Dual Threat (6 page)

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Authors: Wendi Zwaduk

BOOK: Dual Threat
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“And this should happen in a bed, not on the couch because my horny ass couldn’t wait.” Ian scooped her into his arms and carried her nude body out of the room. Evan followed, hot on his heels.

Ian placed her on his mattress and then sprawled out beside her. “Best night ever.”

“Are you sure you want me?” Kaia trailed her fingers over Ian’s belly. “Mating sounds like a long-haul commitment. I’m not a short-term girl.”

“I don’t do short-term,” Evan replied. His heart hammered, and he picked at the waist band of his shorts. Things were falling into place a tad easily, but he didn’t care.

“You’re the only one I want.” Ian flopped on his back and patted his stomach. “Come here. Let Evan prepare you.”

Her gaze switched between them before she reclined on her side. “This is my first time at double penetration,” she cautioned. “Be gentle with me?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Evan shucked his shorts and crawled up behind her. He palmed her ass. Her scent mixed with Ian’s and turned Evan’s senses inside out. Nothing about his twin attracted him, but knowing they’d found their mate did. Soon he’d mark her. She’d be theirs. He opened her to his inspection and rubbed his thumb over her asshole.

Kaia tensed and then relaxed.

“Breathe for me, babe.” Evan drew light circles around the pink ring of muscle. He alternated his touch with his tongue on her body. Her tiny whimpers and sighs urged him on. His tiger growled for him to hurry. No dice. Hurrying wouldn’t help.

“Just a moment.” Evan climbed off the bed and rummaged through Ian’s dresser. “Condom and lube,” he muttered. He shoved socks and underwear to the side. “Where are the rubbers?” The moment he considered saying something to Ian, he found the items he wanted. “We should buy more lube.”

When Evan turned around, Kaia watched his every move. She stroked Ian’s burgeoning erection. The tips of his ears burned under her appraisal. He palmed her breasts, tweaking her nipples between his thumb and index finger. She moaned and ground her pussy on his thighs.

Evan took his place behind her again and rolled the rubber down his erection. “This will be cold.” He squirted lube onto his fingers. “Ready?”

Kaia closed her eyes and buried her face against Ian’s neck. Evan pushed his middle finger into her ass slowly to give her time to accept him. Ian let go of her breasts and then kissed her neck. He slid one hand between their bodies and caressed her clit.

She whimpered again and dug her fingers into Ian’s arm. “Feels good.”

“Ride him, Kaia. Breathe. He won’t hurt you,” Ian murmured.

“Relax, love.” Evan pushed farther, getting down to his first knuckle. He twisted and massaged her from within. When she bore down on him, he slid farther to the second knuckle. Her cries turned to moans.

“Evan. More.” She backed into him. “More.”

Nice. He squeezed two fingers together and worked both in and out of her hole.

“Want your cock in me.” She waved her ass again. “Please?”

Evan met Ian’s gaze. Ian nodded. “Honey, breathe and bear down. This will feel good.”

She nodded again and rested her forehead on Ian’s. Evan grasped her hips. Now or never. He wiped his fingers on his discarded shirt, squirted lube on his clean hand, and then stroked himself. He lined his cock up with the tiny hole and eased forward. His balls tingled. He loved the intensity and intimacy of anal sex. The fact she’d even try the act meant more to him than she’d ever know. Her trust moved him.

Evan worked her hole, widening her to settle balls-deep in her. “Oh Jesus.” The sizzles in his spine ricocheted throughout his body. No wonder Ian barely lasted. Being inside her was like coming home.

“Kaia, babe, ride him. Show him how much you love this. Love him.” Ian cupped her face in both hands. “Come baby.”

She braced her hands on the mattress and met Evan thrust for thrust. She undulated and writhed beneath his touch. Unable to hold back, he swatted her rump.

“Oh.” Kaia flipped her hair over her shoulder and groaned. “Do that again.”

Hell yes. Evan swatted again, this time a little harder and on both ass cheeks.

“Like that, babe?” Ian kissed her. “Sounds like heaven.”

“Feels like it,” she puffed. “Want both of you in me.”

Evan stilled and pulled out of her. His tiger roared. He ripped the condom off his cock and stretched across the bed next to Ian. It was time.


Ian’s tiger roared and clawed inside him. The moment Evan stretched across the bed, he knew what his twin already figured out. Kaia had dictated what they’d do next.

“You stopped.” Kaia sat up and her eyes widened. “What did—” Ian silenced her with a kiss.

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” Ian sat up with her still on his lap. “Our tigers are ready.”

