Easy For Keeps: A Boudreaux Novella (The Boudreaux Series) (9 page)

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Authors: Kristen Proby

Tags: #Romance, #1001 Dark Nights, #Kristen Proby, #Boudreaux, #New Orleans

BOOK: Easy For Keeps: A Boudreaux Novella (The Boudreaux Series)
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“You’re going to leave her alone so she can talk to me,” Callie says as she joins us. “If this guy’s bugging you, I can have security boot him out.”

Sarah laughs and shakes her head. “It would be a shame to kick him out when he makes such a delicious martini.”

“Hmm, good point.” Callie winks at her and smiles at me. “Are you going to stand here and listen?”


Callie rolls her eyes. “We’ll pretend the possessive, alpha guy isn’t here.”

“I kind of like the alpha side of him,” Sarah says thoughtfully, and the innuendo in her voice just makes me harder.

“You’ll get over it,” Callie says with a laugh. “Where are you from, Sarah?”

“Miami. Lived there all my life. I just moved to New Orleans with my daughter.”

“Well, welcome. I’ve never been to Miami. I hear it’s a fun city.”

“It can be,” Sarah says with a nod. “But it was time for a change. So, I took a job here.”

“What do you think of it so far?”

Sarah glances at me and smiles at Callie. “It’s…

“I’m pretty sure she meant to say sexy,” I add, making them both laugh.

“Add cocky to alpha,” Callie says. “But he’s also good people. I wouldn’t have him in my life if he weren’t.”

“I can see that,” Sarah says. “And I wouldn’t have him in
if he weren’t.”

Callie nods. “I’d better go pay attention to the other end of the bar, since Adam’s being stubborn.”

“It’s part of my cocky charm,” I reply as she saunters off. “Sorry about the third degree.”

“It wasn’t the third degree, it’s what people do when they’re getting to know each other, remember? They ask questions.”

“Well, Callie and I are pretty close, so she’ll probably ask more questions as time passes.”

She cocks her head to the side. “Okay.”

Just then, a group of men walk up to the bar, laughing and giving each other a hard time. “Hey, Adam!”

“Hey, Tom. Guys.” I nod and walk over to them. “Beers?”

“Yep, and keep ’em coming. We worked our asses off today.”

“Will do.” I pour the men their first round, and then get caught up in mixing drinks and answering questions as the evening begins to pick up. Callie’s husband, Declan, arrives to play. He’s our regular weekend entertainment, and he draws a great crowd.

About thirty minutes later, with the bar in full swing, I overhear Tom talking to Sarah.

“I’d love to show it to you sometime.”

“Thanks for the offer, but I’m going to pass,” she replies with a sympathetic smile.

“Aw, come on. I’m sure your daughter would love to see the fire trucks.” Tom and his guys are part of the local firefighters. Their station is just a few blocks over, and Tom is one of the lead paramedics.

He’s my friend. I like him.

But if he doesn’t get his hand off Sarah’s shoulder in one point seven seconds, I’ll break it.

“I’m sure she would, but—”

“Great. You should bring her in, and then maybe you and I can go grab a bite to eat.”

“I don’t think so,” I reply for her before she can speak.

Tom looks up, surprised, then widens his eyes and gives me the
you’re being a total cock blocker right now, dude

I don’t fucking care.

“Tom, this is Sarah.”

“We’ve met,” he replies and turns his back on me, facing Sarah, and I see red.

I don’t care that it’s fucking ridiculous and that she has it handled. I don’t care if it’s unreasonable.

It pisses me the fuck right off.

“Sarah,” I interrupt, then catch Callie’s attention and give her the signal that I need her to cover for me. “I’d like to speak with you privately.”

I gesture toward my office and walk away before she, or Tom, can reply. When she joins me at the end of the bar, I take her hand in mine and lead her into my office, then slam the door behind her.

“Adam, you’re being ridiculous.”

“Listen up, sweetheart,” I interrupt and pin her against the door, pressing my body to hers. “You like my alpha side? Well, this is part of it.”

“Tom’s harmless,” she says and rolls her eyes. “I was shutting him down.”

“Not fast enough,” I reply and drag the tip of my nose down her cheek. “You’re beautiful. You smell fantastic.” I nibble her earlobe. “And you taste like heaven. But
the only one who gets to know any of that.”

