Driven (9 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Driven
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“No.” Her garbled response was clear enough. “Harder.”

“You’re sure?” Mark stalled, waiting for confirmation both from her and his best friend.


“Sorry, gorgeous. You’re the boss.” Sebastian grimaced then nodded at the other man. “Give her what she wants.”

“You better get back in the game. Need to tag you soon. Not gonna last.” In fact, Mark’s breathing had already become erratic and his hands moved to grope her breasts. The pressure on her hard nipples felt divine.

“You love driving us wild, don’t you?” Bastian traced her mouth around the edge of his balls.

“Mmm.” She gasped as Mark’s blunt dick hit a sweet spot.

“Right there,

The guys’ coordinated efforts had her entire body compressing again. She’d never been so turned-on in all her life. Their expert lovemaking blew her mind. Mark bent lower then bit her shoulder. His abs slapped her ass faster and faster, but the stud ground his cock against her G-spot each time until she couldn’t resist a moment longer.

She abandoned Sebastian’s rejuvenated hard-on to scream out her pleasure. Mark slammed inside her one final time then poured his release into the condom he wore, all the while muttering things she couldn’t understand but didn’t need to.

All that mattered was the fire raging in Sebastian’s eyes when she glanced up at him.

“Come here.” He tugged her onto the table with him, her knees straddling his trim hips, to claim her mouth. And no matter how his best friend had pleased her, something about kissing this man held more significance. The attraction flowed between them, instant and powerful.

“One more,” she whispered against his lips, feeling greedy.

“As many as you like.”

“One more,” she repeated. “With you.”

She let her forehead rest on his while she caught her breath for a minute. When Mark groaned from behind her, she turned to check on him. A wry grin twisted his lush mouth as he hunched with hands on thighs, looking as wobbly as a newborn deer.

“My new favorite dessert.” He sank to his knees, sparking a wicked thought.

Lynn rolled in Sebastian’s arms, coming to rest with her back nestled to his front. She wiggled until she sat up and could plant one foot on each of his thighs. He caught on quick, this man of hers. Before she could ask, he cupped her hips, supporting her, lifting her as she reached for his erection.

A whimper escaped when his longer, thicker hard-on stretched her engorged tissue. She’d always enjoyed the reverse cowgirl position, but this time somehow surpassed all others.

“Okay?” At least he didn’t try to stop her this time.

“Perfect,” she sighed when her ass met his abdomen, embedding him in her completely. His hands curled around her sides to wander up her belly to her chest, pinching her nipples then rubbing out the sting. His fingers roamed over her entire body, everywhere he could reach, waking up nerves she thought deadened by her prior orgasms.

Mark absorbed every touch with his rekindled stare from his spot in front of her.

She started fucking Sebastian with slow pumps of her hips, building the pleasure one final time. It might be another two years until she had sex again after this night. Her movements turned urgent when she considered her simple affair had only hours to go before it burned out. She would take what the men offered—drown herself in ecstasy so she never forgot what it had been like to shine in their arms.

She performed for Mark. He definitely got off on watching. From a foot away, he could see the minute details of her and Sebastian’s joining. The flex of her pussy around her lover’s cock, the flush of their skin as blood raced to their loins, the gradual scrunching of his best friend’s scrotum as she picked up steam.

“Lick my clit, Mark.” The man drifted closer to where she and Sebastian were joined at the edge of the table but stopped, in the double vee of their thighs, an inch short of her pussy and his best friend’s cock. The heat of his breath washing over her as his chest bellowed drove her to beg, “Please.”

He groaned then closed the gap, enfolding her tight bundle of nerves between his lips. After their intense fucking, she appreciated his gentle manipulation. Her eyes rolled in her skull when Sebastian countered with long, liquid glides of his hips that filled her with his cock.

Suddenly, the tender loving took her higher than all the rough fucking in the world. Between the fluttering swipes of Mark’s tongue and the easy pressure of Sebastian’s erection, she curled her toes in delight on Bastian’s knees.

