Elemental Moon: The Eldritch Files, Book Three (17 page)

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February 14th.

he decision to
release the warlock didn't come until February the fourteenth of all days. For the removal I was called into the Cleric Office, which to my surprise was a large church on the way north out of the city. I'd recovered from the venom, had my equilibrium back and sort of had my confidence back as well.

No one had asked anything about Fred, which was a relief. Or about Arwen, which was also a relief, though I couldn't stop the guilt I felt for both of them. The Parliament didn't bring up my dad's house or the whereabouts of my dad either, and I had to wonder if that was because they were saving that for later or because whatever magic made the neighborhood forget had finally made them forget as well.

Ina's house was a disaster. Broken doors, smashed windows and a torn up back garden. I just wanted to bulldoze the whole thing down, but Crwys hired people to rebuild it. Suggested I put it on the market since the bodies that had been buried under the garden were no longer there. But I couldn't in good faith ever recommend anyone ever living there.

And besides, as far as the world knew, Inamorata Devonshire was still alive and off on vacation somewhere. As long as the mortgage payments were made and the utilities paid, no one cared.

As for Arden? She'd been elected as High Witch, just like she always wanted. I wondered if it was because of one of those things she stole from Circe's house.

Crwys, Ivan, Kyle and Jack met me on the front steps of the church as I walked out. They cheered and I bowed.

"How does it feel?" Ivan asked me. "To be un-warlocked." He frowned. "Is that a word?"

"It feels like I'm whole again." My Salamander appeared in the air over my right hand and danced. Once he disappeared, we piled into Ivan's Mini-Cooper and headed out for lunch. Crwys bowed out when he got a call from Levi about a body. We dropped him off at the station and he pulled me out of the car for a long kiss and embrace. We had become inseparable since the incident with the wolves and Circe. I spent several nights over at Levi's, where Crwys lived most of the time because his own place was, in Levi's own words, a dump.

And he'd spent a lot of time at my place.

I hadn't heard from Bastien or the pack in a week and I figured they were busy taking care of Regine, as Bastien so happily named her. I couldn't wait till she grew up and changed it.

Things had been quiet. Just the way I liked them.

"See you tonight," Crwys said as he pulled his lips from mine. "I'll probably be coming in hot." Which for him meant he'd be coming in from work.

"That's fine. I'll be there." I combed his hair back with my fingers. "And my Valentine's Day present?"

"I already told you yes," he winked. "I'll tell you who and what I am. I promise. You've been patient with me and it means a lot for you to know all of me."

"Interesting you picked one of the most expensive restaurants in the city to reveal this to me. You think I won't make a scene?"

"I don't think you'll make a scene anywhere," he kissed me again and then ran inside.

"You two are so cute together," Kyle said from the front as I slipped into the back.

I stuck my tongue out at him and patted my tummy. "Me and my Elementals are starving. Let us eat!"

he dinner reservation
was at eight. By nine I was worried. And by eleven when the restaurant needed to close, I was livid. I paid for the food I did eat and heard my credit card scream at the price of crab claws. I'd dressed up in the clothing I'd gotten from Arden back in January and my hair was so shiny it was nearly blue under the restaurant lights.

Outside, I dialed Crwys's number for the fiftieth time. This time it went straight to voicemail and I was too pissed off to leave a message.

I turned toward the lot where I'd parked my Jeep and dialed Levi's number. I made sure I had it these days.

"Hey Sam," Levi sounded cautious. "Did he tell you?"

"He never showed."

Levi paused. "Oh. Really?"

"Yeah. And you already ruined the excuse he forgot." I sighed as I neared my Jeep. "He ditched me, didn't he? He never intended on telling what he is. Who he is.”

"Man, Sam, I don't know. He was nervous about telling you. And I wasn't exactly that happy about him doing it."

"Because you think it makes him vulnerable."

"Yeah." I could hear him talking to someone. "Look, I need to go. Got a date myself. I'm sure he'll turn up."

I looked around at the parking lot. Watched a couple laughing and kissing in the corner under a magnolia tree. In fact, there were couples everywhere, walking, laughing, talking and kissing.

