Echo of the Reich (9 page)

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Authors: James Becker

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Echo of the Reich
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He was also unsure about who he would be meeting but, because he’d been told to wait outside the building, he guessed the pub was just a first point of contact, and that he would be given further directions by whichever members of the group were there.

As he turned the corner, he spotted the pub on the right-hand side of the street, about seventy yards in front of him, and slowed his pace slightly. This road was noticeably busier—cars and vans driving along it, pedestrians walking along the pavements and milling across the street. Several people were clustered outside the front of the public house, sitting at the handful of metal tables or just leaning against the wall of the building, almost all of them smoking furiously.

He waited until the traffic flow eased and then crossed the road so that he could walk past the building on the opposite side of the street as a final reconnaissance, not that he expected to learn anything from doing so—it was just a pub, significant only because of the man, or perhaps the men, he was supposed to be meeting there—but this served as a final check, a last reconnoiter.

The pub looked as if it dated from the early part of the twentieth century, the lower half of the structure built from red brick, some parts of which needed re-pointing quite badly, while the upper story had been rendered and painted. Originally it had obviously been white or maybe magnolia, but the years had not been kind, and several sections of the render had fallen off to expose poor-quality
masonry underneath, while the paintwork that remained was faded and discolored. It had the appearance of a building that nobody loved, or even liked very much, but the truth was probably simpler: the important thing about a pub was the location and the interior, the ambience, the food, and the quality and price of the drinks it served, not what the exterior looked like. And judging by the number of people Bronson could see inside through the windows, as well as those he’d already noticed standing outside, this pub was popular.

Bronson walked about fifty yards beyond the public house, waited for another gap in the traffic and then crossed back to the opposite side of the street to retrace his steps. He walked past the main entrance and turned left down the roadway that led to the car park.

Almost as soon as he left the street, the sounds of traffic faded, replaced by the buzz of dozens of separate conversations that floated out through the pub’s open windows, voices rising and falling, and punctuated by the occasional shout of surprise or burst of laughter. All very comforting and normal.

The car park at the back of the building was, in fact, more like an area of waste ground. There were no parking bays or markings, and the dozen or so cars left there had been positioned around the perimeter, allowing just enough room for each to maneuver and get back to the road when the owner returned to the vehicle.

Bronson walked slowly, checking the interior of each car as he did so, but they were all empty. Whoever had been sent by the group to meet him had yet to arrive. He glanced back down the access road, but nobody was visible.

At that moment, he heard the sound of an engine and glanced round to see a white Transit van driving down the access road. He moved over to one side of the parking area and watched as the vehicle braked to a halt a few feet away from him.

The passenger door swung open and John Eaton climbed out, a kind of wand with a circular sensor in his hand. He nodded to Bronson and beckoned him to walk over toward the van.

“Sorry about this, Alex,” he said, sounding not the least bit contrite, “but we still don’t really know you, so I have to do this. Orders,” he added briefly.

“What, you think I’m carrying a weapon?” Bronson asked.

Eaton shrugged. “Maybe,” he replied, “but actually Mike is far more worried that you might be wired for sound. He still thinks you could be a cop.”

“If he really thinks that,” Bronson snapped, deciding that going on the offensive was probably his best option, “why doesn’t he just tell me to get lost?”

“Simple. He thinks your army training might be useful to us, what you know about explosives, that kind of thing. So he’s cutting you a little slack while he decides what to do. Mind you, if it turns out that he’s right and you
a cop…Well, let’s just say he’s got a nasty temper, Mike has.”

Without a word, Bronson raised his arms sideways to shoulder height, assuming a crucifixion pose while he waited for Eaton to carry out his check.

The other man clicked a switch on the wand, which emitted a single beep to show that it was active, and
Bronson silently applauded his forethought in leaving his pistol in the car.

