Edgar Aeternum, Book 1: Tales of Aeternal Love (3 page)

Read Edgar Aeternum, Book 1: Tales of Aeternal Love Online

Authors: Jay Belle Isle

Tags: #gay erotic mm romance gay romance, #gay sceince fiction, #gay action adventure romance, #gay bareback, #gay billionaire story, #gay romance science fiction, #gay humorous romance, #gay mm erotica romance, #gay mystery suspense, #gay science fiction futuristic homoerotic manlove mm

BOOK: Edgar Aeternum, Book 1: Tales of Aeternal Love
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Edgar reached for his cock and balls with his
left hand, cupping both and pulling them upward, exposing his pink
hole. Slowly, he rubbed the lube over the tight pucker, inhaling
sharply at the burst of sensation. The tip of his middle finger
slipped inside and his whole body shuddered, his cock pulsing in
his closed fist, as a copious stream of pre-cum spilled down the
side of his shaft.

He pushed the finger deeper, reveling in the
feeling of penetration. Soon, his index finger joined the party,
and he moaned loudly, the feeling of being stretched open
overtaking him. He paused, giving himself a chance to regain
control. It would be nothing to finish this way, a few well-timed
strokes of his pulsating cock and he'd fly over the edge into
orgasm. He was not ready for that, yet.

Once he knew it was safe to continue, he
began a slow, in-and-out thrusting, going deeper each time until he
felt his fingers hit his prostate. He gave another full-body
shudder, accompanied by a moan, holding his fingers on the sweet
spot, applying a soft, rhythmic pressure. "Ah, fuck!" he yelled
into the quiet room. "Goddammit, fuck me now!"

Edgar took his fingers out of his hungry ass,
sat up and grabbed the dildo. He flopped back on the sofa, moved
his low hangers out of the way and began rubbing the big mushroom
head against his throbbing hole. "Oh god!" he cried out, shaking.

Ever so slowly, Edgar applied gentle pressure
and the cock head opened his tight pucker. He felt the sudden snap
of the ring of muscle admitting defeat as the invader popped
through. He waited a moment, allowing himself time to adjust to the
new feeling of fullness, before taking more. It was a maddeningly
slow process - take a couple inches, pause - until the massive
prong completely filled his hungry ass, its balls resting against
Edgar's ass.

Finally filled, enjoying the sensation he'd
craved all evening, Edgar began fucking himself, sliding the
massive dildo halfway out of his clenching ass before pushing it
back in, balls-deep. His left hand worked over his nips, first one
and then the other, pulling and twisting the hard nubs. As though
with a mind of its own, the pace at which the dildo fucked his hole
quickened. He raised his legs off the floor, bringing his knees up
and to the sides, even with his hips.

Edgar's moans and heavy breathing accompanied
the soft squishing the dildo made as it reamed his tight ass. He
pulled it almost all the way out, leaving only the head encased in
his heat, and rammed it home, hard and fast. This became his new
mode of thrusting as he abandoned his tit work and gripped his
dripping cock in a tight fist, stroking it in time to the dildo's
pounding thrusts.

Edgar was panting like a marathon runner
nearing the finish line as he was fast approaching his own finish.
"Ohhh-uhhh!" he moaned again and again as the huge ass invader
pillaged his hole and his stroking fist became a blur. "Ahhh!
Ahhhh! Oh fuck! Fuck! Ohh! Jesus fuck, I'm gonna blow!" he cried
and seconds later, his world exploded, wave after wave of orgasmic
pleasure ripping through his body. The paroxysm of his orgasm was
so strong it felt like it shook the sofa.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Edgar cried as the first volley
of cum shot from his pulsing cock. The jet was so powerful it went
over his head and hit the back of the sofa. The next shot did the
same, as Edgar continued to convulse. He held the dildo buried as
deeply in his ass as it could go and continued to pound his cock,
almost violently. The third and fourth blasts of hot cum hit him in
the forehead and nose, the fifth, sixth and seventh landing in his
open mouth. He swallowed greedily, wanting more. The final few
spurts wound up on his chest and abs, one falling on his pubes.

"Ohh... ohh... Shit!" he hissed, still
shaking. He lay there, sweat- and cum-covered, the massive dong
still lodged in his ass, feeling the ebb and flow of post-orgasmic
bliss. After a few moments, he slowly removed the dildo, gasping as
his well-fucked ass snapped shut. He dropped it on the sofa and
lowered his spasming legs, putting his feet on the floor.

