Eleanor and Franklin (173 page)

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Authors: Joseph P. Lash

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. Interview with Eugene Wigner; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. Lash, June 25, 1944.

. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. Lash, April 30, 1944.

June 27, 1944.

July 2, 1944; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Betty Hight, July 4, 1944.

. Flynn,
You're the Boss,
cited (Ch. 33), p. 179; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. Lash, July 16, 1944.

. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. Lash, July 14, 1944; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Philip Vaughn (“Bennett”), April 22, 1944.

. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Alice Huntington, Oct. 23, 1944; letters from Trude Pratt to Joseph P. Lash, July 5 and 7, 1944.

. Sherwood,
Roosevelt and Hopkins,
cited (Ch. 42), p. 820; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to James Roosevelt, in J. Roosevelt and Shalett, p. 353.

. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” cited (Ch. 8), Nov. 4, 1944; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. Lash, Aug. 23, 1944; John M. Blum,
Roosevelt and Morgenthau
(New York, 1970), pp. 580–81.

. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. Lash, Sept. 11, 1944.

. Letter from Trude Pratt to Joseph P. Lash, Sept. 8, 1944.

. F. D. Roosevelt,
Public Papers,
1944, p. 290.

. Sherwood, p. 824; Bruenn,
p. cit

. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Nov. 8, 1944.

. As quoted in Sherwood, p. 831.

. Associated Press, Nov. 10, 1944; Eleanor Roosevelt, “How to Take Criticism,”
Ladies' Home Journal,
Nov., 1944.


. Letter from Esther Lape to Eleanor Roosevelt, Nov. 8, 1944.

. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Maude Gray, July 4, 1944.

. William D. Hassett,
Off the Record with F.D.R., 1942–1945
(Rutgers, 1958), p. 304.

. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dec. 12, 1944.

. Interview with Anna Roosevelt Halsted.

. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. Lash, Jan. 10, 1945.

. E. Roosevelt,
cited (Ch. 16), p. 343.

. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Lady Florence Willert, Feb. 8, 1945; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. Lash, Jan. 21, 1945.

. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Feb. 20, 1945; letter from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Jesse Jones, in F. D. Roosevelt,
cited (Ch. 10), IV, pp. 1566–67; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jan. 26, 1945.

. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Lt. George Wells, Feb. 22, 1945.

. James F. Byrnes,
All in One Lifetime
(New York, 1958), p. 256.

. Letter from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Eleanor Roosevelt, Feb. 12, 1945.

. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Feb. 13, 1945.

. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. Lash, Feb. 28, 1945.

April 2, 1945.

. Lilienthal,
The Journals of David E. Lilienthal,
cited (Ch. 37), III, pp. 363, 364.

. E. Roosevelt,
p. 343.

. Fayerweather, “My Diary in the White House,” cited (Ch. 55) March 28, 1945.

. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Maude Gray, April 1, 1945.

. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. Lash, April 6, 1945.

. E. Roosevelt,
pp. 343–44.

. Bernard Asbell,
When F.D.R. Died
(New York, 1961), p. 53;
New York Times,
April 13, 1945; Henry Morgenthau, “A Tribute to Eleanor Roosevelt.”

. Tully,
F.D.R. My Boss,
cited (Ch. 33), pp. 365–66.

. Interview with Anna Roosevelt Halsted.

. E. Roosevelt,
pp. 348–49.

. Asbell, p. 161.

. Interview with Esther Lape.


Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device's search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Abbott, Dr. Grace, 487–88

Acheson, Dean, 910

Adams, Ellen, 823

Adams, Franklin P., 536

Adams, Fred, 234

Adams, Henry, 231, 292, 448, 780

Adams, Josephine Truslow, 895–97

Addams, Jane, 251, 348

Affectionately, F.D.R.
(J. Roosevelt and Shalett), 623

Agricultural Adjustment Act, 480, 534

Albertina (nurse), 44, 45

Aldrich, Winthrop, 809

Alexander, Dr. Will, 508–9, 519, 521, 560, 573, 574, 648, 650, 659–60, 668, 672–73, 675, 700–701, 738, 856

Allen, George, 580

Allen, Judge Florence E., 486

Allen, Robert S., 532, 668

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Alsop, Joseph, 206, 608, 865

Alsop, Mrs. Joseph (Corinne; cousin), 75, 90, 163–64, 169, 170, 192, 206, 297, 598–99, 666

