DREAM (6 page)

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Authors: Mary Smith

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I look at another article and it’s bashing Gable at every turn. Calling him a cradle-robber and how he has to pay someone to marry him. It’s paragraph after paragraph calling him every bad name in the book.

I know I’d accused him of some of this, but anger is pulsing through me because I hate the words I’m reading.

I know Gable and I don’t
know each other well, but the past twenty-four hours, I’ve seen a good side to him, and he’s not what everyone says. The article describes him as a ruthless, mean, bully, with mob-like business tactics.

Granted, I still have a lot to learn about him, but Dad always said I’m a good judge of character and Gable is not all bad.

An idea hits me and I quickly grab my phone and head down to his office.

Like every other room in Butler Mansion, it’s white. I’ve never wanted to splash paint on the walls more in all my life than since I’ve been here. This place needs color, badly. I know there’s a reason for all the white, but no one will tell me. I see him on his phone walking around the room, still wearing his black pants and…yes…a black dress shirt. The only thing missing is the red tie.

“No, that’s fine. Email me the details and I’ll see if JE would be able to help you out.”

JE? I stop.

“Dream is an excellent CEO and is going to make JE the best of the best. I wouldn’t recommend it if I didn’t believe in it.”

Did I hear him correctly?

“No, I’m not saying that because she’s my wife. Dream has a business mind that rivals mine.”

Wait…what? I know I didn’t hear him say those words. And who is he talking to?

“Send me the details.” He turns and finally notices I’m in the room. “Like I said, I’ll send them to Dream.” He smirks and his dimple gleams. “Bye.” He ends the call.

A business mind that rivals yours.
Are you trying to boost my ego?” I tease.

“Ha,” he scoffs. “No, I’m not. I’m not a liar either, and I meant every word.”

I take a few steps toward him. “Thank you. It’s kind of you to say.” It really is nice for him to be so supportive even though he hasn’t even seen my
work, short of my homework and simple business plans shown by Dad.

“I just said I meant it. Now, is there something I can help you with?” He rises from his chair and moves around the desk toward me.

I bite my lip. “I have a small favor to ask of you.”

“Which is?” he sits on the edge of his desk looking at me.

“When you did your research on me you obtained most of the information from my social media sites, right?”

“Some, yes.” He sounds confused as to where I’m going with this.

“I haven’t posted a single thing on any of them in a week. It’s unheard of for me.” I continue walking up to him in a slow fashion.

“Okay,” he’s still unsure.

“Then I went online and there has been a lot of bashing of you and our marriage, and I thought maybe we could take selfie together. Let’s show everyone we’re a

“So, because you saw some negative press, which happens all the time in our world, you want to take a selfie with me?”


He laughs. “All right.”

“Come over here.” I take his hand and lead him to the couch in his office. “Sit down. We’re going to need to be close for this.”

“I’m beginning to like these selfies,” he jokes.

“Ha. Ha.” I fake laugh at him and sit on his lap.

“I take it back, I love selfies.” He rests his hand on my hip.

“Watch your hands, buddy.” I slap his hand. “No farther than that.”

With a smile on his face he nods. “Deal. Now, what?”

I touch the camera icon and hold it up. “Smile.”

“Seriously? Have you ever seen me smile in a picture?”

“You’re smiling right now.” I point to his lips.

He quickly drops his face back into his stern look.

“Ugh. Fine, don’t look bored then,” I roll my eyes and adjust the phone for us to be in the center to the screen. I hit the button several times.

“More than one?”

“You have to take more than one to make sure you get the right shot.” I pick the one I like and show him. “See? Perfect.”

“Yes it is. Send it to me.”

“Okay.” I forward it to him and then add it to my Instagram page and link it to my Facebook and Twitter. That’ll shut those bloggers up a bit.

“You were really concerned about someone saying something bad about me?”

I shrug. “I’m your wife, right? Aren’t I supposed to stand up for you? I’m the only one gets to call you a cradle-robber.”

Gable laughs loudly. “That’s a new one for me. Usually, I’m a python or business-killer. Sometimes a mobster.”

I had already heard those about him. “Now, you have a new one to add to the list.”

Gable nods with a smile still on his lips.

I wonder how many people of this side of him: the soft side and not the business Gable. I can say I like Nice-Gable more than Business-Gable. He does not intimidate me. I think I can handle him.

