Duke (12 page)

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Authors: Candace Blevins

BOOK: Duke
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She needed something else to talk about, so asked the first question that came into her head.

Don’t bikers usually have lots of tattoos?” All she’d seen last night was the acres of muscles, and his washboard abs.

Most clubs do. I guess we just don’t attract the kind of man who wants them. There aren’t any rules against it, and a few of our employees have them. So far, no one in the club does, though.”

Were you upset about my mixing a drink for your men?”

I have my pants on, Beautiful. Turn around and look at me, please.”

Gen turned to see him in faded jeans that hugged him
, and no shirt. She had to force her eyes not to try to follow his ab muscles down past his jeans.

I want you to be comfortable around the guys, and I need them to be comfortable with you. I want you to be able to walk into the clubhouse, and walk back here, without anyone thinkin’ anything about it. I want you to be able to carry when you come in, and them feel like you’d have their back if needed, not that you need it to protect yourself from them. I
that you could get them all laughing within ten minutes.”

He pulled a shirt on over his head, grabbed his boots, and said, “I’ll be right outside the door. Take longer than five minutes and I’m coming in.”

Gen tried all three pair of jeans on, her eyes on the clock. She took the last pair off, put the first pair back on, and looked at the shirts. This was easier, and she pulled the one over her head with the highest neck. The other two would show
too much cleavage. She went to the door and opened it before going back to her stash and sliding into the jacket.

This jacket is too much, Duke. It’s real leather, and the lining is to die for. I need to meet Sprite and thank her for picking it out, but… it’s really too much.”

Nothing’s too much for you, Gen. Put your boots on, grab your purse, and we’ll go.”

I need something to put my clothes in.”

He shook his head. “You can get your other stuff later. I can strap your purse down on the back of the bike, but I don’t want to mess with the rest.”

What do I need to know to ride with you? Also, I don’t have a helmet!”

Sprite helped me pick out a helmet for you, too. She did well, you’re gonna look great sitting on the back of my bike. As for what to do, keep your feet on the pegs, lean the same direction I do, and don’t let go. I’ll start out slow on straight roads, work you up so you get used to the speed and curves a little at a time. If there’s a problem, tap my stomach to let me know I need to pull over.”


* * * *


By the time Duke turned onto Snow Hill Road and took the curves way faster than the speed limit, Gen was having a blast. She not only understood the appeal of motorcycles, but thought she might want one of her own.

Tiny’s girlfriend, Sheila, had helped Gen with her hair, warning she’d get split ends if she let it fly free behind her. Sheila had pulled it into a tight braid and tucked it into her shirt, and Gen had hugged her in thanks. Sheila looked rough, in jeans and a tight t-shirt with tons of cleavage showing, as well as entirely too much eyeliner and blush, but she’d been nice and Gen appreciated it.

Looking around Duke’s shoulder, the road stretched out in front of them like a twisting ribbon, and Gen loved leaning into the curves one direction and then the other as Duke skillfully manipulated his huge Harley.

And Gen wasn’t sure she wanted to think about all of the vibrations happening between her legs.

She was almost sad when they reached the end of the road and had to sit in traffic in Ooltewah, but her hips were hurting and she was glad they were so close to her house. He took more curvy back roads instead of using the interstate, but on the bike they went so fast on the curves they probably made it to her house faster than if they’d used the freeway.

Duke held her arm as she dismounted behind him, and made sure she had her balance before he got off the bike. He helped her take her helmet off, then swung his off, and with no warning his mouth was on hers, his arms around her pulling her close, his tongue invading her mouth, and she was transported to another place as she lost herself in the kiss.

Gen grabbed his shirt for balance, and then let her hands slide around him, one at his neck and the other around his back. Her heart skipped a beat as Duke’s hand at the back of her skull turned her head the way he wanted it, and held her in place even though she wasn’t fighting to get away. His other hand at her back drifted low, and just before it reached her bottom he broke away from the kiss.

Let’s take this inside. You probably don’t want your neighbors to see you necking in the driveway.”