But even as the thought crossed his mind, he realized something else. He had half expected to be searched, but what he had anticipated was a pat-down, a physical search of his body and clothes, not this type of high-tech procedure. Metal detectors of various sorts were common, readily available and comparatively cheap, but the instrument Eaton was holding was different. It was expensive, highly specialized and rarely seen except in the hands of qualified security personnel, and usually only at sensitive locations like airports. The fact that the group Bronson was trying to infiltrate possessed one was yet another indication that it was well organized and had access to expensive equipment. That told him a little more about the organization he was facing, but it was hardly good news.

Eaton ran the detector over Bronson’s torso, front and back. When he passed the wand down Bronson’s right side, it emitted a series of rapid beeps and Bronson reached into his pocket and pulled out his car keys. Eaton nodded and continued his scan. When it beeped again, Bronson produced his mobile phone, but Eaton found nothing else.

“Okay,” he said, “you’re clean, so get in the van and we’ll get this show on the road.”

“Where are we going?” Bronson asked.

Eaton tapped the side of his nose and shook his head, then swung open the rear doors of the vehicle. “You’ll find out when we get there.”

Bronson nodded, climbed up into the Transit’s loading area and sat down on a thinly padded wooden bench
seat screwed to one side. The back doors slammed shut and he was left alone in the darkness of the vehicle. Moments later, the engine started, the driver reversed the van a few feet, and then drove it back down the access road.

At the end, it turned right onto the street and accelerated, and after that Bronson had no idea at all where it was going.


20 July 2012

Bronson didn’t know the area at all well. He’d driven around it a couple of times and studied the relevant pages in his A to Z, but as the van pulled away he knew he had no chance of working out where it was going. If he had been driven around his old stamping ground of Tunbridge Wells, there was a good chance that he would have been able to visualize the route the vehicle was taking, and even have a decent guess at its ultimate destination. But the best he could do in the present circumstances was to time the journey.

He glanced down at his watch, the luminous hands faintly visible in the darkness of the Transit’s rear section, then shook his head as he realized he was just wasting his time. He wasn’t a kidnap victim dragged off the street and trying desperately to work out where his captors might be taking him. When the vehicle stopped, Bronson would be let out, he assumed, and he would probably find
himself somewhere near one of the sites of the Olympic complex. Knowing where he was, or where he was going, was unimportant. All that mattered was what happened when he reached his destination and found out what mayhem the group had planned, and what part he was supposed to be playing in the operation.

As it turned out, the journey was quite short—about seventeen minutes by Bronson’s watch, that was all. The van’s speed dropped considerably; then it bounced a couple of times as it went over a curb, or perhaps hit some potholes. The driver reversed the vehicle, probably maneuvering it into a parking space, and brought it to a halt. The diesel engine rattled into silence, and Bronson heard both front doors of the vehicle open and then close, and a few seconds later the rear door swung wide.

“We’re here,” John Eaton said unnecessarily.

Bronson stepped down out of the Transit and looked around. Another two vans were standing near the one in which he had arrived, and he now saw that they were parked in the forecourt of a garage that had obviously closed some time ago, possibly months earlier. All three Transits were facing out into the road, presumably to enable them to drive straight off the forecourt if they needed to leave in a hurry. The curb adjacent to that part of the forecourt had not been lowered, which explained the bumps Bronson had felt just before the vehicle finally came to a halt.

The garage was located in a wide street that seemed to contain mainly commercial properties, all of which were closed at this time of the evening. There were no other vehicles or pedestrians visible.

A few feet away, Bronson saw Mike giving orders to about a dozen men, all wearing heavy boots, jeans and either jerseys or jackets. They looked a tough bunch. A large map was resting on the hood of one of the Transits, and the men clustered around Mike were all listening intently to what he was saying.

“Just hang on here,” John Eaton said. “As soon as Mike’s finished, he’ll tell you what he wants you to do.”

That didn’t take long. In a couple of minutes, most of the men dispersed, striding away purposefully in twos and threes, and Mike walked over to where Eaton and Bronson were waiting.

“You decided to come, then?” he said by way of greeting.

“Looks like it,” Bronson replied. “So what’s the plan?”

