

He settled his lower arm along her side to keep her as warm as possible. The road stretched on forever and the past crept in to crack him up beside the head.

He’d have to let her go when the mission was said and done. Knowing it and believing it were two very different things. His mind knew it. It did.

But his heart?

It kicked out one word that he couldn’t seem to wrap his head around but also knew to be utterly and completely true.


Talk about being fucked.




Chapter Six


He was right. Things were different as soon as they’d crossed the threshold into her house.

Cold. Distant.

She’d shown him around. Given him the tour. Sure he’d rushed her through it, but that was because she was yawning the whole time.

Sure she’d touched his arm several times and he’d moved away but he didn’t want her pity.

Sure she’d smiled at him, as in every time she’d looked at him, but that was just her. She probably did that with everybody.

Sure he got the feeling something was different between them but…whatever.

He didn’t know how to be calm with her. Easy going. It wasn’t his style. Having to be hard and stoic for so long and keep everything locked away turned him into an asshole. Nothing he could do about it but run with it.

It had nothing to do with the fact her skin was soft and his cock hadn’t gone below half-mast for hours. Nor the fact the need to taste her again had grown to epic proportions.

Or the fact her house was clearly a home. Or that it was warm and bright and the glimpses of the kids made his chest hurt.

So he’d done what he needed to do. The only option. He’d cut the tour short and told her to get some sleep as they stood in her bedroom.

He may have growled when she nodded and bit her bottom lip.

A couple hours had passed and still he lay awake in the guest room. Trying to ignore the monstrous erection that would not fucking go away was pissing him off. A cold shower hadn’t cut it. Doing a million and one pushups hadn’t helped.

Glancing at the clock he cursed again. 0600. He punched his pillow, flopped around and then cursed louder when his cock didn’t like being jacked to the side. He rearranged it and rolled back onto his back. Making a tent.


Not too long and the sun was going to come up on another day. Another day of wanting her, needing her every time he caught sight of her, caught her scent, caught her watching him.

He threw off the covers, planted his feet on the ground and stood up to pace.

Thinking about her in a bed naked…


Yes, definitely naked, wasn’t going to gain him sleep anytime soon.

A noise from down the hall instantly cleared his mind and not a handful of seconds had passed before he’d grabbed his gun and left the bedroom.

There it was again. A muffled gasp.

Slick as shit he crept down the hall not making a sound as he pinpointed where the noises were coming from.

Cammie’s bedroom.

Oh. Hell. No. Not on my watch, mother fuckers.

She’d closed the door.

Another distressed moan reached his ears. Definitely hers.


In his haste to leave her bedroom earlier he’d failed to tell her how important it was to leave every avenue clear for him to get to her. Throwing open the door and flipping on the light were the only options he had. He said a little prayer and grabbed the door handle just as a thud reached his ears.

He clenched his jaw tight and let everything else go. His heart calmed and his breathing leveled out.

Throwing open the door and flipping on the light took a second or two. His eyes adjusted almost instantaneously since he was prepared for his retinas to be fried.

“Oh, God.” Cammie torqued herself up in bed, clutching the sheet to her chest. She blinked and rubbed her eyes and face with her free hand.

One sweep of the room told Chrome all he needed to know.

He was a dipshit.

No attacker had broken in.

No masked man had Cammie in his hands.

A horrible nightmare had gripped her and he’d woken her up out of it. And scared her. Pointed a gun at her which he’d thankfully already safetied and lowered to his side. Pointed an erection at her that had a mind of its own which was still pointed at her. “Uhh…” He had no clue what else to say.

Her sleepy, scared eyes surveyed him from head to toe and then they flipped up to his and she shivered.

Between the look on her face, and her in bed all rumpled in a t-shirt…

The erection he’d tried getting rid of all night sprang back up full force. He snapped the light off and tried again to form a coherent sentence but he could still see her in the dim light coming through her bedroom windows. “Sorry I, uhh…woke you? Thought someone had…yeah…you know. I’ll, uhh…let you get back to sleep.”

He turned to leave—

“No,” she cried.

She kicked off the covers, scrambled out of bed and threw herself at him.

So what did he do?

He caught her with his free hand.

The gun thumped onto the wood on her dresser and he hauled her up into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist trapping his cock between them. Her slight body shivered next to his and he held her close. “Shh, shh, shh, Cammie. It’s okay. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

“Don’t leave,” she whimpered and clutched him tight. She snuggled closer to him, grinding her panties covered pussy against him in the process.

She was so warm.

He groaned, digging his fingers momentarily into her back and hip before he convince them to relax. “I won’t. Just let me go put some clothes on.” She shivered again and his breath caught. “This isn’t going to go well,” he added through clenched teeth. “Gimme thirty seconds to throw pants on and I’ll come back. We can…talk.” Yeah it sounded like a curse word, but, Jesus.

“I don’t want to talk.” Her soft whisper next to his ear threw fuel on the fire.