“Mark.” She whimpered as she tried to hold on. She wasn’t finished yet. Not without Sebastian and he needed something more than this delicate sway to get off.

The man between her legs angled his head until their gazes met and his attention focused on her.

“Put one of your fingers in his ass.”

Sebastian went stiff beneath her. “What? I’m not gay, Lynn. Not bi either.”

She lifted off him until the bare tip of his cock remained embedded then sank onto him bit by bit. “I’m not asking you to let him fuck you. You said I could have anything I wanted. You’ll like this. Trust me as I’ve trusted you.”

The urge to lead him somewhere he’d never gone before raged inside her. It was only fair after what he’d done to her—destroyed her for other men.

His hands tightened on her hips until she guaranteed she’d have bruises to show for it but the pressure ratcheted her arousal higher. He didn’t object further. Mark stared at her in wonder but no hint of disgust dimmed the appetite she saw in his chocolate eyes.

“Go ahead, you know you want to,” she dared him.

All three of them groaned together when Mark’s finger slid beside the length of Sebastian’s cock inside her, gathering her wetness. Then he retreated. The sight of his long finger poised to penetrate Sebastian had the beginnings of another orgasm looming near.

“Seb?” He hesitated.

“Fuck.” The cock buried in her pussy swelled to epic proportions a second before her lover groaned, “Do it.”

More of her lubrication trickled around Sebastian, onto his balls. She observed Mark’s thick digit disappearing beneath them.

An extensive string of Italian poured from the man she rode as his best friend plundered his virgin ass. She laughed out loud when his cock bulged inside her. “I told you so.”


“Now finish what you started.” She balanced on one hand, planted on Sebastian’s chest behind her, and reached for Mark’s hair with the other, but he came forward on his own. He turned sideways to make room for his mouth to latch on to her pussy while he continued to ream Sebastian in counterpoint to her escalating thrusts.

She ground against them both—Mark on each forward motion and Sebastian on the reverse. Her torso slithered like a snake as she maximized the contact with the pleasure-inducing bookends.

Her head tipped back, inviting Sebastian to strain upward to kiss her. Their tongues tangled. She stared into his eyes, hoping he could detect even a fraction of the joy he had gifted her. He smiled near her mouth then nipped her lip as he picked up the pace.

A tsunami of passion barreled down on her, so tall and strong she feared it might annihilate her. She tried to escape, but running from Mark’s mouth impaled her on Sebastian, and going the other way wasn’t any better. She couldn’t avoid the impending destruction.

Lynn gasped, prepared to warn the men servicing her.

“What the…” Sebastian froze beneath her for a heartbeat then hammered her. The hitch in his stride shoved her closer to Mark’s talented mouth, which now vibrated with his ragged moans. “He’s coming. On my leg.”

The idea of Mark’s hot ejaculate splashing over Sebastian’s furred shin sent her into orbit. Sebastian couldn’t remain unaffected in the wake of their orgasms. His cock plumped inside her, the ridges of his veins amplifying the best climax of her life until she thought she might pass out.

She screamed, “Bastian!”

His arms banded around her, sheltering her while every muscle in her body seized and jerked. She crashed through dozens of spasms. The answering shouts, groans and grunts of the two men echoed around her until, at last, they melted into a tangle of arms, legs and shattered inhibitions.

They didn’t stay that way long. She needed to see Sebastian instead of staring at the curved ceiling. Neither the table nor the floor ranked high on the most comfortable places to lie either.

Sebastian sat up, helping her to her feet. She whimpered when his soft cock slipped from her juicy pussy. Instead of slinking away from Mark, he extended his hand to help his friend up then grinned.

Thank God.

“Next time your chin comes anywhere near my balls, you’re gonna have to shave first. Like fucking sandpaper, dude.” Both Lynn and Mark laughed when Sebastian winced then rearranged his package.

