Dryden's Bride (22 page)

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Authors: Margo Maguire

Tags: #Love Story, #Romance

BOOK: Dryden's Bride
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The Parliamentary Council was notified of the earl of Wrexton’s death, so that the earldom could be officially and legally conferred to Eldred de Grant. The Wrexton knights who chose to stay would be compelled to swear fealty to Eldred, their new lord. Douglas Henley and some of his knights remained in Pwll to await Marcus’s father, and assist him with the transfer of power to the de Grant family.

Hugh and Siân were wed by the village priest in Pwll, nearly two weeks after their victory over Wrexton. Siân had been surprised that the reading of the banns had been waived, but did not question the bishop’s decree. She was all too anxious to become Hugh’s wife, to share his life, as well as his bed again, which, of course, had not been possible in her small village.

The newlywed couple took many days to ride leisurely to Alldale, treasuring this time alone together.
Hugh came to learn everything that could make Siân sigh with pleasure, and Siân discovered the things that could make him laugh. And what a wondrous sound it was. Siân wanted nothing more than to fall asleep and awaken to the sound of his happiness and contentment every day.

She could only hope she would be able to live up to his expectations when they reached Alldale. After all, though she was of gentle birth, she had no experience as a noblewoman. She could never be the grand lady that Marguerite Bradley was. She wanted to be a good wife to Hugh, and make him proud of his countess, but her life in Pwll had never required skills beyond basic housekeeping, tending sheep, and helping her aunt midwife the women in the village. How would she ever learn to become the wife Hugh Dryden needed?

Siân worked hard to suppress her worries, trying to remember some of the things Kit Colston had said to her, things about her spirit, about…perfection. Though she could not be the same kind of countess that Marguerite Bradley was, Siân hoped that her own talents would surface and she would somehow become an adequate chatelaine of Hugh’s estate.

Their week-long journey to Alldale was uneventful, and it was a brilliant, golden afternoon when they reached the distant promontory that overlooked their new home. Castle Alldale rose majestically over the low hills that surrounded it, its stone edifice gleaming bright white in the late sunlight as Hugh and Siân approached. They dismounted and stood together, gazing at the beautiful, imposing palace in the distance.

“Oh, Hugh,” Siân said guardedly, her worries resurfacing. “It’s…magnificent!”

Hugh nodded once. It
magnificent. King Henry had rewarded him generously. Castle Alldale was much more than Hugh had ever expected from life, but not nearly as significant as the other prize he’d recently won.

He looked at Siân, his beautiful lady, and his heart was full as it had never been before. The woman he loved had given him back his life, in every way, and he would cherish her forever.

“I…I had no idea that Alldale was anything quite so grand, my lord,” she said haltingly.

“Siân,” he said menacingly as he took her in his arms, “this is no time to turn respectful on me now.”

“But this—”

“Is nothing but stone and mortar,” Hugh interrupted. “
are my life, Siân.”

“But I—I can never be as—”

“As what, Siân?” he asked. “As perfectly controlled and prepared as some other lofty ladies might be?”

She nodded lamely.

“I love you, Siân,” Hugh said, enfolding her in his arms. “I love your wild unpredictability, your big, open heart and your loyalty. I love your honesty and generosity. You are my wife, Siân, and my love. We’ll meet Alldale’s challenges together. Never doubt it.”

29 November, 1423

Catherine, by the Grace of the Almighty Father, Queen of England, to her dear friends, by the power of God, Hugh, Earl of Alldale and Siân, his lady wife:

Greetings and tokens of sincere affection.

I pray my belated missive finds you in good health and in God’s care.

How gratified I was to learn of your marriage, Alldale. I wish you every happiness and a long and fruitful life together. My dear Siân is a most charming and talented lady. I have no doubt that she will make you very happy, and provide you with many delightful and blessed children in the years to come.

I must give both of you my deepest, heartfelt thanks for taking care of
mon petit Henri
, and transporting him to the safety of Windermere. Without your assistance, I fear I would have been placed in an untenable situation, but that is now past, for the moment. Owen and I will return with Henri to London in time for the Christmas celebrations, so we will soon leave Clairmont, before the weather turns any colder.

It is my pleasure to inform you, Alldale, that Lady Marguerite received the withdrawal of your proposal calmly and without acerbity. Since you saw her last, she has chosen a husband, a man who has captured her heart and her passions. She and Lord Nicholas Becker were wed one week ago, and are remarkably happy. Suffice it to say that when I recently happened upon them in the garden in an outrageous state of dishabille, I knew that Marguerite’s choice was perfect for her. Only our dashing Nicholas could bring out
“la petite sauvage”
in my dear friend. With great fondness, I say that she deserves such passion in her life.

If, at any time, you find yourselves in London, I beg you to attend on us, for Henri pines for his own dear Siân, and does not understand why he sees her no more.

I keep you both in my prayers and ask that you do the same for me and
petit Henri
, as well as Siân’s brother, Owen.

Yours in Christ,

Catherine, Reine

ISBN: 978-1-4603-5958-7


Copyright © 2000 by Margo Wider

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