“For me?” Her lips parted, and she touched her breasts. Instead of saying anything else, she climbed onto Evan’s lap and slid down onto his dick. She tilted her head back. “Oh, that’s good.”

“Yeah. When we take our mate, the act has to be skin on skin. Besides, I want to be inside you without any barriers.” Evan rocked his hips, bouncing her on his thighs. “Jesus.”

Kaia slid her hands up her body to her hair and crossed her arms over her head. The move accentuated her breasts. Evan sat up enough to take her nipple in his teeth. He tugged on the piercing. Ian growled and fisted his cock. He stroked and willed the tiger to hold on for another moment.

“Evan,” she gasped.

Evan gripped her waist and held her tight to his groin. “Lean down into me, love. Watch me. I won’t let you go.” He kissed her lips and cheeks. “Ian won’t hurt you either.”

Ian grinned. When he wanted to, Evan had a stellar dominant streak. “Breathe out, babe.” Ian tapped the tiny rosette with the blunt head of his cock. “Breathe.”

Kaia shivered, but relaxed. The farther Ian slid into her, the more he fell in love with her. He felt Evan’s cock moving within her. “Oh fuck.”

“Yeah.” Evan growled.

Ian continued to thrust in her asshole. Their rhythm together astounded him, like they were all meant to be. “It’s time,” Ian commanded. He held her hips. A trickle of perspiration ran down his spine. “Our mate becomes ours.”

Evan opened his mouth and growled again. He leaned forward. He bit down hard on the soft part of her left shoulder. A tiny trickle of blood slipped from the wound when he licked it closed.

“I’m sorry, baby.” He kissed her and smoothed her hair from her face. “Love you.”

“Love you too.” She arched her back, granting Ian deeper access.

“My turn.” Ian tipped her head and licked his lips. His tiger moaned from within as he sank his teeth into her right shoulder. Kaia whimpered, but didn’t pull away. When he finished leaving the mark, he closed the wound and nuzzled behind her ear. “Ours.”

“Yours.” She rolled her hips. “Feels so good. Need to come.” She trembled. “Oh God.”

Ian’s balls ached. He balanced on his knees and increased the intensity of his thrusts. Damn. Talk about feeling ten feet tall and invincible. One more step and he’d fully claim his mate. A roar ripped from his throat as he came.

“Fuck,” Evan groaned. “Coming.” His erection bobbed within her and pushed against Ian’s. Evan tensed and then slumped on the mattress.

“Come, babe,” Ian coaxed. “Grab the orgasm and let go.”

Kaia shuddered and moaned. She gripped him tight in her asshole, wringing him dry as she climaxed. “Evan. Ian.” Goosebumps rose on her back, and she curled into Evan’s arms.

Ian pumped harder and spilled his seed deep in her ass. He wobbled on his knees, and then pulled out of her and sank down beside them on the bed. His heart pounded, and his breath caught. He’d never come so hard in his entire life. The room spun for a few moments, and Ian waited for the world to right itself.

“You two are a dual threat.” Kaia ground her bottom into Ian’s groin and hugged Evan’s chest. “Scary, furry, dual threat even if you’re not in your tiger forms right now.”

“How’d you come to that conclusion?” Ian ran his fingers through her sweat slickened hair. “We’re here to protect you.”

She snorted. “You have.”


“Yeah,” Evan said. “So, other than wanting to climb into a hot bath with you pinned between us, how are we a dual threat?”

“I couldn’t turn down either of you. I knew you’d be a packaged set, but when you both turn on the charm, you’re scary good at it. I’m just glad I was meant to love the two of you. I’d never be able to choose one over the other.”

“Now you don’t have to.” Ian kissed her shoulder. “Never have to.”

“I’m a lucky girl with two hot tigers to love me forever. I couldn’t ask for more.”

“And we’ve got the rest of time to play this way.” Evan sighed. “Well, after that bath and some sleep. Love you.”

“I love you too.” She shifted and kissed Ian on the lips. “Love you.”

Ian’s heart lightened, and his tiger calmed. Everything he’d ever wanted lay in his arms and bed. “Love you forever.”

Chapter 7

Who knew three weeks could change her life in so many ways? Evan and Ian insisted on Kaia moving in with them. She smirked to herself. She’d spent so many nights snuggled between her twins she hardly remembered what her own apartment looked like. They pampered her and gave her space to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. No more shifts at the Glass Martini. No more taking her clothes off for strangers, and no more having to rely on tips in order to pay the rent.

Kaia placed the letter on Norman’s desk. “That’s it. All official. I quit.”

