Dragon Dreams (10 page)

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Authors: Laura Joy Rennert

BOOK: Dragon Dreams
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When it’s time to say good-bye, everyone walks out to the carriages together, and this time the gnomes look a lot happier than when they greeted us. Justin waves as we ride off.

Later that evening, my father and I take Lola and Harold for a walk before bed.

After a few minutes, he says, “I was wrong about the dragon problem being too hard for you, Emma. I’m very proud of you.”

I feel warm inside, but in a good way.

This is the perfect moment I’ve been waiting for.

“With my birthday coming up in a few days… well, I’ve been wanting to ask if
you and Mother might be okay with another pet.”

“Emma, how many dogs does one princess need?” my father says, laughing.

“Well, it’s not exactly a dog I had in mind…”

He hasn’t said no so far. Cross your fingers for me!

Chapter 14
Birthday Surprises

I get to the Academy on my birthday, I don’t see any of my classmates in the courtyard, even though I’m not late today. Where are they all? I run up the stairs, and this time I don’t pause to look out the tower windows. I open the door and hurry into the classroom.

“Surprise!” everyone yells.

Wow! Am I ever surprised!

“The class wanted to do something special for your birthday, Princess Emma,” says Lady Mary.

Rapunzel, Alex,
Moriah step forward carrying a dragon cake!

Moriah grins. “I don’t think a dragon pet is for me, but now I understand why you want one.”

I smile back.

“And there are some special guests here today,” Lady Mary says.

That’s when I notice Justin standing
next to a distinguished-looking gnome at the front of the room. It turns out that the older gnome is the headmaster of Gnome Prep. They’ve come to say thank you and also to talk with the headmistress of the Academy about setting up an exchange program between our two schools.

So I may actually get to see what it’s
like to go to Gnome Prep. And—best of all—Justin has promised me more rides on Druscilla!

“There are some other guests here I think you’ll be happy to see, Emma,” says Lady Mary.

My royal father and mother give me a hug.

“Our birthday present to you is in the courtyard,” my father says.

I run to the window. There, sparkling in the sun, is the perfect dragon for me! My friends all crowd over to the window to look. There’s lots of oohing and ahhing—I can’t stop beaming. Then, everyone sings happy birthday, and we have cake. It’s definitely the best birthday ever!

On the way back from the carriage stop that day, Ben asks me a million questions about dragons and gnomes. And, I have to admit, it feels great.

On Monday, Lady Mary asks the whole class to write an inspiring letter to the princesses who will be starting school next year. Here’s mine:

Dear First-Year Princesses,

Don’t sit around waiting for your fairy godmother.

You can still be a princess and…climb the tower, swim the moat, race the prince, and fly the dragon yourself.

After all, it’s up to us to write our OWN stories.

I believe in you.


Princess Emma

Dragon Rider

The end.

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