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you’ll be the end me.”

She squeezed his balls gently and winked at him. “That’s the idea.”

This moment would be etched
in his memory forever— Valenna’s beautiful face coated with his cream.

He felt weak looking at her.

Nothing could be more beautiful than what she just did for him, than her, than this very moment.

He touched her cheek gently. “


“That was simply…epic.”

She giggled. “You’re stealing my poor vocabulary.”

Giane wondered how he’d be able to go on about his business next week without thinking of this moment, without wanting this moment over and over again.

He bent, gripped her waist and picked her up. She wrapped her legs and arms around him.

He hugged her tight.

For the first time in his life, he welcomed the weakness in his system.

it felt so damn good.

“Is that it?”
Valenna asked when the chalet came to view.


“You said chalet. I thought it’s a little cottage in the prairie or something.”

“This is a vacation hideaway for the recluse.”

He rounded the bend. The car slowed down, ascended a slope and finally came to a stop on a concrete landing.

“Wow! This is beautiful!” she exclaimed.

Indeed, the chalet was awesome. It was perched on top of a small hill. The stone steps going up to the portico was dramatic, like a scene from a romance movie.

He got out of the car and went to the passenger side. Instead of opening the door, he lifted her from the seat. She squealed, her arms looping around his shoulders. “Hmm, what’s this?” Her body was still humming in replete from their recent lovemaking. The smell of his spent arousal clung to his skin, mingling with his expensive cologne. Addictive scent.

“Just welcoming you to your little home for the next six days.”

He ascended the steps made of stone slabs, lined on both sides by flowering plants in full bloom. He paused in the middle of the steps.

“You would love this,


“Close your eyes.”

She obeyed him. He continued to climb the steps and finally stopped.

“Open your eyes.”

She slowly opened her eyes and was greeted by the most magnificent sunset.

“Oh Giane.” She sucked in her breath and exhaled in awe, her throat constricting with emotion.

Oh, why was she so emo all of a sudden? She was having so much fun with him. He was simply the coolest. She’d never imagined losing her virginity in such a wonderful manner, to such a considerate lover. After their first intimacy at his suite, she felt a kind of closeness with him that she’d never felt with any of her exes.

Maybe that was what first times did to women in general. The first man to give a woman carnal ecstasy would always be special. It was like a landmark in every woman’s life. But she didn’t really know. All she knew was that this breathtaking sunset was giving her all the mushy feelings she’d usually feel when writing a really good song.

“You’ve gone so quiet,

“Because it’s so beautiful. So perfect. I wish I can freeze time right this very moment. This beautiful sunset…and us.”

“Take out my phone.”


“From my pocket. Front, left side.”

She groped between them and came out with his phone.

“Now, take our selfie.”

She giggled.


“It sounds really weird when you say selfie.”

“Isn’t that how you women call it?”

He turned away from the sunset. “Come on, freeze this moment.”

She switched the phone to cam mode and aimed it at them. “Okay, ready? Say freak!”

He kissed her cheek.


dinner prepared by the chalet chefs for them. They dined at the balcony and watched the sun completely disappear in the west.

They lounged in the recliners with a bottle of wine.

“This is so good,” she commented of the wine.

“Glad you like it. I blended it myself.”

She threw him a skeptical look. “This? Nah.”

“I did. I have a vineyard in Tuscany.”

“You’re kidding me! You race like a bunch of demons are chasing you and you make wine, too? Like a chemist? It’s an odd combination.”

“How so?’

“It’s like fast and slow. Hot and cold. It’s like a shot of adrenaline and a shot of morphine. High and low.”

“Aren’t they the perfect combination of nature? Exact opposites.”

“No. Not with people. It’s a recipe for disaster. People have to be compatible with each other for a relationship to work. They have to blend. In harmony.”

“I’m not having a relationship with myself.”

She laughed. “Okay, you got me there. But really? You manufacture this? It’s…” she raised her glass and clinked it with his. “Epic. I’m gonna stock my cellar with these. They’re available in North America, right?”

He smiled. “No.”

“Oh bummer.”

“But I can send you a ton of it.”

It was the first mention of an association between them beyond this week. She looked away, feeling awkward. She didn’t want to read more into his casual remark, but she couldn’t help the seed of hope that immediately blossomed inside her.

No. Just no. Recipe for disaster. She should stick to their deal. A no-strings-attached week of carnal explorations. Nothing more. No expectations beyond this week.

“Thanks. I’d love that,” she said quietly. “How long have you had this place?” she asked, changing the subject.

“Maybe six years. I love this country. The Australian Super Grand Prix is my favorite race. I’ve never lost at Albert Park and I’ve raced in different leagues in my fifteen-year career.”

“Your loss a few days ago was your first at Albert Park?”

He nodded.

“I’m so sorry. No wonder you were so freakin’ depressed you bought my cherry. I mean, only a person so in-the-pits depressed would bid an amount like that.”

He looked at her. She smiled at him teasingly.

“Are you always like this?”


“So quick-witted.”

“Yeah? Thanks. It’s one of my quirks that always gets me in trouble with the press.”

