Dreams of Seduction (8 page)

Read Dreams of Seduction Online

Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #paranormal romance

BOOK: Dreams of Seduction
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She glanced at the clock. She had about twenty minutes until Jed arrived. Thankfully, she’d already had a bath, shaved her legs and rubbed cream all over her body. Not that she planned on anything happening between them. It was just dinner after all. But she wanted to be prepared. Just in case.

That was the reason she’d vacuumed the bedroom and changed the sheets on the bed. Fresh cut lavender sat in a crystal vase on the bedside table, perfuming the air, and several beeswax pillar candles had been strategically placed around the room.

Slumping on the bed, she buried her face in her hands. Who was she trying to kid? She’d cleaned and primped and buffed just in case things got physical. Her core began to ache, a sharp reminder of what her body really wanted.

“Don’t think about it.” Easier said than done. Her cream-colored panties were already damp and the matching bra felt confining. At this rate, she’d be answering the door in her underwear.

“This is stupid,” she muttered. Angry with herself for caring so much, she grabbed a pair of jeans.

They were new and stylish. She tugged them on and then reached for a silk blouse. The green matched her eyes and soft material felt good against her skin. She buttoned it and stared at herself in the antique mirror that stood in the corner of the room.

“Not bad. Not bad at all.” She turned one way and then another. The material draped nicely over her breasts and the neckline dipped into a deep vee, showing a hint of cleavage.

She added a pair of emerald studs to her ears, liking the way they picked up the light. They were a gift from her grandmother and she only wore them on special occasions.

Not bothering with socks or stockings, she slid her feet into a pair of leather flats. Casual, yet dressy at the same time.

Her hair was the largest problem. She’d debated leaving it down, but in the end had put it in the usual braid. A touch of mascara, eyeliner and lipstick finished off her look. She looked natural but polished, and not like a woman who’d spent the better part of an afternoon getting ready for a simple dinner date.

The doorbell rang. Her heart jumped and her palms began to sweat. “You can do this. It’s just dinner.”

Rubbing her hands over her jean-clad thighs, she gave herself one final look in the mirror before turning away. She shoved the closet door shut on the way along and hurried down the hallway.

She was breathless by the time she made her way down the stairs and reached the front door. The bell rang again. Taking a deep breath, she slowly released it. Putting a welcoming smile on her face, she pulled open the door.

All the blood rushed from her head. Jed stood on her front porch, his shoulder-length black hair gleaming in the porch light. His eyes seemed to darken as he ran them down her body from her face to her toes and then slowly back up again.

He was wearing jeans that hugged his thighs to perfection. An amber-colored shirt was open at the throat to reveal the strong column of his neck. It also complemented the bronze tone of his skin. Atop it he wore a dark gray sports jacket.

Maggie didn’t know how long they just stood there, and she didn’t care. Her skin tingled and goose bumps raced down her arms. Her nipples puckered, pressing against her bra. She didn’t dare look down for fear they were outlined against the thin silk of her blouse. What had she been thinking to wear it? She should have opted for thick fleece instead. Or at least a sweater.

“You look beautiful.” His voice was rough and deep, startling her out of her musings.

“So do you.” She felt like sinking into the floor. What was it about Jed that made her mouth run away? She didn’t seem to have that problem with anyone but him.

One side of his mouth tipped up and she held her breath, hoping he’d smile. The man was sexy just standing there, but when he smiled, he was devastating.

The smile reached his eyes before his lips. “Thank you,” he murmured. “May I come in?”

Heat suffused her cheeks and she stepped back. “Of course. Come in.” She tried not to notice how his arm brushed against her body when he entered. Tried not to notice how yummy he smelled—a combination of fresh air, musk and a clean woodsy scent that made all the hormones in her body stand up and sing a hallelujah chorus.

“This is for you.” He handed her a bottle of red wine. “I wasn’t certain what you’d be serving for dinner, but this is good with just about anything.”

“Thank you.” Their fingers touched when she took the bottle. Tiny flickers of heat shot through her fingers and up her arms. The hair at her nape fluttered. “Come on back.”

