Dragon Storm (2 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Adult, #Fiction, #Paranormal, #Dragons, #Fantasy Fiction, #Erotic Fiction, #Triangles (Interpersonal Relations), #Twins

BOOK: Dragon Storm
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“Of course.” Shanya bowed her head for a moment, and Connor saw her blush. “I know all of this is strange. Even my parents aren’t quite used to my abilities.” She lifted the other necklace in her hands. “This is for you.”

“Thank you, milady.” Darius took the necklace and winked at the girl. Before Connor could object, he’d slipped the glittering chain over his head. The fool.

Connor held his own necklace in one hand, unwilling to leap in headfirst until he’d had some time to study the object. For all they knew, it could be some kind of trap—some magical talisman sent to harm them, not help. Connor was more cautious. He would study the thing before he put it on.

“How does it feel, Dar?”
Roland asked in the privacy of the brothers’ minds.

“Okay. Sort of tingly, but not malevolent. I think it’s okay.”

“All the same, I’ll keep mine in my pocket for now,”
Connor put in.
“Until we know more.”

Roland merely nodded and turned back to their guests. It looked like Shanya was the spokesman for the group, though the warriors who had accompanied her watched all.

Shanya smiled with what looked like relief and turned back to Roland.

“Thank you, sire, for allowing me to complete my task.”

“Then that is all you came for?” Roland asked.

“Not all, no, sire.” The pretty girl blushed. “Our mission was twofold. I completed my part, now it is time for my friends to speak.” She backed away, leaving the two young gryphons facing the king.

“I am Neril and thiss iss my mate, Sscalar. We are the youngesst mated pair on Gryphon Issle.” The male gryphon began to speak aloud, his beak making a hash of any word with an S in it, but he was still understandable. “Asss ssuch, our choice of nessting ssitess iss not ideal. Gryffid would like to have emisssariess in your land, and we would like a good, ssolid nesst in which to bring up our firsst clutch, which iss not far off. Therefore, we assk your permisssion to nesst in your land.”

Roland seemed surprised. Connor knew there was already a pair of mated gryphons living in Draconia. It was a very recent development. He wasn’t sure what Roland would think about more of the creatures wanting to make a home here. They were highly magical beasts and unlike dragons, they had few links to humankind. They were wilder and less forgiving of human trespass, even though they could communicate aloud, which dragons could not.

“In recent days, another mated pair has come from a far land to seek their nest here,” Roland said formally. “Draconia is for dragons, however we also welcome any being who stands on the side of good over evil and will help us protect the dragons, humans and other inhabitants of our realm. If you can promise to do that, you are welcome.”

“Asss my mate ssaid, we are a young pair, not even fully grown, but we know our own mindss,” the female, Scalar said. “We mated early even among our own kind. We know what iss right and what iss wrong. We are meant to be together, and our children are meant to live among dragonss. Sshanya has foresseen it.”

All eyes turned back to the fair girl who looked uncomfortable once more.

“Is this true?” Roland asked her gently.

Shanya nodded. “I see their babies flying side by side with dragons. Black dragons. They live together. They fight together. They are allies and friends.” Silence greeted her words while everyone took them in. “Please, sire, it is the only way they can be happy. Truth be told, their parents are not thrilled with such a young match but Gryffid intervened. Scalar is pregnant. Her babies will come soon. Gryffid convinced the adult gryphons to leave them be, yet they will have no help and no comfort on Gryphon Isle.”

“They may not have much help here either, I’m forced to say.” Roland turned to address the young gryphon pair. “Our people are not used to gryphons, and we know not how to deal with them. If you stay, it will require patience on all parts. I know gryphons can be violent with humans who do not show proper respect. My people could unintentionally offend. I would not have them hurt for mere ignorance. I would expect a certain amount of forbearance on your part.” He eyed the gryphons with that older-brother look Connor knew well.

“Asss you wissh, my liege.” Neril bowed his head in a sign of respect. “We have had much missundersstanding and intolerance in our livess already. I would ssay we are more undersstanding and tolerant asss a ressult. We do not take offensse asss eassily asss ssome of our brethren.” The young male threw a haughty look over his feathered shoulder at one of the gryphons in their escort who stood back from the others. Their coloring was similar enough that young Neril could be the older one’s son.

