Dragon Blood 4: Knight (14 page)

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Authors: Avril Sabine

BOOK: Dragon Blood 4: Knight
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Kade shook his head. “I didn’t think you’d want me to tell her.”

“Thank you.” She turned back in the direction of the bathroom, glad she didn’t have to face her mother’s hysterics. She had more than enough to deal with.

Chapter Twenty-One

It was Wednesday night and Amber stood at the foot of the bed, staring at it. She wasn’t sure if there was even any point in trying to go to sleep. The last decent sleep she’d been able to have had been early Sunday morning when she’d dropped exhausted into bed, after her shower. She’d been putting it off, but knew it was well past time to ring Ronan. Taking out her phone, she didn’t even get a chance to ring him before he was stepping out of the Void.

“I was about to ring you.” She nodded towards her phone.

“You should have rung me Sunday night. Why didn’t you?”

Amber shrugged.

“Why are you still going to school? No one has any idea where Wayne and Jennifer are. And they know where you live and where you go to school. You need to take better care of yourself than this.”

“How could I forget? You need me to help you kill just one more person. Haven’t I killed enough?” Her voice rose, but she couldn’t stop it. She was tired, fed up with the nightmares she couldn’t seem to stop and sick of worrying about every single person in her life and if they might be used as a hostage against her. She couldn’t help thinking about Vikki’s lies, that she’d held her father hostage. Next time someone said that it might even be the truth. Again. She pushed away the image of a gun held at her mother’s head.

Kade opened the door, stepping into the room. “Why are you here, Ronan?”

He gestured towards Amber. “To see that she gets some sleep. Now that she no longer has to return to the Knights we can get on with the rest of our plans.”

“Our plans?” Amber shook her head. “Don’t you mean your plans?”

“No. Our plans. Aren’t you my ally?”

She started to argue, barely managing to bite back her reply. “I’m really not in the mood for this, Ronan.”

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow. After you’ve slept.” Ronan strode towards the bed, sitting on it to lean his back against the bed head, his legs stretched out in front of him. “Come on then.” He gestured towards the space beside him.

Amber looked towards Kade. She really hoped that she would have been able to get past this without having to call Ronan. It somehow seemed worse that he’d turned up without her having to call him. She reached for Kade’s mind, speaking directly to him.
“I was about to ring him when he turned up.”

Kade crossed the space that separated them pulling her tight against him.
“Get some sleep.”

She held onto him for several minutes before she kissed him, stepping away slowly.
“I’ll see you in the morning.”
She held his gaze a moment longer before she turned and crossed the room, lying on the bed.

“You need more warriors to guard you.”

Amber rolled onto her side, her back to Ronan. “I’ve got more than enough.” She’d also turned down Amos’ offer to protect her while they waited for Wayne to be found. He didn’t like the fact they owed her for saving Roy’s life, even if the reason he’d nearly died was because he’d been trying to rescue her.

“Go to sleep, kitten. We’ll discuss it in the morning.”

She was tempted to argue it now, but was too tired. Closing her eyes, her mind was filled with images of blood. They were instantly replaced by the coastline near Ronan’s home, a rugged coastline with a sheer drop to jagged rocks in the ocean below. “Don’t you know anywhere else to take me?” She turned towards Ronan. She saw that it was the real Ronan, not the image he presented to the rest of the world.

“Are you going to complain all night? I thought you wanted to get some sleep.”

Amber smiled when she saw that once again he’d provided her with the same hand carved wooden bed as last time. “Where did you get this?”

Ronan growled. “If you don’t hurry up and get in it I’ll leave you to your nightmares.” He sat on the edge of the cliff, letting his legs dangle over.

“I doubt it. That wouldn’t help you at all.”

Ronan held her gaze. “Go to sleep, kitten.” He was silent a moment. “There will be no dreams tonight.”

She continued to stare at him. In his real form he looked far too young to have done half the things she knew he’d accomplished. Far too young to have plotted and planned and become one of the most feared dragons. But he was, even if sometimes she forgot. Turning away she climbed into the bed snuggling down amongst the blankets. “When will it be?”

“When will what be?”

“When are we going after Tahmid?”


Frustration arrowed through her. Why couldn’t Ronan answer a simple question? There was no one to hear what they said here. She partially sat up, resting back against her elbows and forearms as she looked over the mound of blankets. “How soon?”

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

Amber growled dropping against the pillows. “Bloody annoying dragon,” she muttered.