American Foundation, 354

American Liberty League, 549, 551, 561

American Medical Association, 586–88

American Social Defense Organization, 812

American Student Union, 698, 762, 766

see also
Roosevelt, Eleanor

American Unity and Asia
(Buck), 852

American Youth Congress, 581, 683, 687–94, 699–700, 701–3, 757, 761–78

see also
Roosevelt, Eleanor

Ames, Amvas, 471

Anderson, Marian, 664, 666–68, 738

Anderson, Mary, 291

Appleton, Frank, 23

Archer-Shee, Lucy, 371

Armstrong, Bess Furman, 780

see also
Furman, Bess

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Asquith, Herbert, 330

Astor, Lady, 845

Auden, W.H., 697

Babies--Just Babies
, 445, 467

Backer, Dorothy Schiff, 558, 776

Badoglio, Pietro, 894

Baker, Mary Howe, 546

see also
Howe, Mary

Baker, Mrs. Newton D., 265

Baker, Newton D., 423, 433, 681

Balch, Emily, 251

Baldwin, Roger, 897

Bamie, Aunt,
Roosevelt, Anna

Bankhead, Mrs. William B., 766

Barkley, Alben, 789, 792, 794

Barnard, Eunice Fuller, 382

Barnes, James, 918

Barney, Charles, 156

Baruch, Bernard M., 263, 283, 394, 547–48, 591, 816, 820, 898, 900, 918

Arthurdale Resettlement Project and, 502, 503, 509, 512, 515, 517, 520, 521

concerned over Eleanor's involvement in Youth Congress, 764

Franklin's attitude toward, 509

and friendship with Eleanor, 509

recommendations on postwar policies, 894–95

Beal, Thomas, 172

Beard, Charles, 119

Beard, Mary R., 72, 119, 468, 477

Behrman, S. N., 534

Bell, Daniel, 553

Bellamy, Edward, 482

Bellinger, Ruth, 427

Bellows, George, 654

Benes, Eduard, 729, 846

Bennett, Dr., 237, 331–32, 336

Bennett, Marjorie, 92, 93, 115

Bennett, Rep., 827

Benton, Thomas, 654

Berge, Otto, 604

Bernhardt, Sarah, 94

Bernstorff, Count Johann Heinrich von, 249–50, 253

Bethune, Mary McLeod, 559, 649, 661–63, 665, 669, 672, 918

Bevin, Ernest, 841

Bibesco, Elizabeth, 330

Bickel, Karl, 544

Biddle, Elizabeth, 190, 192

Biddle, Francis, 789

Biddle, John, 230

Biddle, Nicholas, 117, 156, 159, 163, 164, 168, 172, 190, 192

Biddle, Peter, 190

Biddle, Tony, 838

Billings, Rev. Sherrard, 168

Bingham, Barry, 657–58

Bingham, Robert W., 747

Birth of a Baby
, 722

Bismarck, Count Otto von, 42

Black, Algernon, 918

Black, Ruby, 454, 455, 480, 486, 685, 856

Black Reconstruction
(Du Bois), 661

Blaine, James G., 31

Blair, Emily Newell, 54, 401

Bliven, Bruce, 537

Blum, Leon, 798

Boettiger, Anna Roosevelt,
Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor

Boettiger, John, 608, 614, 784, 818, 884, 920

Boettiger, Johnny (grandson), 892, 907

Bok, Edward W., 351–53, 356–57

Bolte, Charles, 918

Borah, William E., 707, 740–41

Bradley, Charles B., 172

Brandeis, Louis D., 263, 511, 688

Brann, Gov., 573

Bridges, Harry, 584, 761

Brittain, Vera, 571

Brodsky, Bertha, 491

Broun, Heywood, 434, 446, 535, 538, 781

Browder, Earl, 759, 761, 764, 895–98

Browder, Irene, 898

Brown, Dorothy Kirchwey, 360

Brown, Elliot, 378

Brown, Larue, 324

Brown, Lathrop, 158, 160, 171, 172

Brown, Warren, 857

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 87

Browning, Robert, 27

Roosevelt, Hall

Bruenn, Dr. Howard G., 889

Bryan, Mrs. William Jennings, 226, 230

Bryan, William Jennings, 230, 247, 248, 250, 307

Bryce, James, 213

Buck, Pearl S., 853

brings white-supremacy issue to Roosevelt's attention, 851, 852

on Eleanor's lecturing at Cornell, 387

and Mme. Chiang Kai-shek's U.S. tour, 863–64

see also American Unity and Asia

Buckingham, Dr. D. E., 593

Bugbee, Emma, 191
, 438, 443, 455, 630, 787

Bullitt, William, 494, 532, 622

Bulloch, Anna,
Gracie, Mrs. James King

Bulloch, Ella, 180

Bulloch, Grandma, 4, 5

Bulloch, Irvine, 5

Bulloch, James, 5

Bulloch, Martha,
Roosevelt, Martha Bulloch

Burden, Gwendolyn, 73, 77, 88, 121

Burden, William A.M., 168–69

Burkenshaw, Hilda (Burky), 93, 101, 102, 103

Burlew, E. K., 497, 499, 504

Bury the Dead
(Shaw), 534, 704

Bush, Dr. Vannevar, 899

Butler, Dr. Nicholas Murray, 718

Buttinger, Joseph, 809, 811

Dall, Curtis

Bye, Aunt,
Roosevelt, Anna

Bye, George, 540, 541, 834

Bynner, Witter, 723

Byrd, Otway, 156

Byrd, Richard E., 299, 496, 717

Byrne, Martha, 360

Byrnes, James, 789, 792, 899, 914, 918

Cadden, Joseph, 771

Calder, Capt., 191
, 328, 330

Eleanor gives watch to, 337

Callaghan, Capt. Daniel, 805

Camalier, Renah, 318

Camp, Walter, 283

Camus, Albert, 726

(Shaw), 156–57

Canfield, Cass, 544

Cannon, Rep., 828

Capper, Sen., 580

Caraway, Hattie, 463

Carey, James, 791
, 897, 917

Carlin, George, 536, 538–39, 803

Carlson, Maj. Evans, 832, 833

Carney, Russell, 548

Carroll, Wallace, 842

Carter, Alice, 343

Carter, Amon G., 462

Carter, Evelyn, 127, 160, 165, 166

Carusi, Ugo, 918

Cary, Howard, 164, 168

Castorino, Anthony, 835

Catt, Carrie Chapman, 314, 318, 323, 324, 325, 387, 433, 490, 704, 705–6, 748–49

Chamberlain, Joseph, 207

Chamberlain, Neville, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 736, 755, 765

Chaney, Mayris (Tiny), 599, 827, 829

Chanler, Lewis Stuyvesant, 207

Chanler, Mrs. Winthrop, 26, 30

Chapman, Oscar, 666, 667

Chavannes, Puvis de, 98

Chennault, Gen. Claire L., 865, 866

Chiang Kai-shek, 852, 882

Chiang Kai-shek, Mme., 859–67, 884

Childs, Marquis W., 599

Chinese Characteristics
(Smith), 159

Choate, Ann, 584

Choate, Joseph, 33, 160–61

Choate, Mabel, 160

Churchill, Randolph, 841

Churchill, Sarah, 840–43, 844–45, 849, 913

Churchill, Winston, 727–28, 806, 836, 840, 841, 844, 845, 849, 851–52, 853, 860, 861, 866, 882, 884–85, 905, 910, 915

“more left than Franklin,” 813

Churchill, Winston (Randolph's son), 841

Civilian Conservation Corps, 679, 682–84, 686, 692, 698, 700–701

Civil Works Administration, 481, 486–87

Clapp, Elsie, 511–12, 515, 516, 518, 519, 520

Clapper, Raymond, 538, 592, 595, 828, 862

Clark, Anne, 616, 618

Clark, Champ, 217

Clayton, Will, 910

“Clerk's Tale, The” (Chaucer), 193

Cleveland, Grover, 31

Clitz, Gen., 10

Cody, Buffalo Bill, 42

Coffin, Jo, 578

Cohen, Felix S., 667

Cohn, Fannia, 291

Colby, Bainbridge, 290

Collier, Mrs. Price (Aunt Kassie), 153, 163, 174, 277, 301, 302

Collier, Sallie, 280

Collier, William Francis, 76

Coming Victory of Democracy, The
(Mann), 728

Compton, Arthur H., 898

Conant, Dr. James, 899, 900, 901–2

Connell, Richard, 208

Constant Nymph, The
(Kennedy), 368

Cook, Nancy, 345, 349, 357, 369, 378–80, 385, 398, 407, 411, 414, 415, 419, 427, 428, 439, 464, 496, 500, 512, 567, 599, 604, 657

Eleanor's estrangement from, 600–604

Coolidge, Calvin, 289, 313, 326, 362

Cooper, Col. Hugh, 750

Coquelin, Benoit Constant, 94–95

Corcoran, Tom, 567

Corinne, Cousin,
Alsop, Mrs. Joseph

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