I seemed to be the only one alone.


"Levi, if he calls you, tell him not to bother coming by the shop. We're done."


"And I'll pay him back for what he's put into the place." My eyes burned as I blinked back raw emotion. It was hard to keep it out of my voice. "Just…tell him to fuck off." I disconnected, fumbled with the keys to my Jeep, got inside, and let the dam burst.

With all the terrible, crazy, horrible things in my life, Crwys had been the one bright, burning light leading me to peace. I somehow felt he was gone. Knew it somehow when he no longer tickled the edge of my mind. My Sylph appeared in the air in front of me. They no longer needed me to Call them. They were a part of my life again.

The Sylph looked sad as he hung his head and zoomed toward me to hug my face. I felt his love, his warmth and his attempt to make me feel better. All of my Elementals appeared in the car and comforted me. My Undine rested on my shoulder, my Gnome in my lap, her weapon tucked away, and my Salamander moved to sit on my head and look down over my eyebrows as his small hand patted my forehead.

I could feel their empathy, their need to help. They were trying to cheer me up. I had them back and I felt touched again by the God Mother. The Arcane was silent. And I was alone.


Elemental Flame
February 14th, Two Days Ago


"Detective, it's Arden Vervain."

Crwys held his breath for a full half minute as he toned down everything he wanted to say to the newly-elected High Witch of New Orleans. Counting down from ten never worked for him. Mostly because he just came up with ten insulting things he wanted to say. Especially to Miss Vervain. He made a mental note to get a new cell number. He planted a smile on his face as he looked at Levi, whose desk faced his own. His partner glanced up, frowned and tilted his head, then went back to his computer to finish paperwork.

"What do you want?" Well, the tone was brisk but he did sincerely want to know why this Witch was calling him. Things had been so quiet since their brush with the Magician Circe. He and Levi had collared three murder suspects and his relationship with Samantha Hawthorne had reached the place where he felt she needed to know what he was.

And who he was.

"Look, Holliard. We need to take whatever this is between us and set it aside. I'm calling you because the Obsidian Queen's contacted me about her price. She wants Sam and one of her Fetches managed to bring Sam to the clearing."

"What?" He sat forward. "What clearing?"

"The one on my property. The same place I made the deal with her. I need you to get out here and stop this before she takes Sam with her."

"I'm on my way." Crwys jumped out of his chair, which rolled backwards as he jerked his leather jacket off the back. "I'm heading out."

"Was that Sam?" Levi asked as he pushed back from the desk.

Crwys slipped the jacket on and held up his hand. "No. Just…something I need to take care of." Normally, he'd bring Levi along with him. The two had been inseparable since the day their hosts met. Crwys was also aware of Levi's disapproval of his relationship with Sam. Levi had been there when Crwys fell in love for the first time, and he'd been there when his heart cracked at her loss. Levi also knew about the secrets that came from that pairing—secrets that needed to remain secret.

Falling for a human again was dangerous for Crwys, not just physically, but it could make him vulnerable in many ways. Taking care of Sam's problems shouldn't be set on Levi's shoulders so heading out to stop a Faerie Queen seemed like another day in Crwys's life. He would prevent Brendi from taking Sam and put an end to this. Brendi's father had asked for amnesty for Sam. The idea Brendi would go through a second party to get around her promise to her father—knowing a promise from a Faerie bound them to that promise—was atrocious. This could be the catalyst to oust Brendi once and for all.

"Don't forget your dinner with Sam," Levi called out as Crwys headed to the door. "And don't forget the roses!"

Crwys grinned. He'd bought a dozen roses and had them in a gold box in the break room fridge. He'd paid double what roses cost just because it was Valentine's Day, but Sam was worth it. She was worth a million times that amount. He grabbed the box out of the fridge on the way out and put them in the back seat of his '64 Mustang Fastback.

He dialed Sam's number as he got in and turned the key. The rumble of the V8 always boosted his confidence. The raw power of it reminded him of his youth, of days spent in the sun, in the wind, in utter ignorance of what his life would become.