“Bloody annoying mage.”

She held back a smile at the humour she heard in his voice. “Goodnight, Ronan.” She closed her eyes, falling almost straight to sleep. When she woke in the morning she couldn’t recall having had a single dream. Rolling over, she saw that Ronan still sat on the bed beside her. He stared down at her, once again his real form hidden.

“How do you feel?”

“I’m not sure I should answer that. You do know I have school today. You better not have planned anything.”

“No plans for the day. But not long now.”

Amber groaned, wanting to roll back over and pull the sheet over her head. Before she could say anything the bedroom door opened and Kade stepped inside.

“You look a lot better.”

“Gee Kade, are you trying to tell me that lately I’ve been looking like crap?” Throwing back the sheet, she got out of bed, striding towards the open door.

Kade grinned. “I’d have to be an idiot to answer that question.” He looked past Amber to Ronan who’d also risen from the bed. “I’ve talked with Flinn. We’re going to turn the next fight into a test. Revenge for a kidnapping.”

Roan stared at Kade for a moment, speaking only to the two of them.
“You better make sure they think you’re talking about the Knights.”

Kade nodded.
“We’ll request permission to notify them at the last minute. It will cost gold to have them standing by waiting, but it’s the safest way.”

“It will also help throw him off the scent. He’ll think we’re busy dealing with this latest problem. Make sure you mention the Knights during the conversation, but also have them word the test that it is revenge for a kidnapping, not revenge against the Knights.”

“I’m not an idiot.”

“I hope not because Tahmid still has access to all the details of the tests.”

With a nod, Kade turned to Amber. “Breakfast is ready if you’re hungry.”


When she started to follow Kade from the room, Ronan called out, “Kade.”

Kade turned back to Ronan.

“Don’t notify them until tomorrow. I have things to do first.”

With another nod, Kade strode towards the kitchen. Amber followed him.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Her phone vibrated. While keeping an eye on the teacher, Amber withdrew it from her pocket. A glance showed it was Roy.
I need to talk to you. Face to face.
Returning her phone to her pocket she tried not to sigh. She hadn’t seen or spoken to him since he’d left Sunday morning, having asked for her number first. She’d assured him that for now his secret was still safe. What else could he want to talk about? As soon as the bell went to signal the end of that class Amber hurried to a secluded spot, telling Kade to join her. She showed him her message.


She shrugged. “Now?”

“Where is he?”

Again she shrugged. “I’ll find out.” She dialled Roy’s number and listened to it ring out. About to tell Kade that she couldn’t get hold of him, her phone rang. It was Roy. “What’s wrong?”

“I need to see you.”

“Where are you?”

“At home. My mum will barely let me out of her sight. I don’t know what she thought was going to happen when she let me train to be a Knight. Of course I’m going to get injured. Every Knight does at some stage.”

Kade held out his hand. “Let me talk to him. I’ll figure out somewhere we can meet him.”

“Hang on, Roy.” Amber held out the phone. “We need to be back before lunch is over. And back with enough time for me to have something to eat.”

Taking the phone, Kade nodded.

She turned from him, stepping away from the edge of the building they hid beside. Her eyes were drawn to a group of girls laughing. That had once been her, Crystal and Angela. An eternity ago. Earlier this year. She wanted those days back. Wanted to know that the most dangerous thing she faced was breaking a fingernail. Now there was danger all around her and most of it she couldn’t see until it was nearly too late.

Kade held out her phone to her. “You ready to go?”

Taking her phone and returning it to her pocket, she nodded.

Kade tugged her back against the side of the building before he took her through the Void to a park. Large leafy trees hid their exit from the Void.

“Where are we?”

“As close as I can get to where we’ll meet Roy.” Kade strode towards the road, where a taxi was waiting for them.

“How did you organise this?” She hopped in the back seat, Kade sliding in beside her.

“I didn’t. Maira did.” He grinned before he turned to the driver, giving him their destination.

Ten minutes later, they pulled up at another park. Roy stood on the concrete footpath waiting for them. Amber followed him deeper into the park, Kade at her side. When they stopped in the shadows under a large fig tree, Amber scanned the area. She couldn’t help thinking about the fig tree out the front of the Knight’s headquarters. The area was clear. No one else seemed to be in the park.

“What did you want to talk about?”

Roy shook his head glancing around.
“Not out loud.”
When Amber nodded he continued.
“Ronan came to see me.”

“What did he want?”

