Einstein (70 page)

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Authors: Walter Isaacson

BOOK: Einstein
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This clearly made Einstein uncomfortable. The best way to eliminate the need for an ether that existed separately from matter, he concluded, would be to find his elusive unified field theory. What a glory that would be! “The contrast between ether and matter would fade away,” he said, “and, through the general theory of relativity, the whole of physics would become a complete system of thought.”

Niels Bohr, Lasers, and “Chance”

By far the most important manifestation of Einstein’s midlife transition from a revolutionary to a conservative was his hardening attitude toward quantum theory, which in the mid-1920s produced a radical new system of mechanics. His qualms about this new quantum mechanics, and his search for a unifying theory that would reconcile it
with relativity and restore certainty to nature, would dominate—and to some extent diminish—the second half of his scientific career.

He had once been a fearless quantum pioneer. Together with Max Planck, he launched the revolution at the beginning of the century; unlike Planck, he had been one of the few scientists who truly believed in the physical reality of quanta—that light
came in packets of energy. These quanta behaved at times like particles. They were indivisible units, not part of a continuum.

In his 1909 Salzburg address, he had predicted that physics would have to reconcile itself to a duality in which light could be regarded as both wave and particle. And at the first Solvay Conference in 1911, he had declared that “these discontinuities, which we find so distasteful in Planck’s theory, seem really to exist in nature.”

This caused Planck, who resisted the notion that his quanta actually had a physical reality, to say of Einstein, in his recommendation that he be elected to the Prussian Academy, “His hypothesis of light quanta may have gone overboard.” Other scientists likewise resisted Einstein’s quantum hypothesis. Walther Nernst called it “probably the strangest thing ever thought up,” and Robert Millikan called it “wholly untenable,” even after confirming its predictive power in his lab.

A new phase of the quantum revolution was launched in 1913, when Niels Bohr came up with a revised model for the structure of the atom. Six years younger than Einstein, brilliant yet rather shy and inarticulate, Bohr was Danish and thus able to draw from the work on quantum theory being done by Germans such as Planck and Einstein and also from the work on the structure of the atom being done by the Englishmen J. J. Thomson and Ernest Rutherford. “At the time, quantum theory was a German invention which had scarcely penetrated to England at all,” recalled Arthur Eddington.

Bohr had gone to study with Thomson in Cambridge. But the mumbling Dane and brusque Brit had trouble communicating. So Bohr migrated up to Manchester to work with the more gregarious Rutherford, who had devised a model of the atom that featured a positively charged nucleus around which tiny negatively charged electrons orbited.

Bohr made a refinement based on the fact that these electrons did
not collapse into the nucleus and emit a continuous spectrum of radiation, as classical physics would suggest. In Bohr’s new model, which was based on studying the hydrogen atom, an electron circled a nucleus at certain permitted orbits in states with discrete energies. The atom could absorb energy from radiation (such as light) only in increments that would kick the electron up a notch to another permitted orbit. Likewise, the atom could emit radiation only in increments that would drop the electron down to another permitted orbit.

When an electron moved from one orbit to the next, it was a quantum leap. In other words, it was a disconnected and discontinuous shift from one level to another, with no meandering in between. Bohr went on to show how this model accounted for the lines in the spectrum of light emitted by the hydrogen atom.

Einstein was both impressed and a little jealous when he heard of Bohr’s theory. As one scientist reported to Rutherford, “He told me that he had once similar ideas but he did not dare to publish them.” Einstein later declared of Bohr’s discovery, “This is the highest form of musicality in the sphere of thought.”

Einstein used Bohr’s model as the foundation for a series of papers in 1916, the most important of which, “On the Quantum Theory of Radiation,” was also formally published in a journal in 1917.

Einstein began with a thought experiment in which a chamber is filled with a cloud of atoms. They are being bathed by light (or any form of electromagnetic radiation). Einstein then combined Bohr’s model of the atom with Max Planck’s theory of the quanta. If each change in an electron orbit corresponded to the absorption or emission of one light quantum, then—presto!—it resulted in a new and better way to derive Planck’s formula for explaining blackbody radiation. As Einstein boasted to Michele Besso, “A brilliant idea dawned on me about radiation absorption and emission. It will interest you. An astonishingly simple derivation, I should say
derivation of Planck’s formula. A thoroughly quantized affair.”

Atoms emit radiation in a spontaneous fashion, but Einstein theorized that this process could also be stimulated. A roughly simplified way to picture this is to suppose that an atom is already in a high-energy state from having absorbed a photon. If another photon with a
particular wavelength is then fired into it, two photons of the same wavelength and direction can be emitted.

What Einstein discovered was slightly more complex. Suppose there is a gas of atoms with energy being pumped into it, say by pulses of electricity or light. Many of the atoms will absorb energy and go into a higher energy state, and they will begin to emit photons. Einstein argued that the presence of this cloud of photons made it even more likely that a photon of the same wavelength and direction as the other photons in the cloud would be emitted.
This process of stimulated emission would, almost forty years later, be the basis for the invention of the laser, an acronym for “light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation.”

There was one part of Einstein’s quantum theory of radiation that had strange ramifications. “It can be demonstrated convincingly,” he told Besso, “that the elementary processes of emission and absorption are directed processes.”
In other words, when a photon pulses out of an atom, it does not do so (as the classical wave theory would have it) in all directions at once. Instead, a photon has momentum. In other words, the equations work only if each quantum of radiation is emitted in some particular direction.