When it went to voicemail he disconnected. No need to leave one if she was in that Circle. He cheated and put his portable light on the dashboard as he sped out of town toward Gypsy Gardens.

The dashboard clock read five twenty-two as he pulled into the long dirt drive leading up to Arden's house. He didn't see Sam's Jeep and wondered if she'd parked somewhere else on the property. He tossed his badge into the passenger seat but kept his weapon tucked into the back of his jeans as he got out of the Mustang and slammed the door.

A young woman came running out of the house, dressed in a ritual robe, waving at him. "Detective Holliard!"

"Hey," he said as she nearly barreled into him. He gently grabbed her upper arms to steady her. "Calm down and breathe. Where's Sam?"

"In the Circle!" The young girl pointed back to the house. "Just follow the path. My Lady's already there."

He assumed My Lady was the title the young Witch used for Arden. She was the High Priestess of her coven so it made sense.

Crwys took off toward the house at a fast run. The open front door was convenient as he made his way through the rest of the house to the back sliding glass doors and down an obvious path through the woods. He could sense power ahead and he could sense an open door.


He burst out of the forest into a clearing illuminated by torches and thousands of fireflies. Though a second look revealed these weren't actual fireflies, but pixies. Pixies!

The Circle was lined with robed people and he assumed they were Arden's coven. The light in this part of the swamp was dim because of the thick canopy of tree foliage overhead. He stopped just outside of the Circle, seeing and hearing the spin of the energy the Witches consecrated sphere. He could easily step through but he was also cautious as he moved closer to see inside. He needed to find Sam first and focus on her.

Two of the robed figures stepped aside as Arden stepped up to the edge. She was dressed in her usual black robe and silver jewelry. She produced a long knife and cut straight into the spinning energy. Everything paused as she slipped her hand inside and parted a door. "Quickly!"

His ears popped as Crwys stepped hurriedly through Circle door. He spotted the balefire in the center, Arden to his right, the hidden, robbed coven members surrounding him and the tall oval mirror to the right, the door into

He took a single step forward with the intent of looking behind the mirror to see if Sam was possibly behind it and realized his foot didn't hit the ground. Crwys looked down to see a thick, white mist covering the grass.

Alarms went off in his head as he realized Sam wasn't there. Sam wasn't even on the grounds. And the only reason there would be mist between his feet and the ground would be to prevent any Faeries present from touching the Earth.

Something struck his chest with enough force to knock him onto his back. In his mind he went for his power, his core, the legend that made him what he was and released his primordial fire. But in reality, he couldn't move as he lay staring up at the pixies as they twinkled among the canopy of cypress, willows and alders.

Something obscured his vision, blurred in front of him. He fought to raise his right hand and touch the long, golden shaft protruding from his chest. His fingers moved along the smooth surface to where it met his flesh, the point buried in his chest.

He knew the arrowhead had found his heart. It was the only weakness he had. And someone had used the Arrow of Artemis to pierce it. He wrapped his hand around it and began what he knew would be a long, arduous process of tearing it out.

Strong hands took his wrist and pulled his hand away. He heard the clink and rattle of chains and shifted his gaze to look into the face of Brendi, the Faerie Queen of the Obsidian Court. He saw the bow in her hand and the quiver at her back.

"Bind him the way we you were told,” she said to the robbed figures as their hoods folded back.

Crwys saw they were Faerie soldiers, not Arwen's coven, their silver moonlight armor hidden under the black material. He fought, or tried to fight, but there were too many of them as they turned him on his side and bound his wrists behind him, pulling his arms together tight. His thighs and ankles were equally cinched tight as he fought the desire to succumb to the magic of the Arrow.

"Do you have to do that to him?"

Crwys recognized Arden's voice through the haze. The soldiers lifted him up and held him under his shoulders. He couldn't stand and he couldn't fall as the pain of the Arrow in his heart seeped along his limps, paralyzing his power.

He kept his head up if not leaned to his left shoulder as he watched Arden step up to Brendi. Rage filled Arden's expression and he understood too well what Brendi wanted.

She wanted him.

