Double the Trouble (Texas Trouble 3) (20 page)

BOOK: Double the Trouble (Texas Trouble 3)
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raised an eyebrow, and asked suspiciously, "What?"


"You met my twin sister, Katie right?  She's going to stay at the Rockin' D and train your daddy's horses.  She' as good as I am at it, and I'm sure she'll let you help, and teach you to rope too.  We were roping partners in the rodeo."


"She's not as much fun as you though...she's too serious,"
told her and her little lip poked out, then she looked down at Sarge
and a
tear track
down her cheek, "Your taking Sarge with you aren't you?"


"Yeah, he's going with me, but I promise we'll be back to visit you and my sister a lot. 
isn't very far away...and maybe your daddy will let you come visit me there too. My friend Cassie owns a horse farm
, and teaches little girls like you lessons."


"I don't want you to leave...we're friends,"
told her and
looked into her eyes
.  W
hat Karlie saw made her cringe
, t
he same disappointment she'd just left inside with Tommy and Katie...and hurt. 


never intended to hurt
the little girl, but she had

into her arms
, she h
ugged her tightly, while
put her arms around her neck and cried.
  Karlie wound up crying herself,
, before pushing
back from her.  "We're still friends, sugar. My sister has my phone number, and if you ever need me,
or just want to talk,
you give me a call, okay?"


held out Sarge's leash to her, with fresh tears in her eyes, then fell to her knees and hugged his neck, while he licked her face.  She'd have to talk to Tommy and see if he'd get
a dog.  It wasn't her business, but it was obvious she needed one to help her find an object for her affection, and to teach her responsibility.  Listen to her, Karlie thought, talking about responsibility, it was a first for sure.


With a kiss to
's cheek, she took Sarge and loaded him into the cart beside Gabe
, then she went to the barn
to get
her tack.  When she came back, she loaded it in the back seat of the cart then sat behind the wheel. 
Gabe's eyes were filled with sympathy and compassion, and he rubbed her back, a
turned the cart back toward the house.







When they pulled into
, it was nearly
ten o'clock
, and Karlie had her head back against the seat sleeping.  Gabe didn't wake her up, he just drove to his new cabin and pulled Freddie up under a tree
, beside his Camaro


After letting Sarge out
the back
seat, Gabe pointed
him to a grassy spot to do his business,
walked to
door and opened it.  Leaning inside, he picked her up in his arms and kicked the door shut, before he carried her to the front porch.
  She didn't wake up, which meant she was probably mentally and physically exhausted from today.  She'd been through a lot for sure. 


The automatic porch light was on, and
fished in his pockets for the key Luke had given him.  He hadn't had time to attach it to his car keys yet.
  Inside, he flipped on a light
, then
groaned when he saw the boxes he'd left scattered all over
, exactly
where he left them. The magic unpacking elves hadn't decided to pay him a visit.
  At least he'd set up his bed already, had even slept in it two nights. 
Carefully picking his way through the minefield of boxes,
carried Karlie into his bedroom and laid her on the bed, then took off her boots.  She stirred and snuggled her face into a pillow, but still didn't wake up.


Gabe went back out and called Sarge inside
then locked the door and turned out all the lights.  He was tired too, and just wanted about ten hours of uninterrupted sleep.  He had to be at the station tomorrow, but he was sure Cole wouldn't give him a hard time if he was late a few hours.
  He went into the bathroom and took a quick shower, then walked back into the bedroom and crawled into the bed behind Karlie. 
heart was beating ninety miles an hour an
his hands shook, when he pulled her back against him. 
When her soft curves molded to his body, he stifled a needy moan, as his body instantly responded


Sliding an arm over her waist, he snuggled his face into her hair and took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. 
Honeysuckles swept
over his senses, and h
e knew he in for a long night, but he wasn't about to wake her up. 
needed holding tonight, and
that's what he planned to do...until she wiggled her butt against him and he went instantly rock hard. 


put her hand over his at her waist and s
hoved it down to cover her mons
, then
sucked in a sharp breath.
  Gabe was a goner, and
her hair
to kiss
his way down her throat then back up to nip her earlobe
, and whisper there,
"You sure,
...I know you're tired
I just wanted to hold you."


Her answer was another wiggle of her backside against him
and a moan
, before she turned in his arms and sealed her lips over his in a fiery kiss
.  When she
her long leg over his hip and pressed herself against him
, rocking her hips against his erection
, Gabe groaned and pulled her closer


"I want you inside of me, Gabe...I've waited long enough," she said in a sleepy whisper by his lips.

"Not so fast, baby...I'm doing this right,"
told her then
gently pushed
shoulders to the mattress, before unbuttoning
her shirt
.  He kissed her throat, then worked his way down the valley between her breasts as he loosened each button.  When he got to the clasp on her bra, he grabbed it in his teeth, then tongued it open
.  Karlie pushed her hands into his hair and moaned, as he moved down the row of buttons, kissing her soft skin as each one slipped loose. 


orking his way down to her navel
where they stopped, he pulled the ends open, and ran his gaze up the expanse he'd uncovered, seeing her
nipples cresting the most gorgeous breasts he'd ever seen. 
"God, you
re so beautiful, sweetheart


She giggled and said, "It's dark, can't see anything," then moaned when he
moved up her body and
took a hardened nipple into his mouth, licking it and laving it with his tongue.