“I’m not going out with Tom,” she replies, but her voice is weaker now and her hands are fisted in my shirt. I love it when she does this, like she has to hold on or fall.

“No.” I bite her neck. “You’re not.” My hands are up her skirt now, and holy fucking mother of Christ, she’s not wearing panties. I plunge my fingers inside her, blown away at how wet she already is, and her hands grip me tighter, not just the shirt, but my skin now too, and it’s exactly what I need. “I’m going to make you forget, right here and now, that any other man exists.”

“I don’t even remember what we’re talking about,” she mumbles and gasps when I drag my fingers through her folds and over her clit, then back in again.


I spin her around and boost her up onto my desk, pull her shirt down so I can suck on her breasts, and to my delight, she’s unbuttoning my pants like she can’t get me inside her fast enough.

The feeling is entirely mutual.

“Condom,” she demands.

“Drawer,” I reply and grin when she leans back and rifles through my desk drawer, finds the protection and before I can blink, has it open and rolled down my pulsing cock.

“Inside,” she says, hitching her legs around my hips.

“I want to eat you,” I reply, but she shakes her head.

“Need you inside.”

I push my fingers inside her again, then quickly pull them out and lick them as I sink inside her.

God she tastes good.

She moans and tilts her hips, making me sink farther inside her, and I’m instantly blind. All I can see is her face as I set the pace, pumping hard and fast. She begins to moan and call my name, the way she does when she’s right on the edge. I lean down and cover her mouth with mine, keeping the noise to a minimum. I don’t want to give the whole bar a show.

Thank God Declan is playing.

“Mine, you understand me?” I kiss her hard, then pull back, just a few inches. “Look at me.”

She opens her eyes. She’s panting wildly now.

God, I never stop wanting her. This. I’ve fallen in love with her, and everything in me wants to tell her, but the words won’t come. I’ve never said the words to anyone before.

“You. Are. Mine.” I cup her neck in one hand and press all the way in, then hold. “This is mine. Do you hear me?”

“Yes,” she breathes. “God, yes.”

She grips only my arm, her fingernails pressing into my skin. “Adam, I’m going over.”

“Go,” I reply and grind against her core. “Go, baby.”

And she does, beautifully biting her lip as the orgasm moves over and pulls her under.

Pulls us both under.

She’s wrapped around me, holding on for a few minutes while we gather our wits.

“Was that your way of marking your territory?”

“I believe that’s what
you’re mine
means, Sarah.”

“You could have just peed on me,” she says sarcastically.

“I’m not into that.” I place a loud kiss on her neck. “This is much more enjoyable.”

“Agreed,” she says with a laugh. “Geez, Adam, that was so hard, I don’t know if I’ll be able to walk back out there.”

I grin. “You’re welcome.”


Chapter Eight




“Mommy, why does Becca have to go to school today, but I don’t?” Hailey asks me as we walk toward the leopard exhibit at the New Orleans zoo.

“Because she’s in college and you’re in kindergarten,” I remind her. “Your teachers had meetings today.”

Of course, I don’t mention that it feels like her teachers have meetings every other week. Not that I’m complaining today because it gave me a reason to take the day off of work to spend with my little girl.

“I’m sad that Becca couldn’t come to the zoo,” Hailey says. “She loves the zoo!”

“She’ll come next time,” I assure her and kiss her head, breathing in her little girl smell. “Have I told you lately what a sweet girl you are?”

“Yes,” she says and giggles. “Oh look! Alangalangs!”

“Orangutan,” I reply, correcting her. “Do you like them?”

“Sometimes. But once, I saw one sniff its own poop.”

“Well, that’s kind of gross,” I reply.

“Yeah. But Trevor at school says he sniffs his own poop too.”

“Okay, let’s stop talking about poop,” I reply. “There’s a tiger!”

“Oh, and she has babies!” Hailey claps her hands and smiles as bright as the morning sun. “I love the babies.”

“I know you do,” I reply. “And I love

“I’m not a baby,” she replies, still watching the tiger cubs romp and play around their mama. “I’m a grown-up girl.”

I laugh and squat next to her and we watch the babies for a long minute before my phone rings.

I frown at the screen, recognizing my work number, and answer.

“This is Cox.”

“Sarah, we need you to come in,” Ashley says.

“I’m off today. I’m not even on call,” I reply and pace two steps away from Hailey as she waves at the tigers.