She was very aware of him walking just behind her with every step she took toward the kitchen. She could feel his heat, his very presence, even without looking at him. Placing the wine on the countertop, she pulled out a drawer and rummaged around for a corkscrew. “Will you open it?”

He took the corkscrew and went to work on the bottle while she took two wine glasses out of the cupboard. A short length of counter separated the kitchen and dining area, and Maggie glanced over at the table, satisfied everything was in order. Fresh flowers sat in an antique Depression glass vase. Candles sat in silver holders waiting to be lit. Her grandmother’s good dishes sat atop linen placemats, waiting to be filled with food.

It was a good thing she’d gone through her grandmother’s things over the past few days or she wouldn’t have been able to pull everything together so quickly.

A low pop made her turn back to Jed. The bottle was open and he was already pouring the wine into the two glasses she’d laid out. When each glass was half full, he set aside the bottle, picked up both of them and handed her one. “To a wonderful evening.”

“A wonderful evening,” she echoed. Bringing the crystal to her lips, she sipped the full-bodied wine.

It was slightly sweet. She liked it.

Jed placed his glass on the counter beside the stove. Nerves jumping, Maggie took another quick sip of the wine. “I’ll just finish getting dinner ready if you want to have a seat.”

He took her glass from her and set it next to his. Her eyes flew to his and she licked her lips, which were suddenly dry. “I’d rather have this.” Leaning down, he brushed his mouth against hers.

Molten pleasure erupted, spreading from her lips to every cell of her body. Oh, she’d imagined this, fantasized about it, even dreamed it, but nothing compared to the reality of Jed’s kiss.

His lips were soft yet firm as they moved over hers. Leisurely, he nibbled and tasted her top lip and then the bottom one. Her mouth parted on a sigh and he slid his tongue just barely inside before retreating.

Maggie gave a cry of disappointment and lifted up on her toes, wanting to get closer. He tasted like fresh mint and man, hot and inviting. Not waiting for him this time, she slipped her tongue past his lips and into the waiting cavern. His tongue stroked hers, enticing it to play.

His large hands cupped the back of her head, holding her in place for his kiss. He tilted it to the side, deepening the caress. Maggie grabbed his shoulders for support, digging her nails into the fine wool fabric of his sports coat. This was unlike anything she’d ever experienced in her life.

Jed tore his mouth from hers, his breathing harsh. She leaned closer, her hips canting inward, and felt the telltale bulge at the front of his jeans. He was as aroused as she was.

He rested his forehead against hers and his hands slid down to cup her neck. “Maggie.” He kissed her nose, her cheeks, her jawline. “My sweet, Maggie.”

He leaned away from her, pushing their lower halves closer together. Her mound was snug against his erection. It took every ounce of willpower she had not to rub herself against him.

He groaned and cupped her hips, holding her steady. “If you don’t want this, say so now.”

She knew what he was telling her. If this continued, they’d end up making love and the hell with supper. Was this what she wanted?


Her body and soul both knew that Jed was what she wanted. Whether this was the result of magick or pure chance, she no longer cared. Her concerns melted beneath his serious gaze. No matter what happened after tonight, she wanted this man, right here, right now.

He started to pull away, but she grabbed him by the waist, holding him to her. “I want this.” Her voice was a low, sultry whisper.

His eyes narrowed, but he stopped trying to move away from her. “Are you sure?”

She smiled at him. “Absolutely.”

Chapter Seven

Jed stared down at the siren’s smile on Maggie’s face. His cock was as hard as a rock and had been since the moment Maggie had opened the front door. The silky blouse she was wearing skimmed over her breasts like a second skin and her jeans accentuated the curve of her hips. She might as well have answered the door naked. The effect on his body would have been the same.

She tasted so damned sweet, like the wine she’d sipped, mixed with her natural flavor—honey and a touch of spice. He’d never wanted a woman more. Even though he’d had her in his dreams, nothing compared to the reality of the moment. With the soft weight of her breasts pillowed against his chest and the warmth of her mound pressed against his crotch, he was as close to heaven as he’d ever been.

Dinner was forgotten as other hungers sprang to life. Lifting his hand, Jed cupped the side of her face.

She turned her head and pressed a kiss in the center of his palm. The tiny caress made his balls clench.