He lifted his head to whisper hotly over her breast,
"Don't need to see, darlin'...I can feel how damned beautiful you are
he told her then
moved to her other breast to give it the same attention. 
"My imagination has been running wild for weeks now anyway
," he admitted then licked down the center of her belly and around her navel, before placing a kiss on each hipbone.
  He unsnapped her shorts and told her, "Lift your hips, sugar..."


When she lifted toward him, he stifled a groan, Gabe wanted her so badly, he wasn't at all sure he could go slowly and do things right, but he was determined to try.  He slid her shorts down her legs then off, and threw them on the floor.  He kissed and licked his way back up her long legs, inside her thighs to the place he wanted to be. 
He ran his thumbs along the elastic
of her panties near
her core and he heard her gasp then her hips shot off the bed.


baby...." he said then grabbed the elastic at her hips and shoved her panties down her legs and took them off.  When he saw her peachy skin in the dim moonlight coming through the window, he knew he had to taste her.
  Sliding his hands under her knees he lifted her legs and
put open mouth kisses along her inner thighs oh his way back up.


When he ran out of real estate on her long legs, he ran his
tongue over her
core then gave her an open mouth kiss there, and found her opening with his tongue.  She mewled and shoved her hands into his hair,
Gabe moved up to flick the bud at the apex of her thighs with his tongue.
  She whimpered brokenly, then sat up on her elbows and told him, "
Gabe...we can do that later...I need you now.


"Patience, sweetheart...lay back, I'm not nearly done yet.
..I want to hear you scream,
he grinned and told her then put his lips over her bud and sucked.
  Karlie slammed back against the mattress and grabbed the sheets in her hand and twisted
then her muscles tensed and she screamed his name
, as
her body vibrated with her release.  He stayed with her, until her tremors became intermittent then stopped
, then
kissed her right above her mound
slid h
is body against her smooth skin, until he
himself between her legs,
then he
captured her mouth with his and kissed her deeply.


Agitated beneath him,
's breathing was coming in small short gasps, as she
opened her legs wider and rotated her hips against him
, which pulled a groan from him as he felt her wetness and heat against him

Pushing against his shoulder, Karlie put her long leg around his waist, then s
hifted her weight, and
him to his back
and straddled


Gabe swallowed hard at the wildly erotic sight she made
, sitting on top of him
her shirt and bra off of her shoulders
, Karlie
to the floor, then just sat there on top of him looking at him


Then with her eyes glittering and wild, she told him, 
Now, it's m
y turn to torture
, cowboy
her hands over his chest and down his abs to the band of his underwear, before going lower and running her talented fingers over his erection.


hen she palmed him and stroked up and down slowly
, Gabe groaned and his hips shot off the mattress to move against her hand, because it felt so damned good

clutched the sheets
of intense pleasure worked their way up his body to his brain. 
Gabe w
afraid he
going to come before he ever got inside of her if she didn't stop.


Slowly, she pushed her hands back to the edge of his boxers and slid her fingers inside then leaned down and kissed his hip and flicked her tongue over the tattoo on his hip. He'd gotten it when he was
in the army,
drunk and on tour in
with Kenny. 
Kenny had
gotten one just like it, a two headed dragon.  Two heads, one heart is what the caption read, independent thought, but common purpose.  Even dr
unk that had been their bond.


"My, god that tattoo is hot..." she
whispered over it
put her lips
there and kissed her
way downward. 
She lifted her head to look at him, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight,
"Got anymore?"


"Nah, just got that one, because I
as drunk...Kenny had the same one."


When she flicked her tongue under the waistband of his shorts, he groaned and grabbed her head
"I'm not going to last, baby...I thought you were in a hurry?"
he asked her.


"I am, but you taste so damned good, I can't help myself," she told him then yanked his boxers down to his knees.  Her eyes moved over him
then up his body leaving
a scorching path in their wake, then she wrapped her hand around hi
s erection
and heat surged through his body like molten lava. 
A strangled moan escaped him, and h
e almost exploded
when she leaned down and slid her tongue along the underside of his cock then kissed the head.


Vaulting up
from the bed,
Gabe grabbed her shoulders and flipped her
on her back,
then sealed his mouth over hers in a scalding kiss
, his hand covering her breast and his thumb rubbing her hardened nipple
  He pulled his mouth from hers and kissed along her jaw to her ear and sucked her lobe into his mouth,
before he
whispered hotly near her ear, "I've got to be inside of you now, baby..."


In a strangled voice she said, "That's what I was telling you earlier..."
Rubbing her breasts against his chest, she
kissed his jaw, then
his neck,
added, "you should listen to me."


Gabe couldn't take anymore, so he reached behind him with a trembling hand and fished around in the nightstand drawer to find a condom. He knew he had some in there, they'd moved with the furniture from
When h
is hand closed around
a foil packet,
he let out a relieved sigh, then opened it with his teeth. 
grabbed the latex ring from his fingers, and covered


"Now, Gabe...." she panted breathlessly
then closed
her fingers around him and stroked

BOOK: Double the Trouble (Texas Trouble 3)
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