He physically set her on her feet and held her shoulders at arm’s length because the only alternative was pushing her against the wall, ripping her shirt and panties off and fucking taking her.

“Then I’ll hold you or some shit so you can go back to sleep.”

She shook her head and he released her shoulders as she confirmed he wasn’t what she needed or wanted. He took a step away and she took a hesitant step closer as she eyed his groin again.

Light glistened off her teeth as she nibbled her bottom lip and clutched nervously at the bottom of her shirt. “No sleep. I only have nightmares. No sleep.” She took another step forward, eyeing him with…hunger?

Chrome acted before running it through his filter. He grabbed her by the back of the neck and shoved her against the wall, stomach first. She gasped, bracing her hands beside her. “I can’t do easy, little girl.” He trapped her body between his and the hard surface and grabbed a handful of her hair to jack her head to the side.

“I don’t like the taste of vanilla.” He licked her throat and bit her right below her ear. “But I sure as fuck like the taste of you. You are my flavor and I want to drown myself in you.” He pushed his hand between the wall and her pussy and moved his hand beneath her cotton panties.



Her moan nearly did him in. He gripped her hair harder and slid a finger into her pussy. She clutched at the wall and groaned out, “Chrome.”

He needed to stop.

He needed to leave.

He needed to tell Steele to screw off and bail before he did something stupid and hurt her or something even stupider like falling for her.

“Right now, Cammie. You have to tell me to stop right now. This is not a good idea. I’m supposed to be protecting you. Not fucking you. Not dominating you. I don’t have condoms with me and if we start this I’m not stopping until I’m balls deep inside you with you coming on my cock. So if you don’t want what I’m offering…” He squeezed the hair on her head hard and slid another finger into her pussy to make sure she understood what he was about to tell her. “You have to tell me to stop. Kink is the only way I have sex. I don’t do soft and you will never have control if I fuck you. I’m all over women’s rights and all that, but not in the bedroom. Nothing else works for me. Do you understand?”

Her panting breaths turned him on even stronger and her throat moved as she swallowed. “Are we playing? Like a game?”

He needed to tell her yes. He needed to go along with it so he could fuck her and get her out of his system. He’d make it good for her. He would. But he needed a fall back if she freaked in the middle so he’d have the ability to shrug it off and lick his wounds. That’s what he needed to do.

“This is not a game. With you this will never…be a game.”

She blinked up at him and bit her lip one more time. Her answer sealed her fate and let his monster step into the world.


Without removing either of his hands, he maneuvered her around until her back was against the wall and he moved her legs apart. “A hand on my cock. Now.” He didn’t wait for her to answer. He tipped her head back and claimed her mouth. Her pussy clenched on his fingers and more moisture slid along the inner walls of her sex, coating his knuckles.

The first contact of her palm on the head of his dick nearly had him on his knees. She touched it hesitantly as he kissed her. Circling the head she ran her thumb along the crown and then gripped him gently. He released her hair and fisted her hand tighter around his cock. “Like this,” he said against her lips and then slid her tight fist down the length of him until she gasped.

“It’s never going to fit.” Her wide eyes and near panic sure didn’t hurt his ego. The fact that she kept jacking him made him nearly come.

“It’ll fit. Trust me.” He fucked his fingers in her tight pussy and pulled them toward her pubic bone over and over again, stimulating her g-spot.

“Oh, oh, oh.” Her voice grew higher on each word. “What is that?”

“You haven’t had sex much have you?” He kept twitching his fingers inside her, loving the way she had to fight her eyes closing. She finally gave up and tilted her head against the wall.

“No. Is it that obvious?”

“No. Especially not with how gorgeous you are. I’d expect your dance card to be completely full.” He rubbed her clit with his thumb and her pussy clamped down on his fingers. She clutched his cock, squeezing it tight, and he released her hand, not wanting to teach her how to get him off. He wanted to enjoy her coming. He wanted it. Needed it. He planted his palm next to her head on the wall so he could lean down and watch her face as she got closer and closer to coming.

Scissoring his fingers inside her had the desired effect. Her lips parted on a shaky breath and her head moved back and forth.

He reached down and grabbed behind her closest knee, lifting it next to her body. It knocked her hand off his dick and her eyes flew open as she grabbed onto his shoulders.

Her needing him to support her so she didn’t fall?




On more than just a physical level. The fact that he realized that and didn’t shut down shocked the hell out of him.

He tucked his cock next to her exposed slit and humped against her clit. Lifting her leg a little bit more, stretched her pussy lips and her breath caught in her throat.

“Come on my fingers.” He fucked them into her as he thrust against her clit. “Come for me. The first of many,” he added as her pussy fluttered on the very edge of release.


“Mine, Cammie. Mine. Give it to me.” He tucked his fingers in as high as he could get them and tugged forward again. Her pussy locked down on them and her spine went rigid as she went up on her tiptoe. He fucked against her clit as she came.

BOOK: Elite Metal-ARE-epub
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