Dreams and Shadows: The Future of the Middle East (74 page)

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Khomeini, Ruhollah

death of

exile of

fatwas of

hostage crisis and

imprisonment of

origin of name

return to Iran of

Saddam Hussein and

successorship to

Khouri, Rami

Kilo, Michel

King Abdul Azziz University

Kirkuk, Iraq

Kissinger, Henry



Kuftaro, Salah

Kurdish Democratic Party


democracy and

diaspora of

Hussein and

Internet and

Iraqi oil revenues and

language of


nationalistic longings of

oil in

press in

revolt of (1991)

survival tactics of

television in

United Nations and

United States and

western vs. eastern sectors of

youth of


anti-U.S. sentiment in

Iran-Iraq war and

Iraqi invasion of

Kuwait Seventeen


Lahoud, Emile

Lamplighter, The

Lawrence of Arabia

Lebanese Army

Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation

Lebanese Resistance Battalions


Arab-Israeli conflict and

censorship in

census, lack of

Christians in

civil war

clans of

Communist Party

confessional quota system in


democracy and

demographics of

elections in

Future Movement

Green Line


hostage taking in

Iran and

Islam and

Israeli withdrawal from

Kofi Annan and

March 14 Movement

Maronites in

media in

name’s origin

National Covenant

1982 war with Israel

peacekeepers in

peacekeeping bombings (1983)

per capita debt ratio

Saudi Arabia and

sectarian apartheid

sectarian identities in

sectarian militias

secularity of

Shiite militancy in.
Amal; Hezbollah

Shiites in

size of

street demonstrations

Sunnis in

support for Hezbollah’s war with Israel

Syria and


tourism in

United Nations and

U.S. peacekeeping in

voting laws

youth in

“Letter to the Free People of the World” (Ganji)

“Letter from Prison: Did I Take Democracy Too Seriously?” (Nour)

Levinson, Robert A.

Levy, Daniel


Liberation of Women, The


List of the Islamic Right

Lizard, The

Locke, John



Mahdi, Adel Abdul

Majlis al-Shura

Makaram-Shirazi, Nasser

Makhlouf family

Manar, al

Manifesto of the Ninety-Nine

Manifesto of the One Thousand

Marines peacekeeping compound bombing




Martyr’s Square (Beirut)

Marxism, Baathism compared to

Marzouki, Ahmed

Mashaal, Khalid


Matar, Boulos


See also specific forms of media



Medina Charter

Mernissi, Fatima

Mesbah-Yazdi, Mohammed

Michael, Janet

Middle East.
See also specific countries

clothing in, diversity of

diverse nature of

economics, diversity of

Egypt’s importance to

Europe’s influence on

geography of

Iraq war’s effect on

languages of

pivotal events, modern

political gravity, center of

population of

range of freedom in

sectarian split in.
Sunni-Shiite divide

tribal societies of

unemployment rate in

United Nations survey on

United States, opinion on

United States compared to

See specific wars

West and, comparison between

youthfulness of


Miller, Doug

Mirdamadi, Mohsen



Damascus and

Danish caricatures of

Moroccan monarchy and

successorship to

Syrian holiday for

women and

Mohammed, Khasro

Mohammed’s Brigades (Syria)

Mohammed V, king of Morocco

Mohammed VI, king of Morocco

on democracy

reconciliation commission and

women and







Montazeri, Ali

Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group

Moroccan Organization for Human Rights


Algeria and

Arab invasion of

Arab-Israeli conflict and

as Berber

Casablanca bombings (2003)

constitution of

democracy and

education in

elections in

Equity and Reconciliation Commission

ethnic makeup of

freedom of speech in

human rights abuses in

illiteracy in

Israel and

Islam and

May 16 bombings

monarchy of

parliament in

political parties of;
See also
Party of

Justice and Development political prisoners in

poverty of

secret police of.
Mukhabarat (Moroccan) state of emergency in

women in

Mossadeq, Mohammed

Moubeyed, Sami


Mount Lebanon

Movement for Social Peace (Syria)

Movement for the Disinherited (Lebanon)

Moybeyed, Sami

Mrowe, Jamil

Muasher, Marwan

Mubarak, Gamal

Mubarak, Hosni

assassination attempt

failure to share power

Gamal Mubarak and

Muslim Brotherhood and

successorship to

Mubarak, Suzanne

Mughniyah, Imad

Mukhabarat (Moroccan)

Mukhabarat (Syrian)

Munich Olympics massacre (1972)


Murr, Elias

Murr Tower

Musavi, Mir Hussein

Musawi, Nawaf al

Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian

on democracy

elections of 2005 and

founding of

Hamas and

illegality of

imprisonment of members

Islamic law and

on Israel

Kefaya compared to

in legislature

Mubarak and

on 9/11

objectives of

Sadat and

social outreach programs of

violence and

Muslim Brotherhood, Syrian

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