Read Elemental Shadows Online

Authors: Phaedra Weldon

Tags: #Urban Fantasy, #witches, #sword and sorcery

Elemental Shadows (18 page)

BOOK: Elemental Shadows
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Her gown was similar to mine; only she had long sleeves that ended in tatters. Part of the design reminded me of Morticia's dress from
The Adams Family
. Her hair was pulled back at the base of her neck and she wore no make-up. She looked so much younger like this and I wondered again exactly how old she was.

She took Kyle's hands and kissed his cheeks. His robe was what I called the standard Monk's robe, with hood and long skirt. And then she looked at me and put her hands to her mouth. "I'm sorry, Samantha, but you look so much like your mother."

I took that as a compliment. "I ah…I don't have an athame."

"It's fine. You won't need it. My initiates are already cutting the Circle," she looked around. "Where's Mr. Westerfield?"

I sighed and gave her a short version of what happened at the shop, and a bit of the background of why. I left out the bits about the shelter and about where Ivan hid the information on Kennett he threatened to use. Her dark eyes nearly popped out of her head. "And you think the soul or essence of this Ronald Kennett is framing him?"

"Yeah I do. I talked to Detective Holliard. He's going to look into Ivan's problem while we solve this one. Right now my goal is to find the kids."

"And then clear my name."

I pulled my mouth into a thin line and held my temper. Wow. That bath really did good things on my mood control. "Of course, Arden."

We were led through the house, which was just as spectacular as the bathroom with its high ceilings and antique furniture. We passed a long dining table laden with food as we made our way out the back French doors and down a path. I didn't go barefoot much anymore and it was obvious, given I found every possible sharp rock and stick with the soles of my feet.

I sensed the Circle before I saw it. It hummed and pulsed against my spine and my Spirit sang at the connection between the Earth and us. This was the God Mother's legacy. This was Diana's joy. All minds concentrating on a single thought, a single note, a single song.

As with the Circle Ina's Ghouls made that night when I spoke to Tzariene, the Priestess of the Circle, a thin blond girl with dark eyes, cut the doorway. We were challenged and then brought in to stand to the North behind the Altar. Arden had already explained she thought this was the best place for me, since the Obsidian Queen was the Unseelie Court and they were more attuned to Air and Water.

The Circle's power pricked at my spine as Arden and three others stepped forward with their athames, they cut a circle within a circle. Light flared and after the spell was complete, I held my breath as Brendi appeared in the center.

She looked as radiant as ever, and less human as well. Her skin had taken on the paler tones of the Faerie, and her hair was now black. Slight points at the tips of her ears betrayed her acceptance of her new position. I hadn't noticed those things about her when she appeared in Couturie Forest and took Medbh in her deal with Dionysus. But she'd been wearing a helm then. All silver. All badass.

It was hard to believe this girl had once been human.

Arden curtsied before her. Brendi bowed as well. And it was Brendi that spoke first. "'Tis good to see you, Queen Arden. What, may I ask, is the reason for the summons?"

Queen Arden? I glanced at Kyle. He winked. I rolled my eyes.

"I have need of information—and I believe it is dire, my Queen. It deals with the children Dionysus stole in order to disgrace Faerie Magic and create his Changelings."

"Yes," Brendi frowned. "I have not yet forgiven him of this transgression. Yet he did offer up a payment I could not refuse."

Yeah, I bet.
The bastard had tricked me into sucking Medbh's soul or essence or whatever it was into a magic necklace. Medbh's head was still in my basement. Though I couldn't figure out why Brendi would want it. It was Medbh's throne she took. Why bring the old Queen back? But I didn't dare ask. Asking meant payment. I owed enough to Brendi.

"I see. May I offer a similar payment?" Arden turned and one of the girls stepped forward to be seen by Brendi in the Circle. "Branwen wishes to offer herself for the information."

What! I started forward but Kyle and two other robed members held me back. Kyle put his finger on my lips and shook his head. Why wasn't he more upset that his aunt was offering up human sacrifice?"

Brendi moved with a fluid grace I hadn't noticed before. She looked at the young girl, who dropped her robe, nude beneath, and turned so the Queen could see her. "Child, do you know what it means to be in my service?"

"Yes, my Queen."

I narrowed my eyes.
didn't really know what that meant.

Brendi smiled and looked back at Arden. "I assume your questions are many if you wish to give up the life of a human."

"They are."

"Ask them. I will decide when we are finished."

I noticed Arden's hesitation as she nodded to Branwen. The girl pulled her robe back on and returned to her place in the Circle. "I need to know where Dionysus placed the children he stole. I had believed they were with you in
, and were now part of your court."

"No. He did not. Such a thing would have been an honor paid to us, but he took a more foolish and selfish route." She laughed and for a second I saw the old Brendi, the human girl of sixteen. "He took the easy way out."

"He used a Coyote Flame?"