“I bet the dour elder male over there is Neril’s papa, come to make sure his son is all right. I get the impression he disapproves of the young lovers and their rash actions,”
Connor pointed out privately among the dragons.

“You have a good eye, Con,”
Nico answered back after a minute.
“I think you’re right. Looks like both sets of parents escorted the misbehaving youngsters here.”

Connor looked at the others and realized Nico was right. At least four of the escort gryphons had similar features and coloring to the two youngsters.

“What say your sires and dams?” Roland asked aloud of the circling gryphons. “I wish no ill will between my land and Gryphon Isle. Neither do I want to see these young ones mistreated in either place. I will take them in if it will cause no political upheaval among our peoples.”

An older female stood forward and nodded to Roland. “We’ve held Council on thiss problem sseveral timess already. The gryphonss of Gryphon Issle wissh thesse two no ill will, but neither are we happy at ssuch a young pairing. They sshould have waited for Council approval before mating. The Council iss not happy with them, but what’ss done iss done. Gryffid, also sspoke on their behalf and that holdss great weight with all gryphonss. Sso, King Roland, you would actually be ssolving a thorny problem for uss by allowing them to live here.”

“Then it is settled.” Roland nodded, his decision made. “Welcome to Draconia, Neril and Scalar. I would prefer you to speak with the other pair of gryphons who recently made their home here so that you all may coexist in harmony. Is that agreeable?”

“Mosst agreeable, your majessty. Thank you,” Neril answered eagerly. It was clear he was happy with the result. He moved back to stand next to his mate, rubbing his beak lovingly over her neck feathers in a clear sign of happiness. A little trill sounded from her throat as well, though she did not speak.

Connor found the creatures fascinating. They were as big as most dragons but very different. It would be interesting having them around.

Shanya stood forward once more. “I only ask one more thing, your majesty.”

Roland eyed her with amused suspicion. “What now, young mistress?”

“I would ask that I be allowed to stay here as well, with my friends. I can live in their cave if you wish, or if you allow, I could find lodging nearby.”

“Nonsense.” Nico stepped in, his smooth charm evident. “You will live with us in the castle. Your friends can fly in to visit you easily, and there is no shortage of dragons to fly you over to see them if you wish. You will act as Gryffid’s emissary to our court. Isn’t that what he hoped for?”

Shanya blushed even deeper. “It is, Prince Nico. You are as clever as he said you’d be. I didn’t want to impose after all we’ve already asked of you, but I would welcome the opportunity to serve in your brother’s court.”

“Then it is settled. We now open diplomatic relations between our lands and people.” Roland spoke to all who had assembled on the rocky outcropping. “I invite you all to join me in food and rest at the castle. You are welcome in Draconia.”


The castle was in an uproar when a flight of gryphons landed on the battlements along with a large contingent of black dragons and their honor guard. Dragon talons and gryphon claws echoed in the halls as they walked together to the main audience chamber that was built to hold large numbers of dragons.

The black dragons took human form and walked beside their new friends. Others joined them as Roland’s wife, Queen Lana, and his adopted dragon son, Tor, made the scene. Lana’s twin, Riki, stood next to her husband, Prince Nico, and several members of the Dragon’s Council entered as well.

Two more gryphons waited in the audience chamber, along with Sir Kaden and Sir Marcus, their wife, Lady Lucia, and their dragon partners, Sir Reynor and Lady Linea. The gryphons moved forward to meet the others of their kind. Between them stood Lucy, a recent immigrant to this land and new wife to two of Roland’s most trusted knights.

The young set of gryphons halted before the ones who waited, and the older ones who’d acted as escort ranged themselves behind. There was a tense moment while they all sized each other up and the humans and dragons watched to see what would happen. Only Lucy stood firm in the center of the action, her lips thinned apprehensively and her husbands stationed behind her should there be trouble.

After tense moments, the young gryphon pair bowed their heads—not to the other gryphons, but to the small woman who stood between them. Connor watched in surprise that was echoed throughout the chamber, on almost all the human and dragonish faces he saw. Only Roland, Nico and Lucy’s mates seemed unsurprised.