Gen’s face grew hot as she realized how this must look, but Duke only chuckled. “C’mon, Beautiful.” He retrieved her purse, handed it to her, and walked her to the door. She unlocked it and he disarmed the system, waited until she locked it, and he armed it back.

That’s a little creepy, you knowing how to do my alarm system when I didn’t tell you.”

No, Babe. It’s me taking care of you. Not creepy.”

Whatever. Do you want a beer? Something else?”

A smile lit his face. “You aren’t gonna try to kick me out?”

She threw up her hands and walked to the kitchen, calling back as she walked. “Would it do any good?”

He chuckled and followed her.

Gen handed him a beer and reached into the fridge for a chilled beer glass, but he waved it away. “I’m good with the bottle, Beautiful. It’s been nearly two hours since you had anything to drink. I’m hoping you aren’t planning to get something else.”

She shook her head. “No, I’ll drink water, but I have a request.”

Duke’s head tilted and she took a breath, reached behind her to the counter and pushed up so she was sitting on it. This put her at eye level with him instead of looking up, and gave her the confidence to say, “When you kiss me, it takes me over and… I want to kiss
, without you taking over. Will you let me?”

He didn’t say anything and she rushed to say, “I don’t want you to think I’m a cock-tease, so I’ll tell you now I’m not agreeing to have sex with you, but… you’re so overpowering, I want to know what it feels like to kiss you when you aren’t—”

Duke stepped forward and put his finger over her lips again, shushing her. His smile was different, his eyes… hungry. Gen suddenly wondered if this had been such a good idea, but she wasn’t going to back down now. She slid her fingers up his cheek, through his hair. She knew he probably thought her silly with her tentative touches, but he stood still and let her.

Finding confidence, Gen pulled him towards her, and he leaned into her as he stepped closer. She looped her leg around the back of his thighs, pulled him closer, and pressed her mouth to his.

He didn’t take over, and Gen found the confidence to spread his lips with hers, sweep her tongue into his mouth. His hands went to her hips, his tongue played with hers, but he let her keep control.

She slid both arms around his neck, holding on tight. Her legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer, and she pressed her body onto his. Around him.

Duke let her control things, until he didn’t.

One of his arms came up to her hair, grasping the top of the braid and then wrapping around the back of her head, and he took over. His kiss was hot, hard, and he pulled her even closer, tighter to his body and she could feel his length pressed against her girl parts as her insides flamed higher and higher.

Gen froze, suddenly realizing how far things had gone, but Duke backed off, his kiss turning gentle as he let her back away. “It’s okay, Beautiful. I like that you felt comfortable enough with me to get a little wild. I won’t take advantage of it.” He kissed her nose. “Not yet, anyway.”

Gen didn’t tell him that hadn’t been a
wild. It was wilder than she’d ever been, and they had their clothes on. She had a feeling if she ever managed to do more with him, she’d be in
much trouble.

She pushed him back and slid off the counter. “My hips aren’t terribly happy with me. I guess they’ll get used to being on the bike, maybe?”

He nodded and pulled her back to him, tucking her cheek against his chest. “If you’ll trust me to give you a massage, I can make it better.”

Chapter Fifteen




Gen had her Sig P238 on her hip, and her Ruger SRC9 in her backpack, which she was wearing instead of her purse. She’d also packed hearing protection, safety glasses, extra magazines, mag loader, and a lot of ammo. Duke had strapped his range gear onto the back of the bike, and he had his Ruger LC9 under his arm and his Kimber 1911 .45 on his hip.

At breakfast, he’d told her he wanted her to shoot his nine millimeter a little, so she’d be used to it if he needed to hand it off to her. He’d also asked to shoot her guns, which she didn’t have a problem with.

She pointed to Frisco’s driveway as they neared it, and he slowed and turned onto it.

Duke once again helped her off the motorcycle by holding her arm, and then he got off and helped with her helmet.

I can take my own helmet off, you know.”

Doesn’t mean I can’t help. How are your hips?”

Gen blushed, remembering her massage from the night before. The man had magic fingers, and he’d worked on her hips and butt over the top of her yoga pants. When he finished, he rolled onto his back, pulled her against him, and once again stroked her scalp and hair until she fell asleep.