As his breathing slowed, he brought his left
hand to his mouth and licked off the sweet, salty cum covering it.
He wiped it off of his face and forehead, eagerly eating it and did
the same with the jizz on his torso. Still hungry, he leveraged
himself up with no small effort and turned to the back of the sofa,
where the thick fluid was beginning to ease down the leather. He
quickly lapped it up, like a starving man at a banquet, savoring
the taste of his own seed. When it was all gone, he slowly stood on
unsteady legs. His body still sang with pleasure, his satisfied ass
throbbing to his slowing pulse, his still-hard cock twitching.

Edgar grabbed a towel from the laundry center
and wiped down the sofa, paying extra attention to the spot where
the dildo had lain. Retrieving the errant lube cap, the bottle and
the black silk pouch, he headed to his bathroom, satisfied and

After a quick session with a warm washcloth,
Edgar, now fully satisfied and tired, padded barefoot into his
bedroom, half hard cock swinging between his muscular legs.
"Lights," he called out to the home computer which obliged by
turning on the soft lighting Edgar preferred. "All lights but this
room - off; lock it up for the night." The house computer cut the
rest of the lights and activated the security system.

Edgar glanced at the clock on his bedside
table, 4:10 a.m. "Wake me up at 10 a.m.," he ordered the computer.
A soft chime sounded acknowledging the alarm. Edgar pulled back the
cobalt-blue comforter and crawled onto the sky-blue sheets. Once
settled on his right side, he pulled up the covers and ordered the
lights off. He was asleep just moments after the room went


Morning came for
Edgar with a softly singing chime, slowly increasing in volume
until he called for it to stop. The room was still dark, courtesy
of the heavy drapes; given his often unusual sleeping patterns,
Edgar preferred total darkness. "Drapes open," he spoke into the
silent room; the HC complied and the room was soon filled with
golden light. Edgar threw back the covers, sat on the edge of the
bed, stretched and scratched his balls.

Ahhh, nothing like a good night's sleep. And
a good scratch. This morning wood is gonna make the first leak of
the day fun. Whatever. I'd rather piss with a hard-on than not be
able to get one any day. But, I think I'm gonna give it a few
minutes before I try to go.

He walked over to the window, taking in the
view. The eastern side of the building overlooked Gridley Park, the
2-4 equivalent of the twen-cen's Central Park. Clear skies,
beautiful trees and green lawn filled Egdar's vision; he smiled,
contemplating a morning run. There were already people on the
park's many paths, joggers and walkers. With a wicked grin, Edgar
waved at them with his slowly softening morning erection. Of
course, no one could see the gesture this far up, but it gave him a
slight bad boy thrill all the same.

After the first couple hundred years, Edgar
lost most of his concern for the social strictures people imposed
on themselves. He couldn't really use the 'Life is too short' line
of reasoning anymore, but at some level it remained his basic
philosophy. He turned, bent and pressed his ass to the window,
mooning everyone and no one in particular.

Well, it's not a Sun Salute, but it'll do.
Guess it's time for that leak. And coffee. Jesus, yes, coffee. I'm
glad it's one of the things from the twen-cen that didn't go away
with 'progress'. I miss an ice cold Coke like you wouldn't believe.
Yeah, yeah, health concerns. Still, I miss it. And Twinkies. Sure,
they brought 'em back, but that didn't last. Let's see: Piss,
coffee & news, run, shower, breakfast. Works for me.

Edgar headed off to the bathroom. The cool,
sea-green tiles felt good against the soles of his feet, the slight
smell of musk generated to cover unpleasant odors washing over him.
The unique chemical design locked on to any other scent,
eliminating it without itself becoming overpowering. Edgar took a
quick glance at his body in the full-length mirror, admiring the
muscular reflection before moving to the toilet. He passed his hand
in front of the motion sensor, artfully designed to look like a
decorative gem. The palm-sized diamond-shaped crystal, normally the
same green as the floor tiles, glowed a dim coral pink as the
system engaged.

A slight hum was the only sound the waste
disposal unit made as the covering retracted, the front piece of
the cube sliding into the floor and the rest retreating into the
wall behind the unit. Once exposed, the toilet was a simple padded
seat over an empty bowl. The bowl was lined with a special material
that prevented anything from sticking or leaving a trace. After
use, the system cover replaced itself and the contents of the bowl
were flash vaporized, the resulting gases vented to the building's
filtration system before being blown outside.

