Read Early Modern England 1485-1714: A Narrative History Online
Authors: Robert Bucholz,Newton Key
Aske, Robert
Astell, Mary
Astley, Sir Jacob
Babington, Anthony
Bacon, Sir Francis
Advancement of Learning
New Atlantis
Bacon, Sir Nicholas
Baltimore, Lord (George Calvert)
Bancroft, Archbishop Richard
Banister, John
banks and financial institutions
Bank of England established
Barbon, Nicholas
Barebone, Praise-God
Barton, Elizabeth
Bastwick, John
Bath Spa
Baxter, Richard
Beachy Head, Battle of
Beaufort, Edmund, duke of Somerset
Beaufort, Lady Margaret
Bethlehem Hospital
Behn, Aphra
Bennet, Henry, earl of Arlington
Bentinck, William, earl of Portland
Berwick, Treaty of (1639)
Bethlehem Hospital (Bedlam)
The Bible
(King James version)
Bill of Rights (1689)
Bishops’ Wars
Blathwayt, William
Blenheim, Battle of
Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire
Blount, Charles, Lord Mountjoy
Blow, John
Boleyn, Anne (Henry VIII’s queen)
birth of Elizabeth
as catalyst
downfall of
religious beliefs
Boleyn, George, Lord Rochford
Boleyn, Mary
Boleyn, Sir Thomas
Bolingbroke, Henry
Bolingbroke, Viscount (Henry St John)
Bothwell, earl of (James Hepburn)
Bourbon family
Boyle, Robert
Boyne, Battle of
Bradshaw, John
Brandon, Charles, duke of Suffolk
Bray, Sir Reginald
Breda Declaration
Brewer, John
Bridewell workhouse
Bridgman, Charles
Brinkelow, Henry
siege of
Hanoverian stability
island mentality
map of
Treaty of Utrecht and
see also
England; Scotland; Wales
Britton, Thomas
Browne, Robert
Brunswick family
Brydges, James, duke of Chandos
Buchanan, George
Buckingham, 1st creation
Buckingham, 2nd creation
Bunyan, John
The Pilgrim’s Progress
Burbage, James
Burbage, Richard
Burghley, Lord (William Cecil)
delays conflict with Spain
influence in Elizabeth’s court
Burton, Henry
Butler family, earls of Ormond (Ireland)
Byrd, William
Cabot, John
Cabot, Sebastian
Cade, Jack
Calvert, George, Lord Baltimore
Calvin, John
Camden, William
Cambridge University
Camden, William
Cameron, Richard
Campbell, Archibald, earl of Argyll
Campeggio, Cardinal
Campion, Fr. Edmond
Campion, Thomas
capital punishment
Caribbean islands
Carlos II of Spain
Carr, Robert, earl of Somerset
Cartwright, Thomas
Castle Howard, Yorkshire
Cateau-Cambrésis, Treaty of
Catherine of Aragon (Henry VIII’s queen)
divorce and
loyalty to
married to prince Henry
Mary I and
Catherine of Braganza (Charles II’s queen)
Catherine de’ Medici of France
Cavalier Code
Cavaliers (Royalists)
see also
Civil Wars
Cavendish, William, earl of Devonshire
Cecil, Robert
Salisbury, earl of
Cecil, William
Burghley, Lord
Centlivre, Susannah
Chandos, duke of (James Brydges)
Chantries Act (1547)
Charles, Archduke of Austria
Charles I (Stuart)
arts and
character of
defends Buckingham
Eikon Basilike
foreign policy
Henrietta Maria and
James II’s judgment of
military defeat
overthrow and execution
Personal Rule
portrait by Van Dyck
possible Spanish marriage
power of monarchy
Roman Catholics and
Roundhead/Cavalier positions
the Royal Martyr
Scotland rebels
Short and Long Parliaments
sources of Civil Wars and
without strong bureaucracy
Charles II (Stuart)
arts and culture under
character of
death of
Exclusion Crisis
finances of
foreign policy
Louis XIV and Catholicism
Popish Plot against
portrait of
relationship with Parliament
religion of
restoration of
rules without Parliament
Scottish support for
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Henry VIII and
Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles VI of France
Charles VIII of France
Chatsworth House, Derbyshire
Chichester, Sir Arthur
Church of England
after Charles I
appearance of Puritans
Book of Common Prayer
Catholic or Protestant?
Charles I and Laud’s reforms
clergy of
dissolution of monasteries
education and
effect of Glorious Revolution
Elizabethan practice
Elizabeth’s settlement
establishment of
fines for non-attendance
Forty-Two Articles
Hanoverian stability and
Henry VIII’s break with Rome
James II and
loyal Anglican Tories
majority religion
peer pressures
poverty and
pre- and post-reform
Restoration and
Sacheverell case
Six Articles
Thirty-Nine Articles
Churchill, Anne
Churchill, John
Marlborough, duke of
Churchill, Sir Winston
civil liberties
Civil List Act
civil rights
martial law
Civil Wars
changes in thought and religion
historical perspectives
king’s defeat
Long Parliament
long-term results of
map of
military campaign
New Model Army
Parliamentary Presbyterians
punishments and rewards
Roundhead/Cavalier positions
in Scotland
Clarendon, 1st earl of (Edward Hyde)
Clark, J. C. D.
Clarkson, Laurence
Clement VII, Pope
Clifford, Thomas
Coke, Sir Edward
Coke, Thomas
Coleman, Edward
Colet, John
Collier, Jeremy
Columbus, Christopher
Commonwealth government
reforms and laws of
Compton, Bishop Henry
Conventicle Act (1664)
Cooper, Anthony Ashley
Shaftesbury, earl of
Coppe, Abiezer
Cornbury, Viscount (Edward Hyde)
Cornyshe, William