“Hey, Gable.” Gideon walks in. “Oh, sorry.” He looks at us with a strange expression. “I guess Gable spending thirty thousand dollars on you this afternoon brings you two together.”

“Gideon.” Gable barks at him and I scurry off his lap.

“I’m just saying,” he shrugs.

“Well, shut up.” I tell him before I can stop myself. No, I’m not going to stop myself. I don’t like Gideon.

“What?” Gideon narrows his eyes at me.

“I didn’t stutter and I don’t have to answer to you. So, shut up.” I cross my arms and try to stand taller. I’m not very tall to begin with, but that’s never stopped me before.

Gideon starts to say something, but Gable steps in. “What do you want, Gideon?”

We continue our stare down.

“Gideon.” Gable states firmly.

He breaks away from our glare. “Matherson wants a meeting this week. He called me a little bit ago.”

“Contact Joy and put it on the schedule,” he tells him. “Anything else?”

“No.” He glances back at me, but I haven’t even blinked.

“Then you can go.”

Gideon’s eyes widen. He’s being dismissed and not me. I see the anger. “Fine.” He grits his teeth and walks out.

My tense body relaxes as Gable rubs my shoulders. “He doesn’t mean anything. He’s not used to having someone else being number one in my life.”

I turn to him. “You may not want to hear what I have to say, but I don’t like him.”

“He’s harmless. I promise.”

I don’t believe him, but I nod. “I’m going to bed.”

“Don’t you want dinner?” He’s still holding my shoulders.

“Not tonight.” I walk out of his grasp. “Thanks for the picture.”

“You’re welcome.” He sounds sad and I walk out of the room.

Chapter 7


I spend Sunday at my house. I tell Leo and Mrs. Stones I’m moving in with Gable. Leo agrees to stay in the house to watch over it and still take care of me. I’m more comfortable with Leo. I know he’s loyalty lies with me, as does Mrs. Stones.

She helps me pack up some of my closet, and with Leo’s help we load up the car and head back over to Gable’s house.

“Whoa!” Mrs. Stones’ eyes pop out seeing Gable’s home. “I heard he built a big house, but this is beyond big.”

“I know and wait until you see how white it is inside.” I mumble.

The three of us are able to get everything to my room and Mrs. Stones helps me organize my closet.

“You’re back.” Gable comes into my room. “Leo. Mrs. Stones. Nice to see you both again.” The greetings pass around. “I see you’re moving in.” He points to the boxes all around me.

“Yes,” I answer.

“Well. Well. Well. Look who’s returned.” I hear Gideon’s voice at the threshold of my door.

Leo quickly comes to my aid, and I see Gable furrow his brow at him. I already told Leo that I didn’t like Gideon and he’s being protective of me. As he always has been.

“I’ll be down in a moment.” Gable tells his brother.

“What’s the deal? Am I not welcome in your room, sissy?” Gideon’s lip curls with an evil smirk.

“No, you’re not.” I clench my teeth at him.

“This is my brother’s house,” he quips.

Before Gable even has a chance to say anything, I jump in. “Yes it is, but as his wife, half of it is mine. This is part of my half. Now, get out.” My voice remains calm, but the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I can’t put my finger on why I don’t trust him, but I don’t and nothing is going to change my mind.

“Gideon, go downstairs,” Gable tells him. Reluctantly, Gideon leaves. “I’ll see you later.” Gable nods at me and retreats as well.

I turn to Leo and Mrs. Stones. “I don’t like Gideon. He gives me the creeps.”

“I agree,” Mrs. Stones adds, and I notice Leo is a little edgy.

I touch his shoulder. “I’ll be okay with Gable. It’s Gideon who bothers me.”

“I’m always a phone call away.”

I smile and hug him. “I know. Thank you.”




Gable and I quickly fall into a routine through the week. It seems strange to have one with him, but at the same time, it’s a little nice. Even though I do a lot of work at home, I always make time for dinner with Gable. It’s where we both are able to sit and not be interrupted and just talk to each other.

I’ve learned a lot about him. He loves to ski, he helps numerous charities, and he wants his company to expand and make more of the country
. His company is already the leader in environmental technology, but he says there’s room to keep growing. When I ask why, his only response is why not. It’s strange that I understand that, because solar power is more readily available. Gable wants to expand access to that power without destroying more of the environment.

When I ask why he’s still involved with security business, he states it’s something he knows and it continues to bring in a lot of revenue for Butler Corp. I get the impression it’s something he’s holding onto because that’s where he started.