“He wants me to set up a meeting with Tahmid. But it has to be done today. He said this is what he wants me to do for him so he’ll keep my secret for the year.”

Amber could see straight away that Ronan had left himself a couple of loopholes. The year could be referring to this one that had nearly ended. And if he only offered to keep Roy’s secret that didn’t mean he’d keep Isaac, Amos and Eliza’s secret. She was torn. Ronan was her ally, but Roy had come to her rescue. She didn’t know what to do or say.

“Don’t you think I should be helping him?”

Amber shook her head.
“I think you should help him, but you shouldn’t be the one doing the negotiating.”

Kade spoke directly to her, turning her name into a warning.

“Isn’t he meant to be your ally?”

Amber nodded her eyes remaining on Roy when all she really wanted to do was keep checking their surroundings.
“Why did you want to talk to me about it?”

Roy shrugged.
“I didn’t have anyone else to talk to.”
He shrugged again.
“I’ve heard a lot of stories about Ronan. None of them good. Are you sure he’s your ally?”

Amber laughed, a humourless sound that was becoming quite familiar to her lately.
“Yeah, but that’s about all I’m sure of.”

“Why would you basically tell me not to trust your ally?”

She sobered, holding his gaze a moment before she spoke.
“Haven’t you learned yet that you shouldn’t trust anyone?”

“Does that mean I shouldn’t trust you either?”

“Be careful, Amber. If you wreck things for Ronan he won’t be happy with you.”
Kade spoke directly to her again.

She didn’t even glance towards Kade, continuing to hold Roy’s gaze.
“What did I just tell you?”

Roy grinned.
“Maybe I’m a slow learner. You might have to repeat it.”

Amber momentarily returned his grin
. “Do what Ronan wants, but don’t go to him alone. Take your family with you.”

Roy’s grin faded.
“Why did you save me? Twice.”

Why did he have to keep asking her this?
“Are you my enemy?”


“Then why would I need to let you die?”

“If you don’t want to be late back to school we need to leave now,” Kade said. Then directly to Amber,
“And it might be worth visiting Ronan and letting him know that you’ve been interfering again.”

Amber laughed, unable to help herself. She spoke to Kade,
“You’d think he’d be used to it by now.”
Then aloud to Roy, “Be careful.”

Roy nodded.

Amber held out her hand to Kade, who took her through the Void to Ronan’s water garden. A mental search of the area showed her that he wasn’t there, but her phone rang after a couple of minutes. She smiled when she saw it was Ronan, guessing that someone had let him know they’d arrived. “Yeah.”

“What are you doing?”

“I dropped in to visit you.”

“Can it wait?”

“Would I have called in if it could? I don’t have long, Ronan. I have to get back to school.”

Ronan stepped out of the Void, disconnecting the phone call. “Did you tell the Golds where you were going so they could follow you?”

Amber glanced towards Kade.

“Our Gold was informed.”

“But you didn’t bother telling mine,” Ronan said.

“I’m running out of time, Ronan.”

He turned his gaze from Kade to Amber. “Why are you here?”

“Don’t mess with Roy.”

“Are you claiming him, kitten?”

She shook her head. “I just don’t want any more problems. He’ll help, but his family will negotiate for him. Haven’t we got enough enemies amongst the Knights?”

“Just because they haven’t killed you yet doesn’t make them friends,” Ronan warned.

“I know that. Haven’t you told me enough times to trust no one?” She really hoped that Roy listened to that advice, especially when dealing with Ronan.

“Is that all? I have things to do.”

“Yeah, I know. You’re busy planning how to take over the world.”

Ronan flashed her a grin. One of his highly predatory ones. “You’re the one who seems to keep bringing that plan up. Are you sure you don’t secretly wish to rule the world yourself, kitten?”

“Positive.” She turned to Kade holding her hand out to him. “We need to go. We’re probably already late.”

Kade took her hand, taking her through the Void and back to school at the point where they’d left it. The school grounds were quiet. “I checked with Maira. She said class went in about five minutes ago.”

Amber nodded, hurrying towards her classroom. So much for having time to eat. Hopefully she could keep the panther from escaping. Before she reached her class, her phone vibrated, letting her know a message had arrived. It was from Ronan. She smiled when she read it, certain one of his Golds would report her reaction to him.
You better not have messed up any of my plans.
Returning her phone to her pocket, she entered the classroom, a muttered sorry to the teacher as she made her way to her desk.

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