"Yes. He used it like a zipper in the fabric of space. And one by one he took the children, stole a piece of their essence to make the Changelings, and then shoved them into the Flame."

I closed my eyes. God damn that bastard. That was what I was afraid he'd done.

"Doing this, did he create what we call Shadow People?"

"He created what we know as
Dae Rauko
. The Shadow Demon," Brendi looked worried. "These
are created from punishment, from sadness and disease. When creatures misuse the Coyote Flame and trap a being in that place of limbo, they will eventually die and become the essence of evil. Anger, frustration, feelings of abandonment, hate, all of these things fester and form to create the
. They become
, or shadow, and they find their way into the other worlds." She took a step closer to the circle she peered through. "These children are damned."

"Is there a way to get them out?"

"Only if you know where they were placed. Coyote Flames are not stable. You know this. You can never accurately guess where you will end up if you create one. Or choose what world. The only way to make a stable one is through human ritual sacrifice."

I didn't even want to think about what that meant. I could believe Dionysus would do this, as he would want to put all his assets in one place. But this was something so dark, so…
. My stomach roiled at the idea that this bastard had raised me.

"How do I find where Dionysus made the Flame, if he did indeed make a stable one?"

Brendi's gaze moved from Arden to me. Those around me looked at me and stepped away. No one liked being in the direct line of sight of a Faerie. "Ask Samantha. He was her guardian all along. Perhaps she can shed light on where the Leviathan would feel most comfortable."

I swallowed and ignored everyone's eyes. I was looking directly at Brendi. "I would think it would be at Ina's house."

Brendi held out her arms. "Then you have your answer." When she looked back to Arden I almost fell on my ass as my knees gave out. Kyle grabbed me and held me up.

"I thank you, Obsidian Queen." Arden stepped back.

"Not yet," Brendi held up her pale hand. "I have decided not to take this young girl, though she will receive my favor if she ever finds herself in
. I will instead defer my price for a later date."

Oh shit. That was so close to the same deal she'd made with me. And I'd had to renege on it because her request was too outlandish. She'd wanted me to hand over another human being to a Succubus so he could bring that human to her.

No. Sorry. Couldn't do that.

Arden glanced back at me. "How does that work?"

"The deal is bound to you, Queen Arden. When I know what it is I want, I will contact you and tell you. You will have twenty-four hours to deliver my request, or you will forfeit yourself." She smiled and I thought for a second I saw sharp teeth. "Until later, Queen Arden."

The inner Circle darkened and then disappeared. Arden stood still for a few seconds before she nodded to the Priestess. The Circle was taken down and everyone departed to the house. Kyle and I stood where we were since Arden hadn't moved.

Eventually she turned toward us. I saw hurt and fear in her eyes as she put a hand against my cheek. "You'd better hope she doesn't want something I can't deliver. I'll trade you before I become that bitch's dog."

I watched her walk away.

Kyle put his hand on my shoulder. "She didn't mean that."

My body shook as I put my own hand on his. "Oh yes she did."

rden made the arrangements to move the party to Ina's house. Kyle and I changed back into our street clothing and led the caravan of three vehicles—Kyle's car, Arden's SUV and a truck—back into town and into the Garden District. It was already after three in the morning, so the streets in the district were pretty much empty. The same couldn't be said for Bourbon Street.

I didn't know how to make a Coyote Flame and said as much to Arden, but she insisted it was something she needed to do and I didn’t have to learn. I wasn't blind to her real motivations. If this worked, and those children were brought back, then her involvement meant points for her run for Grand Master.

I opened the house and let everyone in. Arden brought five of her finest, as she called them. And that was including Arden. Kyle and I were introduced to each of them.

I tended to connect names to attributes.

Joan was tall and thin and was the oldest of the group.

Annie had long dark hair, dark lips, dark nails and spoke in a soft voice.

Adrian wore a Club Hell t-shirt, the same one I slept in.

And Dayle spelled her name with a Y. Though that wasn't how I remembered her name and face. It was her ample breasts that clued me in.

The girls were each sent away with an assignment before Arden pulled Kyle and me into the herb room. She lowered her voice. "That Circle isn't fit. What happened to it?"

Shit. What was I going to say?
Oh yeah, sorry. I killed someone using Arcane Magic?

Kyle spoke up. "Probably something Dionysus did to it before he killed that girl and disappeared."

"What girl?"

I glared at Kyle. Good going there, idiot. "Ah…it's a long story, Arden."

"And one I'm going to enjoy hearing about, especially when we sit down to talk about Mr. Westerfield."

I pointed at her. "Not if you want your name cleared."

Arden narrowed her eyes as she looked at me, then back to Kyle. "We're lucky because I don't think that's where he concentrated his Coyote Flame."

"How so?" Now I was curious how she knew that.

"Because of the way they're made, if you remember? I think the entire garden back there is what he used to tether the Flame."

BOOK: Elemental Shadows
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