Authors: Esmé Raji Codell
Long-reach and regular stapler, staple remover
Loose change (bring in your penny jar; you'll use it at lunch count)
Loose-leaf rings
Magnet (great for picking up spilled paper clips, staples, and thumbtacks)
Markers (colored, dry-erase, permanent)
Maxi pads (men, if you teach girls in the fourth grade
and up, keep a few, too; hand very discreetly in paper if requested or necessary)
Microwave popcorn (it will make you popular at teacher's meetings)
Nameplates (desks, locker, cubby, and one fancy one for you, teacher!)
Needle, thread, and safety pins
One-hole and three-hole paper punches
Pail and sponge
Paper (construction, lined and copy/printer, scratch)
Paper clips, bulldog clips, paper fasteners