“Once you’re out, that’s it. I won’t give you your job back.” Her boss folded his thick arms and grunted. “My best girl leaves after three years and for what? Two tiger shifters. Shit. You’d think no one ever heard of burly guys turning into animals. Hell, I can get rough if that’s what you’re into.”

“This has never been my idea of a permanent job and thanks for the come-on, but no. Not interested.” She fisted her hand on her hip. “I found my calling and don’t need to work here any longer.” Between the money made from Ian’s surveillance equipment sales and Evan’s artwork, there was plenty to go around. Besides, she rather enjoyed being Evan’s publicist. Spending her days at the galleries chatting up his work and keeping his blog fresh with new work and insights helped her see her true worth wasn’t in how she looked, but how she used her brain.

“I hear Dade got ten years.” Norman tapped the papers on his desk and then handed her a check. “Here’s your last one. Going to share it with the boys or use it all on yourself?”

“Thank you.” She pocketed the check. “I wasn’t the only woman he harassed. As for my check and what I do with it, that’s my choice. I’m thinking a new pair of boots.”

Norman pursed his lips and whistled. “Good visual in my head.” He held up one finger and then blinked twice. “Well, I’m glad you hooked up with the Davis twins and not me. I’m not made of money, but I’d love to see you in those boots.” Norman closed the lid of his laptop. “Speaking of the twins, is Ian waiting for you in the car? I need to talk to him about upgrading the security system here at the club. Damn shame he won’t be hanging out here any longer. I like him and Ian. I suppose Sonya’s on her way out next?”

Kaia’s stomach churned. The last person she ever wanted to fool around with was her boss. She placed Ian’s card on Norman’s desk. “Here’s his number. Call him. He won’t bite—well, he shouldn’t—then you can sort out the details. I’m not his go-between. As for Sonya,” she clasped the handles of her purse, “what she does is her thing, but she did mention something about a better job. Thank you and I’ll see you around.” She spun on her heel and strode from his office.

Just as she expected, Evan sat behind the wheel of his truck, the door open and the radio blasting country music. She stopped in the doorway to take in the sight of him. He tapped his foot to the beat on the running board. The muscles flexed with every movement. He pumped his fist and sang along with the song.

Kaia leaned on the open window frame. “Going my way?”

Evan opened his eyes and grinned. “I’d better be. I’m taking you home. All done?”

“Yep.” She rounded the door and slid into his lap. “Lunch with Ian?”

“Lunch … or sex.” Evan nudged his cock against her hip. “I’d rather make love to you.” He licked her bottom lip and then threaded his fingers into her hair. His touch at the base of her skull massaged away her tension.

“Best suggestion I’ve heard all day.” She rocked on his thighs. “Or we could have a quickie right here.”

Evan tipped her head and captured her mouth in a kiss. His tongue tangled with hers, and he stroked the spot where he’d marked her. The sizzles low in her belly spread through her veins. She moaned.

“Need you.” His eyes blazed with passion and desire. He kissed her knuckles and moved the diamond ring on her ring finger. “God, I need you—my love.”

She couldn’t believe they asked her to marry them. Twin diamonds for her twin lovers. Mate yes, but marriage too? She touched his cheek, making the ring sparkle in the midday sun. “How fast can you drive home?”

“I’ll stay legal.” Evan nudged her from his lap and onto the bench seat, and then closed his door. “I’d rather make love to you at home than where any set of prying eyes could see us.”

She clicked her seatbelt into place, and then rested her head on his shoulder and her hand on his thigh. The scenery flew by in a blur until Evan pulled into the driveway. With Evan by her side, she strolled into the house. She wasn’t sure how she’d gotten so lucky. Evan and Ian didn’t expect her to take care of all the domestic duties. They split the jobs around the house equally. A pile of white clothes, folded and stacked in a basket on the washing machine, waited for someone to put them away. She picked up the basket and made her way to their shared bedroom.

Evan straightened the bed, tugging the sheet and comforter toward the pillows while she put the clothes away. Ian insisted on doing the laundry to ensure the whites stayed white. He and Evan shared the cooking detail since she still hadn’t figured out how to grill the steaks rare like they preferred. She didn’t care. They worked together and played long into the night.

“What are we having for supper tonight? And who is cooking?” Kaia stacked the empty basket in the closet and then turned around. “I could make my famous parmesan encrusted potatoes again if you’ll grill…” She trailed off. Instead of finding Evan in the midst of fixing the bed, he’d stripped out of his clothing, shifted to his tiger form, and stretched across the bed.

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