That was not necessarily a problem. But here was the rub:
there was no way to determine which direction an emitted photon might go.
In addition,
there was no way to determine when it would happen.
If an atom was in a state of higher energy, it was possible to calculate the
that it would emit a photon at any specific moment. But it was not possible to determine the moment of emission precisely. Nor was it possible to determine the direction. No matter how much information you had. It was all a matter of
like the roll of dice.

was a problem. It threatened the strict determinism of Newton’s mechanics. It undermined the certainty of classical physics and the faith that if you knew all the positions and velocities in a system you could determine its future. Relativity may have seemed like a radical idea, but at least it preserved rigid cause-and-effect rules. The quirky and unpredictable behavior of pesky quanta, however, was messing with this causality.

“It is a weakness of the theory,” Einstein conceded, “that it leaves
the time and direction of the elementary process to ‘chance.’ ” The whole concept of chance—
was the word he used—was so disconcerting to him, so odd, that he put the word in quotation marks, as if to distance himself from it.

For Einstein, and indeed for most classical physicists, the idea that there could be a fundamental randomness in the universe—that events could just happen without a cause—was not only a cause of discomfort, it undermined the entire program of physics. Indeed, he never would become reconciled to it. “The thing about causality plagues me very much,” he wrote Max Born in 1920. “Is the quantumlike absorption and emission of light ever conceivable in terms of complete causality?”

For the rest of his life, Einstein would remain resistant to the notion that probabilities and uncertainties ruled nature in the realm of quantum mechanics. “I find the idea quite intolerable that an electron exposed to radiation should choose
of its own free will
not only its moment to jump off but also its direction,” he despaired to Born a few years later. “In that case, I would rather be a cobbler, or even an employee of a gaming house, than a physicist.”

Philosophically, Einstein’s reaction seemed to be an echo of the attitude displayed by the antirelativists, who interpreted (or misinterpreted) Einstein’s relativity theory as meaning an end to the certainties and absolutes in nature. In fact, Einstein saw relativity theory as leading to a deeper description of certainties and absolutes—what he called invariances—based on the combination of space and time into one four-dimensional fabric. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, would be based on true underlying uncertainties in nature, events that could be described only in terms of probabilities.

On a visit to Berlin in 1920, Niels Bohr, who had become the Copenhagen-based ringleader of the quantum mechanics movement, met Einstein for the first time. Bohr arrived at Einstein’s apartment bearing Danish cheese and butter, and then he launched into a discussion of the role that chance and probability played in quantum mechanics. Einstein expressed his wariness of “abandoning continuity and causality.” Bohr was bolder about going into that misty realm.
Abandoning strict causality, he countered to Einstein, was “the only way open” given the evidence.

Einstein admitted that he was impressed, but also worried, by Bohr’s breakthroughs on the structure of the atom and the randomness it implied for the quantum nature of radiation. “I could probably have arrived at something like this myself,” Einstein lamented, “but if all this is true then it means the end of physics.”

Although Einstein found Bohr’s ideas disconcerting, he found the gangly and informal Dane personally endearing. “Not often in life has a human being caused me such joy by his mere presence as you did,” he wrote Bohr right after the visit, adding that he took pleasure in picturing “your cheerful boyish face.” He was equally effusive behind Bohr’s back.“Bohr was here, and I am just as keen on him as you are,” he wrote their mutual friend Ehrenfest in Leiden. “He is an extremely sensitive lad and moves around in this world as if in a trance.”

Bohr, for his part, revered Einstein. When it was announced in 1922 that they had won sequential Nobel Prizes, Bohr wrote that his own joy had been heightened by the fact that Einstein had been recognized first for “the fundamental contribution that you made to the special field in which I am working.”

On his journey home from delivering his acceptance speech in Sweden the following summer, Einstein stopped in Copenhagen to see Bohr, who met him at the train station to take him home by streetcar. On the ride, they got into a debate. “We took the streetcar and talked so animatedly that we went much too far,” Bohr recalled. “We got off and traveled back, but again rode too far.” Neither seemed to mind, for the conversation was so engrossing. “We rode to and fro,” according to Bohr, “and I can well imagine what the people thought about us.”

More than just a friendship, their relationship became an intellectual entanglement that began with divergent views about quantum mechanics but then expanded into related issues of science, knowledge, and philosophy. “In all the history of human thought, there is no greater dialogue than that which took place over the years between Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein about the meaning of the quantum,” says the physicist John Wheeler, who studied under Bohr. The social
philosopher C. P. Snow went further. “No more profound intellectual debate has ever been conducted,” he proclaimed.

Their dispute went to the fundamental heart of the design of the cosmos: Was there an objective reality that existed whether or not we could ever observe it? Were there laws that restored strict causality to phenomena that seemed inherently random? Was everything in the universe predetermined?

For the rest of their lives, Bohr would sputter and fret at his repeated failures to convert Einstein to quantum mechanics.
Einstein, Einstein, Einstein,
he would mutter after each infuriating encounter. But it was a discussion that was conducted with deep affection and even great humor. On one of the many occasions when Einstein declared that God would not play dice, it was Bohr who countered with the famous rejoinder: Einstein, stop telling God what to do!

Quantum Leaps

Unlike the development of relativity theory, which was largely the product of one man working in near solitary splendor, the development of quantum mechanics from 1924 to 1927 came from a burst of activity by a clamorous congregation of young Turks who worked both in parallel and in collaboration. They built on the foundations laid by Planck and Einstein, who continued to resist the radical ramifications of the quanta, and on the breakthroughs by Bohr, who served as a mentor for the new generation.

Louis de Broglie, who carried the title of prince by virtue of being related to the deposed French royal family, studied history in hopes of being a civil servant. But after college, he became fascinated by physics. His doctoral dissertation in 1924 helped transform the field. If a wave can behave like a particle, he asked, shouldn’t a particle also behave like a wave?

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