“You only need to know your part of it. I’ve decided that you can act as one of our diversions tonight. There’s a building site two streets away. It’s not one of the Olympic sites, but some of the machinery there has been used in the construction of the athletes’ village, so it’s a legitimate target. John knows where I mean. You two can get over there right now and take a look at the site. Decide what you’re going to do, but don’t start until exactly eight fifteen, so that you coordinate with the rest of what we’ll be doing tonight.”

Bronson looked at him. “What do
want me to do?” he asked.

Mike shrugged. “I don’t care. According to John here, you think you’re fairly tough and you’ve been running a one-man campaign opposing the London Olympics. Personally, I’m not sure about you. So here’s your
chance to prove me wrong. You do whatever you want to do, but if you want me to take you seriously, I’ll be expecting a bit more than just a few slogans painted on some wall. I want to see damage, real damage, the kind of damage that will keep their machinery out of action for weeks. There are tools in the back of the van over there. Take whatever you think you’ll need.”

Bronson nodded. “Okay. I’ll see what I can do.”

He strode across to the vehicle that Mike had indicated and opened the rear door. Inside was a large wooden box containing a selection of hand tools and equipment, the kind of stuff you’d expect to find in a vehicle owned by a jobbing builder. There were hammers, chisels, saws, screwdrivers, crowbars and bolt-croppers, all entirely innocent within their present context, but not exactly the kind of thing most people would expect to see being carried through the streets of London in the middle of the evening.

Bronson glanced at Eaton. “You know this site,” he said. “What will we need to get inside?”

Eaton didn’t hesitate. “There’s a chain-link fence all round it that would take too long to get through, but it’s got steel gates secured with a length of chain and a padlock, so that’s how we’ll get inside. We can use the bolt-croppers to cut the chain, no problem. I don’t know what we’ll find inside the site that we could use against the stuff that’s stored there, so I suggest we take a couple of club hammers as well. You can do pretty serious damage with one of them.”

“Fine with me,” Bronson replied. He reached into the tool box, picked up a set of bolt-croppers, a large chisel
and a heavy hammer, and then a pair of heavy-duty gloves, and waited while Eaton selected his own tools of choice. Eaton picked up a canvas bag, the kind sometimes carried by a carpenter or plumber, put all the tools inside it and closed the rear doors of the van.

He nodded to Mike, and then he and Bronson strode away from the garage, heading down the street toward their target.

Mike watched them go, a thoughtful expression on his face. Then he turned and walked back onto the garage forecourt, toward the two other men who were still standing there, waiting by the Transits. They were the drivers—Mike himself would drive one of the vans away from the garage when the others returned.

“You know what to do?” he asked. “And you’re sure you’ve got everything?”

The man nearest to him nodded. “Yeah, no problem. Be a piece of piss. Used one of them before, see.”

“Good. Right, you’d best get moving, then.”

The man he’d been speaking to reached into the cab of the Transit next to him and took out a small gray bag made of a soft fabric, and nodded to Mike. Then he set off down the street, following exactly the same route Bronson and Eaton had just taken.


20 July 2012

“It’s not far now,” Eaton said, turning the corner and heading down another street principally occupied by light industrial and commercial premises. Like the other roads they’d walked down, this street was virtually deserted, devoid of both cars and pedestrians. They walked on for about a further thirty yards, then Eaton nodded in the direction of a yard on the opposite side of the road.

“That’s it,” he said.

A pair of tall steel gates, painted dark blue but showing the inevitable scrapes and bumps caused by the movement of heavy machinery in and out of the yard, marked the entrance. The gates were supported on steel columns on either side, and heavy-duty steel-mesh fencing was attached to the other side of each post and, as far as Bronson could see, completely enclosed the yard. Parked inside, and clearly visible through the fence, were several pieces of construction equipment, including a low loader,
presumably used for transportation, three bulldozers, a number of cranes of various sizes, several machines that looked a bit like tractors but which were fitted with digger attachments, and dozens of cement mixers of various types and sizes.

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