I’m glad that I make it to Friday. I didn’t realize how tired I was, but I needed to get ready for the Wall’s Ball. It’s going to be our first public appearance, and I need it to be perfect. I leave work a little bit early to have my hair and makeup done. Thankfully, the dress I want to wear arrived earlier in the week.

Gable texted me earlier and told me he wouldn’t be home until it would be time to pick me up; he has a late meeting. I’m thankful because it means Gideon is with him and that’s one person I don’t want to deal with.

I look at my modern bouffant bun, and thankfully it’s not as puffy as they can be sometimes. My makeup is dark, but highlights my brown eyes. My lips are red as red can be. I thought of Gable’s ties when I saw them.

I don’t look twenty-three. I look older and I like that right now. I need everyone to stop seeing me as Ulrich Jackson’s daughter and as the new CEO of JE. I know it will take time, but this is in the right step. Looking older might also stop some of the cradle-robbing press that Gable has had to endure.

I go to my closet and pull out the dress. Gable hasn’t seen this dress and I can’t wait to see his reaction. The dress is a little edgier than I’ve worn before. It’s all white lace from top to bottom. The arms are sheer and it is from the knees down to the floor. I’m covered from the front of my neck all the way down, but my back is completely bare. Bare from my neck and shoulders and all the way down to the small of back.

But, why do I care about Gable’s reaction? Maybe I just want to see if I can get a rise out of him. I leave the thoughts behind me and I make sure I’m secure in the dress and slip into my shoes. I am checking myself in the mirror when my phone rings.

“I’m downstairs.” Gable’s voice comes through.

“I’ll be right there.” I drop my phone into my clutch and head to the elevator.

When I step off, I can see the Gable’s back in a black tux. He appears to be adjusting his bow tie in the hallway mirror then he turns around to me. Gable’s blue eyes drink me in and I see his mouth drop, as he looks me up and down.

“Do I look that bad?” I tease because I know by his reaction he likes it.

“Trust me,” he stalks over to me. “You look stunning.”

I smile and stroll past him, studying him. It’s the first time I’ve not seen him in his signature outfit. I hear him groan in a good way when he sees the back of my dress. I keep walking toward the door, and he hurries to catch up with me.

When Gable opens the door to the limo, I’m startled when I see Gideon sitting on the bench along the windows.

“Hello, Dream. You look like,” he tilts his head to the side, “eight thousand dollars tonight.”

I purse my lips at him as Gable jumps in the car.

“What, no smart ass comment?” Gideon continues to pick on me.

I turn away. I’m going to have a good night, and he’s not going to ruin it.

“Gideon, I’ve told you stop and you will. Right now.” Gable tells him in a lethal tone. I hadn’t heard this tone, and I feel a small sense of pride at Gable sticking up for me.

“Fine.” Gideon concedes and we drive to the Wall’s Ball in silence.

When we pull up to the Grand Hotel, the usher opens my door and I gingerly step out. Gable is quickly at my side and the flashes of light bulbs temporarily blind me. Gable holds me tightly as we pose. I keep a bright smile on my face, and I make sure my left hand is on Gable’s chest for everyone to see my ring. It gleams off of each flashing light.

We finally make it inside and I see the wave of people in the grand ballroom. Everything is silver and gold as it’s been every year, but it’s elegant as always.

Gable keeps his hand on my lower back and occasionally glides it up and down. I shouldn’t be enjoying it as much as I am, but he’s causing a number of shivers. I shouldn’t react this way. I’m blaming it on involuntary bodily responses, but I know Gable is smirking under his straight face because I see it in his eyes.

People start coming over and talking to us. I plaster a smile on my face and stay close to Gable’s side. It feels almost...right. We seem to be a
power couple
. I’ve always been Ulrich’s daughter, Dream. Never just, Dream. However, this feels very different.


I turn at the sound of my name and see Larissa in a dark green, flowing gown coming toward me.

“Larissa,” I say, happier than I need to. She hugs my neck and pulls me away from Gable.

“I’m happy to see you.”

“Same here.” Even though, Larissa is over bubbly at times, she is the only
I have. I may not confide in her all the times, but she’s an extremely honest person.

“Let me meet your husband.” She rushes past me to Gable and sticks out her hand. “Mr. Butler, I’m Larissa Dapont. I’m Dream’s best friend.”

Gable takes her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms. Dapont.”