“It iss an honor to meet you, daughter of Gryffid,” Neril spoke first.

“Be welcome,” Lucy said formally. Connor had never really heard her speak before. He was impressed by her composure and self-confidence. She was a lady, through and through.

“I am Lucia de Alagarithia, once of the Jinn, now of Draconia, married to these two knights. This is my sister, Nrathrella, called Ella for short, and her mate, Grallorrin, called Lorr by his friends.” Each of the gryphons flanking her nodded as they were introduced.

“I am Neril, and this is my mate, Sscalar.”

“Mated sso young?” Ella said softly to the younger pair. “You musst do thingss differently on Gryphon Issle.”

Clacking beaks startled Connor for a moment until he realized that the older gryphons appeared to be laughing. Ella had just broken the tension with her observation, and the stress level in the room ratcheted down a considerable degree.

“Thesse two are headsstrong, I fear.” The elder female who had spoken before, talked directly to Ella. “Sscalar would have him, whether the Council agreed or not.”

“I ssee.” Ella looked at the young pair with sparkling eyes that were not unkind. “The dragonss ssay you sseek to live here, in Draconia.”

“We do, Lady.” It hadn’t been phrased as a question, but Scalar apparently felt the need to answer.

“Then, ssince we know King Roland hass already given hiss approval, we alsso welcome you to Draconia,” Lorr said. “It iss our newly adopted land asss well. We sshall learn itss wonderss together. Asss will our hatchlingss.”

Ella moved to stand next to the younger female. She was bigger than Scalar. Both females had slight bulges in their midsections that the other gryphons lacked. Both were pregnant.

Lorr flanked Neril, while the younger gryphon settled his wings in a gesture that meant satisfaction among their kind. “It will be good for our hatchlingss to have other gryphonss to fly with in addition to the dragonss.”

The potential drama among the gryphons settled, Shanya stepped forward to greet Lucy with a deep bow of respect. “Gryffid hoped his line had continued in these lands while he was gone. It is good to meet you. Your ancestor will be happy to know of your existence.”

“We will bring word of you to him when we return to Gryphon Isle.” One of the elder male fair folk who had come with the escort spoke for the first time.

Wil went over to shake the man’s hand. “I’m glad you came, Eril. I wanted you to meet my brothers.” Wil escorted the blond man to where the royal family stood off to one side. “Roland, this is Eril. He acted as one of my tutors while I was on Gryphon Isle.”

“Then you have my sympathies,” Roland joked. “Wil always hated his studies when he was younger.”

Eril laughed good-naturedly. “And well I remember it, but he settled down after a time and was one of my best students. You should be proud of him. He mastered his letters and several languages while under my care. He was more articulate with languages than many of my other students.”

Nico stepped forward and greeted Eril in several different languages. Connor didn’t know quite as much as his spymaster brother, but he recognized enough to know that Nico was testing the man’s fluency and knowledge. They came to an easy accord, and it was clear from his manner that Nico was impressed.

“What do you think?”
Darius stood beside Connor, speaking privately on the path shared only between the two of them.

“I’m reserving judgment.”

Darius stifled a laugh at his twin’s expense. Connor didn’t take offense. It was normal for them. Darius jumped in headfirst and often wound up regretting it. Just as often, Connor debated too long and also lived to regret it. Between the two of them, they usually arrived at the perfect mixture of fast and slow.

The glint of Darius’s necklace caught Connor’s eye.
“How’s the trinket treating you?”

“So far, so good.”

“Be sure to let me know if it turns against you.”

“You’ll be the first to know, I’m sure.”

“What do you think of the girl—Shanya?”

“She’s gorgeous, as are most fair folk,”
Darius said with objective ease.
“Older than she appears, I think.”

“You’re probably right.”
Connor knew his twin was a connoisseur of women.
“She seems genuine enough.”

“I agree.”

“What do you think about this quest she thinks we’re going on?”
Connor thought he knew what his twin would say, but he wanted to hear it.

“I say what are we waiting for? I’m sick to death of sitting patiently at the castle while everyone else gets to do the heroics. Nico’s had more than his fair share of adventures. Hell, even Rol got out of the castle and got his claws dirty. We’ve been stuck on boring patrols, doing nothing of import.”

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