“Didn’t hear you complaining when her pussy practically squeezed your dick in half. Besides, it serves you right for cheating in our game, you bastard.”

She stared at Mark, her jaw hanging open. “You knew? Then why…?”

“It’s what I wanted too.” He placed a sweet kiss on the corner of her mouth. “You were amazing tonight. The best.”

Sebastian shuddered then took her hand. “Let’s go. Shower time.”

“Thank you,” she whispered over her shoulder as Bastian led her toward the private cabin.

Soaking in a garden tub on a jet speeding through the sky didn’t seem as odd as allowing Sebastian—a man she’d just met, a younger man, a man she cared too much about—to tend to the aches dotting her body. Still, she enjoyed the intimacy of the act. She’d watched him rinse his best friend’s cum from his calf before drawing the steamy water for them to soak in.

Now she lounged between his legs, nestled against his slick chest as he dragged a soapy cloth over her torso. When his hand plunged below the water to wash her pussy, he swallowed so hard she heard it.

“It’s okay, Bastian,” she whispered. “I’m clean. And I’ve been on the Pill since I was twenty. I don’t know if I could even have children anymore.”

“I’ve never forgotten to wear a condom before.”

She turned to face him. His heart pounded beneath her palm. “I’ve never failed to insist on it. So I guess we’re even.”

“Do you think I’m a poor excuse for a man because I don’t want children? I hear other guys talk about passing on their legacy…” He shrugged.

The serious concern in his tone coupled with lines of strain she didn’t like seeing at the corner of his luscious mouth. “If it does, then I’m in the same boat. Don’t get me wrong, I like kids. But I can’t see myself having them. I guess that’s one of the reasons I never got married.”

“I’m not stable enough. I travel all the time. No kid should have to have an absentee parent or be dragged across creation, away from all their friends. I don’t see myself wanting to leave what I do. I love racing. Even when I can’t drive anymore, I want to be a chief. Or maybe an owner someday.”

“I respect you for knowing what you want, refusing to compromise and taking responsibility to ensure you don’t impact anyone else. You’re a good man, Sebastian. Never doubt that.”

The kiss he shared with her overflowed with gratitude and relief.

Disaster averted, they soaked together while talking about nothing important in hushed whispers until the water had gone cold and their skin wrinkled.

Lynn yawned as he carried her to the thick mattress then deposited her on a pile of pillows covered in bedding as fluffy as a cloud. She burrowed into them then held out her arms, welcoming him beside her.

“I can’t tell you how many times I’d have traded a year’s worth of Belgian chocolate for a bed while trying to sleep sitting up on a flight across the Atlantic. Now I’d give anything to stay awake a little while longer.” She fought the tears stinging her eyes. If she closed her lids, she knew she wouldn’t be able to open them again. And, all too soon, they’d be going their separate ways.

“Isn’t that the truth.” Sebastian tucked her close then sighed. “We’ll dream together,


“I do.”

“Goodnight, Bastian.”

“’Night, gorgeous.”

Chapter Seven

Lynn woke to unfiltered sunlight glinting from the cracks in the fancy shades covering the porthole-style windows. She rolled over, searching for Bastian with one hand. She found the warm depression where he’d rested but no man shared her bed.

So that was that.

She swung her legs over the side of the mattress, dragging the sheet with her like a toga. If he couldn’t stand to wake up with her, she didn’t want to flash her middle-aged imperfections in the harsh light of day for him to scrutinize.

Come on, what did you expect after a one-night stand?
Just because she’d never done it before didn’t mean she had no idea of the way people played the game.

A glance at her watch confirmed they had less than thirty minutes until they landed. He hadn’t woken her for breakfast. Less awkward conversation that way, she supposed. She wrangled the spare set of clothes she’d stashed in her carry-on from the bag then consulted the bathroom mirror. It’d been a long while since she looked this alive. She’d take that.

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