He gripped her by the hips, turned her and walked her backward until she hit the countertop. Her eyes widened slightly, but she didn’t protest the move. If anything she seemed curious as to what he was going to do next.

Touching her cheeks with his fingers, he let them slide over her soft skin, and down the curve of her neck. “You are so damned soft.” He could spend hours exploring every inch of her skin. And he promised himself that he would. Just not now. With his cock throbbing like a toothache, he knew he didn’t have the luxury of time.

He followed the line of her collar as it dipped low, inserting a finger into her cleavage. Her skin was even warmer here. Almost hot.

As he leaned down to kiss her collarbone, a gentle waft of her vanilla-scented soap reached him. Or maybe it was lotion. No matter how it had come to be on her skin, it had mixed with her natural scent, creating an entirely new one that he would always associate with Maggie.

One button at a time, he slipped the round disks free until her blouse hung open to her waist. He gave a low growl of approval when her bra came into view, followed by a strip of pale flesh. “Pretty.” He traced his finger over the curve of her bra, following the natural contours of her breast.

She sucked in a breath and clutched at his shoulders for support. He could feel the heat of her hands through his sports coat and shirt. It wasn’t enough. He had to feel her hands on his bare flesh.

“Take off my jacket.”

She licked her lips and nodded. Slipping her hands beneath his coat, she pushed it over his shoulders and down. He caught it in one hand and tossed it over the far end of the counter. “Now my shirt.”

Maggie leaned inward and brushed her lips across the taut edge of his jaw. She walked her fingers across his chest before coming to stop at the buttons. Jed concentrated on breathing. It was a form of torture to just stand here and wait for her to open his shirt when all he wanted to do was rip it off.

She took pity on him and her fingers were nimble. In no time at all, his shirt was wide open.

Flattening both hands on his chest, she stroked him. “You’re so warm.” He could hear the wonder in her voice, feel the moist heat of her breath just a second before her tongue rasped over one of his nipples.

“Maggie.” He wasn’t sure if he wanted her to stop or to continue. She nuzzled the flat brown disk and sucked lightly on it, teasing it with her tongue.

Every muscle in his body was primed for action. All he could see was the top of her head as she worked her way across his chest to the other nipple. “Enough.” He pulled away, clamped his hands over her hips and lifted her in one motion.

She gave a squeak of surprise as he plopped her butt on the edge of the counter. Before she had time to recover, he leaned down and captured one of the hard nubs pressing against the silky fabric of her bra.

Maggie jerked in his arms and then gave a long, breathy moan that had his balls clenching.

“I can’t wait,” he muttered as he nuzzled aside the fabric of her bra and lapped at a large, dusky-pink nipple. “Not this time.”

“Then don’t.” Her hands went to the buckle of his belt and began to unfasten it. “Don’t wait.”

Like a man possessed, Jed shoved her blouse down her arms and tossed it aside. Her bra quickly followed. He paused then, spellbound by the sheer bounty before him. Maggie’s breasts were large and firm, certainly more than a handful. And he had very large hands.

She hadn’t been idle while he’d been staring at her. His belt was open and so was the front of his jeans. Carefully, she worked the zipper over his straining erection. He groaned as her fingers pressed against his boxer shorts and wrapped around his hard length.

“Maggie,” he gasped. “That feels so damn good, but you have to stop.”

He belied his words by pushing his cock deeper into her hand. He could feel moisture seeping from the tip and knew he was too close to be playing with fire. He jerked his hips back, lowered his head and nuzzled her neck. He nipped at the sensitive skin at the curve where her neck met her shoulder, savoring her moan of pleasure.

He palmed her breasts, loving the weight of them in his hands. His thumbs rolled over her nipples and they puckered into tempting little red buds.

“Jed.” His name was little more than a gasp, but he loved the sound of it as it fell from her lips.

“Say my name again.” Standing back, he let his hands slide down her ribcage and come to rest at her waist.

“Jed.” She reached between them, shoved his boxers out of the way and took him into her hand and squeezed gently. He gritted his teeth. The pleasure was so intense he thought he might come there and then.

“Again,” he demanded. He popped the snap of her jeans and yanked down the zipper.

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