“I must say I was completely floored when I heard about you two.” She wags her finger in between us.

“We all were.” Gideon comes up next to us. “A huge shock.”

Larissa looks him up and she seems confused for a moment. “Aren’t you Gideon Butler?”

“Does my reputation precede me?” He smirks at her.

“Something like that.” Larissa turns to me. “Have a good evening, Dream. We’ll get together for lunch this week.”

“Sure.” I’m confused about her abrupt change in personality and watch her walk away.

“Something I said?” Gideon takes a large gulp of his dark liquor.

“Maybe it’s your cheap cologne.” I say.

“Oh my God,” he mimics a girly preppy teenager. “You are so funny.”

“Enough, Gideon. Why don’t you go find our table before the auction starts?” Gable’s voice stops my response to Gideon.

“Fine.” He growls at his brother, but walks away from me.

Gable places his hand on my back again as another couple I don’t know come up to talk to us. I’m usually good with names and faces, but a lot people here know Gable. Every time someone new comes up, he proudly shows me off. He does it in a way that makes me feel like I’m my own person, but still a part of him. .

“This is Dream Butler, my wife and CEO of Jackson Enterprise.”

Even though I hadn’t been sure I would change my name, I enjoy the sound of it.

Enjoy it?

Do I?

Oh, it’s the brainwashing and the wine. It has to be to even think that.

“Dream, it’s time to go to our table.” Gable caresses my skin.

I smile and let him lead us to the table where Gideon is already sitting. I make sure I don’t sit next to him and that Gable is between us.

The evening begins and people eat, socialize, and it seems to be a smooth night. Soon, after the last course of food, the auction begins. I listen intently to each block that came up, until one caught my eye.

“Our next item is a package deal. We have a first edition signed copy of Margaret Mitchell’s
Gone with the Wind
, along with an original movie poster.”

I gasp.

“Dream, do you want that?” Gable leans over to me.

“Are you a fan of the little love-story?” Gideon makes fun of me.

“Enough, Gideon. I won’t say it again.” Gable jumps in again to my rescue.

“You already spent over thirty million dollars on her, what’s another million?” He slams back his drink.

“Say another word.” Gable’s voice is low. “I dare you, and then let’s see what happens.”

Gideon narrows his eyes at me and I do the same to him.


The three of us turn our heads and the lot had been sold. I did want it and I missed it. It’s almost heartbreaking.

The rest of the evening drags on and I know I shouldn’t be sad, but I am. Gable tries to make it fun night, but it doesn’t work. Soon, I finally say I’m ready to go home.

The three of us climb into the limo, and the tension fills the air. I don’t like Gideon. I know he’s not a nice person; it’s only becoming worse the more I’m around him. The moment we pull into the drive, I practically run from them both and into the house.

“Is the poor baby going to pout because she didn’t get her toy?” Gideon whines after he crosses the threshold.

I spin on my heels and end up right in his face. He’s about five inches taller than me, but I didn’t care.

“You know what, you’re nothing but a prick and a bully. Your brother and I are well aware of how this marriage started and we don’t need to be reminded every three minutes from your ass. On top of that, you don’t know a single thing about me. Not one fucking thing. Because if you did, you would know my dad taught me that
come from hard work and treating people with respect. So, shut the fuck up!”

“No, I won’t.” He jumps right back at me. “I need to make sure you don’t drain my brother dry. I’ve been against this since day one.” Gideon yells back at me.

“Gable doesn’t have to spend an extra dime on me. I didn’t ask him to buy anything for me.”

“Oh, so those sad, puppy-dog eyes at losing the lot weren’t meant to make Gable feel bad?” Gideon crosses his arms and leans down almost nose-to-nose with me.

I catch a glance of Gable coming around hold up my hand to stop him and turn back to Gideon. “No, you ass. I wanted the lot because at least once a month my dad and I watched the movie together because it was my mother’s favorite book. He would tell me stories about her every time we watched it. That’s why I wanted it: because it reminded me of my dead parents.” My throat hurts from yelling at him, and I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks.

I didn’t even realize I was moving until I punch at the elevator door to open. Once the door opens, I leap in and push the button to my floor. When I get to my room, I slam the door with all my might and practically rip my dress off of me, throwing it in the corner, along with my shoes. I stomp to the bathroom, ripping the pins out of my hair. I turn on the shower as hot as I can, strip out of my underwear, and get into the shower.

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