So much intimacy, and no sex. She wasn’t sure what to think of him, but she was starting to trust him when he told her something.

Cassie and Cam met her outside and they both hugged her, and then Cassie hugged Duke. “I’m so glad you came, Duke. Frisco has made way too much food, so eat to your heart’s content. We don’t bring out the booze until after we shoot, though, so don’t go for a beer, okay?”

Cam put his hand on Cassie’s shoulder. “She’s just nervous. She wants this to go well and doesn’t want any conflict. I know ya’ll will be okay. We’re all adults.”

Gen let Cam put his arm around her and start walking her to the house, but Duke said, “Cameron? I appreciate what you’re doing, but I’d like to walk my woman in, if you don’t mind.”

Gen rolled her eyes at Duke and said, “If this keeps my brother calm a little longer, what can it hurt?”

Sorry, Beautiful, he’s gonna have to deal with us as a couple. I’m not up for pretending we aren’t. I need you to walk in with me.”

She looked at Cam and said, “Thanks anyway, Cam. My brother’s lucky to have you.”

Oh, you don’t know the half of it,” Cassie said with a chuckle as she snuggled into Cam and he wrapped his arm around her.

Dinner was a lively affair, with Sam and Ethan, Viv and Tyler, and another of their friends, Kirsten. Frisco wouldn’t let any of them help with dishes, but herded everyone out back and to the range.

Isaac took control as they stepped behind Frisco’s huge garage. “Okay, I want Frisco, Cassie, Gen, Duke, and Kirsten in the range. Everyone else with me, out at the course.”

Gen followed her brother down the stairs into the range and heard Duke say from behind her, “Nice, Frisco. I didn’t know what to expect, but I’m impressed.”

Thanks, Duke.” He shook his head. “Still feels weird to call you something else, but hearing Gen say it… I’m gonna try.”

I realized the other night,” Gen told her brother, “he’s the same guy we grew up with, but a different man. Duke fits him better than Keith now, I think.”

Cassie handed out targets, everyone put hearing and eye protection on, took a station, and the shots began. Gen could see the target next to hers moving, but Duke was shooting into the same hole in the center every time. Gen started with her Ruger, as she was a better shot with it and could center it every time, but knew she needed to spend more time with her Sig, since it was her primary carry weapon.

When she changed out the target and loaded up her mags for the Sig, Duke stopped shooting and stepped into her area. “I’m impressed again, Beautiful.”

She glanced up and went back to loading magazines. “That was the Ruger, I’m not as good with the Sig. I mean, I keep ‘em tight, but don’t center it every time.”

Mind if I shoot your Ruger a little?”

It was still locked open, so she handed it to him along with her three empty magazines. “Be my guest.”

She saw him take a few minutes to get the feel of it before he started shooting centers every time again, and then she stopped watching as she started shooting again.

She used target paper with five targets on it, and shot them in a pattern, moving from target to target instead of staying on the same one. She knew she’d need that kind of practice for Isaac’s course, so she was more interested in warming up and being ready for the course than she was in impressing Duke this time.

Still, when she stopped to reload again, he handed her Ruger back and told her, “
. Isaac told me you excel at whatever you set your mind to, and I’m beginning to believe him.”

Isaac said that? About me?”

Yeah, Beautiful. You want to shoot my Ruger LC9 a little, now?”


* * * *


When the groups finished with both range and course time, Duke was pronounced the winner, followed by Tyler, Kirsten, Gen, Cam, Sam, Frisco, and Cassie. Cam and Sam actually tied, but neither was interested in going through it again for a tie breaker.

Isaac declared himself the bartender, with Cam his assistant, and they made sure everyone had plenty to drink. Tyler had driven his wife, Kirsten, Sam, and Ethan, so they could all drink. Duke said he’d drink a beer and then stop, so he could take Gen home. Isaac gave him a look, but Duke was more interested in making sure Gen knew he was taking care of her than in being honest at the moment. She didn’t know he was a werewolf, so she couldn’t know alcohol didn’t affect him. She already thought he was irresponsible for drinking while carrying a firearm.

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