“I know, but we have an emergency over at the LaCroix house.” Ashley sighs, and I can hear the exhaustion in my coworkers voice. “He came back.”

“Are you freaking kidding me?” I screech, then lower my voice. “How? There’s a restraining order.”
Why didn’t we get them out of there faster?

“Yeah, because those work.” Ashley’s voice is dripping with sarcasm. “He has them holed up in the house and won’t let them leave. The police are on scene. She’s asking for you.”

“Shit,” I mutter. “I’m at the zoo with Hailey, Ash. It’s going to take me a half hour to get there, minimum.”

“Just hurry.”

She disconnects, and I pause, trying to figure out who in the hell I can call to keep Hailey. Becca doesn’t get out of class until later this afternoon.


I’ve come to lean on him a lot lately, and I’ll analyze this more later, but time is ticking.

“Hailey, I’m so sorry, but we have to go now.”

“Was that your work?” she asks.

“Yes, baby. I’m sorry.”

“Are there kids in danger?”

My sweet, smart girl.

“Yes, honey. There are.”

“Okay.” She takes my hand in hers and we walk back to the entrance to the zoo while I dial Adam’s phone.

“Hey, beautiful,” he says, with a smile in his voice. “Are you enjoying the zoo?”

“We were, but I need a favor.”

“Name it.” His voice is sober now.

“Can you take Hailey for me? It shouldn’t be for long, but I just got called in on an emergency case.”

“Of course,” he says. “Do you need me to meet you?”

“Where are you?”

“The bar.”

I wince, not thrilled at the idea of Hailey hanging out in the bar, but it’s early in the day, not midnight on a Saturday night, and Adam will be there.

“I’ll drop her off in twenty. Thank you, Adam.”

“It’s a no-brainer, Sarah. I’ll see you in a few.”

When we walk inside The Odyssey eighteen minutes later, I’m relieved to see that there aren’t any patrons here drinking yet today, and Adam is stocking clean glasses.

“Hi, Adam!”

“Hi, sweetheart.” Adam catches Hailey in his arms and hugs her tight. “You’re going to hang out with me for a while, okay?”


“I’m gonna teach you how to earn your keep.”

“I don’t know what that means, but it sounds like fun.” Her nose wrinkles in an adorable flirty smile, making me laugh.

“I have to go.”

Before I can turn away, Adam catches my wrist in his hand and pulls me to him, kissing me firmly. “Be careful.”

“Always.” I pat his cheek, wink at Hailey, and hurry back out in the warm sunshine.

I’m stunned when I pull up to the scene. Cop cars block either end of the street, and there are policemen milling about, talking, looking at the deceptively quiet house.

“Ma’am, you can’t be here,” an officer says, but I show him my badge.

“I’m Sarah Cox, the social worker on this case.”

“Oh, great. We’ve been waiting for you. Sergeant Monroe is right over there. She’s in charge.”

I jog to the petite blonde with shrewd eyes and introduce myself. “What’s happening?”

“He’s holding them fucking hostage,” she says, shaking her head. “He’s a mean son of a bitch.”

“To put it lightly,” I reply with a nod.

“Why wasn’t the family put in a safe house?” she demands.

“Because Mrs. LaCroix wouldn’t allow it. She wanted to wait until school ends in a couple of weeks.” I cross my arms over my chest and square my shoulders. “I offered her several options, but she wanted to keep her kids in the same school.”

“Stupid woman,” Monroe mutters. “Well, he’s back, and he’s good and pissed.”

“Has he hurt them?” I ask.

“We don’t know much. The youngest daughter, Jasmine, called 911 on her brother’s cell phone. She couldn’t give the operator much information before he found her and took the phone from her. She did say that he’d hit her mom and her brother, but we don’t know how bad.”

“I was told they asked for me?”

“Yeah,” she says with a nod. “I approached the house, but he wouldn’t open the door. He said he’d only talk to you. He doesn’t like you much.”

I shrug. I don’t like him at all, so I don’t give even one shit what he thinks about me.

“Is he armed?”


“So now what?”

She picks up a cell phone and dials a number, putting it on speaker. “We call him.”

The phone rings three times before Greg LaCroix answers the phone.

“Why the fuck are you calling me?”

“Because you’re putting your family in danger, Mr. LaCroix,” Monroe says calmly. “You know you’re not supposed to be here.”

“Fuck you and fuck your restraining order! This is
family. Mine! I will come and go as I goddamn please.”

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