“I can imagine. Your publicist must be having a nightmare every time. Like mine.”

She giggled. “But come to think of it. Had you not lost, you wouldn’t have made that bid. And we wouldn’t be lying here under the most beautiful starlit skies drinking wine blended by you.”

“What do you Americans call it?”

“A blessing in disguise.”

He nodded, then he extended his hand toward her. “Come here.” He patted his lap.

She transferred to his lap, finding the position quite familiar now. How easy it was to get used to these things with him. He was so big she could use him as a bed. He was all firm muscles but their limbs could intertwine in positions as if they were just one body, their warmth seeping into each other’s skin. Just heavenly. He felt like a sanctuary.

God, she couldn’t stop waxing poetic.

She could probably write an entire album after this experience. Nope, no heartbreak lyrics this time but smoking sexy lines and chill tunes that could be used by couples as background music while making love. That would be something new from her.

“My publicist called me. We’re in the cover of the rags,” he said.

“Yes. Nusha called me, too.”


“I’m sorry,
,” he said quietly.

“For what?”

“For crashing your presscon.”

“Are you kidding me? If you hadn’t, I won’t be having the most awesome time of my life right now. No regrets.”


“Really. After I auctioned my cherry, I’ve been the toast of the rags ten times over. Naturally, they’d follow the outcome of my insanity to the last bit. I expected it.”


“Yes. Double insanity. Like who would bid 50 million dollars for an overripe cherry? Only you.”

“Overripe.” He chuckled.

“Overripe, overdue, overrated.”

“Definitely not overrated.”

“It was. When I first wore the purity ring, I was heralded as a role model for the youth. When I went past 18 without losing my cherry, they lauded my sense of morality and I even represented a republican senator in his campaign and he won. But when I had my first boyfriend at age 18—”

“Eighteen? What did you do in high school?”

“I was a really late bloomer, and I was in home school. Blame my overprotective parents and my demanding career. It was hard to have a relationship when you were being chased by the paparazzi everywhere. I was terrified I’d end up in the tabs in a compromising situation and I’d look ugly in it and it would be archived on the net forever.”

He laughed. “I doubt if you have any ugly pictures out there. There’s no ugly part of you.”

“You’re such a great liar, you know that?”

“I speak the truth.”

“I have ugly toes. They’re a bit webbed.”

“They are not.”

She raised her foot. “Look. The second and middle toes.”


She wiggled her toes. “See that? They’re stuck together almost halfway.”

He grunted and pulled her foot toward his face and sucked her big toe.

She yelped, giggling. “That is so gross!”

He let go of her foot. “You’re beautiful from head to toe.”

Oh God, please, make him shut up on those compliments.
No ex of hers had ever complimented her toes before. They were always trying to grab her ass and breasts.

“Go on,” he prodded.

“Oh, as I was saying, when I turned eighteen, they began a countdown.”

“What countdown?”

“On who will pluck my cherry. Every guy I dated was expected to be the one to… you know.”

“But no one of them did.”

“That was when people started ridiculing my cherry.”


“My second ex gave an interview to the rags. He kissed and told.”

His arms tightened around her.

“What did he say?”

Why was it so easy for her to talk to him? She had never talked much about her heartaches except with Nusha. But now, they seemed to be just at the tip of her tongue, hovering to get out.

They just met two days ago but she felt like she could tell him anything. Maybe because of the degree of anonymity between them.

Giane was obviously not into Hollywood. Why would he even bother when he was a huge sports celebrity in his own right, in a field held in very high regard by people around the world.

It was refreshing to talk to someone who did not give a shit about where she came from or what she did for a living. She couldn’t feel any judgment from him. Plus, she had never been involved with a man who trumped her financial assets by billions of miles. Her exes used to take issues with her fame and wealth, but she didn’t worry about that with Giane. No need to walk on eggshells, afraid of hurting his ego when she’d start talking about her accomplishments.

“Where are you?” he whispered in her ear.

She sighed, smiling. God, he was so comforting and he really wanted to know about her old, boring chestnuts? “He told them I was a fraud. That I write really passionate songs about love but I am in fact a cold fish. That…that I cannot even give a decent hand job.”

“That idiot!” he expelled harshly she felt his chest heave violently.

“And then my third ex also told the press after we broke up that I was just using him to write songs, that he should partake with the profit from my album.”

“Another idiot.”

“Then my fourth boyfriend, the one I broke up with last year…He cheated on me with Brigitte Harlowe.”

“The triple idiot.”

“I wouldn’t call his move stupid though. He dumped me for the highest paid actress in Hollywood. He’s become the hottest property lately. They went to the Golden Globes together and I was invited too, but I chickened out. I wasn’t prepared to see them together in person. I would have looked like the biggest loser. They’re so PDA.”

He kissed her hair. “He’s the biggest idiot. But I’m glad he dumped you.”

She slapped his chest. “That’s so mean!”

“If he hadn’t, I wouldn’t be having this awesome virgin in my arms right now.”

She grinned. “Yeah, VISA card just expired, thanks to you. Now I can be a normal woman in America.”

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