Edgar finished his morning whiz and shook the
last drops from his now-soft cock. He passed his hand in front of
the motion sensor again, closing the unit. He put his hands under
the faucet of the coral-colored sink where a small squirt of foam
soap followed by a stream of warm water filled his hands. He
splashed some water on his face and grabbed a white hand towel from
the rack. Once done, Edgar headed to the kitchen for coffee.

He grabbed his favorite mug from the rack.
The grumpy purple character on the mug held its own coffee mug
upside-down as the last drop fell out. The cross look on the
character's face always made Edgar chuckle. He added some half
& half and held the mug under the spout of the coffeemaker,
watching as the hot, brown brew jetted into his mug.

Sweet nectar of the Gods! There's nothing
better than hot coffee in the morning. Unless it's sex followed by
hot coffee…

Edgar paused halfway between the kitchen and
living room, briefly considering some morning self-pleasuring.
After a few seconds, he discarded the idea and headed to his desk
to attend to the flashing message light and check the news. The HC
was programmed to not wake him for calls unless they were top-level
urgent; obviously, the computer didn't consider this morning's
calls urgent. He settled into the desk chair, took a deep swallow
of the coffee and asked the HC for messages.

"Two messages," the automated male voice

"Play message one," Edgar said.

The HC chimed and began playing the message.
"Good morning, Edgar, it's Jace. When you haul your lazy ass out of
bed, give me call. I want to hit Maxi's tonight and I don't feel
like going alone. Off." The HC chimed, signifying the end of the
message. Edgar hadn't been to Maxi's in a while. The club was
upscale-modern, all glass and shining white. The music wasn't to
his liking, but the drinks were good and Jace was always good

"Play message two," Edgar said, putting his
reply to Jace aside for the moment.

The HC chimed again. "Hello? Is this Edgar?
I, uh, we met at a, uh, party last month," the odd intonation on
'party' made Edgar wonder if it was actually a drinks & music
party or a play party. The caller continued, "We, uh, seemed to hit
it off pretty well and, oh I suck at this! I was wondering if you
might want to, um, get together sometime? Uh, Wizzer gave me your
comm ID; I, um, hope that's OK. Mine's
Delta-seven-oh-two-six-four." There was a pause but no chime
signifying the end of the call. "Oh, yeah, right, this is Maddi,
um, Maddox. So yeah, uh, call me? Off." The HC chimed the end of
the call.

Edgar set his coffee down and stretched. He
remembered the party at Wizzer's, but he was having a hard time
placing 'Maddi/Maddox'. It was a play party and a pretty epic one
at that; the wine was primo and the pot was top-shelf. There were
about fifteen of Wizzer's closest friends, which meant that Wiz
actually knew about three of them – Edgar included – and the rest
he might've exchanged a dozen words with at a club. Then, like the
proverbial light bulb flashing on over his head, the memory of
Maddi/Maddox popped into Edgar's mind.

The boy – though to Edgar, an octogenarian
was a boy – was on the shy side; odd in itself for someone
attending a play party. Wizzer was an overpowering personality
though and Edgar could see the boy being swept up in Wiz'
excitement. He was definitely cute; tousled mid-length brown hair,
brown eyes, hairless pale skin and an ass to die for – Edgar's
favorite. Maddi, as he liked to called, kept stealing glances at
Edgar for forty minutes. Maddi was floored when Edgar welcomed his
shy attempt at flirting. At one point, Edgar thought the boy might

As he recalled, Maddi had an impressive tool,
too, at about eight inches long. The memory caused a slight tingle
in Edgar's own cock. He took another healthy swallow of his coffee
and leaned back in the chair, fixing his gaze on the beautiful day
outside as he let the memory come back fully.


Wizzer's parties
were always a success; good wine, good food, great weed and a
collection of the hottest pieces of ass the man could invite. And
sex. Fan-fucking-tastic sex. Wiz' place was huge and he had one
room, almost as large as Edgar's apartment, dedicated to these

Edgar spent the day of the party in the usual
way: Sleep late, catch up on news, run, eat a breakfast fit for two
or three men, kick on some upbeat music from the 1980's and write.
He'd finished an article on the recent trends in off-world
migration for one of the major news feeds; it was a fun piece to
write, an interesting topic that made the words flow from his
fingers like magic.

He grabbed a quick shower and was on the
cross-town magna by seven-thirty. The party kicked off at eight
p.m., time to meet and greet other attendees as well as their
charming host.

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