The Obsidian Queen glanced at Arden. "Blackwood's information was accurate. You should be happy I chose him and not you."

"You promised to tell me why him," Arden pointed at Crwys. "What's so special about him?"

Brendi's expression softened. "Poor Arden. You've lived among Gods and never knew it. This man, this creature, is wanted in our realm, for crimes against our world. For lighting a fire that nearly destroyed us.” She took several steps toward Crwys and put her fingers under his chin. He narrowed his eyes at her, willing her on fire.

Nothing happened. The Arrow did the job it was designed to do. Nullify him. Weaken him. Make him easy to handle. After all, that's what his sister commissioned it for.

"And you, Crwys Holliard. I have your name now. I know what you are, and who you are and a deal within a deal is always the best reward. And because I have you, I will have the hearts and minds of the survivors of our entire realm. Once they know I have the Destroyer, no one will oppose me." She leaned in and he could see her now inhuman beauty. There was nothing human left inside of her. Her pale, smooth skin, her long pointed ears, her catlike pupils and her sharp, pointed teeth.

She pressed a kiss of cold lips against his before she bit into them. He made a noise because he couldn't speak, and tasted his own blood. Brendi pulled back and smiled. He saw his blood run over her bottom lip and down her pointed chin. "Take him to the palace."

The soldiers holding him lifted him higher as they prepared to drag him through the mirror. One of the soldiers in gold armor reached out to grab the Arrow. Brendi drew a sword from a scabbard at her hip and sliced off his hand. The soldier cried out and went down on his knees as pure Faerie blood poured into the mist. "Never touch the Arrow! It cannot be removed. Do I make myself clear?"

The soldiers responded, "Yes my Queen!"

Crwys looked over at Arden as he was dragged toward the mirror. His eyes narrowed he summoned the last of his power, what little was left to him and cursed Arden Vervain. A single ember from the balefire shot into the air, spiraled down and burrowed into her heart. She cried out and clasped her hands to her chest as she stared at him, wide eyed.

what he'd done. She knew he'd cursed her.

"Please! Don't do this! She gave me no choice!"

Her cries for her own salvation vanished as he passed into

Crwys moved in and out of consciousness as his body was dragged, dropped and then placed on an ice-cold surface. He passed into dark bliss, away from the pain of the Arrow for a time. But when he was awakened, he lifted his head and realized just how dire his predicament was as shattering pain followed him into wakefulness.

He recognized the Obsidian palace by its dark marbled interior and its cold, dead power. He also recognized the throne room where he hung suspended from chains that pierced his body. The chains ripped through his flesh and muscle and fused to his bones not only at his shoulders, but at every joint above his waist. They held his arms out from his sides as blood dripped into a bottomless pit below. The Arrow protruded from his chest, locking him into this body. He was crucified on the altar of the Obsidian Queen.

More chains encased his legs from his thighs to his ankles. The added weight pulled at the chains holding him in the air. Constant, steady pain.

Crwys had known agony in his long life, but never anything as excruciating as this.

"Behold!" Brendi shouted out from her facing throne. "The Destroyer!"

His eyes opened again at the cheers that went up around him. He lifted his head to see thousands of Faerie as they crowded in to see their devil, to see the one that turned their fertile fields to dust.

"We want to see his true form!"

"Show us his form!"

"Show us!"

Crwys smiled as his gaze found Brendi's. What her people wanted, she could not do. Not with the Arrow inside his heart. Like this he was sealed in place, not alive or dead. But if the Arrow was removed, he swore, no he
he would lay waste to her and every living thing in the palace.

As the pain increased he fell back into madness. The old lunacy that became a comfort for centuries before he woke to a life among the humans. Crwys made a small sound at first that built in volume until the hall became silent and his laughter echoed off the walls.

You still don't have what you want, little Queen. And without proof of who I am, your subjects will doubt you. Remove the Arrow and I will destroy you and your people.

He knew she heard him as her own eyes blazed with anger.

His last thoughts before he fell into a blessed darkness were of Samantha.

I love you, Sam. I will always love you.

Look for the next book in Eldritch Files, Elemental Flame!

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